jt04 - So, does my family (myself/32, brother and parents in CO/27/50/55) not count when you say "family entertainment"? Or is your idea of entertainment for a family with younger kids or something? Just curious about that.
I don't post here often, but I do wonder what folks such as yourself have for a hobby other than continuously posting here in an attempt to poo in others cornflakes. So what if many people enjoyed hanging out at PI over the years, had great times and laughs at the AC and Comedy Warehouse with their families, or boogied down with friends and/or family, right? As long as you get your last say along the lines of "PI wasn't as good as many said it was", or "they were right to close the place down...I'm sure it'll be better", you feel vindicated, right?
Sorry for the rant, but it is sad when folks troll through threads with what seems to be very negative motivation. Why not head to other threads to talk about what you do enjoy about Disney parks, resorts and activities? Hmm?
(And yes, who knows, Disney could come up with something good to replace the ghost town that is now residing in PI's place. But we won't know for months...speculation and heresay is all many folks have for now.)