Britney Gets Wet


New Member
ok heres my two cents froma 15 year old gurl-

Britney can whatever she wants. If she has implants that fine. I believe she juss grew. Sparatic growth spurts are common in gurls. I grew 1 cup size from last month. Ok and lets say she did get implants. Why does that offend everyone? Its her body not urs so let her do what she wants. And dont even say that kids look up to her so They'll want implants too. Thats juss a bull. I saw this special on MTV about gurls getting brest implants. I wanted to know what it was like.because i wanted them when i was a lil older. NOT because Britney had them..its beacause being a really small breasted can be really embarressing. It can totally ruin one's self esteem espescailly in school..or being a live pop star! after wathcing the MTV speical..i totally changed my mind after seeing all the pain the gurls where in. See, i water bras so i look bigger. It makes ME feel better about myself. Im not doing it for anyone else. So alll in all i think shes real..she jus grew..and even if she did have implants juss let it be..its her body..not urs, soo let it go people!


PS i think she is an excellent artist..its juss may not be ur taste of music.



RunDisney Addict
She's a singer....period. Not really an artists.

When she writes something herself, makes up her own choreography, or sculpts or paints something worth looking at then, she might be an artist.

Also, Pop music is amazingly simple. Anybody who has studied music in any depth can tell you this. It doesn't take much to write most of these songs. That is also why it is wildly popular: it is easy to emulate and learn the patterns the songs are built on.

That's why you don't see anybody walking around singing classical music. It's very complex, and takes a lot of thinking about to even start to hum in your head.

Luau Cove

New Member
Originally posted by DisneyExpert

Well, I think it is highly unfair for people to give other people a bad reputation. People need to put away rumor and speculation and get down to what are the solid facts.

Do you think she suddenly will have a bad reputation because she got new ? Will she get sad if people start rumours about her? NO! Rumors equals free advertisment for the girl. The more they talk about her (anything about her) the more she'll stay on the news. So, in some way it's convenient for her to be the center of a negative situation. She's Britney Spears, she doesn't care about anything but being popular right now.
Two more things: First, she's hot when she's all made-up and dressed for success, but get to see her without the make-up and sexy clothes and she's another teenager, believe me.
Second, STOP COMPARING HER TO MADONNA! Please, Madonna wrote her songs (not all), has talent, she knows how to play many instruments and she conservates a pretty voice, and most important she stayed on the top for 2 decades, so when Britney Spears gets to do all the things she did, THEN you will be able to make a comparison.



Active Member

You really shouldn't put your address on this site... I mean, come on now... What town is 742 Evergreen Terrace in??? And that's in what state?

Relax everyone.. I'm not stalkin...

It's the Simpson's address, of course.

When Itchy and Scratchy Meet Mickey and Donald, life will be complete...

And, btw... there are naked pics of Brittney on the net before and after her surgery... not that I have seen them or anything :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Let the girl be for crying out loud...

This is insane that its that big of a deal to everyone. I'm a very testosterone-driven guy... I think Britney is hot yes, but I'm not going to go around saying she is a fake w____e just because I'm jealous of her fame and popularity.

I feel she is pure image too. I don't really like her music simply because it IS simplistic. It is catchy and I will hum along or sing to it, I don't have her CD though. I think she doesn't have that much talent. I like substance in my girls (love ya Alee :kiss:). Britney has as much substance as cotton candy; it's good but not filling.

I don't like people who have to tell a story in their concert just to keep the audiences attention. If I wanted to watch a story play out on stage, I would pay 50 bucks for lower level seating to Phantom, not 50 bucks for back row to 4 chords and skimpy outfits. If you cant just go out there and sing, perform, and make people feel good in the end... get off the stage. I know there are a lot of people who want to speak to people with thier music rather then get their own 15 minutes.

Sorry about the rant, I just wanted to get that off my chest.

Don L Duck

New Member
Originally posted by DisJosh

Whoa watch who you call a lemming buddy...I'm far from it. And the last thing I'm doing is jumping off a cliff for Britney Spears.

Of course she's a phony...but use your eyes bro. Sorry I'm all testosterone dude I can't resist gawking at something like that whether she's phony or not.

Take whom you're talking to into consideration next time before you post something like that need to know someone well before you can make such judgement.
First of all I was not calling you or anyone else a lemming bro(sarcastic tone)
I was referring to the masses and general public who buy into all the hype.
Second I don't have to check with anyone brfore I give my opinion on anything, it's my right.
I never said she wasn't hot I was referring to the phoney shows and the Millie Vanille mentality.Lastly you sould read all of the posts before you judge me bro.
If I want to say something about you I will say your name.
Oh and I'm not your brother.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Don L Duck

First of all I was not calling you or anyone else a lemming bro(sarcastic tone)
I was referring to the masses and general public who buy into all the hype.
Second I don't have to check with anyone brfore I give my opinion on anything, it's my right.
I never said she wasn't hot I was referring to the phoney shows and the Millie Vanille mentality.Lastly you sould read all of the posts before you judge me bro.
If I want to say something about you I will say your name.
Oh and I'm not your brother.

Alright, whatever bro...

Don L Duck

New Member
Originally posted by Fievel
Alright Don L....chill.....he just felt you attacked him...bro is just a term of the day. Relax...have a beer :)
I know I felt the same way hence my sarcasm.
But if you view his last post he just can't let go.


Well-Known Member
It's nice to see we can manage to find an argument anywhere isn't it!

C'mon guys like Fievel says, lets just chill and take a beer or 4 :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Don L Duck

I know I felt the same way hence my sarcasm.
But if you view his last post he just can't let go.

Oh please Don. I let go a long time ago.

I'm just pushing your buttons...


New Member
Originally posted by Kicker

I don't like people who have to tell a story in their concert just to keep the audiences attention. If I wanted to watch a story play out on stage, I would pay 50 bucks for lower level seating to Phantom, not 50 bucks for back row to 4 chords and skimpy outfits. If you cant just go out there and sing, perform, and make people feel good in the end... get off the stage. I know there are a lot of people who want to speak to people with thier music rather then get their own 15 minutes.

Sorry about the rant, I just wanted to get that off my chest.

Um.. I am sorry to thread drift but if you can show me where to get fifty dollar tickets for lower lever seats to Phantom I'll love you forever lol. Even the tour is more than that...

And guys.. please don't fight because of something like this :( :(. You are all great guys and I would hate to see friendships broken because you are arguing about someone like this. :( :(.

*huggles all the guys*


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Angelique

And guys.. please don't fight because of something like this :( :(. You are all great guys and I would hate to see friendships broken because you are arguing about someone like this. :( :(.

*huggles all the guys*

Awwe see there we go! Angel has made it all better :sohappy:

Hey Angel, are you serving beer too? ;)


Well-Known Member
Ladies of this wonderful WDWMAGIC forum, I hope you are taking notes...NEVER let anyone call you the "weaker s e x"! Even on a Disney web site, men are arguing about a woman.:lol:


Active Member
it's all about the , isn't it...

I paid $70 for Phantom, 12th row, and $75 for Les Mis and Miss Saigon 12th row... back in Chicago


Well-Known Member
Okay, time for a thread drift...

Kaos (and anyone else who's seen it), did you enjoy Miss Saigon? I'm hoping to catch it on tour sometime (someyear?), but some people have told me they were disappointed because it was so grim for a musical. Input?

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