Britney Gets Wet

Castle Cake Apologist

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Her mirror image wants to battle (They can be so pesky sometimes!) and pulling off one of the most amazing feats of choreagraphy I've ever witnessed, Britney dances with herself while singing "Lonely", matching each move with the clone perfectly. The mirror image Britney sings a few lines of the song too.


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Castle Cake Apologist

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After defeating herself (And a few thugs who attack her), Britney runs off stage but quickly returns to belt out another ballad, "Don't Let Me Be the Last to Know"


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Castle Cake Apologist

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After "DLMBTLTK", Britney performs one of my favorite songs from the new album, "Anticipating", A Janet Jackson style pop song.


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Castle Cake Apologist

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Adding an interactive flair to the show, Britney (Now really out of breath) asks the audience to help her sing the last chorus of the song.


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Castle Cake Apologist

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After "Anticipating", Britney comments on how hot it is. She procedes to strip off her outfit while asking us if a song has ever taken over our body, like we were a slave to the music...


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Castle Cake Apologist

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After bowing to end the show, she runs offstage. But wait! The show isn't over yet! Purple light begins to pulse over the mist enshowded stage as the sound of a heartbeat echos through the air. Suddenly, 88,000 gallons of water begins to fall on the stage and Britney comes out to end the show with a bang in a very wet performance of "...Baby One More Time", bringing us to the pictures at the beginning of this thread. After the song is over and she leaves the stage, she finally wakes up for real, thank goodness that whole nightmare is over!


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Well-Known Member
I was going to stay far away from this..buuuut...i feel its time for me to step in a tad::

As an artist who studied anatomy for many many a 22 year old who has seen MANY a breast (more so than the average 15 year old...i hope)....and as a south florida resident (the leader in breast enhancments in the US)...i can tell you that her chest looks VERY fake.

Being brainwashed by corporate pop music doesnt equal truth. They tell you what you want to believe (just like she doesnt smoke right?)...her fans will hold on to that hope that she will love them..and she cares...and that shes wholesome and pure...and has no enhancments...the suits are doing their jobs to sell CDs...nothing more. Those who fall for it are just gerbils and zombies who will be followers their whole become the job "Yes-men" that they so desperatly thrive for...doing everything they are told and never having thoughts or opinions of their own...buying out tickets at 50 bucks a seat to see a show that has been recycled over and over...with no real talent behind it (sorry..over-processed vocals are NOT to be confused with talent) heart...just merchandice....


those who look past that are the ones who become the future of the world. The inventors..the engineers..the visionaries...those who dont fall for the record label lies and the blatant propoganda created to cater to the mindless generation TV has been trying to create since the early 80s...the ambitious ones who dont sit and let things happen...the "do-ers"....the ones that dont fall into the trend...yes..the ones who end up being the most successfull. Maybe not the most popular in high school..but looking at history..these are the rock stars..the rich CEOs...the ones running the world...

ok..said my peice done ;)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by NowInc
I was going to stay far away from this..buuuut...i feel its time for me to step in a tad::

As an artist who studied anatomy for many many a 22 year old who has seen MANY a breast (more so than the average 15 year old...i hope)....and as a south florida resident (the leader in breast enhancments in the US)...i can tell you that her chest looks VERY fake.

Being brainwashed by corporate pop music doesnt equal truth. They tell you what you want to believe (just like she doesnt smoke right?)...her fans will hold on to that hope that she will love them..and she cares...and that shes wholesome and pure...and has no enhancments...the suits are doing their jobs to sell CDs...nothing more. Those who fall for it are just gerbils and zombies who will be followers their whole become the job "Yes-men" that they so desperatly thrive for...doing everything they are told and never having thoughts or opinions of their own...buying out tickets at 50 bucks a seat to see a show that has been recycled over and over...with no real talent behind it (sorry..over-processed vocals are NOT to be confused with talent) heart...just merchandice....


those who look past that are the ones who become the future of the world. The inventors..the engineers..the visionaries...those who dont fall for the record label lies and the blatant propoganda created to cater to the mindless generation TV has been trying to create since the early 80s...the ambitious ones who dont sit and let things happen...the "do-ers"....the ones that dont fall into the trend...yes..the ones who end up being the most successfull. Maybe not the most popular in high school..but looking at history..these are the rock stars..the rich CEOs...the ones running the world...

ok..said my peice done ;)

The Freaks and Geeks! :D

She is hot though eh? :lol:

Don L Duck

New Member
Hot she is not I think she is a phoney and has no talent.
All image how she looks and what she wears.
Just so all of you lemmings will buy this and jump off cliffs with the rest of the sheep.
In a word it's all BAAAAAAD (sheep noise):wave:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Don L Duck
Hot she is not I think she is a phoney and has no talent.
All image how she looks and what she wears.
Just so all of you lemmings will buy this and jump off cliffs with the rest of the sheep.
In a word it's all BAAAAAAD (sheep noise):wave:

Whoa watch who you call a lemming buddy...I'm far from it. And the last thing I'm doing is jumping off a cliff for Britney Spears.

Of course she's a phony...but use your eyes bro. Sorry I'm all testosterone dude I can't resist gawking at something like that whether she's phony or not.

Take whom you're talking to into consideration next time before you post something like that need to know someone well before you can make such judgement.


RunDisney Addict
Looking at the pics, the concert looks incredibly cheesy. Anybody who needs that many special effects to cover the fact that they are lip syncing needs help.

Oh, and yes, she does lip sync. She's admitted to that. They should just release that recording as a CD, then she would never have to go out in public.


Well-Known Member
How come her mic isn't shorting out in all that water? :lol:

That's just dangerous, and she'll catch her death if she doesn't cover herself up, I mean she is ASKING for trouble, soaked to the skin, and then standing in front of a wind machine - sheesh, it just has flu written all over it.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisneyExpert
The mirror image Britney sings a few lines of the song too.

Well, considering the fact that the "real" (if you can even say that) Britney doesn't sing either. I would really like to see somebody dance like that and be able to sing perfectly at the same time.

Its impossible for her to be singing live.... and why anybody would pay money to have the CD played for them is beyond me.

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