I think the "tragedy" of Dinoland USA is that it could be so much more. People love dinosaurs, Americans on the whole are fascinated with them, and this land could be a real people eater. Yes, Dinosaur is a good ride (with upkeep issues) but other than that, we skip this land entirely when we're at DAK. I think once Avatar is built it will allow for changes to be made here. Really, you could make Dinoland a grade A experience if all of Chester and Hester is torn down and replaced with a solid darkride on the history of Dinosaurs in various eras, along with a revitalization of the "Excavator coaster." The entire land could be themed to the Dinosaur Insitute, which was built near a prominent excavation site, it really wouldn't be hard. And you wouldn't need an elaborate backstory (that most guests don't know) in order to justify it.