Another MK smoking area goes up in smoke

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New Member
I never defended smoking or advocated for smoking. You are reaching to hard there. I am a compassionate person and I try not to be judgmental. I appreciate that many do not have any compassion for those struggling with addiction. Many in the medical field lack that trait. That does not make me responsible for others life choices. It lacks maturity to blame me for someones addictions no matter what the addiction is. While I have compassion for you and your families health issues, transferring their choices onto me being culpable is not a rational thought process. It is an emotional response to blame someone anyone when life sours. It has to be blamed on someone else other than those who make that choice.

My MIT comment was very clearly to my previous comment you object to about diesel fuel emissions which are tech and research related. I do not find the topic hilarious, sad you do. Union Station in Chicago is having horrible issues with these emissions. Those commuters and employees do not find it as amusing and hilarious as you do.Your post to me came off as harsh and anything but a joke. If you intended to insert a joke in between all that data it was lost due to poor delivery and structure in your post, your writing style. Even professional comedians have duds so I have compassion for that too.
I never defended smoking or advocated for smoking. You are reaching to hard there. I am a compassionate person and I try not to be judgmental. I appreciate that many do not have any compassion for those struggling with addiction. Many in the medical field lack that trait. That does not make me responsible for others life choices. It lacks maturity to blame me for someones addictions no matter what the addiction is. While I have compassion for you and your families health issues, transferring their choices onto me being culpable is not a rational thought process. It is an emotional response to blame someone anyone when life sours. It has to be blamed on someone else other than those who make that choice.

My MIT comment was very clearly to my previous comment you object to about diesel fuel emissions which are tech and research related. I do not find the topic hilarious, sad you do. Union Station in Chicago is having horrible issues with these emissions. Those commuters and employees do not find it as amusing and hilarious as you do.Your post to me came off as harsh and anything but a joke. If you intended to insert a joke in between all that data it was lost due to poor delivery and structure in your post, your writing style. Even professional comedians have duds so I have compassion for that too.
Hey Gabe, I graduated from MIT in 1987. What was your major? Name me some of your professors and where do you live when you attended? How many floors is the Student Center? I remained in the Boston area after graduation and continue attending class reunions. A few professors I had back then still remain. You probably never set foot on campus. I have exposed people like you from time to time who say they have attended MIT but could not get through calculus. To some people on this thread. MIT is not just a technology school they also have a world class business school ( Sloan School ). Gabe, if you are ever in Cambridge you should take a tour or just walk around campus. Learn about the school you tell people you attended before you open your mouth.
woah...your first post is to bash someone. how unfriendly of you. You know I think this thread should be locked now. You guys are getting viscous. Whatever happened to people being able to have a friendly debate? Why do you have to go straight for the throat? Geez, get a grip people. MOVE ON.


Well-Known Member
This thread is silly and will never find any agreement...end of discussion. Want a better topic...

How bout the mom and dad that were planning on going to wdw with their 2 kids, who then financially couldn't afford for all ofthem to go, so only the parents r going instead!?! PS: the kids have never been! Hows that for a crazy and yes, that is a real thread here on the boards...hehe

Well, at least that's financially responsible. How old are the kids? If they are three or over that's not a trip I would take without them. Hi kids, we had a great time
Too bad you weren't there. Here's a r shirt and a stuffed Mickey. Have a magical day.


New Member
woah...your first post is to bash someone. how unfriendly of you. You know I think this thread should be locked now. You guys are getting viscous. Whatever happened to people being able to have a friendly debate? Why do you have to go straight for the throat? Geez, get a grip people. MOVE ON.
Hi Mommy2cooper, I'm not an unfriendly person. I have been reading these threads for years but when someone is on a thread just to be confrontational and tells everyone he is a MIT grad. It puts my school in a bad light and it just pushed my button.
Have a nice day...


Well-Known Member
Well, there goes another thread...


Park History nut
Premium Member
Love the news of Disney further limiting smoking areas.. hopefully it'll be banned from the entire park soon. Smoking is a disgusting habit.. usually done by equally disgusting people. Seriously just look at the peoples faces over 40 who smoke compared to non-smokers. Sorry if this sounds offensive.. but people who smoke have no problem offending others by pushing their stink all over the place so spare me any poutrage.
You are out of line.

Is every American with a gun a murderer due to a few idiots?


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Tough one for me. If they don't throw their cigs out their car window, it would be a bit easier but for those that do which is probably a huge majority tough to have compassion while they don't give a **** while they throw their cigs out their car window.

I so agree, what the heck?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I hate people who treat the world as their ashtray.
Yea, just the other day I had to swerve to avoid this large pile of spent cigarette butts right in the middle of the road. Instead of hitting them I swerved and ran into a couple of discarded filled garbage bags, about four small McDonalds bags and cups, a dumped mattress and an abandoned car. Man those cigarette butts were disgusting.


Well-Known Member
Yea, just the other day I had to swerve to avoid this large pile of spent cigarette butts right in the middle of the road. Instead of hitting them I swerved and ran into a couple of discarded filled garbage bags, about four small McDonalds bags and cups, a dumped mattress and an abandoned car. Man those cigarette butts were disgusting.

That is funny. I love the justification. You don't typically see people dumping the rest of the story you made up though. They are usually doing that in private so they don't get caught. However, many cig smokers do it right out in the open many times per day, seven days per week. Day in, day out. A continuous sign of they could care less about it.


Well-Known Member
That is funny. I love the justification. You don't typically see people dumping the rest of the story you made up though. They are usually doing that in private so they don't get caught. However, many cig smokers do it right out in the open many times per day, seven days per week. Day in, day out. A continuous sign of they could care less about it.
And yet you never see them on the road do you? That was the point of my story. Again a mountain out of a mole hill. Cigarettes are almost completely biodegradable and they deteriorate very rapidly in the outside elements.


Well-Known Member
You probably aren't seeing them because they don't quickly degrade, they quickly go into water system.
The article is very good and informative, until you look at the picture. To prove a point or make it more dramatic they took a bunch of "fresh" cigarettes and scooped them up from somewhere in an effort to show that they don't degrade. I can assure you that in real life they would not have still been looking that way if they had spent anytime laying on the ground in the open. I will admit that they do add to the pollution of the world but, certainly not in any alarming way. Even if they were all placed in an ashtray eventually you have to empty that ashtray and are landfilled for the most part where they are buried and probably wrapped in plastic and stay that way for ages. It's only an issue in the minds of some. It's not in mine and I don't smoke. If you want to make an argument about the possible fire hazard that they could create, very small but still there, then I would be on the page with you.


Well-Known Member
I don't get the restriction on vapour cigarettes though.
It's a state Law. Florida's Clean Air ACt treats e -cigs the same as any other oject you "smoke" for the lack of another word. In Seriousness I do not Smoke, I am a former smoker. There should be smoking areas in the park as long as they are out of the way for high traffic areas.
No porblem with folks who want to have a smoke as long as it is not on line orin the middle of a crowd.
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