Another MK smoking area goes up in smoke

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One Little Spark...
I don't know about in the past, though, I do know that one has closed down in the last year (the one on the walkway across from Tom Sawyer Island.

The current ones are across from Aloha Isle, Big Thunder (past the line entrance), Space Mountain (next to the bathrooms), on the pathway behind Goofini, overlooking the train and Speedway, and off to the right just as you exit the castle and enter Fantasyland.

So, Magic Kingdom has 5.

At Epcot, there are 8. China, Italy, Japan. One on each side of the entrance to World Showcase. One at the International Gateway. One inbetween the Land and Imagination and another one near World of Energy.

Hollywood Studios has 5. One near Echo Lake, across from Indiana Jones. One off to the side of the Great Movie Ride, near the Commessary. One near the big Coke Bottle and the old entrance to the Backlot Tour. One in Fairfax Fare, near the entrance to the RnR pavilion. One out in the Fantasmic complex.

Animal Kingdom has 5 as well. One is near the main entrance, one right before the bridge near Expedition Everest. One off to the side of the Dino Institute. One down a pathway near Pizzafari. And one out at Rafiki's Planet Watch.

Typhoon Lagoon boasts 3 of them. Blizzard Beach has 2. DTD also has several...though, I'm not sure how many.

Compare that to Disneyland.

Disneyland itself has 3. One near Big Thunder, one near the Matterhorn Bobsleds overlooking the lagoon, and one in New Orleans Square, near Haunted Mansion.

California adventure has 4. One across from Sourin', one down a path near the area where paradise pier and Grizzly Peak merge, one near Monster's Inc all the way in the back near the water tower, and one across from the Silly Symphony Swings.

There are also several littered throughout Downtown Disney. One that springs to mind is just outside of House of Blues. There's another one across from La Brea. I can't think of any others offhand, but I'm sure they exist.

For comparison...Disneyland Paris, it seems, has 10 smoking areas.
Sigh I'm so disappointed with myself. I read through the thread for the most part...said nope, not going to post, but yet 3 hours later here I am. Unfortunately though, I'm almost 100% positive what I have to say no one will care about, but oh well.

It really upsets me to see these posts and the vibe I get from some of the words on here. I personally believe in the smoking areas. I'd rather them be placed at designated locations throughout the park rather than just all over. The sad thing is there are bad apples who ruin everything for the bunch. They'll throw butt's everywhere and just be nasty about it. As I've posted before my husband is a combat vet (disabled at that) and he does smoke. He never really did much until he was deployed. The therapists say that smoking is his way of coping with his trauma. I'm ok with that if it's what he wants...however recently he decided he was through with it. So he's trying to quit. Again I'm ok with that too. Too each their own. The only thing is be respectful of others. Don't blow smoke in people's general direction, don't throw cigarette's on the ground, etc respectful. For non smokers try your best to avoid those areas. The one thing that absolutely ticks me off is when people break the rules. That's ALL I care about....RULES. When I was pregnant with our son the smell of smoke absolutely made me gag and puke. It was the ONLY morning sickness thing I had going morning we ate at this restaurant and we were leaving and this woman lights her cigarette right inside the door. I lost it. I couldn't even exit the building. My husband had to go ask her to move away so I could leave. Since that time my husband has been as respectful and polite as he possibly can be with his habit. I'm sorry...i'd rather smokers be outside in the open air rather than inside with me.....

Well...I've now opened my trap and said what I had planned on not saying.....but I will only say I respect everyone's opinions. You each make good points....I can see where you're coming from.


Well-Known Member
A small number of people have allergies to a variety of things.
I know someone who's medicine makes them not be able to have grapefruit. Another person I know is allergic to strawberries. This doesn't mean that grapefruits and strawberries should be banned everywhere...


Well-Known Member
I don't know about in the past, though, I do know that one has closed down in the last year (the one on the walkway across from Tom Sawyer Island.

The current ones are across from Aloha Isle, Big Thunder (past the line entrance), Space Mountain (next to the bathrooms), on the pathway behind Goofini, overlooking the train and Speedway, and off to the right just as you exit the castle and enter Fantasyland.

So, Magic Kingdom has 5.

At Epcot, there are 8. China, Italy, Japan. One on each side of the entrance to World Showcase. One at the International Gateway. One inbetween the Land and Imagination and another one near World of Energy.

Hollywood Studios has 5. One near Echo Lake, across from Indiana Jones. One off to the side of the Great Movie Ride, near the Commessary. One near the big Coke Bottle and the old entrance to the Backlot Tour. One in Fairfax Fare, near the entrance to the RnR pavilion. One out in the Fantasmic complex.

Animal Kingdom has 5 as well. One is near the main entrance, one right before the bridge near Expedition Everest. One off to the side of the Dino Institute. One down a pathway near Pizzafari. And one out at Rafiki's Planet Watch.

Typhoon Lagoon boasts 3 of them. Blizzard Beach has 2. DTD also has several...though, I'm not sure how many.

Compare that to Disneyland.

Disneyland itself has 3. One near Big Thunder, one near the Matterhorn Bobsleds overlooking the lagoon, and one in New Orleans Square, near Haunted Mansion.

California adventure has 4. One across from Sourin', one down a path near the area where paradise pier and Grizzly Peak merge, one near Monster's Inc all the way in the back near the water tower, and one across from the Silly Symphony Swings.

There are also several littered throughout Downtown Disney. One that springs to mind is just outside of House of Blues. There's another one across from La Brea. I can't think of any others offhand, but I'm sure they exist.

For comparison...Disneyland Paris, it seems, has 10 smoking areas.
5 at each park and 8 at Epcot seems fair, are smokers not happy with this?


One Little Spark...
5 at each park and 8 at Epcot seems fair, are smokers not happy with this?
Well, the start of the thread is talking about the smoking area that used to be on the old boat landing for the swan boats, across from the ice cream parlor. Apparently, it will not be reopening after the construction is complete.

So, that's 2 that have been shuttered in the past year.

Personally, I don't have much of an opinion about it. Though, I have gotten dirty looks when smoking IN a smoking section and had comments made, so I can see why they closed down the one on Rivers of America in what used to be the canoe docks.


One Little Spark...
Actually, the one thing I did enjoy about the smoking area at Rivers of America is that the kiddo could go chase the birds about 20 - 30 feet away down the dock, and I could keep an eye on her.

I don't like seeing people bring kids into the smoking areas. It happens, I don't say anything, but it's not something I would personally do.
I agree with this shouldn't be right by walk ways. I firmly believe in the federal policy which is 50 feet from why not put it off away from paths so everyone can be happy?


Well-Known Member
Also, most people over 18 I know smoke. Smoking helps them relax during a stressful life. Once somebody is addicted, it is hard to quit, too.
I am not pro-smoking, I myself want it banned, but there are many people I know who would not go to a Disney Park if they removed cigarettes.
Go ahead, flame me. I don't care.

George Lucas on a Bench

Well-Known Member
I'd rather they seclude food carts so I don't have to be disgusted by obese guests shoving turkey legs down their throats.

Cigarettes? I'm sure you're breathing in worse things throughout Walt Disney World than some outdoor second-hand smoke from a distant smoking area. They seem fairly well sequestered to me. They take up such a miniscule amount of the park it's ridiculous people would even complain about them.


Well-Known Member
Beins' WDW opened in '71, I'm pretty sure the whole place was a smokin' section back then. ;)
It was that way well into the 80's at least, in fact, I think it was in the 90's, at least, before they put in the designated areas. I don't remember exactly when, but it isn't that long ago.

5 at each park and 8 at Epcot seems fair, are smokers not happy with this?
Smokers are not actually complaining about the number of designated areas, they are indeed upset when someone says ban them completely. Smokers and cigarettes are a package. By banning cigarettes completely they would be banning the persons that use them as well. That is the concern from smokers. Those that never smoked do not understand the hold that it has over so many people. The idea that "I don't like the smell, is a small problem compared to the addiction that smokers have to deal with. I don't know a single smoker that wouldn't like to quit tomorrow, but, have been unable too. To not take them into consideration is just so much self-centered logic that it makes me almost want to scream. In other words, smokers are OK with the designated areas, it's the non-smokers that feel that they shouldn't be given that courtesy.

Since this topic has been on and off for a while now, I decided to check out all these reports of people smoking everywhere. I was in the parks the end of January this year, the only real thing I saw that needed to be addressed by CM's but was ignored by them is that there are always a few that push the envelope and will smoke as long as they can see the area, in it or not. I don't think that is completely mule-headedness but sometimes just misinterpretation. Either way it should have been addressed by the CM's. As far as just walking around smoking, I can honestly say that I didn't see even one out of three days in the parks.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a smoker, and have never been a full-time one, aside from the occasional happy hour "Hey, can I bum a smoke?" from back in the day. But, I was around it all my life until about my mid twenties in some form or fashion. Although, my mother never smoked and my pop quit smokin' before I was born and never smoked again, almost all of my friends parents, friends, sports coaches, etc., smoked. Our mothers used to rotate between each other driving us to RE and all of them smoked except my mom. One mother even smoked a pipe. It's just what she preferred.
The first firm I worked for (8 employees) I was the only one that didn't smoke (sans the aforementioned happy hour). It was so much a part of what I smelled every day that it woulda' felt weird NOT smellin' it, back then.
These days, completely opposite. It's been banned pretty much everywhere around here and pretty much everyone we know doesn't smoke. It's funny, 'cause for somethin' I used to be around so much everyday way back when, and was so very used to smellin', if I catch a whiff now, I'm all... "WTH?!?!" It's just foreign to me now.
That bein' said, it's still legal and I think that should be accounted for.
And THIS is where it ALWAYS derails...
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