Analysts project 10 pct attendance decline at Disney's U.S. parks


New Member
How is $75 a bargain compared to $40? Particularly when the parks that charge $40 have twice the number of rides than the Magic Kingdom. They might not be themed rides...but that doesn't make them bad rides. That $75 will only get you into ONE park...if you want to "hop" to another you have to cough up an additional $50.

That is by far the most ridiculous statement I've seen in a while. Disney is not some playground for the upper class. Yes, not everyone CAN afford to go there...but that doesn't mean they SHOULDN'T be able to afford a visit. To think otherwise is in contrast to Walt's vision. It's also a bad business model. While upper class families most certainly have visited, it's the families that scrimp and save for maybe years that actually keep Disney in business.

Agreed, but that doesn't mean Disney should price-gouge the people who are going simply to improve their bottom line. They raise prices without adding something new...and adding an attraction that replaces a closed attraction is NOT adding something new in terms of value.

Such as? While it COULD conceivably be cheaper than a trip to Europe, only a vacation to New York City would cost more...and that's only if the family goes to see a Broadway show. Otherwise Disney is the most expensive family destination.

Room rates will never come down...they are here to stay (and increase). At most Disney will offer discounts under certain conditions. As for Day trippers, they aren't going so they aren't "paying" to play. Perhaps if Disney sweetened the deal...such as offering free hopping with the one day or two day pass, MAYBE I could see it as a value. As of now, I wonder how much business Disney actually loses because they don't want day trippers.
You are wrong on EVERY point.
1. Quanity does not trump quality, do you really think six flags is a better park than the M.K., if so, you're on the wrong board.
2. I stated its a priviledge to visit WDW. Which, it is. D.L. when it FIRST opened was "expensive" by economic standards then.
Do you think its NOT a priviledge to stay in a Deluxe resort? Or, is that unfair that they cost more?
3. Room rates DO go down..Always have. You can get "codes" all the time for a major discount off rack rates. But to say rates dont go down is technically inaccurate.
4. Lets see, 1 week in L.A.,Ny,Chicago...or a trip to the beach (most any beach destination) will cost more than the 1 week at Disney. (i know, we've done it). Unless you are talking about a weekend getaway, WDW is one of the best deals going for a family vacation.
WDW cost money to go. Some cant afford it. thats life. The only ones that SHOULD go are the ones that can afford it. (thats pretty much common sense). I cant afford a BMW, that doesnt make it unfair, maybe i should go out and make more $$. THEN, i could buy that BMW. See, i have no issues with not being able to afford something. This isnt a zero sum society, some can do, some cant. Disney is no exception. Thats not unfair. Thats life.


Well-Known Member
so let me get this straight..

$300 for ONE DAY AT WDW for a family of four is acceptable and one where "everyone can afford it? " WRONG

just how many work hours or days is that ONE DAY?

sorry.. but this is a case of the continuing haves and have not's.. its I have my money screw you..

and its the same reason that this economy is in the toilet..

How much did Eisner pay what's his face to quit as president in no time at all. How much did Eisner get when he left?

this is a typical one way attitude. and its not WALTS WAY..


$300 for ONE DAY AT WDW for a family of four is acceptable and one where "everyone can afford it? " WRONG

just how many work hours or days is that ONE DAY?

sorry.. but this is a case of the continuing haves and have not's.. its I have my money screw you..

and its the same reason that this economy is in the toilet..

I would argue that people buying (and charging) things they can't afford is why the economy is in the toilet.

I certainly can't afford $300/day on a regular basis. That's why I don't go very often. :shrug:

I don't think it's a matter of haves and have nots. I don't think Disney should cut corners just to make it a cheaper destination. I'd rather an amazing place I can get to once in a great while than a pretty good place I can go to all the time.

It would be great if everyone could afford WDW and I do hope everyone who wants to go gets a chance to visit. Will it happen... probably not. How can it?


New Member
$300 for ONE DAY AT WDW for a family of four is acceptable and one where "everyone can afford it? " WRONG

just how many work hours or days is that ONE DAY?

sorry.. but this is a case of the continuing haves and have not's.. its I have my money screw you..

and its the same reason that this economy is in the toilet..

How much did Eisner pay what's his face to quit as president in no time at all. How much did Eisner get when he left?

this is a typical one way attitude. and its not WALTS WAY..
How many hours of work hours or days is in that one day? Who cares? I work alot of O.T. to acheive our every other year trip.
I am happy to do it.
Things cost money. Period. And, WDW or D.L. is a bargain compared to other vacation destinations.
Some folks afford things, some cant.
What do you want, a commune of exact wealth of all Americans?
Say, what 40k per year? 50-60-70?
It does not shame me that i cannot afford certain things, it IS my fault that i cant, but there is no shame. I have ZERO contempt for those that CAN afford certain things. I admire their ability.
And, as to "Walts way" obviously have not done TRUE research on him.
He was a fincacial genius, that WAS interested in the bottom line and profit.
and, NO...not everyone could afford disney back then also.
If you have issues with 300.00 per day at WDW, then dont go.
Its really simple. But dont have contempt for those that do go.
Oh, and P.S. for a 7 day MYW base is ALOT less than 300.00 per day at the parks. Its less than 150.00 for 4 people, even more less if one is under 3.


New Member
I would argue that people buying (and charging) things they can't afford is why the economy is in the toilet.

I certainly can't afford $300/day on a regular basis. That's why I don't go very often. :shrug:

I don't think it's a matter of haves and have nots. I don't think Disney should cut corners just to make it a cheaper destination. I'd rather an amazing place I can get to once in a great while than a pretty good place I can go to all the time.

It would be great if everyone could afford WDW and I do hope everyone who wants to go gets a chance to visit. Will it happen... probably not. How can it?
Very respectable post. and accurate.
But as for "how can it?" that lies with the individual that is trying. no one else.


Active Member
True about the legal/ethical issue. However, in this particular case I really do not see anything at all wrong with the way Disney is advertising their promotion. In my opinion Disney has made plenty of bad/questionable decisions or judgement calls, however I do not think this advertsing issue is one of them at all.

With how things seem to be going I am not sure that too many people even know what individual responsibility means anymore!
I agree with you. I see nothing wrong with extending an offer. The only thing I have a problem with is when Disney uses the term limited availability. That sure seems like a tactic that car dealerships use. I can understand limited to availability of room inventory for these dates, but not the open ended phrase.

One other thing. Maybe you can answer this or someone else can. Wasn't the buy 4 get 3 free offer extende thru Aug. 31?


Well-Known Member
That is by far the most ridiculous statement I've seen in a while. Disney is not some playground for the upper class. Yes, not everyone CAN afford to go there...but that doesn't mean they SHOULDN'T be able to afford a visit. To think otherwise is in contrast to Walt's vision. It's also a bad business model. While upper class families most certainly have visited, it's the families that scrimp and save for maybe years that actually keep Disney in business.
Disney deals in a luxury commodity. It has every right and should price itself as high as the market can bear. If that means not everyone can go, then so be it. If you really want to split hairs about what Uncle Walt would do, nothing in Orlando but the Magic Kingdom would be there today, so the point is rather irrelevant.

Such as? While it COULD conceivably be cheaper than a trip to Europe, only a vacation to New York City would cost more...and that's only if the family goes to see a Broadway show. Otherwise Disney is the most expensive family destination.
It really depends. In many cases I have found that a trip to Disney is less expensive than going many other places. It is purely situation and related to how much time and research you are willing to do.

Room rates will never come down...they are here to stay (and increase). At most Disney will offer discounts under certain conditions. As for Day trippers, they aren't going so they aren't "paying" to play. Perhaps if Disney sweetened the deal...such as offering free hopping with the one day or two day pass, MAYBE I could see it as a value. As of now, I wonder how much business Disney actually loses because they don't want day trippers.
This is actually a really interesting point. I wonder if there is additional research is behind this beyond the simple, "getting guest to stay longer" argument.

I agree with you. I see nothing wrong with extending an offer. The only thing I have a problem with is when Disney uses the term limited availability.
Kind of like the $5 footlong deal at Subway that has been limited time for 6 months now?:ROFLOL:


Active Member
Ok.. Admission to Disneyland was $1 when it first opened. Visitors then had to pay for the attraction tickets which was an additional $2.50 for 8 tickets. When you take inflation into account and the astronomical costs of construction and the advanced attractions we see today, $75 is not too outlandish.

Well let's see. Let's deal with the most finacially challenged. We will have to do away with the cost of food, and the expense of travel because I don't feel like searching all over the net trying to find the figures. I wish one of you other posters would though.

Minimum wage in 1955= $.75 per hour.
Minimum wage in 2009= $7.25 per hour.

You would have to spend 4.67 hours of income in 1955.
You would have to spend 10.35 hours of income in 2009.

I'm assuming the wage figures, and cost of admission,and ticket prices are accurate. I suppose we could argue the fact you get unlimited rides vs. eight tickets, but who cares. What's the fun on agreeing with anybody.


New Member
Disney deals in a luxury commodity. It has every right and should price itself as high as the market can bear. If that means not everyone can go, then so be it. If you really want to split hairs about what Uncle Walt would do, nothing in Orlando but the Magic Kingdom would be there today, so the point is rather irrelevant.

It really depends. In many cases I have found that a trip to Disney is less expensive than going many other places. It is purely situation and related to how much time and research you are willing to do.

This is actually a really interesting point. I wonder if there is additional research is behind this beyond the simple, "getting guest to stay longer" argument.

Kind of like the $5 footlong deal at Subway that has been limited time for 6 months now?:ROFLOL:
Well stated.


New Member
Well let's see. Let's deal with the most finacially challenged. We will have to do away with the cost of food, and the expense of travel because I don't feel like searching all over the net trying to find the figures. I wish one of you other posters would though.

Minimum wage in 1955= $.75 per hour.
Minimum wage in 2009= $7.25 per hour.

You would have to spend 4.67 hours of income in 1955.
You would have to spend 10.35 hours of income in 2009.

I'm assuming the wage figures, and cost of admission,and ticket prices are accurate. I suppose we could argue the fact you get unlimited rides vs. eight tickets, but who cares. What's the fun on agreeing with anybody.
and, aint NO one going to WDW on minimum wage....


Premium Member
the attitude that "not everyone can or should be able to afford disney" Stinks.

and IT WAS NOT WHAT WALT WANTED. He wanted a place that EVERYONE CAN GO TO..

He made it affordable.. not a charity. If he wanted it so EVERYONE CAN GO TO as you claim.. he'd had built one within driving distance of EVERYONE. But he didn't, because his words which you are misconstruding were not meant to mean EVERYONE inclusively. Just that it wasn't going to be a elitist-only park for the rich and famous. It was aimed at the iconic middle america of the 50s and he wanted it to be an affordable thing that people could save up and see. Not that Disney should be accessible no matter what you made.

If you want a Disneyland for EVERYONE, irregardless of what you can actually afford.. you want some Socialist Disneyland which does not exist, and never has.

$300 for ONE DAY AT WDW for a family of four is acceptable and one where "everyone can afford it? " WRONG

You can pick on this one fact all you want.. but its priced that way so that no one actually does it. It's priced to influence your behavior. When I was growing up.. we only did Disney every 4 years. That's because we had to save to make such big vacations. Why is that so wrong?

sorry.. but this is a case of the continuing haves and have not's.. its I have my money screw you..

No, its you and others being oblivious to the ways businesses influence spending. It's why it's buy 3, get the fourth free.. not just 25% off. It's why it's buy one get one free, not just 50% off. It's why you get a discount for paying up front vs payments.. etc etc etc. You're trying to make an emotional argument over numbers that are INTENTIONALLY unrealistic while ignoring the reality of those prices.


Well-Known Member
Earlier in the thread, I made the following post:

It seems that each August, people start threads whining and moaning about WDW raising its rates, and how it's becoming a playground for the rich, yada yada. In those debates is always the point that the laws of supply and demand come into play and that eventually, Disney will reach a point where they have overpriced their product and will start losing money because people will stop coming, and that, as a result, they will be forced to lower their prices or offer some good deals to keep people coming.

Yet now, when that seems to be happening, people act like it's a horrible thing. Myself, I don't know what's so horrible about WDW's attendance dropping. If true, not only does it mean less people in front of me at the rides while I'm there, but it also means that they are probably getting to that point where there prices have to go back down in order for people to feel like they can afford to go. So bring on the decreased attendance! I welcome it. We have a trip hope for/planned for next year and I would love it if attendance is still down and WDW has to offer a 4/3 deal, or something similar, for the time frame we are there. Now granted, on the flip side, I don't want the economy to be in the crapper and for people to be out of work, so in that sense I hope the economy improves. But speaking strictly in terms of WDW, I would love to see demand go down for their product, which would cause Disney to have to be the one seeking out guests, rather than guests all seeking out Disney, and Disney being able to price their product at whatever price they want, knowing people will buy it.

Now it seems like my point is being proven. This thread started out as an expression of worry and concern about WDW's attendance being down, as evidenced by their deals to try to get people into the parks. So, when attendance starts dropping and Disney starts giving deep discounts, people start threads here acting like that's a bad thing.

Yet, on the other hand, in the very same thread, we have now gotten back into the moaning and groaning about a company that, up until recently, had been doing so well that they could keep raising prices, and how it's become a playground for the rich, no one can afford to go anymore, etc.

So maybe I'm missing something, but it looks as though we aren't happy either way. The fact that prices are what they are now is a horrible thing, and even more horrible when they raise them annually. It's elitist, and unfair to us working folk who have to scrimp and save...and we start threads bemoaning that fact. Or in this case, bemoan that fact in the very thread intended to express concern about the opposite. But then, on the other end, when Disney lowers prices (maybe not lowering prices, but offering deep discounts which, in the end, amounts to the same thing as lowering prices), we start threads in which we act like it's a horrible thing. WDW can either be in high demand, which will result in them having the freedom to keep raising the prices, knowing that the demand is there, or they can be in low demand, requiring them to cut their prices in order to get people interested.

So let's make up our we want high prices, or do we want lower prices. Seems like we complain either way. :shrug:


New Member
He made it affordable.. not a charity. If he wanted it so EVERYONE CAN GO TO as you claim.. he'd had built one within driving distance of EVERYONE. But he didn't, because his words which you are misconstruding were not meant to mean EVERYONE inclusively. Just that it wasn't going to be a elitist-only park for the rich and famous. It was aimed at the iconic middle america of the 50s and he wanted it to be an affordable thing that people could save up and see. Not that Disney should be accessible no matter what you made.

If you want a Disneyland for EVERYONE, irregardless of what you can actually afford.. you want some Socialist Disneyland which does not exist, and never has.

You can pick on this one fact all you want.. but its priced that way so that no one actually does it. It's priced to influence your behavior. When I was growing up.. we only did Disney every 4 years. That's because we had to save to make such big vacations. Why is that so wrong?

No, its you and others being oblivious to the ways businesses influence spending. It's why it's buy 3, get the fourth free.. not just 25% off. It's why it's buy one get one free, not just 50% off. It's why you get a discount for paying up front vs payments.. etc etc etc. You're trying to make an emotional argument over numbers that are INTENTIONALLY unrealistic while ignoring the reality of those prices.
:sohappy: That was absolutely perfect.
110% Real world and factual.

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