American Idol!


Well-Known Member
As with all other opinions, you can take this with a grain of salt :lol:

Anthony: He bores me. He doesn't stand out.

Carrie: I think Simon over-exaggerated the compliment. She was all right, but I wouldn't automatically make her the winner or say she outsang everyone else.

Scott: He needs to go before anyone else. He just doesn't have anything that appeals to me.

Bo: Nice job. Has so much star quality.

Nikko: Best male performance.

Vonzell: Best female performance.

Nadia: Struggled a little bit, but I'll forgive her because she's great.

Mikalah: She definitely struggled at first, but she saved herself in the end. Her personality is over-the-top and yes annoying at times, but I think she has a lot of talent for such a young age.

Constantine: I love Constantine. He has so much charisma. The song choice shocked me, but he did pretty well with it.

Anwar: Another guy I love. He's been kind of losing it, but I think he has so much talent and his best performance is yet to come.

Jessica: She did very well. Second to Vonzell I think.


Well-Known Member
I didn't like how Mikalah dwelled on being in the bottom 2 before she sang. But I don't think Carrie is the best one there either :lol:


Well-Known Member
Carrie has the voice, the looks, everything. She's the one to beat, and I don't think anyone else can do it.

I was telling Melissa last night that I'd actually pay to go to the American Idol tour to see the top 12, they've all been amazing (minus Mikalah, I'd go to the bathroom during her or something). :lol:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Invero said:
Aw crap... I wonder if I'll get a credit for the text message votes I sent? lol
And indeed, I do! I got a text message tonight saying that my votes wouldn't count, and that Cingular wouldn't count those texts towards my limit. :)


Well-Known Member
Yes! Mikayla got sent home tonight! :sohappy:

I can't believe that Nadia was in the bottom 2. :eek: She's one who I think is good enough to possibly go all the way (though I feel that way about quite a few of them).

Plus, Louisville just beat Washington :sohappy: so I have 2 things to be happy about!


To be completely honest, she was the only one I was truly rooting against. She had to go...

Now, every loss is going to be tough, since they are all really coming into their own....


Well-Known Member
yeah I don't think I disliked Mikayla as much as others have, but it was hard seeing them all up there trying to stay in. I feel bad for all of them.

I don't know, its just that they all are such good singers, and I wish they all could win!

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Yes Yes Yes Yes!!!!!! She's gone!!! :sohappy: :sohappy: Oh thank god! Did you hear what she said last night? She said "I think I'm fabulouse, and so are my fans!" :rolleyes: Oh brother, get a life. And Paul gave her a look like "You have got to be kidding me!" It was hilariouse!

Nadia and Anthony are endangered contestants. Anthony is good, but he's not too exciting, and too Clay Aikenish. Nadia is really good, but she blew it last night IMO.

I'm glad to see the home town hero stay in! Yay Nikko! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I felt bad for Mikalah. She said some things that you had to roll your eyes at, but for the most part she made me laugh. Scott was who I wanted to go home, but alas he's still there. I was also shocked at Nadia, but oh well.


Well-Known Member
YAY!!!... Howed Jessica From Tampa do.. I had my cell with it temped proramed and did athe call.. message.. hangup.. repeat.. from 11:00 - 12:00 perfect time for calling....


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
DDuckFan130 said:
I felt bad for Mikalah. She said some things that you had to roll your eyes at, but for the most part she made me laugh.

Laugh... cringe... yeah...

"I just want to be famous because I can't cook, I can't clean, and I can't even walk my own dog."


Well-Known Member
Invero said:
Laugh... cringe... yeah...

"I just want to be famous because I can't cook, I can't clean, and I can't even walk my own dog."

The thing is though, I've seen a lot of kids her age act like that. That was a quote worthy of rolling your eyes, but oh well. She's gone, so you guys can relax. Maybe Scott can go next week and I'll be happy then :D


Well-Known Member
LouDisney said:
I missed the show tonight, was out to dinner with friends. I am glad Mikala is gone. I can't believe Nadia was in the bottom.

I also missed the show, but from what I hear about the results, I'm actually not too suprised. I knew that Mikalah would be voted off and I really was not shocked about Nadia. Reason being that it's still pretty early on in the competition and people don't really have a lot of performances to remember and base their opinions from. So dispite the fact that she is actually quite good, a lot of people were only going to base it on her last performance and her last performance was less than outstanding. There were really a lot of people who outsung her, hence why she was in the bottom three.


Well-Known Member
Let's just say that I was clapping last night and SOOO happy that Miss Annoying Fran Drescher-wannabe is gone! She was the most annoying person I have ever heard on there, and how she made it that far just boggles my mind.

I really have liked Scott lately but I'm still rooting for Carrie and Jessica to be the top two.


Well-Known Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
Let's just say that I was clapping last night and SOOO happy that Miss Annoying Fran Drescher-wannabe is gone! She was the most annoying person I have ever heard on there, and how she made it that far just boggles my mind.

I really have liked Scott lately but I'm still rooting for Carrie and Jessica to be the top two.
Anwar, Bo, and Constantine for me :D :p

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