American Idol!

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
It's on tonite! I can't wait! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: Ryan Seacrest announced that this week's theme would be the 90s which is interesting.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
So how did you think everything went tonite?

Bo: Definately not his best. GREAT performance, but the song was boring. Grade: B

Jessica: She sings really well, and keeps redeeming herself. Grade: B+

Anthony: Boring, Bland, and forgettable. Grade: C

Nikko: Best male performance! The crowd was on their feet, and Paula went as wild as usual. Grade: A

Anwar: Blegh. The judges are right, he only redeems himself with that last note. Grade: C-

Constantine: I agree, he was better than Bo. And he redeemed his performance last week. Grade: A-

Nadia: Totally redeems herself from last week. Still not her best, but overall, good. Grade: B

Scott: Nice voice, but weak performance, and I really don't like watching him. Plus, he had a weird sense of style this week. Sadly, it might be his time to go. Grade: C

Carrie: In the words of the animaniacs, HELLO NURSE!!! Great vocals, and she was extra hot tonite. Best female performance. Grade: A+

Vonzell: Second best female performance! She was splendid! Grade: A


Well-Known Member
Bo: He did all right. And I agree with Randy, I want a rocker to win it, and I'd love to see Constantine or Bo win over all the others who seem like carbon copies to me :shrugs:

Jessica: Sang well, but forgettable.

Anthony: :snore:

Nikko: Definitely the best male performance. But remember my comment about carbon copies? Unfortunately for Nikko, there's already I don't know how many singers like him out in the market. Therefore, he's forgettable.

Anwar: I agreed with the judges about the last note rescuing him. He could have done a lot with that great song, but he didn't pull it off as well as he could have.

Constantine: Love him, love him, love him.

Nadia: Good singer, but this was forgettable.

Scott: Needs to go.

Carrie: Did very well. Not my favorite though.

Vonzell: Best female performance again this week just as Nikko was best male. But this is another carbon copy.

I'm sorry, but as good as they may be, I think the only ones worthy of winning the competition are Anwar, Bo, and Constantine. Why? Originality. That's it. Carrie and Jessica are like Kelly Clarkson. Nadia and Vonzell are like Fantasia (except with not so annoying voices). Nikko is like an Usher type of guy and we have one of those.

My votes have been cast: Anwar, Bo, Constantine all the way :sohappy:

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
Here is my brief two cents:

FOr the 90's there could have been better song seleciton for almost everyone.
  • Constantine: I liked him at first but he has been a disappointment in my eyes. He came in claiming to be a rocker. He hasn't rocked in at least three weeks: The partridge last weekn and tonight?. His band is laughing at him. I wish he would bring is rock stuff back.
  • Bo: best show. The song selection not the best but entertaining.
  • Carrie: Top two
  • Vonzell: Top two
Not sure of the bottom three maybe Scott, Anthony and ?


Well-Known Member
Computer Magic said:
Here is my brief two cents:

FOr the 90's there could have been better song seleciton for almost everyone.
  • Constantine: I liked him at first but he has been a disappointment in my eyes. He came in claiming to be a rocker. He hasn't rocked in at least three weeks: The partridge last weekn and tonight?. His band is laughing at him. I wish he would bring is rock stuff back.
  • Bo: best show. The song selection not the best but entertaining.
  • Carrie: Top two
  • Vonzell: Top two
Not sure of the bottom three maybe Scott, Anthony and ?
I agree with the song selection!

No Mariah, no Celine, no Spice Girls...kidding about the last one :lookaroun

I recognized less than half of those songs and the 90s is my decade.

Not even Boyz 2 Men :eek:

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
DDuckFan130 said:
I agree with the song selection!

No Mariah, no Celine, no Spice Girls...kidding about the last one :lookaroun

I recognized less than half of those songs and the 90s is my decade.

Not even Boyz 2 Men :eek:
I would have loved Alanis Morissette's "you outta know" :lookaroun

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
DDuckFan130 said:
Hmm...bring back memories? :lookaroun :p

I would have loved "I'll make love to you" :lookaroun

I always think of full house when I hear Alanis (true fans know why)

What about I Don't Wanna Miss/Thing Aerosmith


Well-Known Member
Computer Magic said:
I always think of full house when I hear Alanis (true fans know why)

What about I Don't Wanna Miss/Thing Aerosmith
Yes I know :D I sometimes do too :lol:

Awww I love that song. An Aerosmith song would have been great for Constantine to get some of that rocker back in him...even if it meant a power ballad like "Cryin'"

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
DDuckFan130 said:
Awww I love that song. An Aerosmith song would have been great for Constantine to get some of that rocker back in him...even if it meant a power ballad like "Cryin'"
I agree that Constantine needs something like that.


Well-Known Member
I was so hoping to hear a Pearl Jam or Creed song from Bo.

Tomarrow's bottom three: Anthony, Scott, and Anwar?

Bo's song choice was disappointing as well as the choices of some of the others. However, some of the songs we envision them to sing aren't available; usually due to the songwriters refusal to give permission.


New Member
Bo: I've never heard the song he sang before, but I didn't like it. He's a good performer and I liked his running around rocker-ness.

Jessica: She has a very powerful voice and I like it a lot. However, Simon is right; there's something that prevents me from liking her that much.

Anthony: His worst performance in a while. I think he's in trouble tomorrow night.

Nikko: He's a good singer, but he reminds me too much of Usher. Usher is already an artist, so there goes being original.

Anwar: He had a very odd performance. Bad beginning, but good finish. I don't know what it is with him, but he seems to have lost the magic he had in the beginning of the season.

Constantine: I really like this guy. He has a soft/kind personality with that rocker edge.

Nadia: She's a great performer, but just doesn't have that great of a voice.

Scott: He has a great voice and I like it, but his style is horrible. The whole glasses thing has got to go.

Carrie: My personal favorite. She's hot and she has an awesome voice. Country is her thing, but I'd like to see her in pop.

Vonzell: I like her more every week. She was awesome tonight.

It's weird, but I have been agreeing with Simon all season. Somebody slap me.


Well-Known Member
MagicalMonorail said:
Bo: I've never heard the song he sang before, but I didn't like it. He's a good performer and I liked his running around rocker-ness.

Jessica: She has a very powerful voice and I like it a lot. However, Simon is right; there's something that prevents me from liking her that much.

Anthony: His worst performance in a while. I think he's in trouble tomorrow night.

Nikko: He's a good singer, but he reminds me too much of Usher. Usher is already an artist, so there goes being original.

Anwar: He had a very odd performance. Bad beginning, but good finish. I don't know what it is with him, but he seems to have lost the magic he had in the beginning of the season.

Constantine: I really like this guy. He has a soft/kind personality with that rocker edge.

Nadia: She's a great performer, but just doesn't have that great of a voice.

Scott: He has a great voice and I like it, but his style is horrible. The whole glasses thing has got to go.

Carrie: My personal favorite. She's hot and she has an awesome voice. Country is her thing, but I'd like to see her in pop.

Vonzell: I like her more every week. She was awesome tonight.

It's weird, but I have been agreeing with Simon all season. Somebody slap me.
Nothing wrong with agreeing with Simon. I love him :D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
MagicalMonorail said:
Somebody slap me.

Only if you slap me for texting 1 vote for Anthony just because he's cute.

The rest of my mass-texts went out to Carrie, Nadia, and Vonzell of course. (My personal top 3, in that order)


Well-Known Member
Invero said:
Only if you slap me for texting 1 vote for Anthony just because he's cute.

The rest of my mass-texts went out to Carrie, Nadia, and Vonzell of course. (My personal top 3, in that order)

You're forgiven.

I have a thing for older men so if I could vote for Simon Cowell, I would :lookaroun. His smile is irresistible :D


Well-Known Member
I can't believe so many people like Amwar... bleh, his singing is like fingernails on a blackboard for me. :lol:

Amwar... gotta go
Nikko... gotta go
Scott... gotta go
Anthony... got a great story, decent vocals, but gotta go
Nadia... eh, tonight she done good, but she's hit or miss, can't stand the hair, gotta go
Jessica... sometimes a little rough - maybe top 4
Constatine... little rough last week - maybe top 4
Vonzell... not bad - maybe top 4
Carrie... great voice, best female - top 4
Bo... bottom line, he rocks - top 4

So, my top four will depend on that week's performance...

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