American Idol!


Well-Known Member
STR8FAN2005 said:
Lindsey's problem is that she is terrible at choosing songs to perform!!!!

That was exactly her problem! I don't know what was on the list to choose from or what she knows. I would have liked to see her do 'Black Velvet'. I wonder how she would have sounded singing a Christine McVie song?


Well-Known Member
tigger248 said:
I'd rather Scott still be there than Mikala. She's done bad the past two weeks and she has an attitude problem (in my opinion). Scott's not my favorite, and he won't win, but I like him better than Mikala.

Going to agree with you on this one, how she has made it this far is beyond me.


Premium Member
Just updating my list from earlier. So far I've called all the girls right, but I was wrong on Travis Tucker.

1. Jessica Sierra
2. Carrie Underwood
3. Mikalah Gordon
4. Vonzell Solomon
5. Nadia Turner
6. Lindsey Cardinale (gone)
7. Amanda Avila (gone)
8. Janay Castine (gone)

1. Anwar Robinson
2. Bo Bice
3. Mario Vasquez (quit)
4. Nikko Smith
5. Travis Tucker (gone)
6. Constantine Maroulis
7. Anthony Fedorov
8. Scott Savol


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
For the girls, I think Mikala is going to go next. I'm thinking Carrie or Nadia will be in the top 3.

For the guys... now that Mario is gone, I'm not sure...


Well-Known Member
I REALLY REALLY hope that Mikala is gone next, I cannot stand her. She is WAY too self-centered, attention-deprived, and she sounds and acts too much like Fran Drescher and that just annoys the heck out of me.

Getting off my soapbox now, but she just needs to go!


Well-Known Member
*whew* been a while since I posted here, and a lot of stuff's happened on the show!

I'd love to see Scott Savol, Mikalah Gordon, and Jessica Sierra go...soon! I was tickled that Mikalah was 2nd to last this week! I feel kind of bad for that, but I just want the girl to leave. I've never liked Scott. It boggles my mind how he's made it this far...he's no where near that good! I've read a few posts in a LiveJournal Community where girls will mention him as their "#1" then put "*swoon*" :hurl: And I don't know why I don't like Jessica, but I don't. She just doesn't stand out, and I don't think her vocals are as good as the judges make it seem (mpo). She just doesn't have the "it" factor for me.

Other than that, I pretty much like everyone else. I'm somewhat sad that Mario's gone, but I'm sure better things are coming for him. And I'm glad Nikko was the one that replaced him, cause I think he's great!

My top favorites this season are Constantine, Anwar (I think he has a pretty good chance at winning), and Nadia. Constantine is my #1 fave this season...I love his style and his voice, and he has great music selections (if only you could've seen how giddy I was that he picked a Sting song and a Seal song to do!) And, uh, he's easy on the eyes as well! ;) My sister got his band's cd (Pray for the Soul of Betty) in the mail yesterday. I think he sounds better with his band than on AI, so I'm not too worried about him winning. The guy's going to have a career whether he wins or not.
My sister's fave is Anwar, and I really like him, too. He has a great voice, and, again, VERY easy on the eyes! ;) Gotta love the dreads!
Nadia's really cool! She seems like she's a lot of fun! I can see her going really far in the competition...maybe even getting the #2 position!
Vonzell and Carrie seem really sweet.
Bo's cool, too, but out of the rockers, I prefer Constantine.
As for Anthony, I really like him. I think he has a great voice, and he seems down to earth...but he's GOT to get some better songs. And when I say "better", I mean more up-beat. He's going to get boring real fast if he sticks with those slow, sappy love songs (not that there's anything wrong with those songs, but not every week). I think his best performance yet was the latin song he did...maybe he doesn't have much "latin flare", but I still think he sounded great singing it!

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Its on tonite! Woot! :sohappy:

I read on the American Idol forums that the show was taped last night, and one person who said that he saw the show said that they all did pretty good, but the judges definately had some bones to pick with Mikala, and Nikko really had the crowd cheering, and even Simon had some good things to say.


Well-Known Member Mikalah's gotta be out. After that performance, I'd be suprised if anybody voted for her!

Also, what was up w/Nadia's hair? I really didn't like the mohawk. It distracted me away from her and the song. I was busy watching it bounce!

On another note, I know a lot of you are cheering for Anwar, but it me, or has he lost his touch lately? I really haven't been too impressed by him.

Finally, I thought Carrie did an amazing job. She took a real risk and she prevailed.

So that's my Idol commentary... :p


Well-Known Member
My money is on Mikalah to go home tomarrow nite.
I have to say that Nadia and Anwar disappointed me tonight. Carrie, however, nailed her song (Heart was my absolute favorite growing up, but I would never attempt to karaoke their songs as my voice has gotten deeper as I've gotten older).


Premium Member
My original choices for the top 4 still stand - Anwar, Bo, Carrie, Jessica.

I cannot WAIT for Anthony to leave, he hurts my ears! I am crossing my fingers that he will be voted off tomorrow.


Premium Member
rainfully said:
I certainly hope so. How that girl gets any votes is beyond my comprehension.

She's one of those either you love her or you hate her contestants, but EVERYONE remembers her week to week. That's why she gets votes. A lot of the others are not distinct enough to be remembered.


Well-Known Member
I love Jessica.... and not just cause she is hot and from Tampa.... Cause she sings good and looks good doing it... hehe.....

please call: 1-866-436-7511
she needs more votes....

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
Error Leads to 'American Idol' Revote

Wed Mar 23, 7:26 AM

LOS ANGELES - The 11 contestants left on Fox's reality hit "American Idol" are getting another shot at stardom.

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Phone numbers that allowed viewers to pick their favorite contestant were incorrectly displayed during Tuesday's show, prompting a re-vote during the show scheduled to air Wednesday, the network said in a statement.

Phone lines will remain open for two hours following the episode, when another singer will be booted off this week by viewers. The contestant with the fewest votes goes home.

In the running are Bo Bice, Anthony Fedorov, Constantine Maroulis, Anwar Robinson, Scott Savol, Nikko Smith, Mikalah Gordon, Jessica Sierra, Vonzell Solomon, Nadia Turner and Carrie Underwood.

The series, which is in its fourth season, draws nearly 30 million viewers an episode.


imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Shoot! I voted for two hours, and it was all for nothing!

Oh well, here's my review of all the contestants last night:

Carrie: Didn't like the look, but the song choice was great, and she sounded great!A-

Nikko: His best performance to date, and probably one of the best performances last night. A++++

Bo: Not his best, but still good. B+

Vonzell: Wild, crazy, and a good performance! A

Nadia: What's with the hair?! The song was a bit of a let down though. B

Scott: I don't know why, but nothing really clicks with him for me. Good song choice, but the vocals weren't the best. I still think he looks like Larry the Cable Guy on steroids. B-

Jessica: Redeemed herself from last week! B+

Constantine: I didn't like it that much.... C+

Anthony: Didn't impress me tonite. C-

Anwar: BIG let down. He's in trouble: C-

Mikala: Her worst performance yet. And that's saying alot. Blegh! I nearly vomited when she was finnished. HORRIBLE! F-

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