It's so absolutely heartbreaking, and it sounded like a downright jolly tune there.
She was smiling the whole time too...I wanted to yell out, "Are you listening to the words of your own song?!?" I like Brooke, but she's been shaky the past few weeks.
I liked Jason's performance (I just like him...he's not the best singer, but I like his "vibe." Sounds like a dumb reason, but oh well
I think Ramiele and Syesha are the bottom two (sadly, Jason will probably complete the bottom three). I think Ramiele's going to go.
I agree with Simon...had Syesha stuck to the original Dolly version, which is a bittersweet song, very poignant, she would have faired much better. By practically splitting the song in two, and attempting to re-create the most powerful part of Whitney's version, she blew it. She should have just stuck to the style of the first half. Very strange choice on her was really almost like two different songs.
I also like Carly, but I feel like each week she's been slipping...I also agree with Simon (although he was so rude) about her clothing choice. Basically, what I think he's trying to say is that with her image right now, "America" (ie the teeny boppers who will hit redial for 2 hours after each show and most likely account for most of the votes) will not put her in the finals (or even close, I'm starting to think). She's not going to change, though, and unfortunately I just don't think she'll make it past the middle of the pack.
Oh, and
finally Michael Johns shows what he's capable of - that was his best performance by far (he's going to need to put together more than 2 good weeks, though...he's been so forgettable for the most part up until last week).
Oh, and Scott, I don't like David Cook either. By all accounts I
should, because he's really talented. One thing I don't like is that I feel he comes across as very cocky, and I don't like it. Sorry to all of you who like him. I just...don't