Amazing Sweet The Sound!


Well-Known Member
Peter & Sarah – Iron Man competitors - First we get Sarah describing her broken leg as being like "riding on a flat tire", and a minute later she is dancing around like a circus monkey for tips?!?!? :brick:
Excellent overall analysis (as always), BRER STITCH! I specifically quoted this part of your post because this had to be the oddest begging scene the show has ever had. I think a lot of it is him. When they were having problems with the yak, he kept telling her to calm down. He was the one acting weird; she had more of a normal response.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Excellent overall analysis (as always), BRER STITCH!

THANX GEN-X!!! :wave:

I decided to go back and put my list in order of favorites after all....It will be funny to see how close or far away I am after a couple more episodes! :lol:

It's all set for now, and I'll just adjust them each week from there.



Well-Known Member
Key moments on tonight's show:

1. At the travel agency. Tom & Terry hesitated, so Dustin & Kandice pounced. I can understand T&T being upset, but I can't fault D&K for taking the initiative. Ultimately, I don't think D&K were overly sneaky here.
2. The cab after the plane. Duke & Lauren thought they had it made when they snagged a local to help them navigate ... until the local got the cab to go to her brother's house first. Hah! D&L spent most of the rest of the show miserably lost and earned their philimination.
3. John McCain's uniform. I was impressed with Erwin & Godwin for pausing for a moment of reflection. In normal situations, I'm all for full-force racing, but certain spots on the race are more significant than others. I felt the same way in Season 5 when they stopped at the concentration camp and the slave holding cells. These are not places you just zip through unemotionally, race or no race. Also, kudos to D&K and David & Mary for thanking the museum worker for their clue. Every other team grabbed the clue and ran.
4. Flower selling for cash. At the start of the show when the teams weren't given any money, I wondered what was going on. They almost always get some money, especially in primarily non-English speaking countries. Selling the flowers to make the cash was brilliant.
5. The 30 minute penalty. Hah! Lots of embarrassing crying here. T&T, who seem to have a great sense of direction and navigation, were ultimately saved by the team with zero sense of direction and navigation. Read the clue! Twice! How many teams have taken penalties for not following directions?

Next week: Sarah finally voices what we've been saying all along - Peter is nutty. Should be good!


New Member
This is my all time favorite show. I have every episode on tape, and season 5 thru now on DVD ( bought the DVD recorder when they first came out just for this show). I have lots of comments on the show but not many I would care to air on a Disney site (kids on here you know). Maybe two of the forum could apply. Wouldn't CBS love it we wore Disney stuff on there channel?

Anyways, I hope to hear all of your takes on the show.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

1) Never play FROGGER with real live people and traffic!
2) When you go to a Travel Agency and the lady yells "NEXT!", don't stand around waiting for someone to walk around you!
3) Viet Nam still stirs up deep emotions in many people.....and you still can't trust a VietNamese woman looking for a free cab ride!!!

This week's rankings:

1) Erwin & Godwin – Brothers who genuinely like and work well with each other. That's a big advantage right there! Showed a lot of class by taking time to show respect at the Hanoi Hilton for all those who fight for freedom. Also...had to build 2x the number of coal nuggets because the first ones were too small - and they STILL came in FIRST! I like them!

2) David & Mary – Married Parents - I think they'll be around a while because they know each other very well and are great for the show. Could there be any more "ordinary" folks representing the rest of us?? Forgetting the pack could have been touble, but her sore ankle better heal quickly if they want to stay in it! Kudos to them for acknowledging the 3 other teams they made friends with. That teamwork will work in their favor!

3) Dustin & Kandice – Beauty Queens - They obviously take advantage of the situation, which will keep them in the race. From the Travel Agency move to the selling of the flowers, they proved they are competitors and are in this for the long haul. Why did they have to get out of the car to look at the accident? Better not do that again!

4) Tyler & James – Models - I've come to the conclusion that these guys are being allowed to fly so under the radar that they are bound to show up in the final three! I have absolutely no notes on them.

5) Lyn & Karlyn - Mothers - The highest climbers on my rank this week! Worked better together and climbed out of last place this week. Offering to let Dave and Mary share their cab and their place in the 4-team alliance gives me a feeling that they will not be out next. Plus....they compared the race to giving childbirth, which made me laugh! :D

6) Tom & Terry – Dating - Almost made a fatal error, but were saved because Duke and Laura got lost.

7) Peter & Sarah – Iron Man competitors - Jumped on the wrong bus to Vac, which was a stupid mistake that cost them a lot of time. I still question their ability to work together and pull this off when He continues to make comments like "You're walking pretty slow on that thing!" to her.

8) Rob & Kimberly – Dating - Kimberly was almost killed by a motorcycle crossing the street. That does not bode well for a couple racing around the world. Nor does their constant bickering. This team goes next!

BUMMER! I never saw this coming....

PHILIMINATED: Duke & Lauren – Father/Daughter - What a blow to have my #2 team come in last place this week. I was anxious to see their relationship heal and watch them work together, but their Bird Cage challenge slowed them down too much. They even had a 1/2 hour to catch up during the T+T penalty, but it was too late. Hopefully they are leaving the race much closer to each other than when the race started! His parting words gives them much hope. I'll kinda miss them.....


Well-Known Member
Original Poster


I know there's more than just me and GenrationX watching this great season!!! :lol:

Let's hear your comments/thoughts/musings on the race teams!

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Active Member
I love the show, but wish CBS would put it in a time slot that isn't shoved around by the length of the football game preceding it. We weren't able to watch most of last week's show because it spilled over into the "Desperate Housewives" time slot. Housewives always gets first place for TV viewing!


Well-Known Member
I hate the new time slot too!
I missed it last week because we were away, and DS forgot to tape it. I was sorry to see our RI representatives leave so soon! :(


Well-Known Member
Agreed about the time slot!
But I have been watching!
I was sorry to see the father and daughter go. . .it would have been nice for them to stay long enough for him to hopefully grow more accepting of his daughter. I hope that happens anyway.
Random. . .
Peter is growing increasingly annoying.
The boyfriends are growing less annoying.
The models are almost non-existent. (What's up with that?)
I wish the bickering Rob and Kimberly were non-existent.
The coalminer and wife are more fun than I would have expected.
The Barbies are stronger players than I would have expected.
The Asian brothers are starting to emerge as contenders.
The moms just aren't holding my interest.


Active Member
I did see the part where the Asian brothers stopped for a moment of silence in front of John McCain's uniform to honor the war prisoners. I was quite moved by that.


Well-Known Member
I did see the part where the Asian brothers stopped for a moment of silence in front of John McCain's uniform to honor the war prisoners. I was quite moved by that.

Only the Asians and the boyfriends did that.
I was totally amazed to watch the rest of the contestants enter that room and leave it again without so much as a glance at the uniform.
I know it's a race, but it's also a once in a lifetime opportunity to partake of some history.


Well-Known Member
Rob and Kimberly come in a long line of Amazing Race contestants who are "dating". Call me crazy, but I just don't think that working on your relationship during a long race on national TV is such a good idea. The bickering ... it's not attractive. I hope they are philiminated this week, but I think we're due for a non-elimination pit stop.


New Member


I know there's more than just me and GenrationX watching this great season!!! :lol:

Let's hear your comments/thoughts/musings on the race teams!

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Awwwww... I wish there was a way of connecting to American TV here... Cable TV is ok, but things take too long to get here... I am a great Amazing Race fan, but well..... Just gotta wait until they start season 9... And you're already on season 10!


Not old, just vintage.
Awwwww... I wish there was a way of connecting to American TV here... Cable TV is ok, but things take too long to get here... I am a great Amazing Race fan, but well..... Just gotta wait until they start season 9... And you're already on season 10!

Go to Search for Amazing Race 10. The first 3 episodes of Season 10 have been uploaded! You can watch right along with us, give or take a few days.


Well-Known Member
This is a great season! The clues and tasks have been interesting and relevant to the locale, and there's been a lot less artificial bunching. To steal BRER STITCH's idea, here are my rankings of favorites (from most to least):

Tyler & James - The smartest team out there. Again, they were the first ones to figure something out that the other team's followed (have the cab driver listen to the auditory clue!). They also knew enough to have one person row, which makes the boat easier to control. They can be funny, and they're very supportive of each other.

David & Mary - Funny, determined, and insanely courteous people. "So, did you have fun coming down?" "Going down - yes".

Erwin & Godwin - Another very likable team. The Amazing Race has a long history of good brother teams - Brian & Greg and Ken & Gerard.

Lyn & Karlyn - They're like the little engine that could. Every week I think they're gone, and every week they pull through despite their unfamiliarity with the tasks. "If you can handle the pain of childbirth without anesthesia, you can climb this rock." Heh. I loved that the climber (I forget which one) paused to chuckle for a second.

Dustin & Kandice - Too much whining.

Rob & Kimberly - Despite all of their awful bickering, they actually won this leg. Points for the win, but I just can't stand to listen to them.

Peter & Sarah - He's a sociopath. Sarah, get away from this man.


Tom & Terry - Philiminated. I liked the fact that they encouraged each other, but they were the most inept rowers the show has ever had. I think they got to the Detour in second place. They lost a ton of time on that task.


Next week: *sniff* *sniff* I smell a non-elimination leg!


Not old, just vintage.
This is a great season! The clues and tasks have been interesting and relevant to the locale, and there's been a lot less artificial bunching. To steal BRER STITCH's idea, here are my rankings of favorites (from most to least):

Tyler & James - The smartest team out there. Again, they were the first ones to figure something out that the other team's followed (have the cab driver listen to the auditory clue!). They also knew enough to have one person row, which makes the boat easier to control. They can be funny, and they're very supportive of each other.

David & Mary - Funny, determined, and insanely courteous people. "So, did you have fun coming down?" "Going down - yes".

Erwin & Godwin - Another very likable team. The Amazing Race has a long history of good brother teams - Brian & Greg and Ken & Gerard.

Lyn & Karlyn - They're like the little engine that could. Every week I think they're gone, and every week they pull through despite their unfamiliarity with the tasks. "If you can handle the pain of childbirth without anesthesia, you can climb this rock." Heh. I loved that the climber (I forget which one) paused to chuckle for a second.

Dustin & Kandice - Too much whining.

Rob & Kimberly - Despite all of their awful bickering, they actually won this leg. Points for the win, but I just can't stand to listen to them.

Peter & Sarah - He's a sociopath. Sarah, get away from this man.


Tom & Terry - Philiminated. I liked the fact that they encouraged each other, but they were the most inept rowers the show has ever had. I think they got to the Detour in second place. They lost a ton of time on that task.


Next week: *sniff* *sniff* I smell a non-elimination leg!

Tyler and James: Love them. I was happy to see them in 1st.

David and Mary: How much longer is that ankle of hers going to hold up? I also cringe for some reason when I hear them start arguing.

Erwin and Godwin: These two are quiet superstars. I dont think the other teams realize what they are up against in these two. I think they definetly have a chance at winning this.

Lyn and Karlyn: These two just still bother me. They got all bent out of shape when the "Barbies" jumped in front of them to get on the boat. Get over it. It is a game.

Dustin and Kandace: Shut up already. I think they are probably the next team to go. Good riddance.

Rob and Kimberly: I am waiting for them to start beating the crap out of each other in one of the tasks. Get them off the show ASAP!

Peter and Sarah: They remind me of the SNL skit, The Needlers, The Married Couple That Should Be Divorced. I feel sorry for Sarah. Her dumba$$ boyfriend thought that sending the one legged girl to climb the rock was a good idea. "Oh honey, It's all upperbody strength. You dont need legs" :brick: :brick: 2 seconds later you hear another team shout "It is all legs." Somebody save that poor girl!

Tom and Terry: I'm sorry to see them go. They were a great team, worked together pretty well. Now if they could just figure out how to row a boat. :hammer:

I also smell a non-Philimination leg comming up ASAP.


Well-Known Member
Love this show. I have since the beginning. I even liked the Family version since it was done mainly in the US and the team from Cincy won it.

As for last night - I can not believe there are so many people who have no idea how to row a boat. Didn't any of these people go to Camp one summer in their youth???

Wish they would change the night from Sunday to Wednesday or Friday.

Funny thing is that there are no real teams, in my opinion, that you really feel, I mean really feel like rooting for. I would love to root for Sarah but I can not stand Peter.

I'll pull for the Brother's for the near term. . .


Active Member
Love this show. I have since the beginning. I even liked the Family version since it was done mainly in the US and the team from Cincy won it.

As for last night - I can not believe there are so many people who have no idea how to row a boat. Didn't any of these people go to Camp one summer in their youth???

Wish they would change the night from Sunday to Wednesday or Friday.

Funny thing is that there are no real teams, in my opinion, that you really feel, I mean really feel like rooting for. I would love to root for Sarah but I can not stand Peter.

I'll pull for the Brother's for the near term. . .

Agreed. Even someone who has never been in a rowboat should be able to figure out how to use an oar!!!! I'll be rooting for the brothers for now, too. I really feel for Sarah. Peter isn't just rude, he's creepy!

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