Amazing Sweet The Sound!


Not old, just vintage.
Great start! I think this is the first time they're going west around the world. I'm fairly certain the other seasons had them going east (not including the Family Edition, where they pretty much just puttered around the U.S.). Phil mentioned that at 8 pit stops there would be a philimination. This is normal when they have 11 teams, but with 12 teams it didn't make sense. Either the final 4 were going to race to the finish, or some team would get the boot mid-leg. They cleared up that mystery pretty quick.

First impressions:

Rob & Kimberly - Ah, the bickering couple. Every season has at least one team that goes at it non-stop. This may be the first time the bickering team couldn't even get to the first airport without arguing. I will grow weary of them soon. I totally have to agree with you there. They are already getting on my nerves.

Erwin & Godwin - The idiots who think they're intellectuals (see: Heather & Eve from AR3). Water pistols at an airport. Brilliant. I think they will do ok for a while. Definetly not in it for the long haul.

David & Mary, Lyn & Karlyn, Peter & Sarah, Tom & Terry - Waaah! I can't make it up the rope. Waaah!! I don't like whiners. At least Mary eventually tried to encourage herself. I'd have sympathy for Sarah, but she claimed to be a bad@ss ironman competitor. No sympathy. [I]I don't like the single moms. They just annoy me. I dont know why. I like Sarah. I hope they get the hydraulic fluid thing fixed. Tom and Terry are hysterical.[/I]

Bilal & Sa'eed - Who? Yea. Ummm. Sucks that they got eliminated that way. I would be REALLY ed.

Vipul & Arti - You're out at the first pit stop. You were on the Race for a couple of days, max. You did not learn a life lesson as a result of being on the race. You may have had fun and it was certainly interesting, but I doubt you really learned much about yourselves or your relationship. Definetly did not have what it takes. They just didnt get it.

Dustin & Kandice - We're pretty!
Kellie & Jamie - We're cheerleaders! "Do muslims believe in Buddah?" Akkkk! :brick: :brick:
Tyler & James - We're models! Although to their credit, they were the first team at the brick detour to figure out that you needed the big gray bricks along the outside edge. I really like them. They have been through a lot. I think they will do pretty well.

Duke & Lauren - Who? I like them . The father kinda annoyed me though with that "disappointment" nonsense.


Well-Known Member
I loved Peter and Sarah. They seem really together and I hope they go far.

I'm not crazy about the single moms. Not sure why they took an instant disliking to Sarah :confused:

Rob and Kimberly make me nuts. You know you're a bad couple when he says in the pre-race interview "She can't control me."

I liked Vipul and Arti. They seemed like a loving couple. They weren't race material though. It's too bad that in a season that's been so hyped for being diverse, two of the "diverse" teams got eliminated in the first episode. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I loved it - scaling the Great Wall - how cool is that!
Looks like it's going to be a great season, but I had my doubts when people had trouble finding the rental car return place....:lol:


Well-Known Member
Loved it!
Sarah is amazing. But she should cut back on "using" the disability issue. She proved herself climbing that wall though!
I like the former drug addicts. And the father and daughter. Hope this helps him to accept her more. He needs to get over that.
Don't care much for the single moms.
And Rob and Kimberly! Yuck!
The rest. . . we'll see!


Well-Known Member
I loved it - scaling the Great Wall - how cool is that!
Looks like it's going to be a great season, but I had my doubts when people had trouble finding the rental car return place....:lol:

Kimberly didn't even know Thrifty was a car rental place! :lol:


Not old, just vintage.
I loved Peter and Sarah. They seem really together and I hope they go far.

I'm not crazy about the single moms. Not sure why they took an instant disliking to Sarah :confused:

Rob and Kimberly make me nuts. You know you're a bad couple when he says in the pre-race interview "She can't control me."

I liked Vipul and Arti. They seemed like a loving couple. They weren't race material though. It's too bad that in a season that's been so hyped for being diverse, two of the "diverse" teams got eliminated in the first episode. :rolleyes:

I was thinking that too. I wonder how many people are gonna come out saying it was "fixed" that the two teams of Middle Eastern descent got kicked off first. I liked Bilal and Sa'eed. I think they were an interesting team and I was curious to see how their religion, beliefs, etc. was going to effect their game play. I guess we will never know now...:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

Whatta fun start to the race! First things first....GENEX, you are right! We caught the westward direction right away! I, too, think it's the first time they've headed west to go round the world.

The surprising early PHILimination will keep the rest of the teams on high alert at all times! Wonder what other "surprises" Phil and the producers might have planned???

NOTE: I just realized how much I am editing my thoughts to remain politically correct...did I have to do that other years too???

My thoughts on the teams:

Bilal & Sa’eed – Best Friends - We hardly knew ye...but I have a feeling they would have gone pretty early anyway. Admirable, but not very promising, to tell us in their pre-race interview that they would stop and pray no matter where they were in the race??? :veryconfu It IS a RACE afterall..... Early "surprise" boot a wake up call for the others. GONE!

David & Mary – Married Parents - So funny how they have never been out of Kentucky. I liked their spirit, but the whole "sharing of the decision making" might be too radical of a change for Him!

Duke & Lauren – Father/Daughter - I cringed when He cried in the pre-interview, but His own ignorance brought those guilty feelings on. Every season this pairing of "Parent/child trying to work through their relationship" does OK....but not much more. I don't see these two breaking that pattern.

Dustin & Kandice – Beauty Queens - HAHAHA! We all know why they are hook up with the other pretty people.....but this team will not go far at all.

Erwin & Godwin – Brothers - Hmmm....with the education credentials they have, they sure seemed to lack all common sense when they opulled out toy guns at the airport! WHAT?!?!?! :brick: I think they will go pretty far because they seem quick and fit, but com'on would have seemed to have an advantage going to an Asain country first, yet you never took the time to learn a few words in Chinese???

Kellie & Jamie – Cheerleaders - OK...the first hilarious "team relationships" could have been established when these girls went to the "dancing" challenge with Tom and Terry, but the whole opportunity was missed by the producers. Maybe it was too easy... They did ask the boys if they were sure the had never been cheerleaders! And the whole Muslim/Buddah comment, while funny and not surprising, just opened the door for their exit.

Lyn & Karlyn - Mothers - If they can come close to being as funny as "the Bowling Moms" we'll have a show! I doubt it's going to happen, though, as they seem to be pretty impatient.

Peter & Sarah – Iron Man competitors - WOW! Early faves that were responsible for the first emotional moments for home viewers. Even I got a little choked up watching a girl with one leg trying to climb the Great Wall! I like their relationship, as it seems to be healthier than most reality show pairings, and its funny that they got together because she needed an artificial leg, and He made them! I don't want to see any of that "let me have the cab becasue I am handicapped" stuff though. That would suck all the charm out of them!

Rob & Kimberly – Dating - I have always hated this couple. No matter how well they do, I will not root for them. The damage that is already present in their "relationship" is far beyond what a stress-filled race around the world can solve. They need to seek counseling in the privacy of their own lives. I don't want to see their baggage and will root against them at every turn. SO THERE! :lol:

Tom & Terry – Dating - Ok....I want to keep this PC, but all I will say is....I know a lot of gay people, and none of them ever acts like anyone they cast as the "gay couple" on these "reality" shows! :brick: If they can keep up that level oif energy, they might be fun to watch, but I don't see them as being competitive enough to last very long. Not much seen of them last night, so I'll give them a couple more weeks to get their game on! :lookaroun

Tyler & James – Models - YAWN! OK...I am far from being a drug addict or a "model-type".... but even if I was, I can't imagine I would ever describe myself as being a "former junkie - turned model"!!!! Good eye figuring out the brick challenge! The conversation among my group was split between the "I feel great about them, they have been through so much" people and the "Their weak characters brought all those problems on themselves to begin with" people. I don't think they will have the entertainment value of the "frat boys" from last year, but I'm still curious to see how they will relate to the Beauty Pagaent girls and the other teams. They seemed too self-centered to make any friend among the others, but time will tell!

Vipul & Arti – Married Hope you had fun...because your relationship could not have possibly been helped in that short of a time! :lol: GONE!

All in all.....a great start! Can't wait to see how rong we all are about these guys based on the first episode! HAHA!

This weeks show gets 4 little happy jumping body-less clapping heads out of 5!

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Active Member

Whatta fun start to the race! First things first....GENEX, you are right! We caught the westward direction right away! I, too, think it's the first time they've headed west to go round the world.

The surprising early PHILimination will keep the rest of the teams on high alert at all times! Wonder what other "surprises" Phil and the producers might have planned???

NOTE: I just realized how much I am editing my thoughts to remain politically correct...did I have to do that other years too???

My thoughts on the teams:

Tom & Terry – Dating - Ok....I want to keep this PC, but all I will say is....I know a lot of gay people, and none of them ever acts like anyone they cast as the "gay couple" on these "reality" shows! :brick: If they can keep up that level oif energy, they might be fun to watch, but I don't see them as being competitive enough to last very long. Not much seen of them last night, so I'll give them a couple more weeks to get their game on! :lookaroun

My first impression of this couple was "could the producers have done any worse at finding a couple that reinforces ALL the negative stereotypes about gay men?" Seriously, like you, I know lots of gay people (including me and my partner) and none of us are THAT sissified!

In general, I thought the effort to make the introductions of the teams as "poignant" as possible was almost nauseating. The show is great - don't turn it into something like the commentary of a figure skating competition. And the father who was disappointed in his daughter, and said so on national TV, with his daughter sitting right there. I'd love to show him a thing or two!!!!!


Well-Known Member
And the father who was disappointed in his daughter, and said so on national TV, with his daughter sitting right there. I'd love to show him a thing or two!!!!!

I was quite surprised by that remark too. I'm not sure if they explained it that well, but she came out about 4 years ago, and he basically disowned her. Hopefully this adventure will bring out the best of both of them. There's clearly a lot of love there.


New Member
I watched the Amazing Race for the first time last week. I just loved it! The tasks are cool, and I got to see some parts of the USA I had never seen before. But the teams were of 4 people, not pairs. Am I watching an old version? (That's totally possible, things take ages to get down here...)


Well-Known Member
disneytati - You are watching the Fall of 2005 Amazing Race Family Edition. Let's just say it's a good thing that you like seeing different parts of the U.S. Some of the teams are a lot of fun, some are annoying - just like the regular two person per team editions. The difference is that it is difficult to keep track of who's who with four team members. Regardless, you'll still get to see some interesting tasks, a lot of drama, and great scenery.


New Member
disneytati - You are watching the Fall of 2005 Amazing Race Family Edition. Let's just say it's a good thing that you like seeing different parts of the U.S. Some of the teams are a lot of fun, some are annoying - just like the regular two person per team editions. The difference is that it is difficult to keep track of who's who with four team members. Regardless, you'll still get to see some interesting tasks, a lot of drama, and great scenery.

Yeah, I've just found out that I'm watching season 8. I caught it in the middle, and next Friday is the final episode already. I hope another season starts pretty soon. And yeah, the scenery is great. And best of all, it's in English!!! Only subtitles in Portuguese, which I managed to hide with my state-of-the-art black cardboard paper device.:D


Well-Known Member
Give me an "L" ... L!
What's it stand for? ... Losers!

Well, we were spared what would've been an embarrassing exchange when the cheerleaders would've speculated as to which pyramid - human or Egyptian - was named after the other.

How cool to get to go to the Great Wall of China and Mongolia? And drive a Russian military jeep? Man, I want to get on this show someday.

I was glad to see none of the racers stopping to help other racers with Jeep problems. It's a race! With the cameramen and crew, you know they're in no real danger. I wouldn't gloat about it if I was another racer, but I wouldn't help, either.

I liked Sarah a lot more this episode, but Peter kinda creeps me out. He may end up as the villain this season.

It's amazing how quickly the teams have nicknames for each other. I've noticed this in other seasons, as well. So far I've heard teams call each other the Beards, the Blondes, the Barbies, the Surfers, and the Bumpkins.


Well-Known Member
Last night was good, not a lot of drama, but I do like how it's happening so far! Also, I was very glad to see Sarah and her partner win, I'm wanting them to go all the way!


Well-Known Member
Peter kinda creeps me out.

Last night was the first episode of the season that I have been able to watch. Peter definitely made my skin crawl. There is just something about him. As far as the rest of the episode, it is a race so people don't need to expect other racers to help them out when they have car trouble. It disappointed me to see the models seeking help from others just to change a flat tire.


Not old, just vintage.
What season is this? I've just watched the final episode of Amazing Race 8, so I was just wondering if I am too far behind...

The season we are all currently watching up here is Amazing Race 10. Hopefully AR 9 will start for you soon and then you will be almost caught up. AR 9 was a pretty good season....much better than the Family Edition.

I'm not suprised that you only get Portugese subtitles because I can't imagine it would be very easy to translate a lot of the "colorful" banter the contestants speak towards one another. I think a LOT would get lost in translation. :lol:


New Member
I'm not suprised that you only get Portugese subtitles because I can't imagine it would be very easy to translate a lot of the "colorful" banter the contestants speak towards one another. I think a LOT would get lost in translation. :lol:

It's really hard to translate. Specially this kind of vocabulary! :lol: As you said, a lot gets lost. It's just inevitable... some expressions have no translation, and some cultural comments are simply not funny/interesting and makes no sense for foreign people. As I don't consider myself a foreigner (I feel more like a foreigner here then there..), I just cover the subtitles with black cardboard paper stuck to my TV screen, and enjoy a lot, while practicing my English!

I really hope AR9 starts really soon! I just loved the family edition, and can't wait to see more!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
YIKES!!!!!! I was out of town yesterday and almost forgot to update my AMZING RACE comments! I decided to come back and RANK the teams, as we are slowly finding out more about them.
All in was another fun show Sunday night!


1) Mongolian Temples are guarded by trolls.
2) Russian Jeeps will break down if you give them a chance.
3) Flaming arrows are still a cool thing!

1) Erwin & Godwin – Brothers - Still a strong team , but don't remember seeing much of them this week. Their jeep broke down and they, too, lost their riding helmet, but I still expected a better then 8-place finish from them!

2) Duke & Lauren – Father/Daughter - Hmmmm....He says helikes gays....just not when one of them is his daughter?!?! :eek: The less he says onthis topic, the better, I think. Still working well together and she could just carry him far enough to make the final 3.

3) David & Mary – Married Parents - WOOHOO! She likes Asians and Gays! :lol: If David had only let Mary drive the jeep and shoot the arrow, they might have finished a lot sooner! They work well together and seem to bond well with the others. Anyone else catch that they gave a jug of water to Lyn and Karlyn when they found out they had enough??? Good people!

4) Dustin & Kandice – Beauty Queens - Finished in the middle of the pack despite being dragged by a horse and losing their riding helmet. Could they be the surprise first all-female team to win on the series?

5) Tyler & James – Models - Any self-respecting guys who let an old Mongolian man change their flat tire without offering to help need no further comment. They appear to be a strong team, but their ghosts might come back to haunt them. They are racing to prove something to someone ELSE...when they shoudl be doing it to prove something to THEMSELVES.

6) Tom & Terry – Dating - Not much seen of them this week, but they work well together and could last longer than initially thought.

7) Peter & Sarah – Iron Man competitors - First we get Sarah describing her broken leg as being like "riding on a flat tire", and a minute later she is dancing around like a circus monkey for tips?!?!? :brick: Peter is so creepy even the yak didn't want to be near him in the challenge! :lol: For the second week in a row they admitted that they woul duse Sarah's disability to gain an advantage in the race. Isn't that exactly what the Americans with Disabilities Act is all about? :brick:

8) Rob & Kimberly – Dating - Dear Kimberly, NO! Your relationship should not go to the next level.....or ANY level!!!! More shouting matches this week??? How about Rob staying on his horse when she gets knocked off and is sitting there crying??? I can't wait for them to go. but thid couple always seems to stay much longer than I would like them to!

9) Lyn & Karlyn - Mothers - Their lack of communication and short tempers will be the end of them. It's going to be hard for them to break out of this week's bottom finish.


Kellie & Jamie – Cheerleaders - "GIMME A "C"! - SEE YA LATER!!! :wave: GONE!!!
How could they have driven in the wrong direction for so long without noticing??? Now we'll just have to watch Tom and Terry lead all the cheers! :eek:

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