Am I the only person who is not a fan of Pool Hopping???

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New Member
Let me first start by saying that I do not mean any disrespect to anyone with this thread, but I have to say that the idea of pool hopping really bothers me!!

The last thing I want when I go to my resort pool is to find the place crowded both on land and in the water.. I hate getting there and finding no chairs available or so many people in the water that you can't move without swimming into someone or getting kicked by someone as they are swimming..

Granted I always assumed this was a result of a crowded resort, but now I must ask, is this a result of pool hoppers? And if it is, I have to say I would like to see more control of the pool areas to keep them limited to those guests who are paying for the priveledge of swimming there...

Am I the only person who feels this way???

:veryconfu :veryconfu


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Originally posted by YankeeFan

Well if you'd consider how absurd it is to whine about people who pool-hop, you'd see that it really is "insignificant crap". That's not rude, it's realistic. As far as "class envy" goes, I haven't observed too much of that, but I do agree with his comment about "Mrs. Thurston Howell the 3rd". People who think that just because they're staying at one of the more expensive resorts entitles them to be put up on some sort of pedestal by Disney are deluding themselves. Their extra privileges come from the resort they're at, not by being put first in attraction lines or anything like that. They're like those who walk around the World overdressed, wearing tons of jewelry and makeup, and making a show of buying a lot of souveniers. "Mrs. Thurston Howell the 3rd" is a highly appropriate term for them.

I'll be honest, I haven't read every single post in this thread, but I'm not really sure how the amount of money you have or how much jewelry you wear has to do with pool hopping. Someone could be staying at the Grand Floridian but really like the pool at Port Orleans, and pool hop there. That doesn't mean they aren't breaking the rules.

We've already established that the people who pool hop feel they are entitled to ( and like I said before, that's their perrogative to feel that way). But, I would really like a pool hopper to let us know why it's ok. What makes it right? I'm not trying to argue, I just want to understand.
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Original Poster
i agree with eeyore!!

perhaps instead of trying to belittle those of us who just don't get it, a pool hopper could try to explain what makes it ok... don't just say that it is ok and we are all wrong.. try to give your argument some validation...

i'm sure if you could provide some good reasons behind your feelings we would understand it a bit better...
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New Member
Originally posted by YankeeFan

Claiming it to be stealing is so weak, people ought to be ashamed of themselves for not having a stronger argument.

um, much the same can be said about you and your "argument". All you have done is call names and complain about the people complaining.

I don't stay on site when we go to WDW so I have no opinion on it since I haven't experienced either side of "pool-hopping". While I think it is a little much to call it stealing, I still don't understand why some people feel they have a right to just go to another hotel and use their pool if you aren;t staying there. I mean I can understand wanting to do it, but a right? That is just as strong as calling it stealing.

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Account Suspended
Originally posted by homer424
um, much the same can be said about you and your "argument". All you have done is call names and complain about the people complaining., that much can't be said. I don't recall any name-calling on my part, just the proper criticism of the baseless "thievery" claim by those against pool-hopping.
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Trophy Husband
Originally posted by YankeeFan

There's also NO stealing or thievery at all by those who pool-hop; claims to the contrary are ridiculous and don't hold any weight.

Just because pool time isn't something you can pick up and hold doesn't mean it isn't an object with value. It costs money to build and maintain pools. The higher building and maintenance costs of the nicer pools at the nicer resorts is covered by the higher prices charged.

It's something that some people pay for and others take. How is that not stealing?
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Originally posted by YankeeFan

Claiming it to be stealing is so weak, people ought to be ashamed of themselves for not having a stronger argument.

And what is your argument, exactly? You want to do it, so you will?

Is it just me or is this argument taking a sudden turn for the funnier?
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Account Suspended
Originally posted by garyhoov
It's something that some people pay for and others take. How is that not stealing?

It's an amenity provided by the resort. It's not something any guests pay for, therefore it is not stealing.
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Account Suspended
Originally posted by Erika
And what is your argument, exactly? You want to do it, so you will?

Nobody suffers as a result of those who do pool-hop. Disney may make claims that they don't want it done, yet do absolutely nothing to prevent it from being done. You're right, the argument is getting funnier....and more so as people keep up the "stealing" claim.
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Trophy Husband
Originally posted by YankeeFan

It's an amenity provided by the resort. It's not something any guests pay for, therefore it is not stealing.

:veryconfu :veryconfu :veryconfu

I guess the CD player in my car is an "amenity". I didn't actually pay for it, it just came with the car.
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Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Originally posted by YankeeFan

Nobody suffers as a result of those who do pool-hop. Disney may make claims that they don't want it done, yet do absolutely nothing to prevent it from being done. You're right, the argument is getting funnier....and more so as people keep up the "stealing" claim.

So, it's ok because Disney doesn't do anything to stop it?
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Account Suspended
Originally posted by garyhoov
Exactly! Now you get it! Apples cost money, oranges cost money, CD players cost money and pool time costs money.

I see the argument against pool-hopping continues to sink further and further into the absurd....

Apples are red, oranges are orange. CD players cost money, pool time does not.
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Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
ok correct me if I'm wrong here-

The argument for pool hopping is: I can get away with it so that makes it ok.

The argument against pool hopping is: Disney says not to do it, so therefore you shouldn't do it.
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Premium Member
I would have thought this is a pretty clear cut case..

In my opinion, out of common courtesy to guests who are staying at a resort, you should not go and occupy the space in and around their pool. You should stay in your own pool, at the resort that YOU chose. If you like another pool so much, you should stay at that resort.

It is difficult for Disney to plan pool areas if hundreds of guests arrive from other resorts, on top of the guests who are staying at that resort.
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The Mom

Premium Member
Originally posted by YankeeFan

Nobody suffers as a result of those who do pool-hop. Disney may make claims that they don't want it done, yet do absolutely nothing to prevent it from being done. You're right, the argument is getting funnier....and more so as people keep up the "stealing" claim.

OK. I challenge all of the pro-pool hoppers to go up to the CM at Stormalong Bay and ask for a towel. If he/she hands it to you without asking to see your resort ID, then WDW has done nothing to enforce the rules. If he/she asks, and you tell him the TRUTH...that you are not staying at that hotel...and he/she gives it to you anyway, then WDW is not enforcing the rules. If he/she tells you you aren't allowed to swim there, but you can convince her that you have just as much right to be there as anyone else, and she hands you the towel and allows you to stay, then WDW is not enforcing the rules. If any of the above happens, I will then believe that you are absolutely right, and you, and every pool hopper here, has a total right to swim in any pool on WDW property you please, and those of us that object to it are in the wrong.

Otherwise, you are not being totally truthful. Just because you can find a way to get around rules, does not mean you aren't breaking them.

And why do YOU think some hotels charge more than others? All of the costs are factored in, including the cost of maintaing the pool, etc. For instance, Stormalong Bay has more lifeguards than the other pools...and they have to be paid. That cost is one of many factored into the hotel operating budget, and affects the price guests pay to stay there.
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Trophy Husband
Originally posted by YankeeFan

CD players cost money, pool time does not.


If you want to use other pools that's fine with me. I can afford to pay extra, and I really don't care. I respect your opinion, and everyone has a right to one, but I can't honestly understand how you can believe the above statement.

Doesn't it cost money to build a pool? Doesn't it cost more money to build a larger pool than a smaller pool? Doesn't water cost money? (I get a water bill every month, I don't know about you) Don't chlorine and filters cost money? Doesn't it cost money to paint pools? Don't Lifeguards collect salaries? All these are just some of the components of pool cost.
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Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Originally posted by The Mom

OK. I challenge all of the pro-pool hoppers to go up to the CM at Stormalong Bay and ask for a towel. If he/she hands it to you without asking to see your resort ID, then WDW has done nothing to enforce the rules. If he/she asks, and you tell him the TRUTH...that you are not staying at that hotel...and he/she gives it to you anyway, then WDW is not enforcing the rules. If he/she tells you you aren't allowed to swim there, but you can convince her that you have just as much right to be there as anyone else, and she hands you the towel and allows you to stay, then WDW is not enforcing the rules. If any of the above happens, I will then believe that you are absolutely right, and you, and every pool hopper here, has a total right to swim in any pool on WDW property you please, and those of us that object to it are in the wrong.

Otherwise, you are not being totally truthful. Just because you can find a way to get around rules, does not mean you aren't breaking them.

Well said Mom!
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Account Suspended
While we're at it, why doesn't Disney also ban people from eating in the restaurants of other resorts? Each resort has their own eating facilities in addition to pools. These people are taking up tables and dinner time from those who actually stay at the resort. Disney's rule about pool-hopping, which they don't even enforce, is the equivalent of a parent giving a young child a baseball bat, telling them not to hit things with it, and then turning their back to the child and ignoring them when they DO go and hit something. The non-enforcement of their own rule is basically saying the rule is meaningless.
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Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Originally posted by YankeeFan
While we're at it, why doesn't Disney also ban people from eating in the restaurants of other resorts? Each resort has their own eating facilities in addition to pools. These people are taking up tables and dinner time from those who actually stay at the resort. Disney's rule about pool-hopping, which they don't even enforce, is the equivalent of a parent giving a young child a baseball bat, telling them not to hit things with it, and then turning their back to the child and ignoring them when they DO go and hit something. The non-enforcement of their own rule is basically saying the rule is meaningless.

But people pay to eat at the restaurants, so that's different. Pool hoppers aren't paying to use the pools.
Are you saying that because the parent wasn't watching their child, it's ok for the child to hit things with the baseball bat? This is where my confusion comes from, it just doesn't make sense to me.
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