Alfredo di Roma Ristorante Closing?


Well-Known Member
As soon as Olive Garden (and tell me honestly... people consider that "Italian" food? :lookaroun ) has the stuffed pasta dumplings with the black truffles that you find on the Trittico di Pasta at Alfredo's, I may consider them equal in all areas but price :rolleyes: :lol:

(I've never been to Italy, but I can't see a true Italian restaurant serving those homoginized breadsticks with the garlic powder/margarine combo slathered on top :lookaroun :lol: )


Well-Known Member
Not sure if this rumor will pan out - but I am really surprised to see how universally panned this restaurant is by readers of this site. I've not eaten there IN A LONG TIME but was under the impression it wasone of the better places to eat. If it does close i would hate to see the park loose the italian fare. Sounds like it is time for a change though.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Currenty there is no "official" anouncement that L'Originale Alfredo di Roma Ristorante will be closing, nor are there any internal rumors that I have heard of. Reservations are still being accepted 180 days out.

Ok, JP, lets dispense with the "official" news and proceed with the unofficial news. Whats up? :D


Not old, just vintage.
Currenty there is no "official" anouncement that L'Originale Alfredo di Roma Ristorante will be closing, nor are there any internal rumors that I have heard of. Reservations are still being accepted 180 days out.

Thanks JP. As I was reading through this entire thread all I was thinking was that we have had no official confirmation about this. Until I see something official I don't believe it.

I have eaten at Alfredo's almost every time I go to WDW and have never had a problem. We always get a decent (and sometimes VERY good looking) waiter and the food is definetly good. The signature dish is great. I am also a big fan of their Calamari. :slurp: I have always like the atmosphere of sitting outside or in the small room in the front part of the restaurant and will miss it if the restaurant does indeed close.

I agree that the food is expensive (but if you are on the Dining Plan like I usually am, it doesn't matter!) and there is definetly better "true" italian food out there. However, for many people, including myself, Alfredo's is a tradition. Also, it is one of the few places in Epcot where I can take a group of adult picky eaters and everyone will still find something they like. That can't be said about Marakkesh or San Angel Inn.

That being said, if Disney ever gets rid of Le Cellier, I will probably never step foot in WS again. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info JP.

I would not be dissapointed if it were to close. The restaurant is mediocre at best. It is hard for me to pay $18.00 for a small portion of Fettucini Alfredo, when I can make it just as good at home and feed the entire family for less and include salad, homemade desert and a glass of wine.

I wonder if there was also some sort of contract between Disney and Alfredo's stopping Disney from putting in a Italian counter service in Italy? The country of Italy in Epcot just seems so lack/luster compared to the rest of the countries. Small store, no attractions, an ok sit down restaurant and no counter service. Maybe this is just what Italy needs. CHANGE.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Not sure if this rumor will pan out - but I am really surprised to see how universally panned this restaurant is by readers of this site. I've not eaten there IN A LONG TIME but was under the impression it wasone of the better places to eat. If it does close i would hate to see the park loose the italian fare. Sounds like it is time for a change though.

Universally panned? Counting yours, I count 16 pro-Alfredo's posts in this thread. Not counting several that say it was better but has gone downhill and not eliminating the posts that don't express an opinion one way or the other, that's still more than 20% of posts in favour, hardly universal condemnation. Given that [IMO] people tend to be less likely to defend than bash in threads like this, I'm guessing that works out to about a 50/50 on whether it's good or not...

Have faith, people remember bad experiences longer and more vividly than good ones. I'd say the full booking and good client turnover can't be solely attributed to Dining Plan patrons grabbing every available Table Service seat regardless of restaurant reputation. There are lots of folks [like me] who haven't had bad food or service and actually like the restaurant.

It's unfortunate that people have had bad experiences and bad food, but that happens at any restaurant, no matter how good they are.


New Member
No, 20% in favor isn't universal comdenation, but if it were an election, the candidate with 20% would be laughed out of the race with a more than humbling defeat.


New Member
Disney should contact some of the famous restaurants in Milan and see if they would be interested in filling that space.
They know how to prepare and serve food in Milan.

:slurp: :slurp:


New Member
NO! No more character dining! They already got Norway and the Garden Grill! How much else do we need?

Is nothing sacrid?!?!?!

not a Pinocchio fan...ick. But, knowing Jay Rasulo's global marketing plans, I wouldn't be surprised to see something along the lines of "The Italian Restaurant Starring Ratatouille and Friends." Yes, I'm well aware that Ratatouille is set in Paris. Jay doesn't care. They might actually go with a more cultural experience and offer "The Ristorante Italiano Starring Ratatouille and Friends"

Am I the only Disney fan who actually ENJOYS character meals? I hear ALOT of folks on this site bashing character meals and I just don't get it. I understand that some of the "purists" think it is "selling out" and "cheapening" the experience but...guess what?...that is one of the reasons I go to DisneyWorld...TO SEE THE CHARACTERS!!!

In my opinion,adding characters to a meal is not "cheapening" the experience and I don't look at it as a way for Disney to force these characters down our throats. After all folks, the whole idea of Disney World and Disney Land was built around Walt's love for his CHARACTERS. Sorry, I'm not trying to derail this thread, I just needed to get that off of my chest. Thanks for listening to my rant. Carry on!

Oh yeah,once again...LONG LIVE ALFREDO'S! YOU WILL LIVE IN MY HEART ALWAYS(and possibly my stomach...:lookaroun ).


New Member
As soon as Olive Garden (and tell me honestly... people consider that "Italian" food? :lookaroun ) has the stuffed pasta dumplings with the black truffles that you find on the Trittico di Pasta at Alfredo's, I may consider them equal in all areas but price :rolleyes: :lol:

(I've never been to Italy, but I can't see a true Italian restaurant serving those homoginized breadsticks with the garlic powder/margarine combo slathered on top :lookaroun :lol: )

"true italian" or not...ME LIKEY!!! But it's no Alfredo's.


Well-Known Member
I don't have a problem with character meals--where they belong. They don't belong in World Showcase restaurants (except maybe for breakfast--certainly not Dinner). World Showcase is supposed to be a cultural experience, and I think having Pinocchio stumbling over himself and Jimminy Cricket, the guy who has trouble announcing when, exactly, SpectroMagic will start, stopping by would dilute that cultural experience. I am even in support or characters in the rides, but dinner, especially, at World Showcase is meant to introduce guests to different cultures. It's not meant to be a daycare.


New Member
As soon as Olive Garden (and tell me honestly... people consider that "Italian" food? :lookaroun ) has the stuffed pasta dumplings with the black truffles that you find on the Trittico di Pasta at Alfredo's, I may consider them equal in all areas but price :rolleyes: :lol:

(I've never been to Italy, but I can't see a true Italian restaurant serving those homoginized breadsticks with the garlic powder/margarine combo slathered on top :lookaroun :lol: )

THANK YOU!!!! HAHA! At least SOMEONE gets it!


Active Member
I ate there about 10 years ago, the food and service were terrible and I never went back. The restaurant's noise level was so high you could barely talk with the other people at the table. Alfredo's while it may have been Italian food, it was by no stretch "good" Italian food. If I had the choice of eating at Olive Garden or Alfredo's, I'd choose Olive Garden because at least I know there is a few things on their menu that are okay and their service is good. Let me say that I don't really care for Olive Garden either. Alfredo's should take some pointers from Christini's off Sand Lake Road, now that's good Italian. And, yes, living in NYC, I have access to some of the best Italian restaurants.


Original Poster
Hence the Question MArks in the Original Post....I don't know if is valid. I found it on another site and thought it woul make for some interesting conversation.
I am disappointed to see all the negative posts about it, the times we have been there the service and food were good. Maybe we just caught them on good nights :shrug: . We usuall can't afford to do more than one "high end" dinner per trip and hubby is much more adventurous than I am. I tend to stick with things I know (i.e Italian, ) My husband would love to try France or Morrocco, but I am always afraid that I wou't like something and then we would have spent all that money for nothing.
I haven't tried Le Cellier yet, but with all the positive posts here I think this one will have to go onto our list for next trip


Le Meh
Premium Member
Hence the Question MArks in the Original Post....I don't know if is valid. I found it on another site and thought it woul make for some interesting conversation.
I am disappointed to see all the negative posts about it, the times we have been there the service and food were good. Maybe we just caught them on good nights :shrug: . We usuall can't afford to do more than one "high end" dinner per trip and hubby is much more adventurous than I am. I tend to stick with things I know (i.e Italian, ) My husband would love to try France or Morrocco, but I am always afraid that I wou't like something and then we would have spent all that money for nothing.
I haven't tried Le Cellier yet, but with all the positive posts here I think this one will have to go onto our list for next trip

Le Cellier in my opinion is the best dining on property. Better than Victoria and Alberts and other highly touted eateries.


Well-Known Member
I think an Italian CS place would be a SMASH. There really isn't one anywhere. You can get a few pasta dishes at the food courts, but no real Italian place like the Mexican Hut and China Shack. Pasta Place would be a great addition, in fact, more pasta options at WDW would be great. At DL the Italian place is AWESOME, they have a different menu every day. You could eat there every day of the week and get something different. Lets get some Italian Wedding Soup too!


New Member
It's not meant to be a daycare.

So character meals are simply veiwed as a "daycare" meaning they aren't really for adults? I'm sure you didn't mean that offensively but I sure took it that way. My wife and I both love character dining experiences and we don't have children, does that mean we are just "childish"? Please explain your use of the word "daycare".

As far as characters in World Showcase goes, it doesn't bother me one bit. Having Pinnochio, Snow White or the characters from Ratatouille in World Showcase doesn't(and in my opinion shouldn't) effect the cultural atmosphere of the different countries. The characters don't affect my ability to learn about the different cultures represented at all.

Sorry, I didn't mean to get so flustered over that. I apologize for taking the thread off subject. My wife and I looove World Showcase and we think it is an absolutely amazing place but I feel that some folks take it waaaay too seriously to the point of being snobbish about it and don't want it to be branded in any way with Disney but guess what folks?...IT IS IN WALT DISNEY WORLD!!!

For the sake of not taking this thread off course any more, please feel free to pm me ISTCNavigator57 and help me understand WHY characters detract from the purpose of World Showcase.

Once again, I'm sorry to derail, I'll hush now.:zipit:

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