I don't know what the heck made me remember but I totally forgot to come back after all the comments and be nice & speak! Duh! I guess I got slammed pre-holidays. Got home from the trip to visit my folks and had to kick it into high-gear for another big family trip to Tennessee for Christmas! :hammer: My apologies for the delay!
I totally loved your trip report.
First off, Turtle Sauce Piquante anyone?
Love how y'all have evolved. When its just DH and I, we take things alot slower than when the kiddos are with us.
The cruise, wow. All the details are amazing. I can't wait til Sept 2013. Its gonna be a blast and I can scope the place out for my family's trip.
The YC looked amazing. I so want to get in that pool. (One day)...
The guy you met there from Marrero, thats where I am from. So cool. I was looking but while he looks familiar, I am horrible with names.
I forgot to comment on your portrait session. How awesome was that! I totally loved how they have funny shots and sweet shots. Not a bad price either. Awesome. One day for that too.
Tracey LOVES sauce piquante! That's
exactly how his buddies used to cook up turtle! I believe he's had nutria in a sauce piquante that he really liked.
Yes! The girls cruise is gonna rock! Maybe we'll get a group together to split some rooms for a night or two pre-cruise at the YC so we can all put in some hours by the pool then hit World Showcase for dinner & drinks....
Yeah, I swear we seem to find folks from southeast Louisiana all over...and I love 'em!
And thanks for the kind words about the portraits. I was so happy with the whole thing.
Holy Shiz...I should have taken notes.
First off - a thank you. For a complete and AWESOME TR...and for giving me something to do at the office. I seriously penciled it into my schedule "ok paperwork, sign billing stuff, reading some of Kelly's TR, type up notes, meeting, Kelly's TR...." What can I say? I love a good Sutton Family vacation!
You really have me wanting to hit up the Dream before our Girls Cruise in '13. There just seems SO much to take in! Perhaps I need an introduction course (3 day cruise) to prep for the Girls cruise. Then again I 'll have some fantastic guides on board w/me that can show me the ropes! The Dream is absolutely gorgeous and can't WAIT to see it in person.
That hot little number you wore on your anniversary dinner? Pack that baby up - she's goin cruisin in 2013! Seriously, LOVE that dress.
I'm sort of happy to see you disappointed in YS. I have been wanting to try it because people say its so good but I love Le Cellier and I can only eat so much steak on vacation before I feel like I'm full of lead. So now I don't feel bad for skipping it...for now at least.
Your boys are so grown up! Loved seeing the old time pics. Also loved the pics of Jerry and Tracey being super silly w/the slushies. So much fun.
I should have taken more notes. But the basics of it - love you and your fam. Love your vacation stories. LOVE THE DREAM. Love meeting up with other WDWmagicers (and future roomies!). Love that Chandler spent $40 on Dr Pepper jellybeans (totally something I would do - not w/jelly beans but I could see myself buying $40 worth of candy to take home). OMG I forgot how much I LOVED the portrait session. Question - can you not take pics in Future World...like is WS the only Epcot portion available or did you request WS pics? The ones of the boys leaning up against the walls solo - look like senior pictures. So handsome!
Eeek I loved it all!!
Thanks, Jess! I totally know I owe you an email. The holidays totally whipped me...but I survived! Craziness!
Don't worry about the cruise. You're right, you'll be with a great bunch of girls to show ya the ropes. I'm pretty good at figuring out how to orient people so they get something quickly...unlike my old man who just looks at me like "Are you stupid????"
Yeah, you can do the portraits in Future World if you want. The enhanced session can be done virtually anywhere on property. I chose WS because I knew it'd be closed to the public until 11 so we'd get plenty of people-free shots. Now that I think about it, tho...wouldn't portraits in Typhoon Lagoon be cool?! HHmmmmm....
Chandler and the jellybeans. I guess I can't say much. When I was a kid we sold our little souls to get the tart-n-tinies in the little plastic boxes from the gift shops. LOL!
Thank you so much Kelli for all the great advise for our first Disney Cruise! We are SO excited! I been studying the deck plans to try to get a feel for the ship! Yes I know I'm a freak! Our stateroom is on deck 9 aft from what I can see! I think I am going to call the doctor to get a prescription for something for both Devon and I just to be on the safe side. I am good with motion... Only thing that bothers me are simulator type rides like Star Wars. Devon on the other hand can take the simulators but sometimes gets car sick during long drives. So better safe then sorry! I will grab the Bonine too and hope I won't need either!
Ok so the international gateway enterance what time does it open and close or does it vary by season and park hours?
Y'all will love the cruise. It's just so amazing. Can't wait for you to get back & gush about it. Yeah, I'd have the meds on-hand just in case. Also, take stuff with you for upset stomach, etc. just in case. If you eat something that doesn't agree with you try not to go to the ship's doctor because if they think you have the stomach funk they'll quarantine you in a heartbeat. I tried to bring a little of everything as far as meds to cover all my bases...juuuust in case.
The International Gateway opens & closes at the same time the park does every day. In fact, you know how a few minutes early they let people in the turnstiles then up to a rope point where they hold people until the actual opening time? They do the same thing back at the International Gateway. I've heard on occasion guests that came in from back there made it to the Soarin' FP kiosks before the regular entrance herd but I think they make the arrivals in that area pretty close to the same time.
Thanks for all your pictures of the Dream! We are going on our first cruise on the Magic in April and are really looking forward to it. I never thought too much about cruising before, but I started hearing the rave reviews and seeing all the awesome pictures, I couldn't resist! I wish we were going on the Dream but I also wanted to go to Key West and only the Magic goes there right now.
Also love the No Way Jose! We shared one on this past trip and it was AWESOME! I never thought of adding extra fudge and peanut butter sauce. Definitely next time!
I am sure there were some other things I wanted to comment on, but ..... should of taken notes!
Awwww...thanks for reading! Yeah, it's my understanding the big ships don't dock in Key West because the docks aren't big enough to accomodate them. Crazy, huh? Someday we hope to get to Key West, too. I went there when I was 4 and only remember little bits & pieces of it.
The No Way Jose is my favorite ever! Love it! It's one of the things on my long list of things I hope to find waiting for me in heaven....mmmmmm....
Awesome TR!!
I loved Chandler's reaction while at the drumming station. You guys were all, "Oh he KNOWS what to do...". He's so modest. He's a great dummer!!
Parking at the resorts...so DH and I were talking budget and all and he brought up parking...parking at parks for 6-7 days adds up. I'm sure we'll be breaking rules to get out of paying too. Sorry, everything else is so frickin' expensive, a few corners will be cut.
Crane~ Yes, that think SUCKS! Period.
I love the morning light in your MK pictures, they really turned out pretty!
O.M.G. The Crystal Palace has gotten expensive! Thanks for the heads up! Granted you guys paid for 5 adults right?? We're 3/2 so it shouldn't be too bad...but to be honest I have plans to book some places that are more of a substitution but just as good. I.E. Kona instead of Ohana's, Roaring Fork(no ADR necessary) instead of Whispering Canyon(gotta try the famous waffles Holly raves about!). But yeah, we're trying to do dining smartly because the prices have jacked through the roof
Your new friend Rocky sounded awesome!
Yum, I didn't know The Earl served breakfast sandwiches! *note taken*
Your cute Riley Belle would be a nice welcome home
Lastly, I LOVE your personalized ornaments, they did a beautiful job!!
My dear, I'm sad that your TR is over, but you've got some great trips lined up! I really, really, really hope I can make the cruise!!!
Hey Melly-girl!
Yes, my poor Chandler can be a ham at times but totally doesn't give himself enough credit for his musical ability. On a pre-Christmas Best Buy visit he found the Rock Band II display while Tracey & I shopped. When I went to find him he was playing drums on expert on a harder song...totally owning the song...with probably 30 people gathered around. He finished out the song at like 98% and the audience started applauding and cheering. He turned 6 shades of red! I was so proud!
The parking. Yeah, we would've paid for valet every day of the trip anyway. It kills me how far the self-park is from some of the deluxe resorts! It was a nice little perk to get the valet charges taken off with the TiW. Then on the nights we'd go to dinner & valet the car it just seemed stupid to get the car, move it, park, then go to a park. Ugh! And parking at WDW is expensive so, yeah, it would add up fast! The cheapest I remember it being when I was a kid is like $5, I think.
Kudos to you for smart-dining. The prices are insane! Your CP shouldn't be as bad as ours because we had 5 adults. Tracey gets irritated when I gripe about the money. He says it's Disney, it's expensive, if you're gonna go you just gotta accept that the mouse is gonna bend ya over..... Love the perspective, huh? LOL!
Rocky is the shiz-nit! I hope to see her again before the girls cruise and totally invite her. Or we're gonna hafta spend a couple nights at the Yacht or Beach Club prior to the cruise so we can go hang out with the ever-awesome Rocky!
The Earl serves the most killer breakfast sammiches! You gotta try one!
Riley says thank you for thinking she's cute and she sends sweet puppy-snuggles to you, too!
Future trips. That could be happening sooner than later. **wink*wink**
Such a great trip report Kelly!
Two things from your "final thoughts" section....completely adore your adventure journal!!! And ZOMG regarding that stash of H2o+ products! I'm impressed you got away with that much. I first discovered those when we stayed at the Wilderness Lodge back in '07 and ended up visiting their website after we got home and bought a whole gift set for myself.
I see where you're coming from when you talk about future trips. It's okay to hit the pause button on the Disney Parks magic for a little while.

However, Disney Cruise magic is
whole other kettle of fish...And hey, if you ever make it to DC you'll be in my neck of the woods
All in all,
loved following along with your wonderful report!
We didn't have to hijack a cart at all to score that H2O stash! Every time we'd see the mousekeepers one of the guys would ask for some extras. I had a box in the closet so we'd pick up all the toiletries continually and toss 'em in the box. It was a heavy box at the end of the trip! I've also ordered stuff from the website...including the men's shaving cream stuff. Tracey adores the smell. I'm leaning more towards the H2O Spa stuff now. That body butter smell makes me think of the cruise! LOL!
Future trips....one of these days I'll learn to stop being so absolute. One should never say never. I'm cookin' on a little sumpin-sumpin here pretty quick. The night owls of our family are about to be unleashed on the mouse!
If/when we hit DC, I'll give ya a holler. I soooo wanna see the July 4th fireworks on the National Mall again.
I pulled up their website and with the exception of the Deer Park office, it looks like everything in the Houston area is in or near Park 10. There are a lot of nice neighborhoods over there. Cinco Ranch is usually the one you hear the most about, but there are some other new ones. I had a friend move here for a couple of years for BP and I think they moved to either Cinco or Firethorn. We have an old family friend who works for Conoco Phillips - also near that area- and she commutes in from the part of Katy out near Katy Mills Mall. We used to live in a house not too far from Memorial City mall (Westheimer and Gessner area...i.e. fairly straight shot up Gessner to I-10 or a quick jump to the Belt to I-10.). I know a lot of people who work in Katy go for that area b/c I-10W in the am is better than heading east. Either way, it's all better than coming into Katy from Webster. His commute right now is nearly as bad as ours. It takes me around an hour to get into work and DH usually 75-85min.

You can also look at Houston Transtar's live traffic map online to see what rush hour looks like from the different parts of town. Let me know if there's any info you need. Good luck with everything!
Tracey keeps sending me house listings in Cinco Ranch. My only concern is being on that 99 belt with all the construction. He already rages in traffic. If it took him an hour to go that short a distance I believe he'd stroke out behind the wheel. LOL! Maybe I'll have to start driving him to/from work the way I used to take the boys to/from school. Chandler will have his license this year...I can make him do it! LOL! I'll let ya know if I think of any other questions. Thanks for the help! :wave:
I totally understand this. I really look forward to my Disney vacations when they are booked. I can't wait for them to get here and when we go, we always have a great time. The past few times though it seems like something is lacking and I can't put my finger on it. When we first got married in 1995 we went for our honeymoon and then we didn't get back till 2002. Lately, now that our careers are more established, we find ourselves able to go more often. I think that the trips that were were so few and far between were more fun since "absence makes the heart grow fonder" and since it had been so long everything seemed fresher. Does that make sense? We are looking forward to capturing some of that freshness on a Disney cruise in April. We plan on running the Disney marathon in 2013 and hopefully the Disneyland half in Sept 2013 for our coast to coast medal. It will be my first trip to Disneyland since 1993. Hardly saw anything that trip since I was with my parents and it was the week in between Christmas and New Years. Crowds were crazy and my parents didn't want to wait in any lines!

I hope I make it there because I really want to see some things that I haven't seen before.
Anyway, great trip report! You have a beautiful family! Loved all your pictures too! Good luck on recapturing some of the Disney magic in your new adventures!
Thanks for not thinking I'm a nut. The boys give me this sad look and say, "Mom, you lost the magic." I don't wanna lose the magic!

But like you said, it seems something is missing somehow. Maybe it's like you said. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. We went to Gatlinburg, Tennessee for Christmas and we had a blast. Still, it wasn't Disney. Us Disney freaks are just a saaaad lot, huh? LOL! Not to worry, tho. I'm determined to find that pixie dust again!