Additional Luggage Charge


Well-Known Member
I see in my newpaper today American Airlines is now going to charge a $15.00 fee both ways for a single checked bag. Wha'ts next - pay toilets?


New Member
After having to cancel more than 1000 flights in April due to their slow response to a safety problem with 300 of their planes, you'd think AA would be the last airline that would want to further alienate the flying public with this sordid money grab.

Not to defend them but......Southwest and Delta had the same issues, Southwest was just better at handling the situation.
Had I not already bought non-refundable AA tickets I would switch to southwest (they just don't have direct flights out of DFW)
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Well-Known Member
After having to cancel more than 1000 flights in April due to their slow response to a safety problem with 300 of their planes, you'd think AA would be the last airline that would want to further alienate the flying public with this sordid money grab.

I don't really think we can call this a sordid money grab. When the choice is either Go out of business or find a way to cover costs, they are going to have to find a way to cover their costs. I don't honestly believe that the airlines want to hurt their customers any more than they have already but what choices have they got? If they cut jobs and cut flights, service suffers and people complain. If they raise prices or add new fees, people still complain. Imagine how high the prices will go when one or two of the major airlines go out of business and the few that are left can pretty much charge what they want because the demand will be so much higher than the supply. Extra fees might hurt the wallet but they keep the airlines flying and having more seats to fill benefits everyone.
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Well-Known Member
Because if it truly is a 'weight' issue, you are taking up double the weight on the flight that I do. So if it costs the airline whatever per pound to transport me, and that adds up to say, $50, then it would cost $100 for you.

Now, I'm not saying what he said is going to happen, because it probably will not. I can't see that standing up to lawsuits. Just pointing out the reasoning, which is correct. Hes just saying that say a standard ticket gets you 250lbs of 'allowance' on the flight. Thats you, your carry on, your checked bag(s), etc. Since you admit you are over that, you would be charged more, but people that are under are not charged extra because they are cheaper for the airline to transport. Again, I can't see it happening, but it makes sense, simply from a pound by pound standpoint.

You are saying since you are so small that I should be punished?What about a muscular bound guy who is in tip top shape but is 6-4 300 pounds are you seriously telling me that he would be charged double?I highly doubt it because he fits the in shape perception and no one would believe he is heavier than me just because he is fit and be comfortable in his seat and can buckle his belt easier.I mean there are people who are short and wide but by your logic they should not pay more even tho they have a tougher time fitting in their seat than me because they weigh less? I think if you start weighing people you will never sell as many tickets.Why you say?Well think about how many people pre-pay for their flights months in advance.What if I weighed 250 in April but 280 in December??How would you be able to account for all that?How does a airline know how much you weigh in advance?Alot of people pay for their vacations on a budget.By weighing every passenger you not only slow down the lines at check-in,many people would feel humiliated as I am sure you would have to do this in front of everyone and thus you also face several lawsuits by the ACLU for humiliating certain people.I am comfortable being the big guy as I make people laugh all the time but poking fun at myself but I just think screwing with a system that has been in place since planes first started commercial flights why change it now??If its gas prices then a across the board raise would be simple enough.I mean if you have a flight of 50 skinny 10 fat people then how are you making up for the cost of fuel use?You just aren't.

I am sorry but this is a huge issue to me as I have always been a big guy so it infuriates me when we are singled out.So where else should we pay more?A movie theatre?Sports event?theatre?
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Active Member
Man, I can think of nothing in this weight and appearance conscious culture that would hurt air flight more than a scene where everyone has to put up with the following at the ticket counter:

"Please stand on the scale with your baggage."

Talk about making airports into deli counters...:ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:
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Active Member
Thankfully the charge doesn't start until June 15, 2008. According to the AA website you will not have to pay the checked bag fee if you purchased your ticket before June 15, 2008 (which we did).
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The Mom

Premium Member
Man, I can think of nothing in this weight and appearance conscious culture that would hurt air flight more than a scene where everyone has to put up with the following at the ticket counter:

"Please stand on the scale with your baggage."

Talk about making airports into deli counters...:ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:

Actually, I've done this at least twice, that I can remember. :lol: Once was when I was flying from JAX to Pensacola on a 12 or less passenger prop plane, and again on a CHALKS seaplane from Paradise Island in the Bahamas to Ft Lauderdale. But this was strictly to balance passengers, and luggage in the wings, in the case of the seaplane.

The scale had a partition around it for privacy.

Back in the olden days (when all those people the airports are named after were still alive) people did pack lightly if they were travelling by air, because rolling suitcases had not been in common use. If your suitcase was too heavy, you had to pay a skycap to transport it, and I think there was a fee for overage.
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Well-Known Member
Man, I guess it won't be long before I'm agreeing with the hubby that $1300 each to fly 1st class isn't so bad. LOL! We've been looking at flights for our December trip with the kids. He doesn't want to be cramped in coach and I don't mind being a little uncomfortable for 2 1/2 hours to save thousands of dollars.

I think its insane to try and charge people to check even 1 stinkin' bag. I like what Southwest flight attendants say at the end of their flights as the plane is taxiing in, "We realize you have a choice in who you fly and we thank you for choosing Southwest". I'm sure given the choice people won't be too eager to fly American now. They aren't one of the convenienct airlines for us but I'd go out of my way to not fly them if I had to.
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Well-Known Member
Will the collection of the $15 fee take place at the time of booking or at the airport counter? I can see it being an option on the website to select if you know you will be checking at least one bag. If the only way to collect the fee is at the ticket counter, this new fee will increase the wait in line.
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Well-Known Member
My co-worker actually said exactly the same thing today at work while we were discussing the new checked baggage fees... Though he went farther and suggested they have a weight limit that's included in the price of the ticket that's for you AND your luggage. So a lightweight person can afford to pack more, and a heavier person needs to either pack lighter or pay an overage charge.

Thats so funny! I would have to go with the clothes on my back just to save a dime! It would not be a pretty site if all the heavier people packed less clothes, we are the ones who need to cover up more!
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New Member
I've been a loyal AA flyer for about 10 years. When ever we go to WDW, we fly AA or when I book a business trip, it was AA. I always felt they treated me the best, never lost luggage, etc (flew USAir twice and lost luggage both times). But I have no idea how on earth I'm ever going to be able to handle booking a flight with them again.

We're DVC members and I have three daughters, so you know my suitecases are pushing 49.5 lbs when things are all said and done. We plan on trips twice a year and I've been trying to keep an eye out for our trip we have planned in December. with air going to cost me 1,100 (we paid 718 for our trip last week)... I may have to start skipping trips. We bought DVC to save money, but at this point, the flights are not worth it... and from Chicago, our december trips are not drivable...
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Well-Known Member
I have 2 points to make here:

Charging people $15.00 at the check-in for a bag and slowing the passengers down even more is very is ridiculous. The airlines customer service has dropped to an all time low as noted by a poll on ABC news last night and now they are going to possibly make it worse? :brick::hammer::brick::hammer:

Secondly, about 2 1/2 years ago USAir filed for bankruptcy. They in return worked hard to get out and in record time cleared themselves from the bankruptcy. Within 6 months or clearing themselves they put a bid in to buy Delta Airlines which I believe is the US's #2 airline. Now how can anyone say that these airlines are not making profits!

The whole airline industry is about to self destruct with the pricing getting out of control and the customer service at a all time low. We certainly are not getting what we pay for. You now do not know if you will get to your destination on time or if your belongings will follow along with you even if you have to pay extra for them to get there.
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I'm generally not one to defend airlines, but in the scheme of things is 15 bucks all that much? I know, everybody will say it's not the money, it's the principal of the thing and to some extent I agree, but none of us stopped flying when airlines started charging $7 for a crappy sandwich and a bag of chips instead of providing a meal.

My prediction is that the other majors will start doing something similar. If you'll recall, just back in February, US Air announced they would charge $25 for a second bag. Even though there was a great hue and cry about it then, it wasn't long before all the other majors followed suit.

Sadly, I think as crude prices keep spiraling upwards, nickel and dime things like this are going to become more commonplace.
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Well-Known Member
Last year for the 3 of us we paid $600 total to get to Disney....this year it is over $1300. That's over a 100% mark up so charging for luggage is absolutely absurd. I get that fuel has gone oil bills are through the roof, as are gas prices. But that much?? C'mon.
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Well-Known Member
I'm generally not one to defend airlines, but in the scheme of things is 15 bucks all that much? I know, everybody will say it's not the money, it's the principal of the thing and to some extent I agree, but none of us stopped flying when airlines started charging $7 for a crappy sandwich and a bag of chips instead of providing a meal.

My prediction is that the other majors will start doing something similar. If you'll recall, just back in February, US Air announced they would charge $25 for a second bag. Even though there was a great hue and cry about it then, it wasn't long before all the other majors followed suit.

Sadly, I think as crude prices keep spiraling upwards, nickel and dime things like this are going to become more commonplace.

Well, this new fee will cost a family of four an extra $60 ($120 for RT) and US Airways was not the first to charge $25 for a second checked bag - they were one of the last.
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So I decided to look up the same flight that I flew out on last year for my Disney trip and see how much it would cost this year.

Last year my return flight cost $514 total with all taxes and surcharges and it was a direct flight which most of the airlines don't do from Halifax anymore.

I realize the market fluctuates but here's what I would pay this year.....

Return flights (connecting through Toronto) $694.00
Canada Airport Improvement Fee SQ 26.00
U.S.A Transportation Tax US 30.70
U.S Agriculture Fee XA 4.98
Air Travellers Security Charge (ATSC) CA 7.94
U.S Passenger Facility Charge XF 4.49
Canada Harmonized Sales Tax RC 1.30
Canada Goods and Services Tax 41.65
September 11 Security Fee AY 2.49
U.S.A Immigration User Fee XY 6.98
Fuel surcharge ($50 each way) :eek: 100.00
NAV Canada surcharge 15.00
Insurance surcharge (on top of purchased insurance) 6.00
Air travelers security charge 16.00
Airport Improvement fees 32.00
for a grand total of


So I would be paying $468.63 more just for my flight and for our family that traveled last year (not including the 3 children) with 5 adults we would be paying almost $2500 more just in flights. :brick:

soooo...I'm checking out train schedules
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Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
I have 2 points to make here:

Charging people $15.00 at the check-in for a bag and slowing the passengers down even more is very is ridiculous. The airlines customer service has dropped to an all time low as noted by a poll on ABC news last night and now they are going to possibly make it worse? :brick::hammer::brick::hammer:

Secondly, about 2 1/2 years ago USAir filed for bankruptcy. They in return worked hard to get out and in record time cleared themselves from the bankruptcy. Within 6 months or clearing themselves they put a bid in to buy Delta Airlines which I believe is the US's #2 airline. Now how can anyone say that these airlines are not making profits!

Because their expenses exceed their revenues. :shrug: Doesn't matter whether we like what they're doing or not -- they are losing money, and they are looking for ways to change that, like every business would. The airlines, however, seem to believe that cutting costs and raising prices are the only things to do. They believe that improving service doesn't result in higher profits, because the vast majority of fliers buy on price.

I think the new policy on American is stupid, and I hope others don't follow it. But let's be honest here...if others don't charge for checking a bag, and instead raise ticket prices, such that American's ticket prices appear to be $12 per flight, $25 per round trip, cheaper, American will get most people's business. Not yours and mine, but most people's. And so I expect every major airline to follow suit.
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Well-Known Member
So I decided to look up the same flight that I flew out on last year for my Disney trip and see how much it would cost this year.

Last year my return flight cost $514 total with all taxes and surcharges and it was a direct flight which most of the airlines don't do from Halifax anymore.

I realize the market fluctuates but here's what I would pay this year.....

Return flights (connecting through Toronto) $694.00
Canada Airport Improvement Fee SQ 26.00
U.S.A Transportation Tax US 30.70
U.S Agriculture Fee XA 4.98
Air Travellers Security Charge (ATSC) CA 7.94
U.S Passenger Facility Charge XF 4.49
Canada Harmonized Sales Tax RC 1.30
Canada Goods and Services Tax 41.65
September 11 Security Fee AY 2.49
U.S.A Immigration User Fee XY 6.98
Fuel surcharge ($50 each way) :eek: 100.00
NAV Canada surcharge 15.00
Insurance surcharge (on top of purchased insurance) 6.00
Air travelers security charge 16.00
Airport Improvement fees 32.00
for a grand total of


So I would be paying $468.63 more just for my flight and for our family that traveled last year (not including the 3 children) with 5 adults we would be paying almost $2500 more just in flights. :brick:

soooo...I'm checking out train schedules

You forgot to add in the extra baggage fees.
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