Additional Luggage Charge


Well-Known Member
I see in my newpaper today American Airlines is now going to charge a $15.00 fee both ways for a single checked bag. Wha'ts next - pay toilets?


Well-Known Member
Because their expenses exceed their revenues. :shrug: Doesn't matter whether we like what they're doing or not -- they are losing money, and they are looking for ways to change that, like every business would. The airlines, however, seem to believe that cutting costs and raising prices are the only things to do. They believe that improving service doesn't result in higher profits, because the vast majority of fliers buy on price.

I think the new policy on American is stupid, and I hope others don't follow it. But let's be honest here...if others don't charge for checking a bag, and instead raise ticket prices, such that American's ticket prices appear to be $12 per flight, $25 per round trip, cheaper, American will get most people's business. Not yours and mine, but most people's. And so I expect every major airline to follow suit.

Then how can a company come out of bankruptsy in near record time if they are losing money? :shrug: I do follow airline financials, so I do not know but would like to.
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Well-Known Member
I switched from American To Ted a long time ago, but my mom and dad still like to fly American. We are leaving next week, so the June 15th start date for 1st checked bag wont apply to them.
Ted offers more on flight stuff, not much but definatly better that AA. There is TV entertainment, the $5 snack boxes they offer, I wont fly AA again for this reason, No frills, no nothing airline. Buses in Chicago have more entertainment than some AA planes. AA canceled all my miles last year but still have all my United miles. Wouldnt recommend AA at all to anyone, especially now...
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Well-Known Member
My prediction is that the other majors will start doing something similar. If you'll recall, just back in February, US Air announced they would charge $25 for a second bag. Even though there was a great hue and cry about it then, it wasn't long before all the other majors followed suit.

Yes, but there's a big difference between paying a fee for a *second* checked bag and a *first* checked bag... I haven't really paid great attention to what my fellow passengers were checking, but I presume the majority of people flying check only one bag on a flight. So it was a relative minority of people that were affected by the fee for a 2nd checked bag.
With the current restrictions on liquids in your carryons, you almost HAVE to check a bag. There's more of an uproar over this new fee because it affects a good portion of the passengers on a flight...

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Well-Known Member
For our trip last week we had 3 suitcases for 2 people. I carried on my purse. He carried on our laptop in a backpack with some magazines and our travel book I made. Southwest didn't charge for the additional checked bag. I don't know if they'll be going to this or not.

I suppose in the future we'll be factoring in cost of baggage when comparing prices to choose our flights. Again, the nickel-n-dime-to-death stuff makes it more and more worth-while to just book 1st class/fully refundable tickets and be done with it. In December when we flew 1st class w/Continental each passenger was allowed up to 3 checked bags. Plus, mom (me) liiiiiikes the drinky-drinks!!! LOL!
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New Member
You are saying since you are so small that I should be punished?What about a muscular bound guy who is in tip top shape but is 6-4 300 pounds are you seriously telling me that he would be charged double?I highly doubt it because he fits the in shape perception and no one would believe he is heavier than me just because he is fit and be comfortable in his seat and can buckle his belt easier.

The reason commonly given for instituting this $15/first bag rule is that the airlines want to cut down on luggage, to cut down on weight. The lighter the plane, the less fuel needed to fly it to it's destination. The poster you are responding to simply said that the next "logical" step would be to weigh folks, and charge based on that. They did not single out overweight vs. tall, etc. The comments were strictly weight based. You are the only one that decided it was meant as an attack on the overweight vs. the tall, etc. And you are the only one that has gone there.

The point is that myself, my daughter AND our one checked bag will still weigh less than just about any single adult male (overweight, skinny, short or tall) on the flight. So why the heck should I now have to pay $15 for my luggage because of its added "weight" on the plane? In total, the average weight produced by our two tickets is significantly smaller than many others who won't be charged because they don't check bags!!
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Active Member
I think American, by doing this and not just raising ticket prices by $20 is encouraging people to try to overstuff their carry-ons (as others have already mentioned)

Hopefully the public will stand up and refuse to fly with them.

Let's see what is next...

1. A flight attendent standing with a height and weight chart says, "Oh you are 10% over the what the chart recommends, so please pay a 10% premium right now". Me "I'm not fat! I'm big boned!"

2. "That is a very bulky winter coat, $5 please."

3. "Those shoes have a very chunky sole, $2 please."

4. "That will be $20 to wheel grandma down to plane"

5. Snack service: All non-alcholic beverages $5, Ice $1, Little sratchy napkin $1, Peanuts, Cookie and other assorted tiny snacks $5, Delivery fee $5, Trash removal fee $3. Smiles or Funny looks still Free

6. Restroom waiting fee $3 (Don't get out of line if you see another restroom open up because the $3 fee only applies to your current line); Toilet paper $.05 a square; Water to wash hands $1; Soap $2; Flushing Fee $2 (you must flush or you will be locked in the restroom).

7. Smiling on your way to WDW $10. Frown on your way back $5


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Well-Known Member
My opinion of this is that when you purchase your ticket...that ticket price should include transporting you and one piece of luggage. B/c for the most part, you are going to have some sort of luggage that you are taking with you on a plane. I can understanding charging for a second bad, but charging for the first is very poor, in my opinion.

I would actually be more ok with them adding the $15 to each ticket, rather than this. B/c by them doing it this way, it appears that they are nickel and diming people...and that can really turn people off. If people didn't automatically know that they were being charged the extra cost, there wouldn't be such an outrage. I unfortunately have a flight already scheduled for Sept. with AA, but after this, I will no longer be using their services.
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Well-Known Member
Oh...and I forgot to mention...the new problem this is going to cause is people are going to try to carry on their luggage...and the overhead bins are going to get full very, very quickly...leaving people even more angry b/c now they have to check their bags b/c there is no room above them anymore. And if you don't think that makes people angry...just watch an episode of Airline. It's in re-runs now...but it chronicles Southwest airlines. People get very angry when they are told they can't put things in the overhead bins and that they will then need to be checked.
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Well-Known Member
Just thought i'd mention that Spirit Air is charging $20 in person for a single bag checked. If you check it online, it is only $10.

I was on the phone with a Disney CM today and she said her mom flew on Spirit Air today and that is what happened.
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Goofy's Girl

New Member
What's going to happen when you try to stuff your carry on into an overhead bind and it doesn't fit and they tell you that you will have to check your bag. Do they expect to collect the fee after you have already boarded the plane. I can just see people now saying " Do you take VISA":ROFLOL:
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The reason commonly given for instituting this $15/first bag rule is that the airlines want to cut down on luggage, to cut down on weight. The lighter the plane, the less fuel needed to fly it to it's destination. The poster you are responding to simply said that the next "logical" step would be to weigh folks, and charge based on that. They did not single out overweight vs. tall, etc. The comments were strictly weight based. You are the only one that decided it was meant as an attack on the overweight vs. the tall, etc. And you are the only one that has gone there.

The point is that myself, my daughter AND our one checked bag will still weigh less than just about any single adult male (overweight, skinny, short or tall) on the flight. So why the heck should I now have to pay $15 for my luggage because of its added "weight" on the plane? In total, the average weight produced by our two tickets is significantly smaller than many others who won't be charged because they don't check bags!!

So for this situation...what about wheelchairs? I would think that's extra weight as well. I really hope this never becomes the case as I can't imagine them enforcing this. What an embarrasing situation for all involved.
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What's going to happen when you try to stuff your carry on into an overhead bind and it doesn't fit and they tell you that you will have to check your bag. Do they expect to collect the fee after you have already boarded the plane. I can just see people now saying " Do you take VISA":ROFLOL:

I actually was told once when i got on the plane that there was no more room in the overhead bins and since my carry on wouldn't fit under the seat it would have to be put with the checked luggage. I wasn't too concerned at the time because I had my purse with me and just took out a book to read on the plane then handed it over. carry on arrived in New Jersey just fine...of course since I was flying to Glasgow, Scotland...I wasn't too happy.

So maybe they'll just hold the bag hostage in Jersey until you pay the $15 fee :lol:
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What's going to happen when you try to stuff your carry on into an overhead bind and it doesn't fit and they tell you that you will have to check your bag. Do they expect to collect the fee after you have already boarded the plane. I can just see people now saying " Do you take VISA":ROFLOL:

Well... on American they have hand-held transaction PDAs for buy on board food... it's not impossible to believe that they'd note your seat number and inform you that later on in the flight, they will need a form of payment for the checked bag fee.

May or may not happen, just saying it's something theoretically possible.

I'm far more concerned about people shoving a lot more stuff in the overhead bins than anything else. However, I understand the fees and agree with them- with oil at $135 a barrel, charging customers who utilize checking bags through a nominal fee is completely reasonable. I've always traveled with an efficiently packed small carry-on and a backpack for my laptop, so this generally doesn't affect me.

For the record, I also don't believe American will be alone in adding these fees. This will likely become a reality for each carrier going forward.

Secondly, about 2 1/2 years ago USAir filed for bankruptcy. They in return worked hard to get out and in record time cleared themselves from the bankruptcy. Within 6 months or clearing themselves they put a bid in to buy Delta Airlines which I believe is the US's #2 airline. Now how can anyone say that these airlines are not making profits!

...bankruptcy as a way to "fix" an air carrier is a pretty bad idea if it can be avoided. You essentially wipe out your shareholders, cut a significant portion of your work force's salaries and overall size (and moral drops as a result) and give your creditors and suppliers pennies on the dollar in the process. It's a way to possibly lower your operating costs, but at what expense? Consolidation of carriers, carriers leaving the market (ATA, Aloha and Skybus as of late) and cuts in service are the only way to massively recover the industry; and ultimately speaking considerably higher fares will be the result. The days of relatively cheap air travel are over.

In the recent past, many consumers have not been paying airfare that have matched the break-even point for the airline (it was figured that at $80 a barrel, current pricing and operating policy would be just barely profitable for most airlines). For the moment, I would rather the nominal fees for services over massive gains in fares.

Again, the landscape for airlines is simply very bleak with oil at $135 a barrel. Jet fuel is up 80% year over year (this is conservative, some estimates put it at 94%), and previous bankruptcy strategies may not necessarily lead to solvency. Expect this to continue until oil falls off.
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Well-Known Member
What's going to happen when you try to stuff your carry on into an overhead bind and it doesn't fit and they tell you that you will have to check your bag. Do they expect to collect the fee after you have already boarded the plane. I can just see people now saying " Do you take VISA":ROFLOL:

The articles have said that any luggage that has to be gate-checked because the cabin storage is full will not be charged the fee.

I unfortunately have a flight already scheduled for Sept. with AA, but after this, I will no longer be using their services.

In terms of having to pay this new fee (if it lasts that long) you're OK, as it's for tickets booked on or after June 15th, regardless of travel date.
But if you're just saying it because you want to let your feet and your wallet to do the talking for what you think of this fee, then yes, I guess you're out of luck for that one flight...

Hmmm... A random "conspiracy theory" just popped in my head... ;)
They're making a big deal about how it's for tickets purchased after June 15th... Maybe they're planning on revoking the fee before that point, but were hoping that announcing it would bring about a rush of people purchasing tickets before the deadline in fear of this new fee, thus boosting their sales for this quarter? ;)

Naaahhhh... I don't think the airlines are THAT devious (or clever...)

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Active Member
Hey guys....JPVonDrake brought up a point about flying American in another post.

If you are flying American and you purchased your tickets after June 15 you will not be able to check your bag in at the resort check in. You will have to carry it onto Magical Express and wait in the line at the MCO ticket counter.

I think I have booked my LAST flight on American until they come to there senses.

Just as a slight drift. It has been a while since I have taken a cruise. Back then the cruise line would take your check bags to the Miami airport.
If this is still the case American is going to anger a whole other group of travelers!!!!!
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The Mom

Premium Member
The articles have said that any luggage that has to be gate-checked because the cabin storage is full will not be charged the fee.


I can see a lot of gate checking going on! Many passengers will be "suddenly" discovering that their bag is oversized while trying to board, forcing it to be checked at the gate. With early/self check-in (which all of the airlines are pushing) it's very easy for the gate agent to be the first employee who ever sees your "carryon" suitcase. Just wait to be sure you're near the end of the line, and it's almost a guarantee that the bins will be full.

If there is any wiggle room in a rule, someone will find it, and use it, until the rule is tightened even further - especially if it means saving a few bucks. ;)
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Active Member
Magical Express

I have never flown American but never will to Disney even if their flights are ever a bit cheaper (there's always a chance!) as Magical Express will come into play. The joy of checking the bags in at the counter at the hotel vs. the airport makes Magical Express the top in my book! I sure as heck don't see Disney collecting this fee at check-in for the flight!
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New Member
Ok, I'm a bit late with this, but a couple of side notes, here: First, keep in mind that, in general, AA isn't particularly concerned either with their staff or their customers. As of last time I checked, they are among the lowest paying carriers. Their staff makes significantly less than they would with another airline. Hence, they are not going to get the quality employees others may have. Which explains why I have flown them twice and had RUDE service, LATE flights, etc both times. And both times when I complained to the corporate offices, I was politely told they were sorry, but these things happen, and blah, blah, blah. Not exactly the response I was expecting. So, in general, they don't concern about the customers or employees. I think it mostly comes down to the bottom dollar for them. I don't look for them to change their bag policy, either. There is a good reason they were recently rated on the bottom of the list for carriers.

Now, for AirTran. You don't HAVE to pay for a seat assignment. Only if you want to choose it ahead of time. That really doesn't matter to me, as long as the boys and I are together. And I have NEVER had an airline refuse to put me with my boys. Not even American! Hopefully AirTran won't disappoint me! This is my first time with them, so we'll see! Personally, I LOVE NWA, but their prices were too steep for me this time!

I just have to wonder, though, when the folks in America are going to STOP passing the fuel cost buck to the public and start turning it back on the government?? It seems that everyone is upset about it, but the only answer has been to pass it on to the average joe's. At what point does this stop? Hmmmm....

Ok, sorry about the ramble!!!

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