Well-Known Member
That is probably what they are thinking, but, it is the worlds worst excuse in a theme park. It's like having a merry go round that doesn't turn anymore and they don't want to replace the motor because it costs money to do so. No, I am not in the forgiving mood concerning missing and half missing attractions. There is no excuse at all.
LOL, you are making me feel all weird and "zen" and I'm really not, LOL - but I totally totally get what you are saying - it's not forgiving, it's - accepting. I can get as mad as possible here and pound my fists and cry out for "it's EPCOT CENTER!" with the best of them, but in the end - all that gets me is mad and doesn't do anything productive. I know no matter how upset I get, it ain't changin' - so I am just not interested in letting them have that power over me anymore. It makes it easier to enjoy what bits of new stuff we do get.
In the meantime, I go to Universal and spend the majority of my money there, until Disney starts offering product worth more of it.