Things were different 50, 60 years ago, though. I don't know if it's true in this case, but different coasts having different tastes is definitely a thing, and it was much more so back then. Remember, most folks were just starting to get televisions around this time - which had 2, maybe 3 stations (and much of the content was local/regional). Not only did we not have the "global" communication we have now, even nationally it really didn't exist much for average folk outside of the newspaper.
So again, not sure about the specifics in this case, but there certainly are many differences that can lead to how folks will perceive entertainment. I recently dated someone from Southern California - and being a born, bred, and educated New Englander, there certainly were many things that I found quite, quite different in both perception and behavior expectations, which of course would impact something like entertainment choices. (But he was SMOKIN' hot, so I gave him a pass on some of the obnoxious California flakiness LOL.
