A *Special* Gathering


The Prophet is my favorite book :)

I consider it one of my "Bibles". It is inspired. Great to read you like it as well. It was taught to me as a child and if I ever have children it will be taught to them as well.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
alright... enough is enough

keep this thread civil on all sides (yes... EVERYONE) or find yourself searching for a new board


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by GaryT977
You're never gonna forgive me for that, are you? ;)

Besides, anyone with the guts to wear elephant ears in public is special to me.

*in Rudolph voice*



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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mkt
ah yes... the Loophole. The cornerstone of the American Legal System.

Anyone here wanna send me to Congress? I bet in 1 term I could actually make a difference..

and when I turn 35, go to the White House... and change the world. Maybe even for the better..

Hey, you're in Florida. Not only can you be elected to Congress, but Pope as well! Either way, you'd have my vote....


Well-Known Member
Point #1: we have people who are gay that are forum members on wdwmagic.

Point #2: we have people who are Christian that are forum members on wdwmagic.

Point #3: everyone has their own opinion/conviction on this subject.

Point #4: every opinion spoken for or against one of the two previously mentioned groups makes the other group dig their heels in even deeper.

Point #5: no one is going to sway anybody to their "side".

Point #6: I've never seen anyone "win" a conversation/discussion like this.

Point #7: everyone's best option is to stop. Let it go.

Point #8: Gary issued an invitation; if you want to meet him there, great. If not, that's fine too.


New Member
Originally posted by Erika
Check the suicide rates among gay teens sometime and ask yourself what led them to that decision. I don't think it's because gay people are inherantly unhappy. I think it has more to do with other people making them feel like sh*t.

Wow. And I didn't think this thread could get more personal to me that it already was.

Erika, as a gay man who attempted suicide as a miserable teen, I have to tell you that you hit the nail on the head. It's VERY hard to grow up as a "freak". I just thank God that my family, parents especially, realized what was going on in time to discuss frankly with me that who I am is okay, and that no matter what they will always stand beside me. They literally saved my life. I thank God for my family every single day. (Yes, by the way, Gay men and women can pray and have faith, too. Many of us are Christians. I'm not, but that's not the point.)

Like I said, I never would have chosen to be gay at that time. Now, I wouldn't trade my life for anyone else's. I'm happy being me. It took me a very long time to learn to be myself without shame. For a long time I allowed myself to buy into society's views that being gay is "sick" or "wrong". Once I got past that sick way of thinking, I became a much stronger, and a much better person. Because of that, though, I don't let other people try to make me feel bad for who I am. And it's for that reason, that I will wear a red shirt at WDW and stand up to be counted, and hopefully send the message to some other young gay people that they don't have to suffer through the hell I lived through. If my example keeps one kid from trying to take his or her own life, then I've paid back all of those that allow me to be myself.

Okay, I've gotten very preachy, and I'm sorry. That post just hit way too close to home.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by RPMdfw
Wow. And I didn't think this thread could get more personal to me that it already was.

It's VERY hard to grow up as a "freak".

Okay, I've gotten very preachy, and I'm sorry.

Preaching to the choir here :lol:


RunDisney Addict
Originally posted by RAZORBRAD
Just because more people are doing certain things that I might not agree with means that I am not in the same century as those certain people? That is your opinion. I CHOOSE to be with people of the opposite gender, because the thought of being with a member of the same gender is repulsive to me. Does that mean I am a gay basher? NO, That means that I have different opinions than some of you "special people" have. Some people will not be offended by "special days" and some people would not be offended by "natzi days" as mentioned above, but some of you were quick to jump all over him for saying that. It is all about a personal feelings and views. If you have the right to promote "special days" and talk about it then people also have to right to be against and speak out about it.
I f the KKK can sponsor a road then people have the right be against it also. How come the people that dont believe in the KKK dont ever get bashed because they have different views? Do I support the KKK, NO, but that is there own personal opinion. Gay people have the right to be gay, I have the right to be against it without being called old fashion or not being up with the times.

First off, my comment wasn't pointed at you, so perhaps I should clarify.

All we're asking for is a little tolerance and acceptance. Those in the homosexual community aren't doing anything to disrupt us in our daily lives, or trying to make them somehow worse by gathering at WDW. You can "not like" their lifestyle, but still be accepting of the fact that they have their right to do as they please.

Drawing comparisons between them and the KKK is ridiculous. You don't see the homosexual community holding rallies to kill all the heterosexual people. They don't have a violent history that includes raping others, killing, and setting fire to crosses and homes of those that oppose them.

I hate the KKK. Yep.....sure do. But there's a good reason for that - they hate everybody else and go out of their way to let us know about it. They may have adopted a highway, but that's just another attpempt to bring attention to them and their cause. It's not about the good deed, it's about the evil intent they are always trying to attain.

On the other hand, we have young homosexual men who are being made fun of as "freaks" and who, often, are killing THEMSELVES because they are not being accepted into the world as a normal person. We need to stop having tunnel vision and accept our children, friends, and family for what they are. One of my best friends is gay, and I didn't find out until about 5 years ago. I've known him my whole life, and that hasn't changed the way I think about him in the least. In fact, I probably respect him more for having the guts to stand up and let it be known who he is.

On that note, I think we need a thread lock. Every time we have a thread on this subject, a few loudmouths come out and start causing trouble. We can't have a civil discussion on this, because a lot of us are very opinionated on this subject. However, if you are going to let us know about that opinion while underhandedly flaming a member, you'll find yourselves out the door in a hurry.

Ask the bunch of people that have been banned for being idiots on threads like this before.


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by djmatthews
Please can someone explain to me what "gay lifestyle" is, it seems to keep popping up, but it seems very ambiguous.

Beats the hell out of me. Does it have anything to do with watching 'Smallville'? ;)


New Member
Wow!!! New here and couldn't believe these posts. For those of you who are going to WDW for that week, have a great time. EVERYONE!!!! I can't believe people are arguing. Disney Magic is for everyone. Does everyone complain when non-heterosexuals are there other times of the year? There is a weekend set aside or known as and if that offends you go some other time. WDW posts when it is, so go or don't. I hope myself and my children never feel the need to argue, debate, put down etc people because of who they are. Sorry I can't be there that weekend. and NEMO soooooo rocked. One of the best Disney flicks yet.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by sandjhooker
Point #1: we have people who are gay that are forum members on wdwmagic.

Point #2: we have people who are Christian that are forum members on wdwmagic.

...and I bet we even have a few Gay Christians around here too! :lol:

That ought to prove that there really are no "sides" to this debate, but, rather, different states of mind.

That's what makes it all so silly!



Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: HAVE FUN!

Originally posted by Lovecraft
The gospel is the "good news" that Jesus announced when he travelled and taught. That good news is this:

"The kingdom of God is at hand."

That's part of it.

Originally posted by Lovecraft
That means it is within reach. And it is within reach to everyone. You can take it if you want it.

I agree

Originally posted by Lovecraft
How? It has nothing to do with the old Mosaic laws of Judaism anymore.

Not totally true. When we accept Christ through faith, we are called to repent. Repentance requires change. If we are no longer required to follow anything in the law, what are we suppose to repent from?

Faith without works is dead. True faith brings a change in a person. A desire to be more like Christ who was sinless is the result of true faith. Does anyone acheive sinlessness? Of course not but there is a difference between trying and not trying.

Originally posted by Lovecraft
but it was too much at this point to stay quiet when I see the teachings of the Master corrupted. The man who said "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" to the crowd wishing to stone the prostitute would never condemn someone for merely being gay.

No One here is condemning as far as I can tell. Some are trying to share the truth just as Jesus would however, when He told the prostitute to repent and sin no more.

Additionally, I'm not claiming to be perfect. In fact I'm far from it. But, I'm working on it. If I had a simple way to get a lifetime WDW Park Hopper pass and posted it, you'd all think that was great but instead, I know of an even better deal, and just wanted to share it. If you aren't interested, that's on you. I haven't been "up in anyone's face" so chill. In fact, I didn't even write on this thread until people started bashing Christians for being intolerant. Truly intolerant people wouldn't care what happens to the rest of the world.

My only criticism in this whole thing was that I didn't think WDW was a good place to make a political statement.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by RalphieN
My only criticism in this whole thing was that I didn't think WDW was a good place to make a political statement.

And i think all of us would agree with you on that point. However, that's all based on your definition of 'political statement'. If you mean Nikita Kruschov's (sp?) family going to DL, G.B. #1 making a political speech at WDW, people suing Disney just to get their cause out there, those are political statements IMO.

The way i look at is that "Gay Days" is just not a political statement in the same sense of any large group going to WDW isn't a political statement, like a marching band (that woke me up at 7:45 AM!) or a Disneyanna meeting or the Star Wars weekends. There's just nothing political that i can derive from such a group outing.

Perhaps i'm just cynical from dealing with too many protests and protestors in Downtown DC, (Ironically many of whom are protesting to save the environment after they drove their car to the protest) but i just don't view anything political about the 'gay days' group visiting WDW. I've seen people lie down in front of huge buses for their causes, people arrested in lafayette park for their causes and countless other things. Comming from those impressions, when it comes to political statements i dont think this applies.


RunDisney Addict
Exactly....it's not a political statement in the least. They're allowed to have a gathering in a fun place just like if we were to have a WDWMagic meet there.

It's not like they're going to be holding protests and campaigning while they're there.


New Member
hi everyone. I think to me its always a special day at disney. Though i belive there souldnt be special days for anyone because everyone should be allowed in Disney whenever they want to come and u should be allowed to express ur self how ever u like. I think that if there going to have special events they should do them how they do grad nite they should close the park down at night and allow all high school future grads in, or in this case they should have guy nights, they should also add christian nights, and families with children nights and couples night.(ahhhhhhhhhh that would be so sweet my boyfriend and i would go )And what ever other nights people can think of. But i think everyday is special at Disney. For everyone going soon have a great time ill be there soon Aug15-19.:sohappy:


New Member
Originally posted by bearboysnc
*[deleted after better judgement kicked in]*


What a great movie that was. Can't wait to see it 100 more times. I want it on video right now.

:D By the way, I could care less who is in the theater with me as long as they shut up and watch.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by bearboysnc
In this thread, I keep seeing people comparing Gays to the KKK.

I think you are unclear on the concept. The KKK perpetuate HATE. Gay people have better things to do with their time.

The people comparing gays to the KKK have more in common with the KKK, than gay people do.

Well I believe I first mentioned the KKK and I have absolutely NOTHING in common with them! But if you go back and read my post you will see that I was saying that if the United States Federal Court System says that the KKK has the LEGAL right to "adopt a highway" just like any other group even though hundreds and thousands of people protested it (which is exactly what happened in StL Mo., THEN no one should have a problem with a group of people meeting at a theme park. I know for a fact that Six Flags Saint Louis (SF Mid America) has "Gay Days".

In fact my brother and his wife adopted a baby in KY. we don 't know what his exact ethnic origins are, he was born w/cocaine in his body and has cerebal palsy among other problems. You would NOT believe the looks my husband and I get when we have our two daughters and that nephew on a family outing! People do stupid things w/o thinking...they are in fact human all we can do is pray that our children grow up smarter and wiser and kinder.

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