A *Special* Gathering


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
the close minded views of most of it individuals are the reason I left the Catholic Church....

I'm still a Christian... and I am tolerant of anything and can learn to accept anything.

btw- for the record... my GF and I prefer to double date with gay couples... they're just more fun

also.. Finding Nemo ROCKED!!! But am I the ONLY person to get seasick while watching it?


RunDisney Addict
Amazing how I get AIM messages like crazy when a thread like this appears.

I have nothing against gays...or gay day. Nothing wrong with getting together with people like you and celebrating who you are in a fun place. I seriously doubt they're "getting it on hot and heavy" in front of anyone.

It's a matter of tolerance...some people don't have any and stand to learn to catch up to the new century.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
i would seriously rather work 10 gay days in a row than 1 Night of Joy or Grad Nite (well... I have 1 good memory of Grad Nite... but this is a Family Forum).

Some people know how to show respect and appreciation, and well... others don't.


RunDisney Addict
Originally posted by mkt
Some people know how to show respect and appreciation, and well... others don't.

Well doesn't it count as respect if you word it very carefully, so that if you get yelled at, you can just say "I was just saying I WASN'T going to be there a certain day...I did nothing wrong."

Because that's the loophole that NOBODY has tried or been banned for in the past.:brick:


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
ah yes... the Loophole. The cornerstone of the American Legal System.

Anyone here wanna send me to Congress? I bet in 1 term I could actually make a difference..

and when I turn 35, go to the White House... and change the world. Maybe even for the better..


RunDisney Addict
Originally posted by mkt
ah yes... the Loophole. The cornerstone of the American Legal System.

Anyone here wanna send me to Congress? I bet in 1 term I could actually make a difference..

and when I turn 35, go to the White House... and change the world. Maybe even for the better..

I hereby announce my intention to be your runningmate :)


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: HAVE FUN!

Originally posted by Erika
...[clipped for brevity -lc]...It is also not 27 AD. If you're trying to find somebody to spread the word to, I'm betting everyone here has heard it. ...[clipped-lc]...

I wish your statement were true, Erika... the part about everyone here having heard it. Yes, though, I am sure nearly everyone here has heard what they think is the gospel -- or at least what seems to be taught as the gospel in the modern media and the corrupted and convoluted churches of today.

If everyone truly understood the gospel then this thread would have remained what it was orginally intended to be, a notice for a meeting at Walt Disney World. There would have been no flaming etc.

For those of you with an evangelical calling -- that is to say, those who actually have a VOCATION to spread the gospel, not because your church tells you that you must for salvation (which is simply hogwash) I am going to restate what the Gospel of Jesus is after I define "gospel". The gospel is the "good news" that Jesus announced when he travelled and taught. That good news is this:

"The kingdom of God is at hand."

That means it is within reach. And it is within reach to everyone. You can take it if you want it. How? By a simple act of faith. It has nothing to do with being gay or not being gay. It has nothing to do with not wearing makeup or not smoking or not dancing. It has nothing to do with the old Mosaic laws of Judaism anymore.

Just faith in Jesus. Faith isn't belief, the two are different. Faith is a form of trust. The kind of trust you have in a dear friend when you are stranded on the side of the road and he sees you as he is driving. You have faith that he will stop and offer you a ride, you would be shocked if he didn't-- your faith in him is so strong. This is the kind of faith I mean. Faith in Jesus like that is what brings salvation.

As far as the new law that He brought with Christianity; it's this:
"Love your neighbor as you love yourself."

It's really simple, but most Christians today don't even understand what the original gospel is, they think its simply "The Bible" (it isn't) or that it is the new testament (nope not that either).

I apologize for offending anyone's personal beliefs on this board if I have done so, but it was too much at this point to stay quiet when I see the teachings of the Master corrupted. The man who said "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" to the crowd wishing to stone the prostitute would never condemn someone for merely being gay. I wish people would stop tainting a beautiful religion by espousing "laws" and "conditions" for salvation that were never there in the beginning. Maybe things never change, the apostles had to put a smack down on some of the early Christian groups for things similar (some groups were trying to say that new christians of gentile birth had to be circumcised etc. etc. in order to be saved or that they had to follow moses laws) John's response was usually something like "Uh, Jesus never said that, dude" (of course not in todays vernacular -- but I can't write Greek so I paraphrased it ;) )

oops. Long post. c'est la vie.

BTW, the kingdom of God is a beautiful place. Visit some time. Don't worry, come as you are -- all are accepted in spite of what some televangelists and hypocrites may say. For those among you who are gay, don't let the frothing at the mouth fundamentalists frighten you from the kingdom, just find true Christians. The ones that actually follow what Christ taught, not some guy in a suit waving a black book yelling about hell. A true Christian can't judge you and wouldn't even think to do so.


Just because more people are doing certain things that I might not agree with means that I am not in the same century as those certain people? That is your opinion. I CHOOSE to be with people of the opposite gender, because the thought of being with a member of the same gender is repulsive to me. Does that mean I am a gay basher? NO, That means that I have different opinions than some of you "special people" have. Some people will not be offended by "special days" and some people would not be offended by "natzi days" as mentioned above, but some of you were quick to jump all over him for saying that. It is all about a personal feelings and views. If you have the right to promote "special days" and talk about it then people also have to right to be against and speak out about it.
I f the KKK can sponsor a road then people have the right be against it also. How come the people that dont believe in the KKK dont ever get bashed because they have different views? Do I support the KKK, NO, but that is there own personal opinion. Gay people have the right to be gay, I have the right to be against it without being called old fashion or not being up with the times.


Well-Known Member
In this thread, I keep seeing people comparing Gays to the KKK.

I think you are unclear on the concept. The KKK perpetuate HATE. Gay people have better things to do with their time.

The people comparing gays to the KKK have more in common with the KKK, than gay people do.


Im not saying that it is wrong to be gay, Im just saying that im not wrong for being against it. Im not saying that it is wrong to be in the KKK, Im not saying it is wrong to be against it either. Some people were lashing out against someone because he was aginst "special days." And to me that is wrong.


New Member
KKK IS ABOUT HATRED HATING PEOPLE THAT ARE DIFFERENT THEN THEMSELVES as a jewish person KKK people repluse me but do I go around saying they have no right going to disney no



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by RAZORBRAD
I CHOOSE to be with people of the opposite gender, because the thought of being with a member of the same gender is repulsive to me.

Nope, your biological makeup is TELLING you that is what is right. Ours is telling us being with someone of the same gender is right, there is no choosing. In my case I would choose to be straight in order to fit in for example.


So if today, after 27 years of being hetero, I choose to be gay, then it wouldnt be a choice? It was just meant that after 27 years it was biological that I turn gay? No it means that I would have CHOSE to turn gay.



You have the right to be against any action you wish. You also have the right to judge actions as just or unjust, good or evil.

We as people do NOT have the right to judge other people though.

You see, here is the thing: In this world of wide and great diversity no person can obey all man-made laws against sin. So no one can point the finger at another and yell "Sinner!" without accusing himself, maybe not of the same sin but of another. I eat bacon, I don't consider it a sin. People in PETA consider that a great sin, as do Muslims and some Jews. And vice versa there are things, actions, that I detest that are commonplace and considered good or at least considered ethical in other groups, cultures. I am heterosexual, I don't like the homosexual lifestyle and I don't think its a natural state for people. But, you know what, that is me. Who is to say I am right in this? Because of that question, the fact that some higher power must decide whether I am right or wrong in my belief I lose the priveledge to judge a person based on that belief. I can judge the action all I want, but I can't point my finger at someone and yell "Sinner! You are going to hell!" It simply isn't for me to decide. I think the taking of a human life is wrong, but I would never tell an abortionist they are condemned to hell, it's not my place. This leads to a realization: Because I cannot judge a person, I must accept that person with as much love as I would one that does not transgress on my holy ground -- that is to say those that I discern as saint and sinner must both be welcome in my love and compassion. Of course someone already summed it up very nicely when He said "Love thy neighbor".

I'll end my piece with these wise words:
"You who travel with the wind, what weathervane shall direct your course?
What man's law shall bind you if you break your yoke but upon no man's prison door?
What laws shall you fear if you dance but stumble against no man's iron chains?
And who is he that shall bring you to judgment if you tear off your garment yet leave it in no man's path?
People of Orphalese, you can muffle the drum, and you can loosen the strings of the lyre, but who shall command the skylark not to sing? "
-- by Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet


Originally posted by RAZORBRAD
So if today, after 27 years of being hetero, I choose to be gay, then it wouldnt be a choice? It was just meant that after 27 years it was biological that I turn gay? No it means that I would have CHOSE to turn gay.

If you've ever spoken to people who actually went through this, they will tell you that they were miserable and trying only to fit in because somebody else was telling them it was wrong to be gay. Who wins here? Not the spouse, not the children- this is only the result of somebody pretending to be straight when in fact he or she is gay. It ends in misery, divorce, or suicide. I blame that on intolerance.

One more thing, and this one's not directed at you, Brad- suicide is considerd a sin by most people. Check the suicide rates among gay teens sometime and ask yourself what let them to that decision. I don't think it's because gay people are inherantly unhappy. I think it has more to do with other people making them feel like sh*t. And many times, those "other people" are the parents with loose-canon mouths who don't even realize their kids are homosexual.

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