A *Special* Gathering


New Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: HAVE FUN!

My only criticism in this whole thing was that I didn't think WDW was a good place to make a political statement. [/B][/QUOTE]

Well stated and I agree 100%. Personally, I don't really care what anyone's "preferences" are, and I'm not opposed to anyone not causing trouble to vist WDW, but I don't feel like WDW is the appropriate place to have this mass gathering of people based on they're sexual orientation. Let me reiterate that I do not hate or dislike anyone because of who they are, I just feel that this type of thing diminishes the family atmoshere that becomes part of the magic of visiting Disney.


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: hmm

Originally posted by Pumbas Nakasak
They sell beer and gum at the magic kingdom. and everything returns to opening day prices.

Yeah, but knowing Disney it wont be anything strong like Guiness... More like Eisner's [Edited because this is a Family Forum] :rolleyes:

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
I really wish people would stop stating their opinions as fact. NONE of us know for a FACT that people are born gay. NONE of us know for a fact that people choose to be gay. It has not been scientifically proven that anyone is born gay, nor has it been proven otherwise.

Once again, STRONG OPINIONS, no matter how strong, do not equal FACT. And THAT is the only fact of this discussion.


Active Member
But what about" my family"? I have every right to have fun with other gay men who behave better then some "straights" with their family.Some of you people need to ride "it's a small world " for a day or two to understand that their are other people that live on this planet besides yourself's.

Besides Disney will not lose the (gay) dollar,they will make tons of it due to us and they know it .

and Nemo Rock's !!


Well-Known Member
Hey Main Street USA I know for a FACT the Cardinals are the BEST baseball team, that Jack Buck was one heck of an announcer and Mike Shannon enjoys the Bud just a little too much sometimes when he is in the booth ;)

Others esp. those from the Chicago area might try to say those are just my opinions...but hey I KNOW BETTER ;)

By the way, my curiosity got the better of me,
does anyone know why exactly the founders of this picked Disney? I mean did they make this choice of theme parks because it has always been known for being a family park? or just disney fans? I just wondered was there some message I wasn't getting? I didn't after all know about the red shirt thing, so I will admit that things might go over my head!

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Fievel
Exactly....it's not a political statement in the least. They're allowed to have a gathering in a fun place just like if we were to have a WDWMagic meet there.

It's not like they're going to be holding protests and campaigning while they're there.

Well, lookie there! Everybody take note of this quoted post by Fievel, because it's not something that's been seen all that often throughout this thread:

------> LOGIC <-------


Active Member
Well nobody knows if your born straight, black, white, yellow or gay untill it happens.And you will ? yourself on many things like love,freinds,pets- you must make decisions on certain things for yourself not what everyone is doing. You can't always depend on the bible and science to know whats right for you without pressure from the world.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Dwarful
Hey Main Street USA I know for a FACT the Cardinals are the BEST baseball team, that Jack Buck was one heck of an announcer and Mike Shannon enjoys the Bud just a little too much sometimes when he is in the booth ;)

Others esp. those from the Chicago area might try to say those are just my opinions...but hey I KNOW BETTER ;)

LOL:lol: Good one.


New Member
Originally posted by NADisney
But what about" my family"? I have every right to have fun with other gay men who behave better then some "straights" with their family.Some of you people need to ride "it's a small world " for a day or two to understand that their are other people that live on this planet besides yourself's.

Besides Disney will not lose the (gay) dollar,they will make tons of it due to us and they know it .

and Nemo Rock's !!

I believe your family should visit, regardless what the makeup of it is. That being said, I don't think anyone can disagree that WDW is geared alot to small children, and again I don't think is the appropriate place for a large gathering based on sexual orientation.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by NADisney
Well nobody knows if your born straight, black, white, yellow or gay untill it happens.And you will ? yourself on many things like love,freinds,pets- you must make decisions on certain things for yourself not what everyone is doing. You can't always depend on the bible and science to know whats right for you without pressure from the world.

Your post is 100% correct, but it still doesn't make either viewpoint a fact.

Your last sentence, however, is the EXACT reason why people are allowed to have different opinions. We all get to decide for ourselves, in most cases, what's right and wrong.


Active Member
Then disney should not let straight peoples in the park -thats a sexual orientation, or what about age limits in the park because you might be sexualy active towards snow white or alladin- or John Smith.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Originally posted by mkfan23
I don't think is the appropriate place for a large gathering

Neither do I imagine taking your children to an exposed concrete pile constructed in hot n humid Florida and its built on a swamp! How irresponsible is that.

I think Ill just stay at home and watch some wholesome reality TV.


Active Member
steve ,please pull this post-it just gets worst as the years go by.

Have fun to those who go and spend thousands of dollars -lol -like I do the first half hour I get into the MK or Art of Disney store.

never underestimate the power of people in large groups


New Member
Originally posted by NADisney
Then disney should not let straight peoples in the park -thats a sexual orientation, or what about age limits in the park because you might be sexualy active towards snow white or alladin- or John Smith.

I think you missed my point. I don't think there should be a "hetero" day either, and I never said that gays should not be allowed in the parks. Bottomline is I hope you, your friends and family have a great time at WDW. We'll just have to agree to disagree on this matter.


New Member
Originally posted by Main Street USA
I really wish people would stop stating their opinions as fact. NONE of us know for a FACT that people are born gay. NONE of us know for a fact that people choose to be gay. It has not been scientifically proven that anyone is born gay, nor has it been proven otherwise.

Once again, STRONG OPINIONS, no matter how strong, do not equal FACT. And THAT is the only fact of this discussion.

Let me say first off, that I'm not upset by your post, and I'm not mad. I'm trying to be objective and engage you in a conversation that is explanatory, not inflamatory. This is in no way intended to flame anyone, but I'm hoping to offer some insight here.

I understand what you're saying here. Science hasn't proved one way or another whether people are born gay.

Can you understand that I, as a gay man, have a different, and possibly more insightful perspective on the issue? It's something that I have spent my entire life trying to figure out, and until you have to go through the process of "coming out", I'm not sure this is something that can be understood. But maybe this will help:

Not all facts are scientific in nature. For example. You love your wife. It's very obvious that you do from reading your posts, and looking at your pictures (by the way, they're great pictures and you're a cute couple). Therefore it is a fact that you love your wife. Can you explain to me scientifically why? or what love means in a scientific way? No. That doesn't make the fact of your love less valid. Love is a matter of the heart, and doesn't have to be logical. That's part of the beauty of it, it defies reason.

In the same way, I know for a fact that I was born gay. I can not, nor will I try to speak for every gay man and lesbian in the world. For me, the fact is that I did not choose to be gay. Can I define in scientific terms how I know this? No. But it's also a matter of the heart (for me,anyway) and doesn't have to be logical either.

So, I can't give you scientific proof, but I am stating the facts. Different kinds of facts, perhaps, and I'm sorry if they're not the kind of facts you feel that you need. But they are the kind of facts that I need, and since I'm the one who lives this life, doesn't that count for something?

Again, this is not in any way meant to belittle anyone's feelings, or opinions. I'm just speaking about what is true for me.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by RPMdfw
But they are the kind of facts that I need, and since I'm the one who lives this life, doesn't that count for something?

In a sense this is the only point I've been trying to make. So please don't take my posts the wrong way. We're agreeing here.

The only reasoning you need to convince you that you were born gay is that you feel you were. That makes it a fact to you. Which is all that matters when you're concerned.

When the general public is concerened, and looking for a definite answer, some sort of proof is needed. Extensive studies and tests have been done on this very subject, for many years, with no counclusive outcome. Until that happens, the public as a whole can only form an educated opinion.

It's understood that you may have a better perception when dealing with this issue, and I think you certainly have more than me. I am, however educated on the issue, and I continue to ride the fence. I simply don't know whether or not a person is born gay, and until its proven one way or the other, I never will.

If there were some sort of fact book, being born gay wouldn't be in it, and neither would "homosexuality is a choice."

But, you're right, me loving my wife wouldn't be in it either, but I know I do, and that's all that matters to me.:)


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Main Street USA
But, you're right, me loving my wife wouldn't be in it either, but I know I do, and that's all that matters to me.:)

That's the best post you've ever written on this subject. You've come a long way since last year!!

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