A *Special* Gathering


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Originally posted by RPMdfw
Gary, thanks for trying to put together a group. Maybe we'll have a better turn out next year.

Oh well. GayDay itself started out with a few hundred people. We'll just have to see what happens!


New Member
Originally posted by GaryT977
Oh well. GayDay itself started out with a few hundred people. We'll just have to see what happens!

You gotta have a name. Let's call it Gary Days. :lol: Then everyone will show up.

:wave: ACE

P.S. Before anyone goes nuts, this is a joke. OK?
(I know you'll think it's funny Gary, but others are soooo sensitive. :lol: )


New Member
kinda surprised by some of the opinions expressed in this thread :eek:

but anyway, im glad you had a good time you "special" people ;) i think the idea of GayDays is a great one and wish you all the success in the future with making it a succesful event :)


New Member
I hope I don't get booted off this website or make enemies because I love all of you guys but as a Christian I have to say that I don't agree with homosexuality either and disagree with Gay Day because I feel that if homosexuals want to be like everyone else there shouldn't be a day specifically for gays. I mean why does there need to be a gay day? Rob, I think you are a very sweet, kind, guy and I hope to meet you oneday. I even have a friend at On the Border thats a waiter there but he understands that I don't agree with the lifestyle and we respect each others opinions. I also think whomever said there is proof that one of Jesus' Apostles was gay is wrong and that offends me too. I'm sorry if I have offended anyone but I feel like I have a right to express my opinions too! I hope I haven't lost any friends here.


New Member
Originally posted by cuteypatooty78
I hope I don't get booted off this website or make enemies because I love all of you guys but as a Christian I have to say that I don't agree with homosexuality either and disagree with Gay Day because I feel that if homosexuals want to be like everyone else there shouldn't be a day specifically for gays. I mean why does there need to be a gay day? Rob, I think you are a very sweet, kind, guy and I hope to meet you oneday. I even have a friend at On the Border thats a waiter there but he understands that I don't agree with the lifestyle and we respect each others opinions. I also think whomever said there is proof that one of Jesus' Apostles was gay is wrong and that offends me too. I'm sorry if I have offended anyone but I feel like I have a right to express my opinions too! I hope I haven't lost any friends here.

There goes a perfectly good thread drift. :lol:


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Originally posted by ACE
Are you talking about overweight walkers? :lol: Guess that leaves me out. :cry:

:wave: ACE

Nope! I was talking about those ankle crushing strollers that seat two kids side by side. ;)


New Member
Originally posted by cuteypatooty78
I hope I don't get booted off this website or make enemies because I love all of you guys but as a Christian I have to say that I don't agree with homosexuality either and disagree with Gay Day because I feel that if homosexuals want to be like everyone else there shouldn't be a day specifically for gays. I mean why does there need to be a gay day? Rob, I think you are a very sweet, kind, guy and I hope to meet you oneday. I even have a friend at On the Border thats a waiter there but he understands that I don't agree with the lifestyle and we respect each others opinions. I also think whomever said there is proof that one of Jesus' Apostles was gay is wrong and that offends me too. I'm sorry if I have offended anyone but I feel like I have a right to express my opinions too! I hope I haven't lost any friends here.

Cutey, thanks for the compliment. I try to be a sweet and kind person. (And apparently the guy that I met at Disney World thinks so too, as we've chatted on the phone twice a day since I left :D ) and I would love to meet you someday, I always enjoy reading your posts.

You haven't offended me, and of course you have the right to express your opinion. I am sad that you don't "agree" with homosexuality. But from my perspective that's kind of like saying you don't agree with summertime. To me it's a fact of nature and the way God made me and I thank him making me who I am. I'm not going to go into the details again, I've ranted enough on this thread. If you'd like to talk to me further about this, I'd be happy to do so via private messages.

I'm just glad I went, had a great time, met a bunch of great new people (Gary included) and a fantastic guy who likes me (finally) and got home safely.


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Originally posted by RPMdfw
I'm just glad I went, had a great time, met a bunch of great new people (Gary included) and a fantastic guy who likes me (finally) and got home safely.

Excellent! I would call that a productive vacation! :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
Originally posted by GaryT977
Excellent! I would call that a productive vacation! :sohappy: :sohappy:

ME TOO! :sohappy:

I just wish he didn't live in L.A. Oh well, I guess I'll have enough frequent flyer miles to get a free ticket to WDW next year . . .


New Member
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Originally posted by RPMdfw
ME TOO! :sohappy:

I just wish he didn't live in L.A. Oh well, I guess I'll have enough frequent flyer miles to get a free ticket to WDW next year . . .

And you can go to Disneyland!

BTW - Did you read my trip report?


Active Member
Originally posted by RPMdfw
It was really great meeting Gary at the Comedy Warehouse on June 4th. He and I were the only ones who showed up from either of the discussion boards.

Hey, I'm sorry I missed you guys. I knew I wouldn't be there Wednesday, but I was looking out for you both on Friday night and didn't see either of you. I didn't run across Dizknee_Phreek on Sunday, either, so I ended up not meeting anyone from the boards. :( Oh well. Anyone for October?


Active Member
I'm so annoyed that there's a damn big ocean separating myself here in boring old England from you lot and WDW in Florida :( I wish I could have gone for the Days, it sounds like you had so much fun there :)

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