A *Special* Gathering


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Pumbas Nakasak
Yes it was because I was wearing the McDonald tartan. They wanted to know if I had a quarter pounder under the kilt.
Now we know where nuggets come from!:D

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Captain Cab

New Member
Originally posted by PhotoDave219
King George I (otherwise known as President George Bush)

Originally posted by PhotoDave219
"Gambling" Bill Bennett


Originally posted by Yellow Shoes
What about George II telling us post 9/11 to take our kids to Disneyworld (a fine idea ANY day, IMHO)?

How about you guys saving your cheap shots against our President (and Conservatives in general) for your fellow liberal friends? I'm sure they'll all get as much of a kick out of it as you two did.

And no, it wasn't a coincidence that he mentioned tourism in his brother's state, genius. Central Florida has been a tourist mecca for tens of millions of people for the past 20 or so years, and the Disney parks are the primary reason behind it. He simply used the parks as an example because they are very famous, and he didn't want people to be afraid of going on vacation for fear of being attacked by terrorists. People needed to get on with their lives (and vacations) after the attacks, and Central Florida is a great way for many of them to do that.

On a side note this topic has already migrated enough from GaryT977's original posting about meeting in WDW later this week. Let's try to keep all posts in direct relation to either GaryT977's proposed meeting place or Gay Day in general.

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Sorry to have offended you Cap'n.

I just assumed from your signature that you had no problem with taking shots at politicians. Now I realize that Republicans are off limits....

George II could have said--Enjoy the beauty of this country. Take your kids to the Grand Canyon, to Yellowstone, discover America's rich historical heritage at Williamsburg. But he didn't.

He didn't say, "Go to Dollywood, go to Cedar Point, go to Knotts' Berry Farm."

He said, "Make my brother look good. Go to Florida."

Captain Cab

New Member
Originally posted by Yellow Shoes
Sorry to have offended you Cap'n.

I just assumed from your signature that you had no problem with taking shots at politicians. Now I realize that Republicans are off limits....

Actually, I didn't start this. ArchiDanDisney did. A while back he changed his avatar and signature to insult our President. I chatted with him via PM and politely asked him to remove it. He refused, so I changed my signature (previously grammar related) to have some fun against ol' Slick Willie and his Hildabeast wife, Hitlary.

I will make a compromise with you guys though. If you guys (including your avatar and signature ArchiDanDisney) stop making jabs at Republicans, then I'll change my signature to something appropriate for this website and not make any more comments about the Democrats or Liberals.

Also take note that this is not a political website and making inappropriate comments is bad for both sides.


Well-Known Member

I go away for the weekend and look what happens.

A simple invitation to a simple event, turns into a broad bashing of god and the state of the nation. Capt, "me thinks thou doust protest too much", feelin guilty?

Gary, Wednesday at P.I. sounds great, my friends and I were planning on attending Cirque that night, so P.I. is just across the bridge, we'll be there! A required stop at the Adventurers Club is needed too.

Saturday, the Country Bear Jamboree with the 3 billion other bears at 1pm on Saturday is my next scheduled stop.

Beach Ball at Typhoon Lagoon is the final of the day! The rest of the weekend is reserved for relaxing and hanging out by the pool!!!

BTW let me know when the Cops are going to have their pride day, I'll make travel arrangements NOW!!!

I'm off to go see Nemo now!!!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Captain Cab

How about you guys saving your cheap shots against our President (and Conservatives in general) for your fellow liberal friends? I'm sure they'll all get as much of a kick out of it as you two did.

On a side note this topic has already migrated enough from GaryT977's original posting about meeting in WDW later this week. Let's try to keep all posts in direct relation to either GaryT977's proposed meeting place or Gay Day in general.

This isn't a political debate, nor was it intended as a personal attack towards anyone, simply an observation about society's actions and inactions.

(Snippy Comments Removed)

I'm simply making observations on alternative ways to better society then those opinions offered.


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by bearboysnc
Gary, Wednesday at P.I. sounds great, my friends and I were planning on attending Cirque that night, so P.I. is just across the bridge, we'll be there! A required stop at the Adventurers Club is needed too.

I think there's a gathering on Thursday at AC. I'm trying to hit more of the non-circuit party stuff this year.

BTW - Didn't Finding Nemo just rock?!? DUDE!!! :cool:

Captain Cab

New Member
Originally posted by Yellow Shoes

And apologies where necessary.

I MUCH perferred chatting about Pumbas Nakasak's kilt!!

Truce accepted.

I would also like to issue full apologies for anything offensive that I may have posted recently.

To be fair I'll change my signature to something Disney related within the next 24 hours.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by GaryT977
I think there's a gathering on Thursday at AC. I'm trying to hit more of the non-circuit party stuff this year.

BTW - Didn't Finding Nemo just rock?!? DUDE!!! :cool:

Gary, your comment on not participating in a discussion where logic has no place is right on. Geez.

Ya know, that night my wife and I saw you was the first night we stepped foot in the Adventurer's Club, if you can believe that. It's a good time in there. BUt, of course, soon after we ventured back over to CW for the next show.:D

And yes, Nemo TOTALLY rocked, dude! One of my new favorites!


New Member
Originally posted by GaryT977
I think there's a gathering on Thursday at AC. I'm trying to hit more of the non-circuit party stuff this year.

BTW - Didn't Finding Nemo just rock?!? DUDE!!! :cool:

Yes, a lot of us are planning on hitting Adventurer's Club on Thursday.

And, DUUUDE, Finding Nemo, so TOTALLLY ROCKED! :lol:


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Main Street USA
Ya know, that night my wife and I saw you was the first night we stepped foot in the Adventurer's Club, if you can believe that. It's a good time in there. BUt, of course, soon after we ventured back over to CW for the next show.:D

I like that place, but when I'm drinkin some beer I needs me some music!

I'm planning on doing PI all four nights (I've never been in to hyper-expensive circuit party type things), and I'm hitting CW every night!

DUDE!!! :D:cool:

(I'm gonna be doing that surfer turtle voice for weeks, I just know it)


New Member
Originally posted by GaryT977
(I'm gonna be doing that surfer turtle voice for weeks, I just know it)

Really? I thinkg I'm going to be quoting Dory at length for some time to come.

"Bad Squishy!"

"Just keep, swimming, swimming . . . "


Loved it!


New Member
I know funny!!!!!!! I'm a CLOWNFISH!!!!:lol:

I am gonna be at WDW 8/15-8/19, so anyone going before me have a great time!!!!!!!! And by the way may the Magic at WDW be experienced and enjoyed by everyone.:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Well, honestly I cannot for the life of me see what all the hullaballo is about. If the KKK can legally adopt a part of I-70 in St.Louis Mo, against the wishes of MANY MANY people than why in the world can't a group meet somewhere they want to.

My husband is a member of the Lutheran Church, the views of the LCMissouri Synod differ on many issues from my religious background (Presbyterian Church USA) but that doesnt mean one is better than the other they are different and our children are being exposed to both (Lutheran Education, church at the PCUSA),
Our kids were "exposed" to gaydays, although it was a surprise for us, it did no harm (other than the whole "red shirt episode" mentioned previously) to our kids. They will grow up to be loving and compassionate adults.

By the way for those of you who have already seen it Should I take a 3yr old to see Finding Nemo or hire a sitter? This will be a weekday morning show so it shouldn't be too crowded.


New Member
yes u should take ur three year old to see finding nemo. I work with pre schoolers and some of them have seen it. It has a little sad part at the begining but i dont think many of them understood it because i had to explain it in class. The movie is great and it sends a great message.:)


Well-Known Member
Well thanks for the quick reply. I won't hire a sitter then. She already loves the little Nemo from the happy meal toy so I thought she would enjoy it then a friend so no it wouldn't be good, but she has seen most all of the disney movies her favorite now is Snow White so I thought she could handle this movie. Thanks again!


New Member
Originally posted by Dwarful
Well thanks for the quick reply. I won't hire a sitter then. She already loves the little Nemo from the happy meal toy so I thought she would enjoy it then a friend so no it wouldn't be good, but she has seen most all of the disney movies her favorite now is Snow White so I thought she could handle this movie. Thanks again!

If she was able to handle Bambi, she should be able to see this one


Well-Known Member
Just a little side note from kevlightyear. . .

You wouldn't believe how many times my friends make fun of disney and Gay Days. Whenever it's mentioned, they make it seem like Disney World is committing some crime. Keep in mind we're mostly 17 years old. I don't know why they always pull Disney into it. They're allowed to have their own opinions, but Disney doens't have anything to do with it. They don't run it or anything. They just keep doing what they always do, just to a different crowd.

But anyway. . .

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