A *Special* Gathering

Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Originally posted by GaryT977
Dammit! I guess I'll have to wait until December to meet you. ;)

Gary if you are going to the dessert Party, let either wannabebelle or myself know.
I have to keep a list of whose going.


New Member
First of all, I would like to say that I am a Catholic who is extremely strong in his beliefs. I have been to Catholic school since I was five, and I am an altar server at my church. My religion classmates even joke with me about being Jesus' second coming and that I should become a priest.


I have seen many ridiculous things on this subject. I have seen how many heterosexuals are close-minded, but also how everyone else is close-minded too! We must face the truth that everyone in the world has their prejudices!

We are human beings living in a diverse world, and we must realize that as long as their is human life, there will be prejudices. We do not have to accept what we think is wrong either, as some of the people on this site have shown quite exuberantly. As humans, we have the free choice and the ability to try to change what we think is wrong.

Just as some of the heterosexuals have displayed their prejudices against homosexuals, so have many, heterosexual and homosexual, expressed their prejudices and sometimes hate for the religious. Even one person who was sticking up for homosexuals said he lived with a Jew; one instance of prejudice.

This whole argument was based on a simply invitation, and therefore, I will not make any comment on Gay Days or homosexuality. (That should be for another thread.)

I leave with this last remark on what I have viewed today. What an amazing world God has created where life is so abundant and people so diversified. Our diverse world is truely a gift, and if all we do is argue about it, we will never be able to enjoy. And just think with all the diversity in our world, it is amazing that we are all able to come together and enjoy one thing, Disney.

P.S.- Besides being a strong Catholic, I am also a great lover of debate and in Advanced Placement English classes.


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Kingdom Konsultant
Gary if you are going to the dessert Party, let either wannabebelle or myself know.
I have to keep a list of whose going.

Um... I have to admit that I haven't paid much attention to the official meet thread. :hammer:

What/when is the dessert party?

Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Originally posted by GaryT977
Um... I have to admit that I haven't paid much attention to the official meet thread. :hammer:

What/when is the dessert party?

It's on Dec. 4th. It's a special viewing area (covered patio) for Fantasmic. We are having things like fruit topped cheesecake, fresh fruit, chocolates, hot waffles with ice cream and fruit toppings, etc. It's a private party for WDWMagic forum members and their friends/family.
The cost is $28 per person.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Originally posted by SpectroMan
First of all, I would like to say that I am a Catholic who is extremely strong in his beliefs. I have been to Catholic school since I was five, and I am an altar server at my church. My religion classmates even joke with me about being Jesus' second coming and that I should become a priest.

I take it your point about your catholic beleif system is that you are keen to demonstrate your support for a gay life style, as practiced worldwide by the preisthood.


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Kingdom Konsultant
It's on Dec. 4th. It's a special viewing area (covered patio) for Fantasmic. We are having things like fruit topped cheesecake, fresh fruit, chocolates, hot waffles with ice cream and fruit toppings, etc. It's a private party for WDWMagic forum members and their friends/family.
The cost is $28 per person.

I may have had a (bleach) blond moment and made the reservation for the wrong weekend in December. I'll have to check when I get home. :hammer:

Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Originally posted by GaryT977
I may have had a (bleach) blond moment and made the reservation for the wrong weekend in December. I'll have to check when I get home. :hammer:

Oh NOOO!!:eek: Don't say that. Let me know when you get home.



Well-Known Member
Wow..I can't believe I read all 16 pages.:brick:

To all you Gay Bashers: Shut up or butt heads with the Gays in a PM...I'm tired of reading this crap.

To all you Gays: If you wanna hook up then do it in a PM or in the Chit Chat section...And stop defending yourselves...it's YOUR life not THEIRS. I'm tired of reading this crap.

To all you Religious Fanatics: Preach at church...I'm tired of reading this crap.

To all you Disney Fans: Whenever you go to Disney World, whomever you go with, Have a great time and remember the Magic!

143 days till my next Disney vacation!!:sohappy:


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Kingdom Konsultant
Oh NOOO!!:eek: Don't say that. Let me know when you get home.


Yup! For some reason I thought all this was happening the 2nd week of December. Oh well. :(


New Member
Originally posted by Pumbas Nakasak
I take it your point about your catholic beleif system is that you are keen to demonstrate your support for a gay life style, as practiced worldwide by the preisthood.

Yes, some things have been done wrong in the Catholic Church, but the majority of priests are not gay! Many priest I know were considered "ladies' men" before they went into the priesthood. Anyone who says a comment like you have just stated obviously does not realize that someone can have so much faith in God that they would give up falling in love with a woman, getting married, and having children. Instead of bashing the priesthood, we should look to priest as sacrificing their lives to the services of others and of God.

Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Originally posted by GaryT977
Yup! For some reason I thought all this was happening the 2nd week of December. Oh well. :(

Gary we are meeting at the MVMCP on the 9th also. Let me know if you can make it.


Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Originally posted by SpectroMan
. Instead of bashing the priesthood, we should look to priest as sacrificing their lives to the services of others and of God.

No Im sorry but I never said they were gay. The two things must not be confused . I cant turn a blind eye to kiddie fiddling no matter how good it may make some people feel to disguise the fact that institutional abuse is rife. If perhaps it were an isolated incident then perhaps my cheap comments may have been misplaced however daily revelations worldwide prove otherwise.

Mind you I have never said there is anything wrong with a bit of bishop bashing, regardless of your denomination.

And naughty monkeys should be chastised when required.


New Member
Originally posted by Pumbas Nakasak
No Im sorry but I never said they were gay. The two things must not be confused . I cant turn a blind eye to kiddie fiddling no matter how good it may make some people feel to disguise the fact that institutional abuse is rife. If perhaps it were an isolated incident then perhaps my cheap comments may have been misplaced however daily revelations worldwide prove otherwise.

I'm sorry for misunderstanding you, and I totally agree with you. You should have seen how angry I and everyone I knew was about these problems. But though there are some, the majority of priests are not, and many are trying to rectify the things that have happened in the church.


New Member
Okay, I REALLY hope this doesn't blow up in my face.

It was really great meeting Gary at the Comedy Warehouse on June 4th. He and I were the only ones who showed up from either of the discussion boards. (he posted it on gayday.com, too) and after we had a great time at CW we went over to 8-trax and met alot of great people from the other boards.

Gary, thanks for trying to put together a group. Maybe we'll have a better turn out next year.

I'm working on a trip report for the incredibly fun time we had. I plan on posting it on the other discussion board. If anyone is interested in reading it let me know and I'll post it here at WDWMagic as well.

It's nice to be home, but it was SO HARD to leave!



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by RPMdfw
Okay, I REALLY hope this doesn't blow up in my face.

It was really great meeting Gary at the Comedy Warehouse on June 4th. He and I were the only ones who showed up from either of the discussion boards. (he posted it on gayday.com, too) and after we had a great time at CW we went over to 8-trax and met alot of great people from the other boards.

Gary, thanks for trying to put together a group. Maybe we'll have a better turn out next year.

I'm working on a trip report for the incredibly fun time we had. I plan on posting it on the other discussion board. If anyone is interested in reading it let me know and I'll post it here at WDWMagic as well.

It's nice to be home, but it was SO HARD to leave!


Glad to hear you had a great time! Sorry to hear not many people turned up, I am sure it was not intentionally done :)

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