A *Special* Gathering


New Member
Originally posted by Main Street USA
In a sense this is the only point I've been trying to make. So please don't take my posts the wrong way. We're agreeing here.

Until that happens, the public as a whole can only form an educated opinion.


I don't think I'm taking your posts wrong. They're very articluate, well written, and it's obvious that you're not uninformed on the issue. And I completely understand where you are coming from, and it seems like you understand where I'm coming from.

And you're right. In general terms, the public can only form an educated opinion. I guess what I'm trying to do is help provide that "education" into what it's like to grow up gay. I'm really just trying to foster understanding, after all understanding is the first step to stamping out bigotry and intolerance.

Thanks for your thoughts on this issue, and thank you for listening to mine. I respect that.

Now, I've got to go start packing and getting ready. Otherwise, I'll miss my plane at 6:30 Wednesday morning, and I won't get to meet ANYONE at Pleasure Island that night.


I never said I was against gays, I never said it was wrong to be gay. I said it was wrong to be bashing the people that ARE against gays. If you are gay good for you if you are happy, that is your right to be gay, and have "special days" or whatever else yall come up with. I dont have the right to bash, judge, put down, or discriminate against you in anyway. BUT I have the right to be against it, without having to be bashed from the people that are all for it.

Don L Duck

New Member
I said it before and I'll say it again.
This sums up the whole thread for me and should for everyone else.
In the words of the great Jerry Seinfeld


End of story :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by RAZORBRAD
BUT I have the right to be against it, without having to be bashed from the people that are all for it.

THANK YOU for tolerating us.

THANK YOU for allowing us to have our day in the sun.

THANK YOU to those who chimed in that they "don't approve" but will allow us to congregate. REPEATEDLY. I wasn't aware we needed your permission.

THANK YOU for trying to "save" us by those extremely longwinded rants, of the right way YOUR god tells YOU to live.

I promise that when "Night of Joy" comes around, I won't waste your time in the chat threads, by trying to convert you with my ubsurd way of free thinking.



Well-Known Member
What ever your views, opinons, sexuality, religion, I hope everyone that is going to WDW has a fab time. I'm so jelous, I can't wait until my next visit.
Originally posted by RPMdfw

I look forward to the day that we don't need an event like Gay Days becuase it truly doesn't matter to anyone whether a person is gay, straight, christian, atheist, black, white, polka dotted or whatever. I hope I live to see it. Until that day comes however, don't tell me that I'm a second class citizen, don't tell me that I am unworthy of gathering with my friends at Disney World, and do not tell me that holding hands with my prince charming is wrong, because I will not be treated unfairly, nor should I have to.

Peace, love, and Mickey Mouse!

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
I'm sure glad we all stuck to the...uhh... purpose of the thread.
Gary and everyone else going.... have a FANTASTIC TIME!!! I'm insanely jealous- I probably won't get to return for a while... live it up my friend!


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: HAVE FUN!

Originally posted by Lovecraft
I wish your statement were true, Erika... the part about everyone here having heard it. Yes, though, I am sure nearly everyone here has heard what they think is the gospel -- or at least what seems to be taught as the gospel in the modern media and the corrupted and convoluted churches of today.

If everyone truly understood the gospel then this thread would have remained what it was orginally intended to be, a notice for a meeting at Walt Disney World. There would have been no flaming etc.

For those of you with an evangelical calling -- that is to say, those who actually have a VOCATION to spread the gospel, not because your church tells you that you must for salvation (which is simply hogwash) I am going to restate what the Gospel of Jesus is after I define "gospel". The gospel is the "good news" that Jesus announced when he travelled and taught. That good news is this:

"The kingdom of God is at hand."

That means it is within reach. And it is within reach to everyone. You can take it if you want it. How? By a simple act of faith. It has nothing to do with being gay or not being gay. It has nothing to do with not wearing makeup or not smoking or not dancing. It has nothing to do with the old Mosaic laws of Judaism anymore.

Just faith in Jesus. Faith isn't belief, the two are different. Faith is a form of trust. The kind of trust you have in a dear friend when you are stranded on the side of the road and he sees you as he is driving. You have faith that he will stop and offer you a ride, you would be shocked if he didn't-- your faith in him is so strong. This is the kind of faith I mean. Faith in Jesus like that is what brings salvation.

As far as the new law that He brought with Christianity; it's this:
"Love your neighbor as you love yourself."

It's really simple, but most Christians today don't even understand what the original gospel is, they think its simply "The Bible" (it isn't) or that it is the new testament (nope not that either).

I apologize for offending anyone's personal beliefs on this board if I have done so, but it was too much at this point to stay quiet when I see the teachings of the Master corrupted. The man who said "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" to the crowd wishing to stone the prostitute would never condemn someone for merely being gay. I wish people would stop tainting a beautiful religion by espousing "laws" and "conditions" for salvation that were never there in the beginning. Maybe things never change, the apostles had to put a smack down on some of the early Christian groups for things similar (some groups were trying to say that new christians of gentile birth had to be circumcised etc. etc. in order to be saved or that they had to follow moses laws) John's response was usually something like "Uh, Jesus never said that, dude" (of course not in todays vernacular -- but I can't write Greek so I paraphrased it ;) )

oops. Long post. c'est la vie.

BTW, the kingdom of God is a beautiful place. Visit some time. Don't worry, come as you are -- all are accepted in spite of what some televangelists and hypocrites may say. For those among you who are gay, don't let the frothing at the mouth fundamentalists frighten you from the kingdom, just find true Christians. The ones that actually follow what Christ taught, not some guy in a suit waving a black book yelling about hell. A true Christian can't judge you and wouldn't even think to do so.

Hi there,

I have just been reading all the banter back and forth in the posting about Gay Days and was growing quite ashamed of both the homosexuals and the Christians. That is until I read your post. So I am writing to just say thank you.

Your post gives me hope that there are Christians on this planet that actually understand the message of the Bible. I just wish that more people like you would stand up and express theirselves. Unfortuantely, that is not how the world works for whatever reason.

Likewise, I wish the outspoken homosexuals would learn to get off their soap boxes and practice what they preach also. I often wonder why they can't see that their message is also "love thy Neighbor". How oxymoronic is it that everyone wants to be accepted while not accepting anyone else. Afterall acceptance is the basis for the vast majority of the posts here. "For" or "Against" homosexuality, everyone wants to be accpted by the group they are uncomfortable with.

As a Homosexual, one of my greatest hopes is that we all learn to accept that not everyone is going to accept us but that we can still lead our lives with purpose and happiness.

As a Christian, I sincerely hope that one day I run across a large gathering of people like Lovecraft so that I can once again feel comfortable participating in organized religion.

It is discussions like the one this thread evolved into that serves to make everyone feel a little less human and significant.



Active Member
First of all i would like to say that i am a born again Christian, simply meant, i have accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. I am very proud of that. Second Jesus was NOT GAY, Any person who reads the bible and understands the bible knows that is the TRUTH. Jesus loved all, however he hated sin, because He knew what sin led to. So if you want to be gay that is your business, but don't say Jesus Christ is gay, espcially if you don't know His word. A true Christian loves all, but hates the sin. A true believer in Jesus will do his will, which is to love all, while leading them to a life in him.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
alright... I just had a GENIUS moment.


or at least drift it to high hell.


New Member
Originally posted by NADisney
Then disney should not let straight peoples in the park -thats a sexual orientation,


Any person, white or black, hetero or , male or female, Christian or Jew.....can come to the park at any time, any day, any month, any year.....we are all Human....my question is why should any group have a special day. Every day is a special day when going to Disney, period.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by RPMdfw
I'm sorry. I have to weigh in on this one. Main Street USA, I respect you a great deal and almost always enjoy your posts. But when it comes to the "Is Homosexuality a choice issue" I must say loudly IT IS NOT! This rant is not aimed at you specifically, by the way. It is not personal, but it's something that has been building as I read everything on this thread.

What age were all of you when someone took you aside and said "Do you choose to be gay or straight? What? no one ever made you choose that? Hmm. Me neither. I did not choose to be gay!

I didn't choose to be born gay. I didn't choose to be the last minority that it's still legal to discriminate against in this country. I didn't choose to be the guy who gets singled out and called nasty names in high school because I'm different. It wasn't my choice, but it IS my life (note that I said my life not my lifestyle. I don't have a lifestyle, I have a LIFE, the same as everyone else.) Do I complain that the creator made me "special"? No. I live my life and try to be the best person I can be. Those who know me will tell you that I'm a great person. I work, I pay taxes, I vote, I serve on jury duty, I do everything that an American should. I'm a good person, a good citizen, and a damned nice guy. And I'm getting REALLY TIRED of hearing people on these boards imply that they should keep their children from coming into contact with me because a small part of who I am is gay.

Moving on to public displays of affection. I was at Disney World in March. I saw LOTS of heterosexual couples engaging in public dispays of affection. Do I want to see it? No! Do I begrudge them their happiness? Of course not. (Especially when the people I saw most often holding hands and hugging each other were my parents, my brother and his girlfriend or my sister and her fiance. I celebrate the fact that they have what I do not. Someone to share their life with. And when I find the right man they will do the same for me.) Why is it okay for straight people to hold hands or hug, but not gay people? Because there is a double standard in our society that IS NOT FAIR! Until this double standard is gone, then events like Gay Days will be NECCISSARY to provide visibility to the fact that we are here. We are people that enjoy things that everyone else does, and we deserve the same respect that everyone else gets. Not because we're gay, but because we're PEOPLE!

I look forward to the day that we don't need an event like Gay Days becuase it truly doesn't matter to anyone whether a person is gay, straight, christian, atheist, black, white, polka dotted or whatever. I hope I live to see it. Until that day comes however, don't tell me that I'm a second class citizen, don't tell me that I am unworthy of gathering with my friends at Disney World, and do not tell me that holding hands with my prince charming is wrong, because I will not be treated unfairly, nor should I have to.

I'm sorry that this post is so long. I'm sorry that it is so charged with emotion regarding volitile issues. I know this post may get this thread locked or even deleted. I know I could get banned from WDWmagic for this post, and I would truly hate for that to happen, because I very much enjoy participating in this online Disney Community. I won't however roll over like a dog to be kicked again.

Peace, love, and Mickey Mouse!

well said!!!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by GaryT977
For those of you who are going to be at WDW next week for that very 'special' day (and you know who you are!), I'd like to propose a very 'special' gathering at PI on 06/04, at 9pm in front of the Comedy Warehouse.

How does that sound? :D

(after reading 15 pages of postings)
Whew . .
Thanks for the invite, but I have a prior commitment - putting on a dance recital - I hope you have a great time! Say Hi to Mickey for me!
Oh. and now I can't wait to see Nemo - sounds like a "new classic" .


Well-Known Member
I dunno how you people even come to disney. Homosexuals check you into your room, drive you around in the busses and monrails. Serve you food in the restuarants. Ring your merchandise up at World of Disney. Help you onto the rides. Listen to your at Guest Relations. And you watch them in the parade.


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by TravisM
I dunno how you people even come to disney. Homosexuals check you into your room, drive you around in the busses and monrails. Serve you food in the restuarants. Ring your merchandise up at World of Disney. Help you onto the rides. Listen to your at Guest Relations. And you watch them in the parade.

I wonder if they know that or just choose to ignore it? How about how awesome Ellen Degenerous (sp?) is in Finding Nemo? Will they skip that movie 'cause she's in it?



New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Kingdom Konsultant
If I were there, I would stop by. I won't be arriving until the 12th though.


Dammit! I guess I'll have to wait until December to meet you. ;)

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