A *Special* Gathering


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Originally posted by Mr. Toad
OK, serious question.

We will be down in WDW from June 3 - 13. How many of those days should we expect to see increased crowds? Are there certain days that certain parks are the focal points? I'm just looking to avoid some of the big crowds that I assume will be there.

As a seven year veteran of Gay Days, the only day you have to worry about is Saturday. The Magic Kingdom is packed to capacity. Personally, I love going on Saturday just to see the sea of red shirts in that place. And even waiting in long lines for Splash Mountain is fun!


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Originally posted by Main Street USA
I'm not going to say whether or not I agree or disagree with this statement, BUT what exactly makes your opinion that it's NOT a choice a fact? Strong opinions, no matter how strong, do not equal fact

Hi Main Street! I was wondering when you were gonna chime in on this one. I can't give you the facts you want to hear. All I can tell you is that if I had a choice, I would be married with two kids right now. I certainly wouldn't choose a 'lifestyle' that would leave me subject to some of the statements in this thread.

BTW - I really enjoyed meeting you and you wife last December. Hope to see you again!



Originally posted by RalphieN
It is not about letting people be who they want to be. For Christians, it is about who God wants us to be. As Christians, we are commissioned to preach the Gospel to the world and help save people from eternal damnation. We are all sinners and fall short in the sight of God but the difference here is that some admit that they are sinners and are trying to be more like Christ while others want to do as they will and change nothing. It is not about judging people. Christians are called to love the sinner but hate the sin. If I saw you driving your car recklessly towards a cliff, should I try to do something to save you or would I be being judgemental?

So if you would like defend homosexuals for what they do, I would like to defend Christians for doing what they do.

I agree that as Christians we have responsibilities, but too often we are ineffective because we are too busy p*ssing everyone off.

Edited for spelling

Captain Cab

New Member
Originally posted by burbur
seeing as how i'm gay and all... i can't really choose to turn it off when i enter a theme park or a public place. i'm gay all the time. if you have a beef with it, look the other way. or go up to conroy road and go to christian theme park, cuz i'm sure not many gays are gonna be hitting up that place.
So you're saying that you're in favor of the activities that happen during Gay Day? Are you going to tell all of those innocent families to simply leave and "go to christian theme park" when they start seeing homosexuals getting "hot and heavy" with each other? Give me a break here people! Families and innocent people are going to be making trips to WDW to experience the Disney magic. They're not there to see homosexuals spreading their own kind of magic. Save the inappropriate behavior for another place.

Originally posted by RPMdfw
But when it comes to the "Is Homosexuality a choice issue" I must say loudly IT IS NOT!
Main Street USA was absolutely correct when he said "Strong opinions, no matter how strong, do not equal fact." Until science proves that homosexuality occurs in humans naturally without voluntary human thought/reasoning from interfering, then we have to assume that it was a person's choice to become homosexual. By the way, I have known quite a few homosexual people in my lifetime, and all of them were completely unwilling to look at any scientific data that debated whether or not becoming homosexual occured naturally or voluntarily. They all believed it occured naturally, and none of them could bring up any good reasons why they believe it happens that way. Just something to think about I guess.

What age were all of you when someone took you aside and said "Do you choose to be gay or straight? What? no one ever made you choose that?

It happened probably about the same time as when they asked "Do you choose to be a successful person in society, or are you going to fail and be a bum?" Those kinds of questions happen throughout a person's lifetime, though they may never actually be asked by a person. Just listen to that little voice inside and do what you think is the best thing to do. If you want to keep being a homosexual, then fine that's your decision. If you want to keep being a heterosexual, then fine that's your decision.

Until this double standard is gone, then events like Gay Days will be NECCISSARY to provide visibility to the fact that we are here. We are people that enjoy things that everyone else does, and we deserve the same respect that everyone else gets.
So you want to get respect by forcing your issues in front of thousands of innocent people trying to have a vacation? I'm sure that'll win them over real well. /sarcasm

You can't get respect when fellow homosexual people decide to show inappropriate PDAs in theme parks. That behavior only encourages people to not like homosexuals even more.

As I have said before, many homosexuals are great people and wonderful members of society. There's nothing wrong with being gay. However, just because one is homosexual doesn't give them the right to display it in such ways in front of innocent people on vacation. There is a time and a place for everything, and theme parks don't qualify for either one. Save the inappropriate PDAs for private establishments that welcome that sort of behavior.

Don L Duck

New Member
Re: Re: Re: HAVE FUN!

Originally posted by Erika
I agree that as Christians we have responsibilities, but too often we are inneffective because we are too busy p*ssing everyone off.

Dam Erika,You hit the nail right on the head.
You are a very smart and insightful person :cool:


New Member
Okay, I tried really hard to stay away from this topic but the close mindedness of people is really starting to get to me. WDW wasn't just created for happy families with little kids, it was created for everyone. Just because you don't believe in something doesn't mean you have to go around bashing it. How would you feel if someone came up to you and started bashing all your beliefs? I don't think that you'd like that very much. Is it so hard to just ignore the people that you don't "approve" of and have a good time regardless? And teaching your kids to be close minded about this kind of thing will just spread the hate to later generations.

And I saw that someone got to the discussion of PDAs. I'm sure most of these people aren't walking around all up on each other and even if they are, ignore it. This world is turning into a very diversified place and being close minded about it isn't going to change anything.


Well-Known Member
we were there last year and didn't know anything about gay days when I planned our trip. we still went,my husband and I and 5 kids (of whom only 2 are ours). my sister met up w/us a week later right in the middle of the festivities. still it was an excellent trip. Only one person on the bus remarked about "lack of birth control" but we laughed and ignored it, feeling good thinking that we must be treating all the kids equally if people thought that at age 29 I had 5 kids~ The only thing we didnt know about were the red shirts! Well, my husband and 2 nephews (11 & 13) all walked in wearing "Cardinal Red" of course and someone made some remark and immediately the boys felt "self conscious" the remark was meant to be a joke, but still boys that age apparently are sensitive so my husband being the super uncle that he is immediately took the boys into the emporium to buy them all new t-shirts. which then upset the 2 oldest girls (6 &8) "they got shirts and we didn't" you know, so we made a deal that at the end of the day they could get new shirts to wear the next day so the next day all the girls in our group were wearing the matching shirts (none of which were red by the way) ;)


Re: Re: Re: HAVE FUN!

Originally posted by Erika
I agree that as Christians we have responsibilities, but too often we are ineffective because we are too busy p*ssing everyone off.

Edited for spelling

How effective do we become by avoiding the truth and letting people think they are OK because other people say it is OK?

A Christian has two choices: 1. share the Gospel or 2. avoid p*ssing people off. A true Christian has only one choice.

I do not intend to upset anyone, but I simply care too much about my fellow Disney fans to let them perish for lack of knowledge. If that is lack of acceptance, I'm sorry.


As a Christian, I have absolutely no problem with homosexuals or any other type of sinner going to Walt Disney World. Without sinners there, the place would be empty. Walt created his parks as a place for everyone to enjoy. That doesn't mean this sin or any sin is acceptable, however. None of us are sinless, but those of us who are not trying to get rid of sins in our lives are truly in trouble.

So, anyone going to WDW to enjoy the magic, have a great time. I wish I were going now as well but for those of you who are going just to pronounce your "right" to be public homosexuals by attending "gay days" at WDW, I question your heart. WDW should never be used as a place to make a political statement.


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Originally posted by RalphieN
WDW should never be used as a place to make a political statement.

So attending a theme park is now a political statement? I'm really regretting starting this thread.


The main reason I go to Gay Days is my love for WDW. The bonus is going with friends and meeting some new people.

How about this, Mr. Christian: You worry about your sins and let us worry about ours.


Re: Re: Re: Re: HAVE FUN!

Originally posted by RalphieN
How effective do we become by avoiding the truth and letting people think they are OK because other people say it is OK?

A Christian has two choices: 1. share the Gospel or 2. avoid p*ssing people off. A true Christian has only one choice.

I do not intend to upset anyone, but I simply care too much about my fellow Disney fans to let them perish for lack of knowledge. If that is lack of acceptance, I'm sorry.

My point about p*ssing people off is this: If nobody listens to you because you have made them mad, you're not sharing any Gospel. I know people who will avoid anything Christian at any cost because of this type of behavior. It is counter-productive.

It is also not 27 AD. If you're trying to find somebody to spread the word to, I'm betting everyone here has heard it.

I just think this is a place to live and let live. It started out as a simple meet thread and look at what it has become. Even "special" wording couldn't keep it from being attacked.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: HAVE FUN!

Originally posted by Erika
My point about p*ssing people off is this: If nobody listens to you because you have made them mad, you're not sharing any Gospel. I know people who will avoid anything Christian at any cost because of this type of behavior. It is counter-productive.

It is also not 27 AD. If you're trying top find somebody to spread the word to, I'm betting everyone here has heard it.

I just think this is a place to live and let live.

I hope and pray that I never give up on everyone like this.


Originally posted by GaryT977
So attending a theme park is now a political statement? I'm really regretting starting this thread.

Are you saying it's an accident that 135,000? (got this number from an earlier post) people with a similar belief system all decided to go to Disney World at the same time and weren't trying to be noticed?


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: HAVE FUN!

Originally posted by RalphieN
I hope and pray that I never give up on everyone like this.
Ralphie, I understand where you're coming from, but you're not helping yourself in this discussion any. Cut and run, friend.


Originally posted by RalphieN
Originally posted by GaryT977
So attending a theme park is now a political statement? I'm really regretting starting this thread.

Are you saying it's an accident that 135,000? (got this number from an earlier post) people with a similar belief system all decided to go to Disney World at the same time and weren't trying to be noticed?

Are people who go to singles' events trying to be noticed?

BTW, I'm not giving up on anybody. You and I just have different ideas of what makes a good person.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by RalphieN
WDW should never be used as a place to make a political statement.

I guess you missed King George I (otherwise known as President George Bush) debuting his 'Thousand Points of Light' message from the steps of Cinderella's Castle back in '91....

People are people... plain and simple. Best you can do is to try to be a better person and instill a sense of right and wrong in your kids. Hate and intolerance just shouldn't be taught or shown.

......Just my $.02


Well-Known Member
My 2 cents worth.

WOW, this is a very long thread, and I am so surprised it has not being locked.... It’s great that we can air our views.

I would like to mention a few things, I'm not going to quote too much though, just give you my view. BTW I have not read this thread word for word, so I might be repeating.

One question I would like to ask mkepcotmgmak what is a "homosexual lifestyle"? As a gay man, I don't understand what I do differently to any other 20 y/o guy.

Being gay is a choice - the amount of times I hear that one.... Can someone answer this, why would a person choose to be discriminated, attacked (verbally and physically), have laws and (I'm sorry) religion against me? A gay/lesbian person can be fired from my job because of my sexuality Can anyone actually answer that???? People are born gay/lesbian/bisexual, some people are born with brown hair, some people are born with a disability, some people are born into the wrong body (Transgender).... we are all different - BIG WOW. We live in the year 2003, we should accept people regardless.

I work as LGBT officer for my Students Union. Do you know our biggest problem? - Religion and sexuality. God was meant to accept everyone. Why do I hear of so many problems of students scared to come out because of their religion, because of what the vicar might say, and their religious friends? I have nothing against Christians or people with faith - I actually live with a Jew, so why does religion have a problem with LGBT people? *Please don't hit me for that* This is speaking from personal experience.

OK, Gayday.... look at me I'm different. I think the reason that we have such things is not for people to look at us because we are different, but to actually get some recognition. People need to know that yes people are LGBT, lets accept them, and help them. The campaign I belong to of course accepts straight people to help campaign for equality.

Also, things like gay orientated events are there for safety. I will go to a gay night club so that I can actually dance with my boyfriend and not be stared at, or abused. That is the idea of them - safety in numbers and all..... I would like to see the day where homosexuality/bisexuality is so accepted that there is no need for a gay bar or gay night club.

One final thought….. If you dislike gays so much, please get off your computer and destroy it. The programmable computer was invented by a gay man; he also helped to win the war by cracking the Enigma code. It is believed that his invention was the birth of computing as we know it. Do a search online to find out more.


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by RalphieN
Are you saying it's an accident that 135,000? (got this number from an earlier post) people with a similar belief system all decided to go to Disney World at the same time and weren't trying to be noticed?

I refuse to be drawn into an argument in which logic and reason have no place.

This was a simple thread for people who are going to be at WDW on Wednesday to meet and greet at the Comedy Club. If you're not going to be there, then I don't need to hear from you.

Mr. Toad

Active Member
Originally posted by GaryT977
As a seven year veteran of Gay Days, the only day you have to worry about is Saturday. The Magic Kingdom is packed to capacity. Personally, I love going on Saturday just to see the sea of red shirts in that place. And even waiting in long lines for Splash Mountain is fun!


Thanks a lot for the info. I know my wife and I will be in EPCOT Saturday morning/afternoon as we are going to be doing the Aqua Seas program at the Living Seas. I think we have dinner at MGM that night so I guess we will miss the MK crowd although the seas of red shirts would be interesting to see.

Have a good time at PI and WDW.

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