A *Special* Gathering


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Originally posted by GaryT977
Well, this certainly wasn't the response I was hoping to get.



you didn't do a thing Gary.... It was others who haven't eagerly welcomed the 21st century as we have....


New Member

For those of you who are going to be in the Magic Kingdom on Saturday June 7th, a group that I'm going to the park with is planning on having lunch at the Plaza Pavilion around 11:30. We're going to try to get a spot next to the water.

Stop by and have lunch or just say "hello!" Look for the group that has "FABULOUS" sayings on their shirts!



New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by mkt
you didn't do a thing Gary.... It was others who haven't eagerly welcomed the 21st century as we have....

Thanks. I tried to word things so as not to offend anybody because I know how sensitive this subject can be. Oh well.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Originally posted by GaryT977
Thanks. I tried to word things so as not to offend anybody because I know how sensitive this subject can be. Oh well.

I'll come to the Special gathering if work permits...

I'm not special enough to fit in.. but i'm special enough to have a good time

Don L Duck

New Member
Originally posted by KathyG/poohbear
Originally posted by Don L Duck
Besides maybe you should read that new book that's just been released.
A theologian has done 3 years worth of research an concluded that Jesus and 3 of his Apostles were gay.

I am not a gay basher but a Christian who takes offense to that remark. I tried to leave the thread and not say anything. but my convictions just would not let me. I love everyone and so does God but I can't let someone make a liberal statement like that about Jesus and not respond. People can write anything they want in a book but only one book is guaranteed to be the truth obout Jesus and that is the BIble. My best friend's boyfriend in college was living a "secret gay" life and dating her on the side. He ended up commiting suicide. The Church and everyone should have been there for him and offered him love and prevented his suicide so I have compassion for gays. Jesus' entire life was devoted to God's work and saving mankind from his sins.
It's not my opinion I was just pointing out someone else's opinion.
No one knows for sure about it any way cause we or they weren't there.
I am in no way defending anyone either, just repeating what I heard on the news.
Just for the record I am not gay
"not that theres anything wrong with that"


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by mkt
I'll come to the Special gathering if work permits...

I'm not special enough to fit in.. but i'm special enough to have a good time

Excellent! Hopefully it will be more fun than this thread has turned out to be. ;)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Captain Cab

Seeing a man in high heels, shirtless, and strutting around the walkways is hardly the fantasy families pay for.
What? That's called a stereotype
Don't assume stuff like that, okay?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Captain Cab
Seeing a man in high heels, shirtless, and strutting around the walkways is hardly the fantasy families pay for.

Well.....KISS has been doing it for 30 years and nobody seemed to mind! :brick:

...and I'll not stand idly by while Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley are being bad-mouthed!


<-------- Is gonna rock and roll all night, and party every day!



New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by BRER STITCH
Well.....KISS has been doing it for 30 years and nobody seemed to mind! :brick:

...and I'll not stand idly by while Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley are being bad-mouthed!


<-------- Is gonna rock and roll all night, and party every day!


I'm hesitant to say anything about this one, but you would never see shirtless, high heel wearing guys at Disney. They simply won't allow it. Guests aren't allowed to wear costumes, only staff members are allowed that privilege.


New Member
So according to Captain Cab, since I am a young, recently married woman who does not yet have children mean I shouldn't be at disney because I don't yet have a family of my own? I guess I don't fit the mold either then. I better cancel our trip for next week!


Active Member
Originally posted by Maria
.....and all this time I believed he was frozen inside Ice Station Cool.... :(


:D :animwink:

Is that him right inside the enterence with the coke bottle?:D

Beverly forever:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wdwfan22
Walt wanted everyone to be able to enjoy his Kingdom of Magic and Dreams. Young and Young at heart. No where does it say you have to be a certain race or your sexuality needs to be a certain way. So no I don't think he would mind one bit. You will be the only one missing out of the Magic at Walt Disney World by staying away
VERY well said!! :sohappy: :)


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Lilogirl
So according to Captain Cab, since I am a young, recently married woman who does not yet have children mean I shouldn't be at disney because I don't yet have a family of my own? I guess I don't fit the mold either then. I better cancel our trip for next week!

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Well said!

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