A look inside the new Disney Story Room family suites at Disney's Art of Animation


Well-Known Member
So you said this:
While you might make a decision based on what your child likes, I don't buy the whole "my child will want to stay there" idea.
Then you said this:

Now there is an exception, but those are the parents who give in to every last think their children want...the kids that put up tantrums and yell back at their parents when things don't go their way. Those parents might make a decision of where to stay based solely on their child's input. There are bigger issues at play there though.
Before I respond regarding what appears to be an attack on my parenting and the behavior of my child you can clarify your statement if you would like.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!

Wow, it's like they turned that redneck Sandra Lee chick loose with a $100 gift card to the local Dollar Store.

Best quote of the thread.

I think they're garish and extremely tacky, and I agree that the Cars rooms remind me of those times in college when you had a little too much to drink and found yourself sleeping on the floor of the frat house garage.

However, I'm most certainly not a part of the target demographic for these rooms. If people like them, great. It doesn't affect me in the least.


Well-Known Member
blown out of proportion much? You show something a kid likes and of course they will say "Oh I want to stay there!" But they don't actually care if they stay there or at All Star, or at GF... The only part they actually care about are the parks and the rides and the goodies they'll get and see. They aren't going to sulk their whole trip because their room doesn't have Simba sleeping in a hammock over their bed. While you might make a decision based on what your child likes, I don't buy the whole "my child will want to stay there" idea.

Now there is an exception, but those are the parents who give in to every last think their children want...the kids that put up tantrums and yell back at their parents when things don't go their way. Those parents might make a decision of where to stay based solely on their child's input. There are bigger issues at play there though.

Any chance you have kids? Because you really seem to be missing the point.

The point isn't to stay at AoA to prevent the kids from throwing a fit. The point is to stay there because it will make them happy. Sure, they'd have a perfectly wonderful vacation staying at All Star or Pop resorts. But for a few dollars more, you can enhance the trip with a room that will really appeal to them.

Also, your comment that kids care more about the rides than anything else will be true for some kids. But not all. My kids like the pool and the gift shops more. Heck, the snack machine in the hallway ranks higher than the rides some days.


Well-Known Member
OK -- 2 more things.

Yes, I do have kids so your assumptions about that are incorrect.

Second, "decorated like kiddie crack" is a perfect description of these rooms!!:ROFLOL:

Shoot. Oh well, I've been wrong before.

Okay, follow up questions. How old are your kids? If they are in the under 10 range, don't you think they would be excited to stay in a room like this during their vacation? If they are older, don't you think they would have been excited back in the day?

Yeah, it's kiddie crack. Like Chuck E Cheese done by Disney. Very few grown adults would choose a room like this except to please a child. But most adults go to Disney for exactly that purpose. So from that point of view, decorating rooms like kiddie crack makes perfect sense.


Well-Known Member
Ok I didn't read all 9 pages, but I don't think the rooms are horrid. However, I wouldn't pay $400 a night for a value resort and these rooms don't look much different than the modified all star suites. For $400 a night I think my whole grand gathering with lots of kiddos would rather have more to do at the resort. Are they upgrading the whole resort or will it be similar to the values? Will it share buses with Pop? Before I jumped on that 'my kids would love to stay in a room like that' I'd have to see some more bang for my buck.


Think for yourselfer
Do you think that I only know that my sons will like something if they specifically tell me?

Parents know what their kids will like and try really hard to do those things even if the kids don't know enough to ask. This ain't rocket science.

"Boy Timmy sure does love The Lion King."

"Look, a whole room themed to The Lion King, with extra room for our family."

"It's a shame Timmy doesn't have the cognitive reasoning to look for this himself and express his desire to stay there. Guess we'll just stay at All Star."


You have both misinterpreted my point. I'll try and break it down in a little different way.

Young kids do not surf the internet checking out different hotels and planning family vacations. That we can agree on I am sure. :)

Now, what I was driving at was...

The adults need to find some appeal in these rooms. Otherwise why would you bring it up as an option when involving your children in your vacation planning? Kids do not plan vacations. Adults do. Maybe you want to involve them in different aspects of planning. But, ultimately the adult makes the decision, so the room MUST appeal to said adult on some level. I am an adult, these rooms do not appeal to me in the least. Having kids along for the trip is not going to put me into one of these rooms either. In fact, I will be going to Disney next year with my young niece, and my young cousin. A big family trip as it were. These rooms hold no appeal for the adults in our party. Therefore we will not be staying in them, or bothering to show them to the kiddies. However, if Disney had done a better job with them, we would be strongly considering staying here.

As far as having a room "themed" to the Lion King, judging from the pictures, the theming is lazy and garish. Painting Simba sleeping above the bed, is hardly bringing you into the movie.

I am not saying you are wrong for liking these rooms, even though you seem to think there is something wrong with me for not liking them, or for thinking they could have been much more then they are.


Well-Known Member
So you said this:
Then you said this:

Before I respond regarding what appears to be an attack on my parenting and the behavior of my child you can clarify your statement if you would like.

Not attacking you personally. xdan reworded what I was saying slightly more elloquently. The point I was trying to make was kids don't make the decision on where you're going to be staying for your vacation....the adults do. You as a parent might say "my son will really like staying here so I'm going to book it," but most people would not flat out ask their children where they want to stay and make the decision based solely on their child's response. And as xdan also points out, these rooms need to appeal to adults as well or why would they even consider staying there? Many people in this thread are saying that their children would love the room but to them they find them very tacky.

I for one will not pay $200-$350 a night for a room that I can describe as "tacky". I could get a room at the AKL Villas for less the same price range that has Lion King decor done much more tastefully.

Any chance you have kids? Because you really seem to be missing the point.

The point isn't to stay at AoA to prevent the kids from throwing a fit. The point is to stay there because it will make them happy. Sure, they'd have a perfectly wonderful vacation staying at All Star or Pop resorts. But for a few dollars more, you can enhance the trip with a room that will really appeal to them.

Also, your comment that kids care more about the rides than anything else will be true for some kids. But not all. My kids like the pool and the gift shops more. Heck, the snack machine in the hallway ranks higher than the rides some days.

I do not have kids yet and I made that clear a few comments back. Again, I was pointing out that most people aren't going to make their lodging decisions based solely on the input of their child.

And you're right about kids not just caring about the rides (i mentioned more than just rides), but what their hotel room looks like ranks pretty low (if at all) about the things they do care about on the trip. You didn't even mention it in your examples.

You have both misinterpreted my point. I'll try and break it down in a little different way.

Young kids do not surf the internet checking out different hotels and planning family vacations. That we can agree on I am sure. :)

Now, what I was driving at was...

The adults need to find some appeal in these rooms. Otherwise why would you bring it up as an option when involving your children in your vacation planning? Kids do not plan vacations. Adults do. Maybe you want to involve them in different aspects of planning. But, ultimately the adult makes the decision, so the room MUST appeal to said adult on some level. I am an adult, these rooms do not appeal to me in the least. Having kids along for the trip is not going to put me into one of these rooms either. In fact, I will be going to Disney next year with my young niece, and my young cousin. A big family trip as it were. These rooms hold no appeal for the adults in our party. Therefore we will not be staying in them, or bothering to show them to the kiddies. However, if Disney had done a better job with them, we would be strongly considering staying here.

As far as having a room "themed" to the Lion King, judging from the pictures, the theming is lazy and garish. Painting Simba sleeping above the bed, is hardly bringing you into the movie.

I am not saying you are wrong for liking these rooms, even though you seem to think there is something wrong with me for not liking them, or for thinking they could have been much more then they are.

Well said. And I agree with you. These rooms are going to be great for kids and I can see them being popular. But there really is little appeal for adults other than wanting to make their child happy by giving them a little extra theme into their hotel rooms. I for one find them extremely tacky (and would definitely not spend $200-$350 a night to sleep in a room looking like a garage). I'm just not the target market. I would rather spend less than that and get a bunk room at the WL (kids love bunk beds too).

For the extra price point anyway, I could stay Conceirge at WL or AKL anyway and not need the kitchenette since I will get breakfast and snack options premade for me and STILL be around the same price of these rooms.


Well-Known Member
I am not saying you are wrong for liking these rooms, even though you seem to think there is something wrong with me for not liking them, or for thinking they could have been much more then they are.
I never said I liked the room.

I don't care as it has no impact on my vacation.

You can not like them all you want. It's when you extrapolate your opinion onto an assumption that these will not appeal to a majority of guest with little or no basis in fact that is probably eliciting the responses.

You and devoy, with all due respect, seem to be stating that "Since I don't like them, most people will not like them. I'm an adult and they do not appeal to me, therefore they will not appeal to most adults."

...But there really is little appeal for adults other than wanting to make their child happy by giving them a little extra theme into their hotel rooms.
Do you realize that for many parents a trip to Disney is pretty much to make their child happy?
I for one find them extremely tacky (and would definitely not spend $200-$350 a night to sleep in a room looking like a garage). I'm just not the target market. I would rather spend less than that and get a bunk room at the WL (kids love bunk beds too).
Lowest rate for bunk room at WL is $330. AoA suite during that time is $248.

For the extra price point anyway, I could stay Conceirge at WL or AKL anyway and not need the kitchenette since I will get breakfast and snack options premade for me and STILL be around the same price of these rooms.
Concierge at WL is $445. AKL is $385. AoA suite during that time is $248.

Information is from Mousesavers.com using room rates for January 2-4, 2012.

God, I love facts...


Well-Known Member
I never said I liked the room.

I don't care as it has no impact on my vacation.

You can not like them all you want. It's when you extrapolate your opinion onto an assumption that these will not appeal to a majority of guest with little or no basis in fact that is probably eliciting the responses.

You and devoy, with all due respect, seem to be stating that "Since I don't like them, most people will not like them. I'm an adult and they do not appeal to me, therefore they will not appeal to most adults."

Do you realize that for many parents a trip to Disney is pretty much to make their child happy?
Lowest rate for bunk room at WL is $330. AoA suite during that time is $248.

Concierge at WL is $445. AKL is $385. AoA suite during that time is $248.

Information is from Mousesavers.com using room rates for January 2-4, 2012.

God, I love facts...

That is not what I'm stating...i said in my last post that I bet they will be extremely popular.

Also, I fell in love with Disney long before we even started thinking about having kids (as have many on here). So my happiness will be accounted for in my trip planning as well.

I have never paid over $225 for a room at the WL or AKL (though I will admit my concierge is usually comped). And rooms at WL are usually more discounted for APers than at a Value resort, so I could probably indeed get a Bunk room or conceirge for the same price range as these suites without an issue....despite your facts.


Well-Known Member
The adults need to find some appeal in these rooms. Otherwise why would you bring it up as an option when involving your children in your vacation planning?

I would show it to my kids because I know they would enjoy it. And while it wouldn't be my first choice, I would enjoy seeing them enjoy it more than they would a more adult hotel room.

I'm not alone in this. Lots of parents are going to put their kids' interests ahead of their own when planning a trip to Disney World.

Kids do not plan vacations. Adults do. Maybe you want to involve them in different aspects of planning. But, ultimately the adult makes the decision, so the room MUST appeal to said adult on some level. I am an adult, these rooms do not appeal to me in the least. Having kids along for the trip is not going to put me into one of these rooms either. In fact, I will be going to Disney next year with my young niece, and my young cousin. A big family trip as it were. These rooms hold no appeal for the adults in our party. Therefore we will not be staying in them, or bothering to show them to the kiddies. However, if Disney had done a better job with them, we would be strongly considering staying here.

Other people are going to plan differently. I guarantee there will be adults who will show these rooms to their kids whether they like them or not. When it's not your niece or your cousin, you might be surprised to find yourself doing the same thing.

As far as having a room "themed" to the Lion King, judging from the pictures, the theming is lazy and garish. Painting Simba sleeping above the bed, is hardly bringing you into the movie.

I am not saying you are wrong for liking these rooms, even though you seem to think there is something wrong with me for not liking them, or for thinking they could have been much more then they are.

I'm not saying I like the rooms. I'm not debating the quality of the theme. I'm saying kids will eat them up. And parents will book stays there to make their kids happy.

Let me give you a tangental example. Our two year old is really into Dora the Explorer right now. My wife goes to the grocery store and sees Dora cereal. She was there by herself, so there's not crying kid throwing a fit for the overpriced Dora cereal. My kids don't even know it exists. My wife picks up the cereal on her own to bring it home and surprise my daughter with something she knows she will like.

This is the same thing on a slightly larger scale.

The point I was trying to make was kids don't make the decision on where you're going to be staying for your vacation....the adults do. You as a parent might say "my son will really like staying here so I'm going to book it," but most people would not flat out ask their children where they want to stay and make the decision based solely on their child's response.

Not solely. But many will ask for their input. And many will say, "My kid loves Cars, so I have to show him this!"

Do you guys honestly think parents love spending weekends at Chuck E. Cheese or watching Nick Jr? No, they don't. They do these things because their kids enjoy them and they enjoy making their kids happy.

Most parents aren't going to say, "Johnny sure loves Cars. Too bad the rooms are so garish. Better not show him there's a Cars suite."

And as xdan also points out, these rooms need to appeal to adults as well or why would they even consider staying there?

To make their kids happy.

Many people in this thread are saying that their children would love the room but to them they find them very tacky.

Parents put up with worse things to make their kids happy.

I for one will not pay $200-$350 a night for a room that I can describe as "tacky". I could get a room at the AKL Villas for less the same price range that has Lion King decor done much more tastefully.

True. But to the target audience that tastefully decorated room will be less desireable. To most kids "tastefully decorated" = boring and "garish" = fun.

I do not have kids yet and I made that clear a few comments back. Again, I was pointing out that most people aren't going to make their lodging decisions based solely on the input of their child.

Sorry, I didn't keep track of your parental status from a few comments back. Let me make a note so I don't repeat the question.

Devoy does not have kids so he doesn't understand how these things work.

Okay, duly noted.

Obviously, they aren't going to make lodging decisions solely on the whims of their children. They are going to factor in their budget, etc. But let's say a family of five is considering a suite anyway due to the size of their family. And let's say the kids really love The Lion King. If they can afford the upcharge for a Lion King room vs. a suite at All Star Music, they will most likely show it to the kids and see what they think.

And you're right about kids not just caring about the rides (i mentioned more than just rides), but what their hotel room looks like ranks pretty low (if at all) about the things they do care about on the trip. You didn't even mention it in your examples.

That's because the rooms at the moderates didn't impress my kids at all. These rooms would. They'd be a big hit.

Every kid is different. Some won't care about the hotel room as long as they get to ride some rides. But I think most kids would love to stay in a room like this during their vacation. And most parents would be happy to give their kids a chance to do so if it fit in with their budget.

So, do any of you critics actually believe that these rooms will not be successful for Disney? I mean, I get that they offend your delicate sensibilities of style and design. That much is obvious. But do you really think this will be anything less than a home run for Disney?

If so, let's get that on the record now. I'm on the record. Home run.


Well-Known Member
That is not what I'm stating...i said in my last post that I bet they will be extremely popular.

Also, I fell in love with Disney long before we even started thinking about having kids (as have many on here). So my happiness will be accounted for in my trip planning as well.

I have never paid over $225 for a room at the WL or AKL (though I will admit my concierge is usually comped). And rooms at WL are usually more discounted for APers than at a Value resort, so I could probably indeed get a Bunk room or conceirge for the same price range as these suites without an issue....despite your facts.
So Disney has release a product that will probably be popular and generate additional revenue for the company.

It also has no impact on you because it does not impact the current supply of rooms that you do enjoy.

Other than the pictures here and around the web you will never have to experience or acknowledge the existence of these rooms.

I'm confused as why you seem to care so much?


Think for yourselfer
I never said I liked the room.

I don't care as it has no impact on my vacation.

You can not like them all you want. It's when you extrapolate your opinion onto an assumption that these will not appeal to a majority of guest with little or no basis in fact that is probably eliciting the responses.

You and devoy, with all due respect, seem to be stating that "Since I don't like them, most people will not like them. I'm an adult and they do not appeal to me, therefore they will not appeal to most adults."

I'll take it one thing at a time.

Maybe it does not impact your vacation, and I suppose it will not have an overt impact on mine. The impact it has on me is, I was excited for this resort. I thought it was going to be...better I guess. I will not rehash my opinions on what could have been or what is. But, I am impacted in a negative way, because I am disappointed in the rooms, and now have a less to be excited for.

I am not assuming no adults will find these rooms appealing. I am basing that off the responses in this very thread, and the response of my family and friends who have seen the artwork. Of course some people will find these rooms attractively decorated and well themed. Maybe I am part of the minority, and many adults like these rooms. The evidence I have seen suggests otherwise. Do you like these rooms? Personally?

I am not sure why there is this need to rush in and defend Disney against mine, and others, opinion that they missed the mark with these rooms.

Edit to add: I really like all of Disney's other attempts at attraction or movie themed rooms ie, Pirates rooms, Princess Rooms, Adventureland Rooms ect... That is more what I was hoping for.


Well-Known Member

What a show! Woo-hoo!


Well-Known Member
So Disney has release a product that will probably be popular and generate additional revenue for the company.

It also has no impact on you because it does not impact the current supply of rooms that you do enjoy.

Other than the pictures here and around the web you will never have to experience or acknowledge the existence of these rooms.

I'm confused as why you seem to care so much?

oh bless...

Well it could have very well impacted me. We aren't "deluxe snobs" or anything like that... our second favorite resort is Caribbean Beach, so AoA wasn't out of our relm of possibilities. In addition, we will be starting our own family soon and will eventually need larger accomodations during our stays, so again, these rooms could have appealed to us. However as I've said these rooms look tacky to me and I won't justify spending that much on rooms like these since I can get better accomodations for near the same price point and still be on property. So...I will not be staying at this resort...we will opt for something else. That's all.


Well-Known Member
I'll take it one thing at a time.

Maybe it does not impact your vacation, and I suppose it will not have an overt impact on mine. The impact it has on me is, I was excited for this resort. I thought it was going to be...better I guess. I will not rehash my opinions on what could have been or what is. But, I am impacted in a negative way, because I am disappointed in the rooms, and now have a less to be excited for.

I am not assuming no adults will find these rooms appealing. I am basing that off the responses in this very thread, and the response of my family and friends who have seen the artwork. Of course some people will find these rooms attractively decorated and well themed. Maybe I am part of the minority, and many adults like these rooms. The evidence I have seen suggests otherwise. Do you like these rooms? Personally?

I am not sure why there is this need to rush in and defend Disney against mine, and others, opinion that they missed the mark with these rooms.

Oh boo hoo.

Honestly, I don't know how you could have gotten the impression based on all the material that Disney has released to date that AoA was going to be anything other than this. I thought that was fairly obvious from the first announcement. If you're disappointed, it's because you totally misinterpreted the entire purpose of this project.

We're defending AoA because you're being unreasonable in your criticisms. This resort does exactly what it was supposed to do. It's going to appeal to its target audience, offer an alternative for families of 5 or more (something Disney really needs) and make Disney lots of money.

It's a win/win for everyone involved. Even you because Disney getting a higher price point means that Disney will have more money to spend on things that do appeal to you.

You're just coming across as the mean old man who thinks Disney should never do anything for kids. When to most people, Disney is all about kids.

I told my wife about this thread and I really can't post her responses on a family forum.


Well-Known Member
oh bless...

Well it could have very well impacted me. We aren't "deluxe snobs" or anything like that... our second favorite resort is Caribbean Beach, so AoA wasn't out of our relm of possibilities. In addition, we will be starting our own family soon and will eventually need larger accomodations during our stays, so again, these rooms could have appealed to us. However as I've said these rooms look tacky to me and I won't justify spending that much on rooms like these since I can get better accomodations for near the same price point and still be on property. So...I will not be staying at this resort...we will opt for something else. That's all.

Get back to me when your kids are in the target range for these rooms and let me know if that's still true.


Well-Known Member
I'll take it one thing at a time.

Maybe it does not impact your vacation, and I suppose it will not have an overt impact on mine. The impact it has on me is, I was excited for this resort. I thought it was going to be...better I guess. I will not rehash my opinions on what could have been or what is. But, I am impacted in a negative way, because I am disappointed in the rooms, and now have a less to be excited for.
So you built up expectations in your head in the absence of any guidance from Disney regarding the quality or appearance of these rooms and now you are disappointed in Disney that they didn't deliver what you thought they should?

I am not assuming no adults will find these rooms appealing. I am basing that off the responses in this very thread, and the response of my family and friends who have seen the artwork. Of course some people will find these rooms attractively decorated and well themed. Maybe I am part of the minority, and many adults like these rooms. The evidence I have seen suggests otherwise. Do you like these rooms? Personally?
I don't care about the rooms. I will probably never stay in them. So to be honest, I haven't really taken the time to form an opinion about them.

You're still basing your opinion on a horrifically small sample size. You and your family and friends, plus a few dozen post on the internet does not a focus group make.

I am not sure why there is this need to rush in and defend Disney against mine, and others, opinion that they missed the mark with these rooms.
See? You did it again. Any disagreement with any part of your opinion is "defending Disney".

No one is defending Disney. In fact, I think most people who have stated that these will be successful have said in the same post they don't particularly like the styling of the room.

I think you can acknowledge that something is outside your personal taste and still recognize that it will be successful. That isn't defending Disney, it's just stating an opinion.

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