A look inside the new Disney Story Room family suites at Disney's Art of Animation


Think for yourselfer
So you built up expectations in your head in the absence of any guidance from Disney regarding the quality or appearance of these rooms and now you are disappointed in Disney that they didn't deliver what you thought they should?

I don't care about the rooms. I will probably never stay in them. So to be honest, I haven't really taken the time to form an opinion about them.

You're still basing your opinion on a horrifically small sample size. You and your family and friends, plus a few dozen post on the internet does not a focus group make.

See? You did it again. Any disagreement with any part of your opinion is "defending Disney".

No one is defending Disney. In fact, I think most people who have stated that these will be successful have said in the same post they don't particularly like the styling of the room.

I think you can acknowledge that something is outside your personal taste and still recognize that it will be successful. That isn't defending Disney, it's just stating an opinion.

I built up my expectations off of previous Disney attempts at character or movie based rooms. That was a mistake on my part. I see that now.

Also, not sure what I did "again". I am not someone who would be considered a doom and gloomer, nor do I have a negative history on this forum. Maybe I worded that Disney Defending thing wrong. You are defending the resort, not Disney as a whole.

I agree the resort will most likely be successful. IMO the rooms are garish, and less then what they could/should have been.

Lebeu, thanks for the insults. I will no longer be engaging you in what I thought was interesting debate. You are welcome to respond to anything I post, but do not expect a response in turn.


Well-Known Member

Guess we are defending Disney! :lol:

Lebeau, we got to get on the same page man! :lookaroun :p


Actually, I made a point of saying "defending AoA" because I'm not just blindly defending Disney. I'll take Disney to task when it's warranted. I'm no apologist. But complaining about AoA because it is doing exactly what it was designed to do is just silly. So, I'm defending that.


Well-Known Member
Lebeu, thanks for the insults. I will no longer be engaging you in what I thought was interesting debate. You are welcome to respond to anything I post, but do not expect a response in turn.

Sorry I offended. I'm not sure how I offended you exactly. But sincere apologies for whatever I said that you took personally. Nothing was intended as an insult. It's not worth that.


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
You have both misinterpreted my point. I'll try and break it down in a little different way.

Young kids do not surf the internet checking out different hotels and planning family vacations. That we can agree on I am sure. :)

Now, what I was driving at was...

The adults need to find some appeal in these rooms. Otherwise why would you bring it up as an option when involving your children in your vacation planning? Kids do not plan vacations. Adults do. Maybe you want to involve them in different aspects of planning. But, ultimately the adult makes the decision, so the room MUST appeal to said adult on some level. I am an adult, these rooms do not appeal to me in the least. Having kids along for the trip is not going to put me into one of these rooms either. In fact, I will be going to Disney next year with my young niece, and my young cousin. A big family trip as it were. These rooms hold no appeal for the adults in our party. Therefore we will not be staying in them, or bothering to show them to the kiddies. However, if Disney had done a better job with them, we would be strongly considering staying here.

As far as having a room "themed" to the Lion King, judging from the pictures, the theming is lazy and garish. Painting Simba sleeping above the bed, is hardly bringing you into the movie.

I am not saying you are wrong for liking these rooms, even though you seem to think there is something wrong with me for not liking them, or for thinking they could have been much more then they are.

No, you're missing my point. The kids do not have to be involved in planning the vacation for parents to want to make choices they believe the kids will enjoy. You say parents need to find appeal in the rooms in order to choose them. And I'm saying "My kid will love it" is all the appeal many parents need (perhaps coupled with, "And I won't hate it"), and most parents know what their kids like. So there's no need for the kid to know the room even exists.

And I wasn't weighing in at all on the dislike of the rooms, which is perfectly understandable (for the record, I like the look). You said that kids needed to see the rooms in order for parents to know the kids would like in order for the parents to book the room. I was pointing out the fallacy of that statement.


Well-Known Member
I built up my expectations off of previous Disney attempts at character or movie based rooms. That was a mistake on my part. I see that now.
Fair enough. I personally only judge the final product in comparison to what was there before and my own personal taste (if I even care enough to look at it). That's just me though.

Edit: I reread that and it comes across as incredibly condescending. Please don't take it as such. It was just a statement on the different ways we look at Disney projects.

Also, not sure what I did "again". I am not someone who would be considered a doom and gloomer, nor do I have a negative history on this forum. Maybe I worded that Disney Defending thing wrong. You are defending the resort, not Disney as a whole.
I think that is an important difference. Even then I don't think our opinions are too divergent when it comes to the resort itself.

I agree the resort will most likely be successful. IMO the rooms are garish, and less then what they could/should have been.
The only difference there, is I don't really care about the rooms. They hold no appeal for me or my family so I don't take the time to really worry about.

Not so much you, but other posters have extrapolated their opinion into facts and made assumption regarding everything from the durability of the fixtures to the future discounting model in relation to other resorts on property.

At least for me, I usually say something when that transference occurs. It's not so much "defending" anything, but pointing out that assumptions are based mainly on opinion and very little fact.

Take the room rates for example. Devoy assumed that discounting of AKL and WL will continue as it has in the past and also made the assumption that the AoA rooms will not be discounted. While this is based on his personal past experience, it does not mesh with the current earnings report that stated that room revenue was up 14% indicating a decrease in discounting.

When the facts regarding the rack rates of each room were presented, which is really the only information we have on pricing at the moment for any sets of rooms, it was dismissed in favor of past experience and opinion to support the argument.


Well-Known Member
This has been a fun debate and the interesting thing is that most of the people in the debate are actually arguing the same things but from a different point of view.

Will the new rooms be popular- yes

is the decor appealing to the average adult- not so much

could Disney have done a better job with the theming(as seen in the Moderate resorts)- yes

Are there parents that base their accomodation decision on pleasing their child- yes

Are more villa style rooms neccesary to fill the family demographic-yes

I think all the posters agree on most or all of these points.

Hoop Raeb

Formerly known as...
Love: The metal cutout on the wall from Nemo of the little silver fish making up a smiling fish.
Hate: The $2 Walmart bath curtain they use to seperate the bathroom from the bedroom. Couldn't they put a pocket door there?


Well-Known Member
Love: The metal cutout on the wall from Nemo of the little silver fish making up a smiling fish.
Hate: The $2 Walmart bath curtain they use to seperate the bathroom from the bedroom. Couldn't they put a pocket door there?
Yeah I noticed that too. Whats with the shower curtain dividng the rooms.


Well-Known Member
This has been a fun debate and the interesting thing is that most of the people in the debate are actually arguing the same things but from a different point of view.

Will the new rooms be popular- yes

is the decor appealing to the average adult- not so much

could Disney have done a better job with the theming(as seen in the Moderate resorts)- yes

Are there parents that base their accomodation decision on pleasing their child- yes

Are more villa style rooms neccesary to fill the family demographic-yes

I think all the posters agree on most or all of these points.


We do all seem to be more or less in agreement about the quality of the rooms and their chances for success. Our differences are in how we are responding to them.

To me, if you agree the rooms will be successful, I don't understand what the big deal is. It's like complaing that a happy meal isn't up to the standards of a 4-star restaurant. AoA is a happy meal.


Well-Known Member

We do all seem to be more or less in agreement about the quality of the rooms and their chances for success. Our differences are in how we are responding to them.

To me, if you agree the rooms will be successful, I don't understand what the big deal is. It's like complaing that a happy meal isn't up to the standards of a 4-star restaurant. AoA is a happy meal.[/QUOTE




Well-Known Member

We do all seem to be more or less in agreement about the quality of the rooms and their chances for success. Our differences are in how we are responding to them.

To me, if you agree the rooms will be successful, I don't understand what the big deal is. It's like complaing that a happy meal isn't up to the standards of a 4-star restaurant. AoA is a happy meal.
That's a pretty good analogy.

I think some people were hoping for the kids chicken meal at chili's instead( at least based on the price)


Well-Known Member
That's a pretty good analogy.

I think some people were hoping for the kids chicken meal at chili's instead( at least based on the price)

The price is my one reservation. But it's comparable to what Disney is getting for a suite at All Star Music. So, I think it's on the right track. Personally, I won't stay at a suite unless it's heavily discounted. But that's true now.

I am excited about the LM rooms which are only a few bucks more than a regular Value room. That, to me, is a steal. It's a happy meal with my daughters' favorite toy!


Well-Known Member
some of you people annoy me...

Very simple, if you dont care about the new resort, then why are some of you so quick to take time out of your day to make negative comments?? I dont get some of you at all....alot of you are saying that its too loud, lazy, looks like a daycare and so on...yet your all bickering like your the ones in a daycare! This isnt an "interactive" resort...its a THEME....paint schemes, artwork, the use of color similar to the movie....Call me crazy, but I think they hit the nail on the head...it looks AMAZING!!! I have a 5 yr. old and a 8 month old, and we plan on staying in the little mermaid rooms, not when we go in 8 months, but on our 2013 trip. If you dont like it, its your opinion, but some of you act like your own the place with your comments and its really sad. Last time I checked, WDW is a place to go to celebrate with your family, to escape daily life with like minded people....and to lose yourself in disney magic....after reading all this stuff, I feel like im in a cubicle with annoying co-workers crying all around me....get a life, if this isnt your cup of tea, go drink the kool aid


Well-Known Member
Very simple, if you dont care about the new resort, then why are some of you so quick to take time out of your day to make negative comments?? I dont get some of you at all....alot of you are saying that its too loud, lazy, looks like a daycare and so on...yet your all bickering like your the ones in a daycare! This isnt an "interactive" resort...its a THEME....paint schemes, artwork, the use of color similar to the movie....Call me crazy, but I think they hit the nail on the head...it looks AMAZING!!! I have a 5 yr. old and a 8 month old, and we plan on staying in the little mermaid rooms, not when we go in 8 months, but on our 2013 trip. If you dont like it, its your opinion, but some of you act like your own the place with your comments and its really sad. Last time I checked, WDW is a place to go to celebrate with your family, to escape daily life with like minded people....and to lose yourself in disney magic....after reading all this stuff, I feel like im in a cubicle with annoying co-workers crying all around me....get a life, if this isnt your cup of tea, go drink the kool aid
The short answer is, we all love Disney but we have high standards for all their attractions and resorts. They set the bar at a high level and we want it to remain that way.

I am currently the demographic for this style room with 3 kids under 8, but I would probably choose not to stay there due to the price and decor. But if done to my taste this would definately be a consideration.


Well-Known Member
I am also in the demographic for this style room. But, for those prices I wouldn't stay their either...IF they offer nothing more than the standard values offer...and I am not talking room decor. When I spend $250 - $400 a night (their prices) I expect more than a value style resort...more shops, more dining, more entertainment options, better transportation options...will this resort share with Pop in the same way that all three all stars share and that many of the deluxe now share as well? I'd have to get a pretty good AP discount or GP discount before staying here. I am not saying I won't ever...because I may...but the price has to be right and $250 - $400 for what I am currently seeing isn't it for me.


Well-Known Member
So i'm 24 and my g/f is 22 and we would love to stay in one of these, lol..is that wrong haha? Disney does make the "kid" inside us come out!

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