A look inside the new Disney Story Room family suites at Disney's Art of Animation


Well-Known Member
Very simple, if you dont care about the new resort, then why are some of you so quick to take time out of your day to make negative comments?? I dont get some of you at all....alot of you are saying that its too loud, lazy, looks like a daycare and so on...yet your all bickering like your the ones in a daycare! This isnt an "interactive" resort...its a THEME....paint schemes, artwork, the use of color similar to the movie....Call me crazy, but I think they hit the nail on the head...it looks AMAZING!!! I have a 5 yr. old and a 8 month old, and we plan on staying in the little mermaid rooms, not when we go in 8 months, but on our 2013 trip. If you dont like it, its your opinion, but some of you act like your own the place with your comments and its really sad. Last time I checked, WDW is a place to go to celebrate with your family, to escape daily life with like minded people....and to lose yourself in disney magic....after reading all this stuff, I feel like im in a cubicle with annoying co-workers crying all around me....get a life, if this isnt your cup of tea, go drink the kool aid

who said it was an "interactive" resort?

And most of the "bickering" about this resort is being backed up by well thought out discussion, whether you (or those arguing) agree with the other side or not. We all acknowledge it's going to be a hit atleast...and nobody is trying to get anyone NOT to stay there or calling them dumb for liking it.

Comments like yours are the ones that are absolutely unnecessary.

My position is I don't like the resort. I would have liked to like it, but the execution and price point don't do it for me. I can stay at the WL or AK with an AP discount for about 40% less than the cost of these rooms and have theming that myself and my future kids will love (not to mention be blown away by the immense size of them. And as my family grows, I can chose to stay Concierge or in a 1 or 2 bedroom Villa and still be in the same ballpark of cost with the same (or better) amenities at much better accommodations.


Think for yourselfer
Very simple, if you dont care about the new resort, then why are some of you so quick to take time out of your day to make negative comments?? I dont get some of you at all....alot of you are saying that its too loud, lazy, looks like a daycare and so on...yet your all bickering like your the ones in a daycare! This isnt an "interactive" resort...its a THEME....paint schemes, artwork, the use of color similar to the movie....Call me crazy, but I think they hit the nail on the head...it looks AMAZING!!! I have a 5 yr. old and a 8 month old, and we plan on staying in the little mermaid rooms, not when we go in 8 months, but on our 2013 trip. If you dont like it, its your opinion, but some of you act like your own the place with your comments and its really sad. Last time I checked, WDW is a place to go to celebrate with your family, to escape daily life with like minded people....and to lose yourself in disney magic....after reading all this stuff, I feel like im in a cubicle with annoying co-workers crying all around me....get a life, if this isnt your cup of tea, go drink the kool aid

Good golly. Step back from the ledge. We were discussing the positives and negatives of a new Disney project, on a WDW discussion board.


Well-Known Member
We were discussing the positives and negatives of a new Disney project, on a WDW discussion board.

You've been reading/responding to this thread and you really think it is like that? ;) There have been posts on here from OP that made me think that if they were both in the same room someone was going to get hit. I don't think this thread has stayed as civilized as you're claiming. :ROFLOL:


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
You've been reading/responding to this thread and you really think it is like that? ;) There have been posts on here from OP that made me think that if they were both in the same room someone was going to get hit. I don't think this thread has stayed as civilized as you're claiming. :ROFLOL:

The OP is the owner and moderator of this site. All he did was link to an article detailing the new suites and providing photos of them.


Well-Known Member
The OP is the owner and moderator of this site. All he did was link to an article detailing the new suites and providing photos of them.

I wasn't talking about just one OP. I was actually talking about a lot of them. ;)

Ohhhh I have always thought that "OP" meant Other Poster. LOL That explains a lot of the confusion I have had with some people. LOL Sorry. I meant other poster in my previous post and not Original Poster.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I wasn't talking about just one OP. I was actually talking about a lot of them. ;)

Ohhhh I have always thought that "OP" meant Other Poster. LOL That explains a lot of the confusion I have had with some people. LOL Sorry. I meant other poster in my previous post and not Original Poster.

Gotcha. That does make sense now....:wave:


Well-Known Member
You've been reading/responding to this thread and you really think it is like that? ;) There have been posts on here from OP that made me think that if they were both in the same room someone was going to get hit. I don't think this thread has stayed as civilized as you're claiming. :ROFLOL:

Speaking only for myself, I haven't sensed any animosity here. Just a somewhat heated debate and a little good natured ribbing. Apparently I did offend one poster and I quickly apologized.

That's about as civil as the internet gets. :shrug:

Of course it goes without saying that anyone who disagreed with me over even the most minute detail deserves a punch in the face!


Well-Known Member
We opted for connecting rooms at All Stars Movies because that would be around $600 cheaper for our trip than a suite at AoA. And it looks like we may never get to stay at AoA because of that. My son will be 9 during our next trip and he could care less about themes right now but I think he will not want to stay in one of these rooms when he is older than 10. :(


Well-Known Member
We opted for connecting rooms at All Stars Movies because that would be around $600 cheaper for our trip than a suite at AoA. And it looks like we may never get to stay at AoA because of that. My son will be 9 during our next trip and he could care less about themes right now but I think he will not want to stay in one of these rooms when he is older than 10. :(

Based on that, it doesn't sound like AoA would be the best choice. No reason to frown. If it's not a good fit, it's not a good fit. There are plenty of hotels at Disney I will never stay in.

As I said before, the suites would have to be pretty heavily discounted for me to consider them. That's true of the suites at the All Star Music and it's true at AoA. But, we can fit in a moderate room. If there were 5 or more of us, I'd have to consider the suites.

Since there are only 4 of us, it will probably come down to a moderate room vs. a LM room at AoA. I showed my daughter the LM room pics last night and she was excited as I figured. Seeing as how these are cheaper than the moderates and my kids will love them, it's kind of a no brainer for us.

I doubt we'll stay there again because it will probably be a while before we get back and the kids will probably have outgrown the stage where AoA rooms will appeal to them. But it should make for a great stay while they are young.


Premium Member
It's obvious most people in this thread are not what these resorts are for.. and are oblivious to the challenges of people who are in the target audience.

First... note that the average family size IS GROWING. This generation is having more children then the baby boomer+ generation did.

When you cross the threshold of having more then 2 children, it's a significant impact on accomodations. Fitting 5 people in a room you can cheat at a regular hotel - but you can't do that in Disney because of the bundling of tickets/dining/etc.

When you have 5... you have no value options except for the ASM suites or getting multiple rooms. The Suites are limited availability, and are basically just adjoining rooms. But when you book adjoining rooms - you aren't guaranteed you will get them.

So there IS value in booking a single room vs just booking multiple rooms.. plus the differences in the rooms themselves.

The ASM suites aren't themed at all.

And to say something like WL or Poly is preferable over immersion in their favorite stories doesn't understand small children.

The reality is for these families, the only cheap options previously were the ASM, multiple rooms, the cabins, or crowding into a higher priced level room.

These rooms give you more space, more features, and tie-ins to exactly what the kids are craving.

If none of those things matter to you - then simply this resort isn't for you.. just like Fort Wildnerness isn't for everyone.

Thanks! Yeah, concentrating on the suites because they cost more! :lol:

They are the style of room the resort is lacking and has the most need for. The resort already has thousands of value rooms.. they are lacking cheaper rooms that can sleep 5-6 people.

If you want to pay $200-$300 a night for a room with fixtures that can be found in my garage go right ahead.

It's already been established you have no need for what this property offers.. so instead of taking a pass.. you have to slam it. Poor tastes dude.

I wonder how much more of this we're going to see in the years coming since Disney realizes they can charge more for these "themed" rooms...especially since we already have the Pirates themed rooms at CBR and we'll have the Royal Themed rooms at Port Orleans. (I feel like I'm missing a set)[...]
I could see this happening in POP, any of the All Stars, and even Coronado. Could even see them getting the crazy idea to spread it to the Deluxe level... Stitch theme at Poly.... Wall-E at Contemp. I hope not...but could see it as a definite possibility.

This has already been done for awhile. The rooms at Contemp.. and the Disneyland Hotel has had themed suites like this for awhile. This is like the 4th or 5th example of this... so I think you can stop wondering.

How do you know they will be insanely popular? There is a rather significant number of guests (older adults, newlywed couples, conventioneers, families with older children, etc.) who would likely have no interest in staying in rooms that essentially seem to be designed for preschoolers.

Because it's a market area they are severely underbuilt for.. and there are lots of families with more children now that need the bigger sleeping capacity in a resort that isn't a deluxe.

Its fine if you have preschoolers and like over the top Disney character designs, but they certainly have limited their audience here, perhaps more than any other resort. Between the decor and the price, there are lots of folks who would never stay here, even with small kids.

The same could have been said of the entire All Star complex... yet it's almost 6000 rooms they still manage to fill.

That's what I don't understand. $395 is a lot of money for a value resort, even if it is a suite. You might as well just get two standard value resort rooms...it'd still be cheaper. That pricing makes no sense.

In part because booking adjoining rooms isn't guaranteed, it has a kitchenette, and isn't a bland motel 6 room like the All Stars are.. so the price bump is justified.

I was thinking the same thing. How are kids going to know about these or ask to stay here? When kids know they are going to Disney World they aren't thinking about what resort they will be staying at, and as a parent I wouldn't ask for their input on it

This is because you aren't a parent. Parents very much do consult with their kids on what they want to do, where to stay, etc. They don't let the kids DECIDE for them.. but they do discuss it with them. Involving the kids is very fun for them and a large part of the vacation is about the children too.

These posts just reek of people that have no clue of what it is like to take and pay for family vacations at Disney.

The AoA is a great addition to the hotel options at Disney and fill a very well defined gap in the offerings at WDW.


Well-Known Member
It's obvious most people in this thread are not what these resorts are for.. and are oblivious to the challenges of people who are in the target audience.

First... note that the average family size IS GROWING. This generation is having more children then the baby boomer+ generation did.

No, it really isn't.

Census data from 1960 to now



Premium Member

You gotta use the right statistics. Average household size includes all households, not just families with children and doesn't speak to the # of children per family. It speaks to # of people per dwelling. Those are very different statistics.

The # of kids per family was lower for the last generation... lots of single children, many with 2.. but having more then 2 is becoming more common then it was in the late baby boomers. The late baby boomers saw a whiplash from the ERA movement, more professional women, women putting off families, etc. Now women can have kids into their 40s. People in their 20s-40s are having more kids then their parents did... which had less kids then their parents did.

We hit bottom in the early 70s... and we were in a growth trend right up until the recession started in '08.


Well-Known Member
You gotta use the right statistics. Average household size includes all households, not just families with children and doesn't speak to the # of children per family. It speaks to # of people per dwelling. Those are very different statistics.

The # of kids per family was lower for the last generation... lots of single children, many with 2.. but having more then 2 is becoming more common then it was in the late baby boomers.

The numbers don't support HH w/ 3 or more children increasing percentage wise. Those amount of families has increased as a number, but so has the number of HH in general.


Well-Known Member
It's obvious most people in this thread are not what these resorts are for.. and are oblivious to the challenges of people who are in the target audience.

First... note that the average family size IS GROWING. This generation is having more children then the baby boomer+ generation did.

When you cross the threshold of having more then 2 children, it's a significant impact on accomodations. Fitting 5 people in a room you can cheat at a regular hotel - but you can't do that in Disney because of the bundling of tickets/dining/etc.

When you have 5... you have no value options except for the ASM suites or getting multiple rooms. The Suites are limited availability, and are basically just adjoining rooms. But when you book adjoining rooms - you aren't guaranteed you will get them.

So there IS value in booking a single room vs just booking multiple rooms.. plus the differences in the rooms themselves.

The ASM suites aren't themed at all.

And to say something like WL or Poly is preferable over immersion in their favorite stories doesn't understand small children.

The reality is for these families, the only cheap options previously were the ASM, multiple rooms, the cabins, or crowding into a higher priced level room.

These rooms give you more space, more features, and tie-ins to exactly what the kids are craving.

It's already been established you have no need for what this property offers.. so instead of taking a pass.. you have to slam it. Poor tastes dude.

This has already been done for awhile. The rooms at Contemp.. and the Disneyland Hotel has had themed suites like this for awhile. This is like the 4th or 5th example of this... so I think you can stop wondering.

Because it's a market area they are severely underbuilt for.. and there are lots of families with more children now that need the bigger sleeping capacity in a resort that isn't a deluxe.

The same could have been said of the entire All Star complex... yet it's almost 6000 rooms they still manage to fill.

In part because booking adjoining rooms isn't guaranteed, it has a kitchenette, and isn't a bland motel 6 room like the All Stars are.. so the price bump is justified.

This is because you aren't a parent. Parents very much do consult with their kids on what they want to do, where to stay, etc. They don't let the kids DECIDE for them.. but they do discuss it with them. Involving the kids is very fun for them and a large part of the vacation is about the children too.

These posts just reek of people that have no clue of what it is like to take and pay for family vacations at Disney.

The AoA is a great addition to the hotel options at Disney and fill a very well defined gap in the offerings at WDW.

I usually enjoy your posts Flynn...this one not so much.

First, I'm not sure what reports you have been reading (so if you would like to share please do) but everything I have heard/read says that family sizes are not growing.

Second, yes it's not my taste, but as I've explained earlier, if done differently if could have very well fallen within my relm of possible resorts. Room Artwork such as the Royal Suites, Pirates Rooms, and the HM rooms look to be of a slightly higher caliber, and as I mentioned earlier, AKL Villas have tastefully done Lion King, and CBR to some extent has done Nemo subtley in rooms as well. So because I don't like the end result I'm not allowed to comment on it? I don't think so.

And you're definitely correct, the same can be said for the All Star complex an even Pop, which I why I rarely stay there. Oversized in-your-face tackiness is not my cup of tea, regardless of the price point or if I have children.

My comment regarding if we're going to see more themes develop was in regards to entire resorts or sections of resorts be devoted to these types of rooms. On the scale of Pirates Rooms, the Royal Rooms at Port Orleans, and these themes for AoA. I'm wondering if we are going to see some retrofits of all of the Value resorts in the future to this concept.

And to say that I (or others) don't get it because we aren't parents is such a stereo type. I know that you know nothing of my or my fiance's interactions with kids. I do know is that my kids will be perfectly impressed and wowed by the grandioseness of the Wilderness Lodge Lobby or Courtyard or that there are real animals outside of our window at the Animal Kingdom Lodge...probably moreso than being surround by tacky particle board/diamond cut metal furniture of a room looking like a Route 66 Motor Inn and wall murals of Simba.


Premium Member
I usually enjoy your posts Flynn...this one not so much.

First, I'm not sure what reports you have been reading (so if you would like to share please do) but everything I have heard/read says that family sizes are not growing.

Compared to the gen before they are. America was sliding towards below 2 as the average.. then boomed... then the recession hit and all the news is about how the birth rate has plummeted since the recession. All of that doesn't matter for the audience now.. the kids that were born in the 2000s. Disney has been under built (as many properties are) to cater to this audience.

Second, yes it's not my taste, but as I've explained earlier, if done differently if could have very well fallen within my relm of possible resorts. Room Artwork such as the Royal Suites, Pirates Rooms, and the HM rooms look to be of a slightly higher caliber, and as I mentioned earlier, AKL Villas have tastefully done Lion King, and CBR to some extent has done Nemo subtley in rooms as well. So because I don't like the end result I'm not allowed to comment on it? I don't think so.

Every option you listed is also a higher tier property (mod or delux) so I would certainly hope they are done better. People need to stop expecting the values to be on the same par as a deluxe... or if your tastes are that of a deluxe.. accept a value isn't going to appeal to you. Most of the bashing has been that this stuff is 'below' the person.. and typically because they aren't the target demographic anyway.

And you're definitely correct, the same can be said for the All Star complex an even Pop, which I why I rarely stay there. Oversized in-your-face tackiness is not my cup of tea, regardless of the price point or if I have children.

Yet for many, the very idea of 'over the top, this can't be normal..' type of immersion is exactly what strokes their excitement. People don't goto Disney to experience what they can at the local Hyatt. The 'over the top' is in part the separation between what you would get somewhere else.

My comment regarding if we're going to see more themes develop was in regards to entire resorts or sections of resorts be devoted to these types of rooms. On the scale of Pirates Rooms, the Royal Rooms at Port Orleans, and these themes for AoA. I'm wondering if we are going to see some retrofits of all of the Value resorts in the future to this concept.

It's a way to differentiate themselves and if the bookings and prices hold.. I'm sure we will as the resorts undergo their normal cycle of refreshes. I mean why wouldn't they. If they are going to spend millions to renovate a property, why wouldn't they do so in a way that allow them up justify a new higher price post-renovation?

And to say that I (or others) don't get it because we aren't parents is such a stereo type. I know that you know nothing of my or my fiance's interactions with kids. I do know is that my kids will be perfectly impressed and wowed by the grandioseness of the Wilderness Lodge Lobby or Courtyard or that there are real animals outside of our window at the Animal Kingdom Lodge...probably moreso than being surround by tacky particle board/diamond cut metal furniture of a room looking like a Route 66 Motor Inn and wall murals of Simba.

That's an impressive crystal ball you got there devoy. Know what their favorite color is going to be too? Who do they like better? Simba or Bolt? One of the first things you will learn as a parent is... the child is an individual - they aren't your clone, and they can have different ideas or preferences from you.. or even their siblings.

And stereotypes typically evolve from reality. People don't know what raising kids is like until they actually do it... and most people don't appreciate their challenges the same until they've gone through it themselves.

I found the photos released right in line with what I expected from a VALUE resort themed to the characters and the pricing in the ballpark. Most comparisons being made here completely ignore the things this property is differentiating itself by... because those people don't get why those differentiators matter.


Well-Known Member
Compared to the gen before they are. America was sliding towards below 2 as the average.. then boomed... then the recession hit and all the news is about how the birth rate has plummeted since the recession. All of that doesn't matter for the audience now.. the kids that were born in the 2000s. Disney has been under built (as many properties are) to cater to this audience.

Every option you listed is also a higher tier property (mod or delux) so I would certainly hope they are done better. People need to stop expecting the values to be on the same par as a deluxe... or if your tastes are that of a deluxe.. accept a value isn't going to appeal to you. Most of the bashing has been that this stuff is 'below' the person.. and typically because they aren't the target demographic anyway.

Yet for many, the very idea of 'over the top, this can't be normal..' type of immersion is exactly what strokes their excitement. People don't goto Disney to experience what they can at the local Hyatt. The 'over the top' is in part the separation between what you would get somewhere else.

It's a way to differentiate themselves and if the bookings and prices hold.. I'm sure we will as the resorts undergo their normal cycle of refreshes. I mean why wouldn't they. If they are going to spend millions to renovate a property, why wouldn't they do so in a way that allow them up justify a new higher price post-renovation?

That's an impressive crystal ball you got there devoy. Know what their favorite color is going to be too? Who do they like better? Simba or Bolt? One of the first things you will learn as a parent is... the child is an individual - they aren't your clone, and they can have different ideas or preferences from you.. or even their siblings.

And stereotypes typically evolve from reality. People don't know what raising kids is like until they actually do it... and most people don't appreciate their challenges the same until they've gone through it themselves.

I found the photos released right in line with what I expected from a VALUE resort themed to the characters and the pricing in the ballpark. Most comparisons being made here completely ignore the things this property is differentiating itself by... because those people don't get why those differentiators matter.

As I mentioned to Lebeau...I have no doubt that my child will inherit my good tastes and appreciation for quality aesthetics. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
I usually enjoy your posts Flynn...this one not so much.

First, I'm not sure what reports you have been reading (so if you would like to share please do) but everything I have heard/read says that family sizes are not growing.

Second, yes it's not my taste, but as I've explained earlier, if done differently if could have very well fallen within my relm of possible resorts. Room Artwork such as the Royal Suites, Pirates Rooms, and the HM rooms look to be of a slightly higher caliber, and as I mentioned earlier, AKL Villas have tastefully done Lion King, and CBR to some extent has done Nemo subtley in rooms as well. So because I don't like the end result I'm not allowed to comment on it? I don't think so.

And you're definitely correct, the same can be said for the All Star complex an even Pop, which I why I rarely stay there. Oversized in-your-face tackiness is not my cup of tea, regardless of the price point or if I have children.

My comment regarding if we're going to see more themes develop was in regards to entire resorts or sections of resorts be devoted to these types of rooms. On the scale of Pirates Rooms, the Royal Rooms at Port Orleans, and these themes for AoA. I'm wondering if we are going to see some retrofits of all of the Value resorts in the future to this concept.

And to say that I (or others) don't get it because we aren't parents is such a stereo type. I know that you know nothing of my or my fiance's interactions with kids. I do know is that my kids will be perfectly impressed and wowed by the grandioseness of the Wilderness Lodge Lobby or Courtyard or that there are real animals outside of our window at the Animal Kingdom Lodge...probably moreso than being surround by tacky particle board/diamond cut metal furniture of a room looking like a Route 66 Motor Inn and wall murals of Simba.

A little of topic... but the first thing you learn as a parent is the fact you don't know a darn thing! I was an intelligent person until I had a baby! And then just when you think you have things all figured out they go through a new stage. Kids keep you on your toes to put it politely.

My children have stayed at Value, Mods., Deluxes, and Villas... and let me tell you, kids are kids! They like big, colorful, tacky, etc.!!! My kids were more amazed with the elevator in Kidani Village than they were with the artifacts displayed!

The fact of the matter is (and yes, this is fact - Disney wouldn't be building these if they didn't think so) these rooms will be filled and the parents will be happy and the children will be happy!

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