5 Days at Disney World, 12 Days to Plan, 3 Resorts and 1 Broken Leg

When – Saturday November 17th- Thursday, November 22, 2012

Where – Animal Kingdom Lodge, Old Key West and Saratoga Springs

Who – Just the 4 of us this time! Myself, Stephen my hubby, Chase 17 and Ally 15. Since it was just the four of us, I somehow neglected to get a single photo of us together! I think there are only three of them with myself even in them! So here we are in parts.

Stephen and I – Self portrait at Dole Whip


Stephen, Chase and Ally on the monorail, supporting their team, DC United, for the big game that evening:


Why – Well because we wanted to of course. :D But why Thanksgiving week, one of the most crowded weeks there is? Well there were several reasons. For one, it’s tough to find a time to go these days that works for all 4 of us. I can go anytime, of course, and I do! :) But the teenagers and hard working hubby are harder. We had rooms booked for President’s Day weekend, but the kids had a lot of conflicts. Also, we had nothing to do for Thanksgiving. About 12 days before we left, I got an airfare alert for $176 flights to Orlando.

So what do you do when you don’t have anything to do for Thanksgiving and you can fly to Orlando cheaply? You go visit the mouse of course!! We go enough that the crowds don’t bother us much, so it seemed like the perfect solution.

The kids were more than game, and Stephen cleared it with his work. We bought the tickets and set to work trying to find somewhere we could use our DVC points and use about the same amount of points as we had planned to use in February. As expected, we didn’t have a lot of options, but that was no biggie either. Just happy to be going!

We ended up with the first night at Kidani in a savannah view studio. The next two nights were, get this, in a grand villa (yes for four of us :p ) at Old Key West, then two nights in a studio at Saratoga Springs. This would be an adventure!

Of course that was just the beginning. About 9 days before we left Ally was at basketball tryouts and rolled her ankle. Her ankle was huge when I picked her up, but she’d done something similar at volleyball tryouts and it was just sprained then. I assumed that was the case here, but we went to the doc just in case. When he told us there was a fracture, I was shocked! My first thoughts were sadness that she probably wouldn’t make varsity since she only went to one day of tryouts, and my second thought was how sad her volleyball coach was going to be when we told her that Ally wouldn’t be at the last volleyball tournament of the season in two days. It didn’t hit me until we were in the car going home that we were going to Disney in 9 days.

I screamed – “Oh no!! We’re going to Disney World!!” That may have been the first time I’ve used “Oh no” and “we’re going to Disney” in the same sentence. Ally immediately started clamoring for an electric scooter which seemed like a bad idea for too many reasons to list here. :)

She had a walking cast, but there was no way she was up for the amount of walking that Disney entails, so we were looking at our first trip to Disney with a GAC card and a wheel chair! This should be an experience.

Oh, and if you were wondering, Ally did make varsity. All five foot zero of her. And she’s a freshman! She’s out for a few weeks, but thankfully basketball season is long. Go Ally, go Ally…go go go Ally…:D


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Love those LED light panels they used to light her ... we just ordered four of them for the studio. I think it's hilarious they had to put her up on apple boxes for the shot. Great snag Tammy. :D

Jason! I should have known you would have noticed the set up! :)
I was wondering how smooth the height transition was on camera. Haha!


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Wednesday – November 21st –

Here’s a shocker – we slept in today! We woke up to this ugly surprise though. How can an envelope with a cute Mickey on it be so sad?


We walked over to Downtown Disney this morning:



We were hoping to see Santa this morning. I’ve got a picture of my kids every year since birth with Santa. I put them all out at Christmas. Here’s the instagram picture:


It’s truly one of my favorite decorations. I absolutely love pulling them out every year. As you can imagine, they have gotten a little more resistant every year. Whenever we can do it in a city where we’re not risking seeing any friends, that’s a bonus. So we walked to Downtown Disney (love that you can walk there from Saratoga) in search of Santa. Oops. He wasn’t coming until that evening.

Oh well. We shopped instead!


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The empty place of Santa:



Our plan was to start at Epcot. We had reservations at Teppan Edo for lunch. As we were walking to the busses, Chase said, “I thought you said we can’t take busses from Downtown Disney to the parks?”

Oops. Lol! How do I always forget that when it’s our vacations and we’re making plans? I would never tell a client to do that, but me? Sure!

Easy fix, we took a bus to Yacht Club and walked in through the back of World Showcase.







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Teppan Edo was great. I always enjoy eating there.



Chase (the picky eater) didn’t enjoy it as much. He did find some tempura shrimp though! And he ate some rice, and he actually liked my noodles! So not too bad!








Tempura shrimp:


Delicious steak:



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After lunch we walked out the front of Epcot.








We took a bus back to the resort where we may have taken some little naps. Well I didn’t. I can’t nap at Disney World! I can take breaks sure, but no sleeping!

I was as patient as I could be before I was accused of waking everyone up with some well placed loud movements. :D

After everyone was up, we took a bus to DHS where we wanted to finish out our trip. Here’s the bus stop at Saratoga Springs:



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I was trying to take pictures of this bird and I spooked him. But that made for some good flying pictures!



We’re here!





We started at Rockin’ Roller Coaster, because that’s always a good place to start.


Then we rode Tower.









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After we got off, I realized it was almost time to light the Osborne lights. We half jogged, half walked briskly back to the lights and made it with about 2 minutes to spare!

Gorgeous again! No pictures this time, I just enjoyed.

We let Chase pick dinner tonight since he had to eat at Teppan Edo for lunch and he picked Sunset Market. So we hoofed it back there.


After dinner we rode Toy Story again.


The line was shortish for the new Pirates attraction. The Pirates attraction was interesting. Better than Narnia, but not a must see necessarily. Although Stephen and I were convinced that was a real actor standing up there and not a projection. The technology was amazing.




Okay, he doesn't look real in this picture, but he looked really real!



We walked through One Man’s Dream next. I never get tired of the models in here.


Peter Pan!




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New Dumbo:


Can’t wait for this to open!






One of my favorite places!


Then we took a short stroll through the Animation courtyard.


We decided we wanted one last ride on Star Tours before we called it a night (or called it a vacation as the case may be). :(

After joining in a good pod race on Tatooine, we headed out. We stopped for Mickey bars on the way.

Best way to end a vacation:

When we got back to the room, we finished packing and returned the wheelchair. Pick up was early tomorrow!

Thursday – November 22nd –

Wakeup came so early today. Ally suggested pulling an all-nighter, but some of us are just too old for that. :) So the alarm went off at 3:45 and we all got ready. We were the only ones on the DME bus. MCO lets military and their families traveling with them go through the employee line so security was crazy quick except for that whole extra x-rays of the cast thing.

Our flight home was uneventful and I spent the rest of the day cooking some semblance of a Thanksgiving meal for the family!

It was such a wonderful trip, as always. Disney is just so amazing at the holidays. Crowded but completely worth it in my opinion!

Thank you for reading and sticking through all the delays! :)


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Caught up! I know, I should be sleeping but I baked cookies and drank coffee so I'm UP!

Your Dream Lights pics of the castle are fantastic! Loved those!

I'm totally feelin' ya on the moments when the teens are acting like they like each other. It's definitely nice. I wonder how it feels to be my parents after having spent nearly 2 weeks at their house under the same roof as my brother and them. Is it even cooler when your kids are adults and hanging out? Or is it a bit of nostalgia when we're picking at each other and flingin' insults? I dunno....

Y'all did get a lot done at DHS on your big day there. Heck, I think for it being Thanksgiving week crowds you accomplished a LOT overall. I love that you slept in and still had a totally fab time. I like the calm of early mornings but I hate mornings even more. I need to shake the feelings of urgency when in or around the parks and just roll with it. Ya know? I envy your relaxed state of mind! Totally!

You saw Samantha Brown?!?! And she's pregnant?!?! LOVE this!!!! I gotta say, I think it was really cool how y'all controlled yourselves and made an effort to not gush as adoring fans even tho I know you wanted to. I've always thought to myself that if I ever ran smack into a celeb I really liked I'd like to NOT say or do anything that would make them feel out of place or uncomfortable on any level. When I met Miss Nell (Harper Lee) that's how I handled it. It was really cool to chat with her just like you would anyone else (business related, I was rewriting her homeowners insurance) and get a sense for her as a regular ol' person. But on the inside, OMG! I couldn't have even remembered my own name!!! LOL! I wanted to fawn over her and thank her for puting such an incredible story to words! So, yeah! Totally cool that y'all gave her space but still got some cool pics to share! Awesome! Even tho she may not know how considerate people are trying to be, it's probably something that would be appreciated. ;)

Love love loved all the details and pics! Good stuff for sure! I'm actually quite pumped for our upcoming single little ol' day of parks fun. I hope we can pack in as much fun as y'all did without stressing ourselves to go-go-go. :D


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I'm just now joining in on your review and loving it!! Can't wait to read more over the next few days.

Thanks for reading mousefreak! :)

Caught up! I know, I should be sleeping but I baked cookies and drank coffee so I'm UP!

Your Dream Lights pics of the castle are fantastic! Loved those!

Up reading trip reports! Works for me! :)

I'm totally feelin' ya on the moments when the teens are acting like they like each other. It's definitely nice. I wonder how it feels to be my parents after having spent nearly 2 weeks at their house under the same roof as my brother and them. Is it even cooler when your kids are adults and hanging out? Or is it a bit of nostalgia when we're picking at each other and flingin' insults? I dunno....

Isn't it so nice? Haha! I bet your parents love it that you hang out. I know my parents love us all being together and vacationing together!

Y'all did get a lot done at DHS on your big day there. Heck, I think for it being Thanksgiving week crowds you accomplished a LOT overall. I love that you slept in and still had a totally fab time. I like the calm of early mornings but I hate mornings even more. I need to shake the feelings of urgency when in or around the parks and just roll with it. Ya know? I envy your relaxed state of mind! Totally!

We did! We really did just about everything we wanted to! It was hard to shake the urgency in the past for sure, but we are getting better at it. :)

You saw Samantha Brown?!?! And she's pregnant?!?! LOVE this!!!! I gotta say, I think it was really cool how y'all controlled yourselves and made an effort to not gush as adoring fans even tho I know you wanted to. I've always thought to myself that if I ever ran smack into a celeb I really liked I'd like to NOT say or do anything that would make them feel out of place or uncomfortable on any level. When I met Miss Nell (Harper Lee) that's how I handled it. It was really cool to chat with her just like you would anyone else (business related, I was rewriting her homeowners insurance) and get a sense for her as a regular ol' person. But on the inside, OMG! I couldn't have even remembered my own name!!! LOL! I wanted to fawn over her and thank her for puting such an incredible story to words! So, yeah! Totally cool that y'all gave her space but still got some cool pics to share! Awesome! Even tho she may not know how considerate people are trying to be, it's probably something that would be appreciated. ;)

Yes! Isn't it cool?! I just love her. I wondered if I should have asked for a picture, because I'm sure they are used to it. But maybe it was good that we didn't in the long run. :)

That is so awesome that you could talk sensibly to her! Lol!

Love love loved all the details and pics! Good stuff for sure! I'm actually quite pumped for our upcoming single little ol' day of parks fun. I hope we can pack in as much fun as y'all did without stressing ourselves to go-go-go. :D

Thank you, Kelly!! Ya'll are pros. You can do a ton and not stress. And rest the next day!! :)


Well-Known Member
Another awesome TR, Tammy! I love these so much :)

Your pictures of the Tower are making me extremely anxious for our next trip! 124 days.. though my father and boyfriend will be there on my BIRTHDAY (sob). They're going to FL for a golf trip and playing Magnolia, then going to HS. On my birthday. If I didn't love them dearly, I'd disown them both.

Siblings just get along better at Disney - it's about getting older and feeling the magic!

When's the next trip?


Well-Known Member
Hey Tammy! I'm so excited you have another TR! I love to read them. I'm only to your first day 'on the way to Epcot.'
I'm really hoping there will be some advice on touring the new Fantasyland in here - we're pretty pumped to see it soon!
Also - if someone else hasn't suggested it already, my husband loves to take pictures with his iphone and these lenses are his very favorite - http://photojojo.com/store/awesomeness/cell-phone-lenses/
Thought they might appeal to your photographer side (although it does mean one more thing to carry, which might defeat the purpose of leaving the big camera at home! :-) We actually upgraded him to the 'all in one' version (available on the same site) for Christmas - he's in love. :-)


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Loved the TR Tammy!! Sounds like you had a great time.

We've never eaten at Teppan Edo and while it's always one of the places to dine at that gets cut last, we have a REALLY good hibatchi place here in Portland and I feel like I'd rather dine somewhere at Disney that we don't have at home. Although we will cave someday and try it. It looks DELICIOUS!!


Well-Known Member
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Another awesome TR, Tammy! I love these so much :)

Your pictures of the Tower are making me extremely anxious for our next trip! 124 days.. though my father and boyfriend will be there on my BIRTHDAY (sob). They're going to FL for a golf trip and playing Magnolia, then going to HS. On my birthday. If I didn't love them dearly, I'd disown them both.

Siblings just get along better at Disney - it's about getting older and feeling the magic!

When's the next trip?

Thank you, Kenzie! :)
124 days isn't that long! Although that is kind of heartless they're going without you on your birthday, lol.
It's true! They do get along even better at Disney.
I'll start the other trip report after the holidays! We are cruising in June, but I'm hoping to get back down to WDW again in the next couple of months! We'll see!

Hey Tammy! I'm so excited you have another TR! I love to read them. I'm only to your first day 'on the way to Epcot.'
I'm really hoping there will be some advice on touring the new Fantasyland in here - we're pretty pumped to see it soon!
Also - if someone else hasn't suggested it already, my husband loves to take pictures with his iphone and these lenses are his very favorite - http://photojojo.com/store/awesomeness/cell-phone-lenses/
Thought they might appeal to your photographer side (although it does mean one more thing to carry, which might defeat the purpose of leaving the big camera at home! :) We actually upgraded him to the 'all in one' version (available on the same site) for Christmas - he's in love. :)

Thank you, Erin!
Those are super cool lenses. Chase was trying to talk me into getting one the other day. It's the more carrying thing that's not appealing to me right now.

Loved the TR Tammy!! Sounds like you had a great time.

We've never eaten at Teppan Edo and while it's always one of the places to dine at that gets cut last, we have a REALLY good hibatchi place here in Portland and I feel like I'd rather dine somewhere at Disney that we don't have at home. Although we will cave someday and try it. It looks DELICIOUS!!

Thank you, Darolyn! I need to get caught up on yours!
Teppan Edo is yummy. I've eaten there a few times now and never regret it! :)

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