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    the orginal cosept for dino land usa and why wdw doesn't have an Indy adventure

    To answer CSOM's question, there is (was?) a roller coaster in Disneyland Paris that is (marginally) themed after the mine car chase. I don't know if this is still true...haven't been to Disneyland Paris in, like, six years...
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    Disney slashes Forbidden Mountain budget!!

    The only thing I want out of a queue is some AIR CONDITIONING which is almost non-existant in the AK. Besides, some video preshows are the best! The Muppetvision preshow, for example, is hillarious!
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    Feelings about Animal Kingdom

    There are plently of places in the Animal Kingdom to see animals without waiting in line: 1) Bird Exhibits in the Oasis 2) Exhibits, such as otters and Kangaroos, around Discovery Island 3) The Maharajah jungle trail, and the Pangani Forrest trail 4) Monkey exhibit in Asia Also, how...
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    Feelings about Animal Kingdom

    I must agree with kennyj29 here. I live in New York (for part of the year, anyway) and go to the Bronx Zoo often. While it is a great Zoo, it still has a lot of older enclosures, many of which are small and minimalist. How can you comepare any of the rodent houses at the Bronx Zoo to the...
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    Feelings about Animal Kingdom

    Those of you who say that it is only a half-day park, I'm you ever do the nature trails? My family generally spends an hour on each one, at least. (My mother could probably spend all day on the Pangani forrest trail if we'd let her!:lol: ) This past trip, we must've spent 20...
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    New water park attraction?

    They have one of those half-pipe things at my local water park (Honolulu). I went on it and it was pretty fun, but scary. THEN I found out that an employee had fallen off the loading area into the pipe and died! :eek: Now all the employees are harnessed to the top of the slide. Still, if you...
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    Funniest boarding or exiting stories

    Last year, I was at Disney World over spring break with a friend of mine. We rode on Tower of Terror, and as we were getting off, one of the CMs came up to us and said "Did you enjoy your stay?" We just sort of giggled and nodded. He went on "Would you like to come back and visit us again?"...
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    What is your "thing" at WDW?

    Hee! I used to watch the Disney World Info channel, until we found the channel where they play old Disney cartoons! We must have watched "Lambert the sheepish lion" a dozen times!
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    Fighting in WDW

    Oh boy, is that the truth! It seems that fighting within a family is all too common at Disney World. I saw a woman swearing at her kid and slapping him because he decided he didn't want to go on Alien Encounters after all! Some people seem to forget that they are in public and will say...
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    What is your "thing" at WDW?

    You forgot an important choice in your poll...meeting characters! :lol: I always have to get my picture taken with Mickey, Pluto, Chip &, any new ones that might be about! This trip, we got Lilo and Stitch, Bullseye, Kermit, and Flik!
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    Fighting in WDW

    Fortuneately, I have not witnessed any fights, but I have often been the victim of aggressive ECV driving! On this most recent trip, a friend and I were walking along the path from Future World to the World Showcase (You know, the one with the roses?) We weren't moving too slow or taking up...
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    New Fastpass "feature"?

    No, that's not a new feature, that's always been the way the fastpass works. Once you enter your return time "window" you can get another fastpass for anything you like. However, now you can also get another fastpass 1 or 2 hours after you got the first one. You cannot get one every five...
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    Attractions not working right

    Yup, the Brer Rabbit animatronic was broken at least two consecutive days when I was there... not good. Also, the water didn't squirt over the boat in the Laughin' Place...have they just taken that part out, or was it broken, too?
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    Shows At Wdw Theme Parks

    Help! How do I delete a post? Stupid computer... PS. Yeah, it would be great if they had fastpasses for the Festival of the Lion king!
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    Shows At Wdw Theme Parks

    Two reasons that I can think of: 1) The fastpass guarentees you a seat, so long as you return during your window. During busy times of year, or at smaller capacity shows like "Who wants to be a Millionaire - Play it!" you might not get a seat if you don't show up half an hour in advance. Or...
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    Crying at Disney!

    This trip I lost it in the Animation Tour, believe it or not! :rolleyes: At the end, they have the "Disney classics" section, and they show clips from virtually every Disney movie ever made. They had Bambi's mother, Simba's father, and the Beast dying, right in a row. That was it for me!:cry: I...
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    Surprise Fastpasses!!

    roysta123, thank you! That was my guess! (Well, not my exact guess, but I was pretty sure it had to do with observing wait times). I'll have to go tell my father I was right! :animwink: WendyDarling, I envy you! I really, really, REALLY wanted to do the college program, but I couldn't...
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    Attractions not working right

    Just got back from WDW and though I had a purely magical time (as usual!) I noticed something disturbing that hasn't really been a problem before: lots of the attractions seemed to be broken. Not that the whole attraction was broken mind you, just little things. The floor didn't move in...
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    Keeping the Magic Alive

    Just got back from my 9th trip, and I always see something new...This trip, I saw Cinderella's Surprise Celebration, Tarzan Rocks, the Conservation Station, and the new Journey into Imagination for the first time. This was the first time I ever went shopping at Downtown Disney! Great stuff...
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    rumors about Alien Encounter

    I just can't see how Stitch would fit into the AE storyline. You can't put him in the preshow...people would be really upset to see him get crispy-crittered like poor Skippy! If you were to work him in at all, he'd have to be a good guy who ends up saving you from bad ol' Mr. Alien. That...
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