Feelings about Animal Kingdom

Feelings about Animal Kingdom

  • Love Animal Kingdom

    Votes: 69 67.6%
  • Hate Animal Kingdom

    Votes: 6 5.9%
  • Indifferent to Animal Kingdom - Can take it or leave it

    Votes: 24 23.5%
  • Never visited Animal Kingdom

    Votes: 3 2.9%

  • Total voters


New Member
Question: One of the earlier posts by BigNorm stated that CTX was better than Dinosaur...was there any difference when the name changed? I know the name changed due to the movie, but I thought that was it. I will say that between the first time I rode this ride in 2000 to the last time I rode this ride in 8/2002..the ride has greatly improved. I found the effects were better, car moved alot better, and was much more exciting. Without question a very fun ride, maybe not great, but it surpasses Jurassic Park at IOA, which is the biggest letdown ever.

As for my opinion about AK, I definitely don't think it is a full day park. That being said I do spend more than half a day when I go . Usually arrive at opening and stay till 1 -2. But I do love this park. I find the entrance to the park in the morning exhilirating. First, there are the characters, then the CMs with different animals, and as you walk in all the animals in that area are awake milling about. It is such an incredible way to start a day. My only concern with AK is that in some ways it is a bit of a copy of Busch Gardens. But Disney really outdid Busch, in theming and its' treatment of the animals, although it doesn't have the same number of attractions. It does lag behind busch in many ways. For ex. Kali is a pale imatation of the Congo river rapids. Kali is so tame. Even Popeye Bilge Rats at IoA is better. At this point in time a day at Busch is prob. better than a day at AK. But AK won't stay behind for long.


Well-Known Member
Animal Kingdom is my favorite theme park at WDW. I love Africa, and I can't wait to go back in less than 3 weeks!


New Member
Those of you who say that it is only a half-day park, I'm curious...do you ever do the nature trails? My family generally spends an hour on each one, at least. (My mother could probably spend all day on the Pangani forrest trail if we'd let her!:lol: ) This past trip, we must've spent 20 minutes just watching the Hippos from the underwater viewing area! One was doing all kinds of flips, and gliding all over the place...it was beautiful, and something that we'd never seen before!

This is why I love the Animal Kingdom - because every time you go, you have a different experience! The animals aren't programmed like on the jungle cruise, they do what they want. You might see a giraffe, or a rhino so close to your safari vehicle that you could pet it!

My family unanimously agreed that the Festival of the Lion king is the best live show on the Disney property, and Kilamanjaro safaris is the best overall attraction. I also feel I should mention Flights of Wonder, as I don't think anyone else has mentioned it in this thread...it's a great show with some beautiful birds, and manages to deliver the conservation message in a far less anoying way than the safari ride.

On the other hand, I really DIDN'T like Primeval Whirl (In fact, I think that whole section of DinoLand is a colossal waste of time...who wants to pay admission to a Disney theme park only to find stupid, rigged carnival games?) This could be because I'm a plus-sized gal, but I was riding with my "normal" sized friend, and we could barely squish our hineys into the seat. Then, every time the car spun, our hips bashed together and it was really uncomfortable. The visuals and themeing weren't nearly interesting enough to make up for the fact that the ride was almost painful!

But hey, I always say, if you hate an attraction, just don't do it! :D So that aside, I love the Animal Kingdom...I think it is a great park if you love animals! It is also a great park if you love photography...there are many beautiful photo ops!


New Member
Originally posted by Becky
I wouldn't buy a single day pass. If you have a hopper or AP then a half day or so is fine. You can head for another park.

AK is a work in progress and someday it will have much more and therefore be open longer.

I love the Animal Kingdom. However, if you go through the nature and animal trails then it usually takes up to 1 whole day (on days when the park closes at 6). I guess a lot of people are disappointed because of the lack of thrill rides. But I think the great shows (Tarzan Rocks, Lion King, Bugs Life) make up for some of the lack of thrill. And Kilimanjaro Safaris is great too. The Animal Kingdom is a great park if you want a slow relaxing day or just a day to recover from the Magic Kingdom or Epcot (which requires a lot of walking) especially if you don't want to stay cooped up in the hotel to relax.


1/2 day park?????????

I can't see how anybody can see it's 1/2 day park. I guess if I went to MK and only did the Mountain rides that would be 1/2 day park also!!! This park is far from 1/2 day park. The people who say it don't go through the trails, don't go to the shows, don't take in the beauty of the whole park. Don't stay for the parades. If they did, they would realize that this park is definitely more than1/2 day. We got there when it opened and had to leave at 3:30 to meet family who lived in Orlando. We were so dissappointed that we had to go. We still had so much to do and couldn't do it. So please, unless you do all the things I mentioned above, don't say it's 1/2 day park because it really isn't!!!!!!!!! :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:


New Member
Well I for one have done the nature trails on my visits and see the shows ( i love tarzan rocks), and even then you are done with the park by 200 at the latest maybe 3. On each of my visits I don't rush. Ride some stuff twice. And even then it isn't a complete all day park. I like AK alot. But as beautiful as the nature trails are and wonderfully themed, those portions of the park are really no different than the leading zoos with the exception of the theming. Having visited the Miami Metro Zoo and the Bronx Zoo, two outstanding zoos. So yeah i love the trails, but frankly it ain't much different than any zoo i've been too to compensate for the general lack of regular attractions.


Well-Known Member
I feel the same way about Animal Kingdom as I did with Disney/MGM Studios when it first opened. So much promise, needs expansion. Don't get me wrong, I loved the Studios, but you could tell that it could be much better. Same with Animal Kingdom. With Everest coming soon, I see steps in the right direction.


I don't know how you saw all the shows, went to the trails went on the rides and took the train over to the petting zoo, and still tell me it's not a full day!! How can everyone I know spend a full day without doing rides twice? I'm far from slow. If you see one show? I didn't even see the shows the last time and left at 3:30 and still had a million things to do. How can you compare that to the Bronx Zoo? I've been to the Bronx Zoo plenty of times and it's two totally different parks!!!! Animal Kingdom is NOT a Zoo, it doesn't even resemble one. Maybe the trails resemble one but that's is and even that is different! IT's not supposed to be a zoo, it's NOT a zoo and doesn't even come close to resembling the Bronx Zoo!!!!!!! Don't know how you can even compare them??????


New Member
I must agree with kennyj29 here. I live in New York (for part of the year, anyway) and go to the Bronx Zoo often. While it is a great Zoo, it still has a lot of older enclosures, many of which are small and minimalist. How can you comepare any of the rodent houses at the Bronx Zoo to the Maharajah trail, where it looks like there is nothing between you and the bats? The habitat design and landscaping at the Animal Kingdom is far superior to what you would see at your average large, metropolitan zoo. Not to mention that there are such friendly and enthusiastic cast members on the trails, eager to answer any questions. That level of interaction with the staff is also rare at most zoos.


Well-Known Member
I agree! It is impossible to do ALL of the attractions at Animal Kingdom in less than one day--even if you aren't an animal fan, it's fun to remark at the incredible theming along Maharaja Jungle Trek, for example. Animal Kingdom is a great park! Can I get a witness?!


New Member
I don't like Animal Kingdom at all. I think it's the biggest waste ever.

If I want a good mix of rides and animals I go to Busch Gardens.


Well-Known Member
If you go in the off season.....like I do, and get there when the park opens.....like I do, you really can see everything in a 1/2 day! If you are at the park in September, there really aren't crowds to beat, or lines to wait on, so it's really easy to see it all. Having said that, I want to repeat.... I love Animal Kingdom.


Busch Gardens

Lovely Park but not half as good as Animal Kingdom. Rides, Rides, Rides, you must be young because that's all you mention. I LOVE rides but I can see beyond it. I HATE when people keep saying rides. Stick with MGM and Magic Kingdom then.



Your wrong. I go off season every year and I can't see the park in 1/2 day. You aren't seeing the whole thing. That's all I can say. Do you ever see the shows? Birds of Flight, Tarzan Rocks, Lion King? Do you take the train over to Conservation Station and look around? Do you go through the trails and STOP to look around? Do you sit and have a drink inside PizzaFari and notice all the different rooms to look at? Or do you zip around go on the rides and say that's it!


New Member
Orignially posted by kennyj29
Lovely Park but not half as good as Animal Kingdom. Rides, Rides, Rides, you must be young because that's all you mention. I LOVE rides but I can see beyond it. I HATE when people keep saying rides. Stick with MGM and Magic Kingdom then.

I may be young but believe it or not I'm not all about rides. What I mean is that if you actually want to see some animals go to Busch Gardens, they have places where you can see animals without having to wait in a line to go on a ride to see the animals. Even when you get on it most of the time I find it hard to find them.


Well-Known Member
Animal Kingdom is fast becoming one of my favorite Parks.

The first time I went there I didn't care much for it because I was too busy getting LOST!:lol:

But after I had been there 3 times and knew my way around a little better I started taking time to notice the LITTLE things that make this park so great.

The THEMEING is absolutley magnificient.:sohappy:

Just look around at all the details Disney has put into Harambe Villege....then walk down the Maharajah Jungle Trek and notice the detail there. The walk-around music in the park is great too.
Take a look around when you're there. Don't just look at this park as being about Animals and Rides. When you take the train to Rafiki's Planet watch be sure to notice all the suitcases and the baggage on top...and be sure to take a picture of that Engine too..it's like a blast from the past. Look at the site's and smells on the Pangani Forest Exploration Trail. Notice all the detail and the differant species of birds and some of the awesome bird-feeders on the trail. Buy a Bar-B-Que Pulled Pork sandwich at The Flame Tree Bar-B-Que, then after you have smothered it with the available extra sauce...find one of the quiet tables nearby and sit and relax and enjoy the meal and the beauty of nature that is all around you. Spend some time looking at The Tree of Life and see how many animals you can recognize...then relax in the cool- air-conditioned Queue area by It's Tough To Be A Bug 3D show...it's hilarious show that's full of surprises.

My point is just this. Animal Kingdom has alot to offer. You just need to use ALL your senses to enjoy it. Take the time to not just rush around but to FEEL and EXPERIANCE everything that is there.

If you do that...then Trust me...you will truly enjoy this park.:animwink:


Originally posted by dox
Question: One of the earlier posts by BigNorm stated that CTX was better than Dinosaur...was there any difference when the name changed? I know the name changed due to the movie, but I thought that was it. I will say that between the first time I rode this ride in 2000 to the last time I rode this ride in 8/2002..the ride has greatly improved. I found the effects were better, car moved alot better, and was much more exciting. Without question a very fun ride, maybe not great, but it surpasses Jurassic Park at IOA, which is the biggest letdown ever.

CTX was "tamed" after the Dinosaur movie came out in 2000 to accomidate the younger set. The ride as it is today is much less rough than it was while it was CTX, so that smaller children can enjoy it.


Original Poster
Originally posted by kennyj29
Animal Kingdom is NOT a Zoo, it doesn't even resemble one. IT's not supposed to be a zoo, it's NOT a zoo and doesn't even come close to resembling the Bronx Zoo!!!!!!! Don't know how you can even compare them??????

In all honesty, Animal Kingdom is a pretty, much more well-maintained zoo than most state zoos......but....at its center, that's really all it is..a zoo. It's a very impressive-looking park that showcases the exact same type of creatures found in any other zoo, but does so in a way that they look more like they're in their natural habitat rather than in captivity. It has a few rides, shows, and attractions here and there, but in my opinion, it has the least Disney-like feel of all the theme parks. I certainly hope bigger changes are in store for it.


New Member
What I mean is that if you actually want to see some animals go to Busch Gardens, they have places where you can see animals without having to wait in a line to go on a ride to see the animals. Even when you get on it most of the time I find it hard to find them.

There are plently of places in the Animal Kingdom to see animals without waiting in line:

1) Bird Exhibits in the Oasis
2) Exhibits, such as otters and Kangaroos, around Discovery Island
3) The Maharajah jungle trail, and the Pangani Forrest trail
4) Monkey exhibit in Asia

Also, how recent was your last ride on the Safari? I heard that they had problems in the first year or so, but every safari I've been on, I've seen tons of animals! It's better to go on the safari first thing, because the animals are more active in the morning.

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