the orginal cosept for dino land usa and why wdw doesn't have an Indy adventure


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JRead
Personally, I dont have a problem with reusing the ride system, but I would really hate to see an exact clone of DL's Indy at WDW. While I found that ride very enjoyable, and better than Dinosaur, I thought it could have used a little polish. To "digress" a little Im definately a fan of the randomized ride elements in theme park attractions.

well, clearly the technologies have improved over the past ten years, so a new version would have increased technology, like the new Indy ride in Japan, which has a different story from the Temple of the Forbidden Eye. One good thing with Indy is that, unlike DINOSAUR, it doesn't contain a lot of expensive Animatronics. Basically, it has the three Indy's, some pretty cheap moving skeletons (but, they don't need to be high tech--you fly through there), the giant snake, as opposed to a multitude of big dinos. Therefore, for the same price as DINOSAUR, they could build an incredible ride by using the massive number of special effects that the Indiana Jones Adventure uses (three chambers, one track; lightning on the wall; smoke and fire effects; bugs on the wall; skeleton on the ceiling; jeep "slams" into wall of rats, darts fly at jeep, and, of course, the rolling boulder) along with the incredible theming that we see on Indy--and...that music...~sigh~


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by objr
but WDW can do with out it...atleast for now.

2006 is 3 yrs away.

If disney was smart.. They would atleast reverse the ride layout.... Make it ALITTLE diffrent! lol :)


Ok, quick question, I haven't been to DL in about 14 years, what is the story line of the Indy ride there? I always thought a ride based on the run away mine cart chase from Temple of Doom would make a great ride and was wondering if any of the ride was based on that


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by CSOM
Ok, quick question, I haven't been to DL in about 14 years, what is the story line of the Indy ride there? I always thought a ride based on the run away mine cart chase from Temple of Doom would make a great ride and was wondering if any of the ride was based on that

Enter the mysterious Temple of the Forbidden Eye. Legend has it the ancient god Mara will grant anyone one of three wishes--gold, eternal youth, or knowledge. But, if you look into his eyes, your path leads to the gates of doom. Archeologists have been excavating the Temple of the Forbidden Eye, complete with traps everywhere, flooded mazes, bat caves, spikes coming down from the ceiling--you name it, this temple has it. One of these archeologist is Dr. Jones, our hero, but he, along with a group of other archeologists has dissappeared and not yet returned from the Temple. Therefore, guests will explore the Temple, attempting to both find treasure for themselves and Dr. Jones. But, guests are strictly warned not to look into the eyes of Mara. As the ride starts, the jeeps turn to the right, and are presented with three passages, one leading to a chamber for each of the three wishes (the jeep can go to any of the three; I won't tell you the technology used). Regardless, guests enter the chamber, and a massive statue of Mara sets at the opposite side of the passage. Of course, someone looks into his eyes, Mara gets MAD ed "INFIDELS! You looked into my eye! Now, your path leads to the Gates of Doom!" Loud music blasts from your jeep, you FLY around the corner, to the left, and everything goes black. Suddenly the room is covered with lightning bolts. Guests encounter Indy, and then vere to the left and enter the main chamber, an extremely dramatic scene. Suddenly, your adventure becomes terrifying as you travel through passages with skeletons flying at you, bugs everywhere, pass over a bridge that is falling apart, get attacked by a giant cobra, fly past glowing red skulls, through dark passageways, rat-infested corridors. Darts shoot at guests, all the while with an exciting soundtrack pumping through your jeep, and it all ends with a climactic final showdown with Mara's forces, as a massive boulder rolls toward guests! Will Indy survive?! And what will be your fate? Find out at the Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DogsRule!
Enter the mysterious Temple of the Forbidden Eye.... Will Indy survive?! And what will be your fate? Find out at the Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye.

Gosh, reading that post, its like I rode the ride all over again. I was not for this ride in WDW, but thinking about the cool things in this attraction, it would be nice to ride it more often (cause I go to WDW often, and have only been to DL a few times). Nice sum up of the Indi ride. I hope that if they do build it, they make it even better than the DL version. :hammer:


New Member
I find it funny how everyone complains about Jims articles which may or may not be true but the best part is how everyone reads them. So whether you agree or not with what he says its obvious that everyone is reading whatever he writes.


New Member
I love the Indy ride at DL and think a similar ride at WDW would be great. It is an awesome ride, but please don't make a clone!


New Member
To answer CSOM's question, there is (was?) a roller coaster in Disneyland Paris that is (marginally) themed after the mine car chase. I don't know if this is still true...haven't been to Disneyland Paris in, like, six years...

Hank Scorpio

New Member
I don't know why people jump on jimhill all the time. So what if most of his articles never come true and are based on unreliable sources? At the end of the day it is still an interesting read, and even if most of it is his own opinion, rather then the truth, it's what these forums are here for. For the fans of Disney's parks to come and share their thoughts and opinions. Jimhill is at least doing that, so lets lay off him.

Now to the article... personally, I think the best thing he mentioned was this mine cart ride that was originally planned for Animal Kingdom. That sounds awesome! I would have loved it if that ride had been built. I've haven't been to AK since Dinosaur was built, but from the sounds of things, this mine car ride would have been better.

Anyone have the original plan for the Animal Kingdom, that they could post? It would be interesting to see for our own eyes what the park would have looked like if Disney had found the funds...

As for Indy, I agree with there already being an Indy attraction at MGM. What would be far better, is if they spruced up the epic stunt adventure somehow, and instead added a James Bond E-Ticket.


RunDisney Addict
Originally posted by Hank Scorpio
I don't know why people jump on jimhill all the time. So what if most of his articles never come true and are based on unreliable sources? At the end of the day it is still an interesting read, and even if most of it is his own opinion, rather then the truth, it's what these forums are here for. For the fans of Disney's parks to come and share their thoughts and opinions. Jimhill is at least doing that, so lets lay off him.

Now to the article... personally, I think the best thing he mentioned was this mine cart ride that was originally planned for Animal Kingdom. That sounds awesome! I would have loved it if that ride had been built. I've haven't been to AK since Dinosaur was built, but from the sounds of things, this mine car ride would have been better.

Anyone have the original plan for the Animal Kingdom, that they could post? It would be interesting to see for our own eyes what the park would have looked like if Disney had found the funds...

As for Indy, I agree with there already being an Indy attraction at MGM. What would be far better, is if they spruced up the epic stunt adventure somehow, and instead added a James Bond E-Ticket.

The problem with Jim Hill constantly lying is that he tries to pass it off as he really has a clue what is going on. Trust me - if Jim Hill really knew anything important, Disney would have shut him up by now.

Original Plan for AK? If anyone has that, it's probably incorrect. I'm sure the original plan (which changed often, I'm sure) was put into a vault somewhere never to be seen by our eyes. It's not something they're going to go about publishing for the public. That'd be like saying...This was going to be the greatest park ever built...but we didn't make it. Would turn people away.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Fievel
The problem with Jim Hill constantly lying is that he tries to pass it off as he really has a clue what is going on. Trust me - if Jim Hill really knew anything important, Disney would have shut him up by now.

Original Plan for AK? If anyone has that, it's probably incorrect. I'm sure the original plan (which changed often, I'm sure) was put into a vault somewhere never to be seen by our eyes. It's not something they're going to go about publishing for the public. That'd be like saying...This was going to be the greatest park ever built...but we didn't make it. Would turn people away.

You can see part of the 'original plan' in the imagineering book. There are a few concept art pictures of things that were never built. One of these pictures shows the Excavator Coaster that Jim mentions in this article.


Originally posted by AddyL
To answer CSOM's question, there is (was?) a roller coaster in Disneyland Paris that is (marginally) themed after the mine car chase. I don't know if this is still true...haven't been to Disneyland Paris in, like, six years...

yeh there is a rollercoaster in Paris themed round the run-a-way-mine train car

when it frst opened it went forwards (as you would expect from a coaster) but i dont think this was thrilling enough so they turned the cars round and u face backwards now (think i am right in saying u ysed to go forwards)

its good its very short and there isnt much to it drops with a big loop tight turns etc - its good cause its backwards

i think if they are going to try and create a Indy themed area at MGM they should put this in as well - i dont think it would cost that much as its basicaly a pyramid with a the track going round it and it is a very short ride so would be a good cheap addition.


New Member
I have been reading Jim Hill for quite some time. Since I have recently joined this forum, this is the first time that I have seen any challenges to his credibility. Since all of his writings are hosted on his own website, that doesn't surprise me. It's always interesting to get different sides to a story.

That said, I couldn't even pretend to know wether they are accurate or not. What I do know is that working for a major theme park corp, the stories often seem plausable and it would be pretty hard to get a source within the company to be willing to be quoted. After all, if these stories are accurate, a person would be taking a big risk to their career by sharing that kind of info with the media. I know I would NEVER share that kind of info if privy to it. There are just some things in the industry you don't talk about.

Regardless, I still plan to read them (perhaps with a grain of salt now). After all, he does have one Disney attribute down pat. His ability to tell the story (accurate or not) is good enough to keep a sap like me spending my lunch hour glued to my monitor.


New Member
Yes, the Indy coaster at DLP used to go forward at one time. We visited DLP in April 2000 and it was all over the guide map that Indy now went backwards. It also boasted of the new time-saving Fastpass, lol. I was down in the mouth about it not being a "true Indy ride" like my beloved Indy in CA. Felt it was a fine ride but not much atmosphere, the queuing area was boring IMO. Would love a variation of CA's Indy at WDW, time will tell....

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