Fighting in WDW


Original Poster
People with all kinds of personalities flock to WDW, some of whom show much less common courtesy or decency to other people which will at times lead to frayed nerves, shouting matches, or even outright fights. Have any of you ever witnesses a fight between visitors at WDW, whether it was yourself or someone in your party?


New Member
Been to WDW several times and never saw a real fight. But I remember one incident that happened a couple of years ago that is still quite fresh in my mind. It was after the Magic Kingdom fireworks and it was the usual push and shove to get out. An older woman on one of those motorized carts was zipping in and out of the crowd. She was getting very frustrated, and I guess you can even call it aggressive driving, or road rage. Anyways a little girl, probably around five or six was sitting on the curb while her parents visited with another couple, just staring at everything and enjoying herself. Well, anyways the woman ran right over her. I couldn't see where she had hit her. The bad thing about this was that she kept going. Did not stop and apologize and see if the little girl was alright or anything. The parents started yelling at her, other parents were yelling at her. A few of us tried to get her to stop, but to no avail the crowds were too thick. I'm sure the girl was alright, I knew she was bleeding pretty bad, when her dad picked her up. They started heading for the first aid pavilion. This is one of the examples that they need to change those motorized wheel chairs. They need to change the speed first of all. That would probably solve the problem. It's people like that ; that can ruin a Disney experience.


New Member
That is the one thing that seperates Disney from any other place I have been to. I am glad I have never witness any type of aggression or fights at any of the WDW parks. I guess that is what makes the place so special, it is a true escape from every day world that we live in. There have been rude and incodsiderate people here and there, but never the nasty fights I would come to expect in rock concerts, for example.

Epcot is my fav

Active Member
i saw a fight between 2 men at Mk. The one mans litlle kids were standing near the front of the parade ropes...were you can sit and watch the parade and this other mans famil came and stood in front of his young kids. The man asked the other man to move because they were here first...the man refused...the other man pushed him and then someone got security....then they speilt them up and we walked away


Well-Known Member
For the most part - my trips to WDW have been peaceful - however, I did witness a bit of a scuffle as two parties argued about who got into the line before the other party.
BTW - the most annoying part is when one member of a family stands in the line, only for the other twenty family members to join them just before you reach the front. :mad:


Well-Known Member
AMEN to that Captain Hook! That one person saving 20 spots is totally annoying...I would be ashamed to try it, I guess some people have nerves of steel!

Well, I haven't really seen any punches thrown! Although I thought we would be involved in an incident during a parade on our last trip! We had 8 in our group. 5 children. we had one stroller of our own and rented one of those double strollers the girls knew they couldn't get out of the strollers because we didnt want to lose them in the crowd. Well, about 95 minutes before the parade starts we go get our spot for the parade. we knew we would need to go early as we had a gang of kids! When we got to main street there wasn't much of a crowd. So we park our strollers curbside and sit so it went boy, stroller, boy, stroller, adult, (myhusband and I stood behind the two strollers)I took the girls to the restroom, got back and then went to get hamburgers, fries drinks etc. came back by then it was about an hour til parade. all was fine. til about 10 minutes before parade (spectromagic/w/fireworks after) this lady, grandma and 3 kids come up and try to squeeze us forward. my husband says "don't push, the strollers will go off the curb!" so then the lady says 'well, push them together", she couldn't see our nephew, my husband says 'there is a kid down there" the lady says "put him in the GD Stroller DumbA#*" My husband says to me to get a CM! While I am crawling through to get a CM the lady tells her kids to go sit in the footwell of the double stroller SO THEY DID! the cm made them move..but needless to say it wasnt a happy experience. but the kids forgot it as soon as the parade started! Sorry for the long post!


Well-Known Member
I saw a fight down by the boat waiting to goto Wilderness Lodge right after the fireworks show at the Magic Kingdom. It was raining out and a guy and his wife cut in front of all of us. And one guy a little bit in front of me started to yell at him and next thing you know fists were flying and Mickey security showed up out of no where.


New Member
Fortuneately, I have not witnessed any fights, but I have often been the victim of aggressive ECV driving! On this most recent trip, a friend and I were walking along the path from Future World to the World Showcase (You know, the one with the roses?) We weren't moving too slow or taking up the whole sidewalk or anything. Well, this lady comes out of NOWHERE in her ECV, and even though there was enough space for her to get by, she rammed into the back of my friends' legs, HARD. And THEN she backed up and did it AGAIN! Finally, she glared up at us and said "Sorry," in that snotty, sarcastic way that lets you know she thinks it's all your fault. HELLO! Lady, you ran into us! I can only hope that she was just spastic, and didn't actually do it on purpose! So yeah, good thing my friend wasn't hurt badly enough to be bleeding or anything. If the maniac driver had done any real damage, the Mickey Security people would have had to tear me off her! :fork:

Another thing that makes me want to punch the other guests is when someone is smoking outside a designated smoking area, particularly if one is smoking in a line. Disney World is full of children, many of whom may have respitory problems. Do NOT smoke in a confined area where there is no escaping the noxious fumes!


If you've ever sat and watched people leave the park you would see so many husbands and wives fighting. Just sit on a bench and you'll be surprised to hear and see what these people say to each other. Usually it's the ones with little kids in strollers still!

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
This past New Years Eve in Epcot, I went off on these people in front of me. Everyone and their grandmother kept randomly stopping while they were walking right in front of people without looking back to see that there was a traffic jam behind them.

So, I finally went crazy and let it all out, cussing and all. My family just started laughing at me. Full-bellied, on the ground laughing.

I had picked a group to tell off that didn't even speak English!?

Grrrr... I get mad just thinking about it!?


New Member
If you've ever sat and watched people leave the park you would see so many husbands and wives fighting. Just sit on a bench and you'll be surprised to hear and see what these people say to each other.

Oh boy, is that the truth! It seems that fighting within a family is all too common at Disney World. I saw a woman swearing at her kid and slapping him because he decided he didn't want to go on Alien Encounters after all! Some people seem to forget that they are in public and will say anything to their kids or spouses!:confused:


New Member
I have seen many people bickering and arguing while we were sitting and people watching and I always thought I am happy it wasn;t me. Then last year while we were standing on line for the Haunted Mansion we had an "incident"-lol. There was a spanish tour group in front of us of about 4 people. Well the line was moving and then 2 people came from behind us and asked if they could join their group. Sure, no biggie. This happened again, only with 3 this time. Sure, go on ahead. And a 3rd and 4th time. I was peeved because it was very clear they were holding spots but I know Haunted Mansion is like a crap shoot-you can go in to the stretching room first but end up being the last one to get on a doom buggy. But then these 2 people literally PUSHED past us and knocked my daughter to the ground. I flipped. I told them that they were rude and we are only a group of 3 people and they are now up to 15 people and they kncked my daughter to the ground and they need to realize that they aren;t the only ons in the world. Then they made the mistake of calling me a "Puta" which is a not so nice word in Spanish, and i got a CM and ratted their little behinds out. They were told to get out of line (there were about 20 people behind us). I was shocked that they did anything but I was very happy they did-especially since they knocked my daughter down (she was ok-just "shocked" from being knocked over)

Oh and another time-coming out of Haunted Mansion-a man was screaming at a security Guard that he paid his money and he was going to do whatever he wanted and there was no one who was going to do anything about it-we beat a hasty retreat not wanting to see what was going to happen next.


Well-Known Member
OK I'll be the bad guy here. I got into a shoving match with a couple brazilian line jumpers at MK a couple years back. They were doing it on every ride and nobody was doing a thing. Even the CM's. But when they tried to go between myself and my wife and daughter. Well, all I can say is that I got in trouble.

And the security guards at MK have a remarkable response time...


New Member
I guess I will have to say that I have been one of those people that you have seen really P.O'ed and argueing with his wife and kids in the parks... I had worked 12 - 14 hours a day all year to fly the six of us down (2 adults, 4 kids) to WDW for two weeks, rent a car, the whole shooting match for our last visit . I have not gone as far as swearing at my kids but while we were at the Disney -MGM and the all the kids were doing was whining and the "I want, I want" routine. Well that fatefull day I hit the wall and my mood got to be as sour as a person could get. I sat my behind down on at a table and clamed up...This got my wife ticked off because I would not tell here what was bothering me and she and the kids proceeded to try and get me to open my mouth and when they did I was not saying happy things.....Personally it was not one of my stellar moments in life and I really put a damper on the fun my family was having but the stress got to me and I cracked....I can just imageing what the other guests thought as they went buy and saw for that moment the grumpiest man in the world.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by westie
OK I'll be the bad guy here. I got into a shoving match with a couple brazilian line jumpers at MK a couple years back. They were doing it on every ride and nobody was doing a thing. Even the CM's. But when they tried to go between myself and my wife and daughter. Well, all I can say is that I got in trouble.

And the security guards at MK have a remarkable response time...

Good for you dude, im glad im not the only one who acts on things. i have fortunately never had to do anything inside the parks but i would react the same way in that situation. people tend to lose their minds on vacation and its fun to help them realize they arent the only people in the world.


Well-Known Member
Out of all my Disney trips, I have thankfully only seen 2 fights. The first one was at Blizzard Beach. It was stupid and over a family holding a spot in line for an elderly grandparent. This was on the family raft ride. Anyways one other family didn’t want to let the grandparent in front of them to be with her family. It started a major battle of profanity and pushing and needless to say the grandmother finally did get in front of them to join her group.
The second fight was much worse, and happened at the Magic Kingdom Park. It was later in the evening and my family and I decided to ride the Jungle Cruise. The posted line wait was 20 minutes, after an hour we were still waiting. Anyways a group of about 4 tried to join there family in line. Well needless to say this other guy and his family clearly upset already from having to wait as long as they did, were not going to let this happened. And to make matters worse the group was another nationality and the other family began to make slurs at them. This triggered others of the same nationality in the line to join the fight. Now the entire line is screaming and going nuts. Disney security arrives to find that there is about 60 people shouting and calling each other names. So all they can do is try to get every to calm down because they are clearly out numbered. And trying to calm them down is not working. Finally there answer to solve the problem was to move both families to the front of the line and put them on separate boats. However it didn’t solve the others in the line that continue to argue the rest of the way. Needless to say it ruined the ride and I felt sorry for the little kids in the line who were scared and had to witness this horrible experience. This clearly was the worst handled situation I have ever seen in all my Disney trips.

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
OK--clearly I wasn't raised correctly, or I have missed something in my adulthood.

When our party gets separated in a line queue (2 adults, 2 kids--it happens frequently), the 2 in front wait for the 2 behind to catch up.

Families in between our 2 groups go ahead until we have re-united.

I thought that was how you were supposed to do it.



New Member
:mad: unfortenatly(sp) many people forget it's for the kids. Thats when I get mad (and it takes alot for me) Like the people who shove the kids out of the way,step on them that kind of thing. Matandtravsmom


Well-Known Member
oh i forgot i did see a fight in disney world. there were these pirates and a few of them were chasing wenches, one had a broom. then there was an argument about a redhead and a few guys claiming that they wanted this red head. they even tried to drown the mayor!! it got pretty hairy for a while and there was guns drawn and even cannons but everything seemed to work out in the end. maybe next time ill tell you about this time when i was a space ranger defending the planet aginst the fears emperor zurg.

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