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  1. jenlar

    10/1 40th Anniversary Plans?

    Hmm... maybe I can get this event added to the WDWCelebrations Project XL calendar!
  2. jenlar

    Fishing Excursions?

    We did the excursion on the lakes of Epcot. It was *tons* of fun! Like others said, it happens very early in the morning but that is really the only drawback. My family has plenty of bass fishing experience, but even so... there's nothing like having a Pro aong on your fishing trip. She was...
  3. jenlar

    American Idol: Season 8!

    Matt was the star of the Ford video and the group number, so I guess that TPTB see some real marketability there. I like Matt, but like Simon says... he doesn't stand any real chance of winning. Let's just get Lil out next week, if for no reason other than to get her a shorter set during tour...
  4. jenlar

    Multiple helpings of...

    Chef Mickey's mashed potatoes. The characters have even made fun of me about it!
  5. jenlar

    Bring home snacks from Disney

    I bring home most of the junk food section from Mitsukoshi. Pocky, Hello Panda, wasabi peas, rice crackers, those soft drinks with the marble in them, etc.
  6. jenlar

    American Idol: Season 8!

    Agreed, on both points. I still always liked his performances, so even if he were to have a truly off week I'd still vote for him to keep him on for the next week. I'm hoping for an Adam/Allison finale. I hope, if Kris is at the bottom, that they would save him. It's doubtful, tho... since...
  7. jenlar

    American Idol: Season 8!

    Dial Idol *is* surprising. It's probably because Kris, Matt, and Anoop are splitting too many votes. All my votes went to Adam (as usual!)
  8. jenlar

    How hard is it??

    We have flexible schedules that let us travel off-season and have always been able to use our SSR points to stay anywhere eventually. You may not get the time of year that you want or be able to make reservations in the near future, but you should be able to stay wherever you want eventually...
  9. jenlar

    Planning a trip for September

    You will love a September trip! Very light crowds, a little cooler (but still HOT!), Food and Wine, Halloween decorations at MK, and when it rains (which it does often during September in Florida) just throw on a poncho and enjoy almost-empty parks!
  10. jenlar

    Had to cancel trip

    Wow... I'm so very sorry! For what it's worth, September is my favorite time to go to WDW, and MNSSHP is worth the wait!
  11. jenlar

    Worried about your trip over the next 8 weeks?

    Have some sort of a plan for the day , but don't obsess. Be flexible and enjoy your trip. Just decide beforehand which parks you want to try to do on what days, and which rides are favorites. Planning is fun! On our last trip there were tons of people standing around reading maps, giving the...
  12. jenlar

    (Photos fixed) A look at the new Treehouse Villas buildings and boat dock

    They may have certain hours where anyone interested can tour the model (like they did with BLT.) Also, if it's not a busy time, your DVC rep will probably let you make an appointment just to see it. It's to their advantage, since some people end up buying more points that way *raises hand*
  13. jenlar


  14. jenlar

    What's on your mp3 Player or Ipod?

    A bunch of Disney podcasts and tunes from the parks, and: Blake Lewis 311 Misfits Pixies Hilary Duff David Cook Dark Tower 1 by Stephen King
  15. jenlar

    Favorite Part of MNSSHP?

    Yep... the Headless Horseman is a *huge* highlight of the evening. The horse is just *beautiful* and the horseman is SCARY! I mean, he's *real*! and *headless*! and charging down the street!!! The whole Haunted Mansion section of the parade is great. The sparking shovels, and the way the...
  16. jenlar


    I've got to second (or third?) Two Peas in a Bucket. They've got great layout ideas! I don't do a lot of scrapbooking anymore, but one of my favorite elements to use is paper piecing. I enjoy it because I don't have to lug out *everything* when I want to work on the book. You can make a few...
  17. jenlar

    Contemporary Tower photo update

    I *really* wanted to see them raise that last section of walkway. It would feel like something huge had just happened, and well, construction equipment is just cool. We waited for a while but then they all stopped for lunch break so we headed on. The progress made over the few days that we...
  18. jenlar

    T3 Celebrates the Wild Decade! 4/22/08 Update

    Great pictures! It was nice chatting with you in line, waiting for the park to open (at least I think it was you!)
  19. jenlar

    South Park does Journey Into Imagination Spoof

    If I've got enough hard drive space, I will. I've got tivo set for midnight. :D
  20. jenlar

    Who takes kids out of school for WDW?

    A meeting with the truant officer? That's serious business. I'm glad that you're standing up for yourself, though.
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