

New Member
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Someone else's post made me think about this... where do you all get your scrapbook ideas? Do you "scraplift?"

What scrapbooking magazines do you subscribe to? Would you recommend them? What sites do you peruse for ideas? Do you subscribe to any e-mail newsletters? Do you have an idea book in which you keep scraplifted ideas for future use?


Well-Known Member
Someone else's post made me think about this... where do you all get your scrapbook ideas? Do you "scraplift?"

What scrapbooking magazines do you subscribe to? Would you recommend them? What sites do you peruse for ideas? Do you subscribe to any e-mail newsletters? Do you have an idea book in which you keep scraplifted ideas for future use?

I don't do any of those things, no magazines or keeping of an idea book. But I LOVE looking at other people's pages. I think that mentally it is impossible to scraplift. I don't always intentionally use other people's ideas, but I find that the more pages that are different that I see, the more I incorporate certain elements into my pages. It helps me to think of other ways to do things. I think I usually scraplift without ever realizing that I'm doing it.


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Original Poster
I don't do any of those things, no magazines or keeping of an idea book. But I LOVE looking at other people's pages. I think that mentally it is impossible to scraplift. I don't always intentionally use other people's ideas, but I find that the more pages that are different that I see, the more I incorporate certain elements into my pages. It helps me to think of other ways to do things. I think I usually scraplift without ever realizing that I'm doing it.
I just thought... "scraplifting" isn't a bad term, is it? Sorry, I'm still new to the scrapbook world. I haven't really used other people's ideas either... yet. Which you can tell by my very simple LOs! :rolleyes: A friend of mine was saying that she had a subscription to a scrapbook magazine a few years back and it got me thinking... I could use some other ideas... :shrug:
I hope I didn't offend anyone.


Well-Known Member
I just thought... "scraplifting" isn't a bad term, is it? Sorry, I'm still new to the scrapbook world. I haven't really used other people's ideas either... yet. Which you can tell by my very simple LOs! :rolleyes: A friend of mine was saying that she had a subscription to a scrapbook magazine a few years back and it got me thinking... I could use some other ideas... :shrug:
I hope I didn't offend anyone.

No, I don't think scraplifting is a bad term. I think most people are flattered when people love their layouts enough to want to make them their own. :)


I scrap digitally, so motivation is a bit different then with paper scrapping. I peruse some of the digital scrap sites and many have challenges, which really motivate me to get pages done.

I love looking at other's layouts, as I might see ideas that I hadn't thought of before, or techniques that I want to learn how to do.


I think Scraplifting is the biggest form of flattery. I have been published in some books and magazines and I can't tell you how much it makes my day when I see someone come into my LSS when I am working to get the paper to match my layout! I say hey thats my layout and it so cool that you think its good enough to go into your own personal book.

I am frequently inspired by other scrappers of all levels because other people always think of things I may have never thought of myself. I am always looking at other scrapbook sites. Some even have Disney Challenges. Challenges are the best way to get things done for me becasue it can make me think outside the box.

Working at my LSS is a good thing too because I am surrounded by all the paper and ohter scrappers who are always bouncing ideas off of eachother.

Sorry I babble so much. I as passionate about Scrapbooking as I am Disney. Put the 2 together and I can't shut up! LOL


Well-Known Member
I don't know if working at a lss would be a good idea for me, because I might just buy everything in the store if I was surrounded by it for too long. :lol:

ot-Jessica, where are you from in WI?


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I scrap digitally, so motivation is a bit different then with paper scrapping. I peruse some of the digital scrap sites and many have challenges, which really motivate me to get pages done.

I love looking at other's layouts, as I might see ideas that I hadn't thought of before, or techniques that I want to learn how to do.

I think Scraplifting is the biggest form of flattery. I have been published in some books and magazines and I can't tell you how much it makes my day when I see someone come into my LSS when I am working to get the paper to match my layout! I say hey thats my layout and it so cool that you think its good enough to go into your own personal book.

I am frequently inspired by other scrappers of all levels because other people always think of things I may have never thought of myself. I am always looking at other scrapbook sites. Some even have Disney Challenges. Challenges are the best way to get things done for me becasue it can make me think outside the box.

Working at my LSS is a good thing too because I am surrounded by all the paper and ohter scrappers who are always bouncing ideas off of eachother.

Sorry I babble so much. I as passionate about Scrapbooking as I am Disney. Put the 2 together and I can't shut up! LOL
What are some of the digital scrap sites that you enjoy looking at? I've been to a few, but most of the one's I've seen aren't easy to navigate.


I don't know if working at a lss would be a good idea for me, because I might just buy everything in the store if I was surrounded by it for too long.

ot-Jessica, where are you from in WI?

Yeah, I'm not sure I'm making any money there eaither, but it sure is fun!

I am from the Milwaukee area.

The sites I go to are:


Two peas in a bucket actually has a a way to search their user gallery specifically Disney layouts. Although I do not post there Istill like to look. The other 2 I actually like to post on.

There are quit a few books I have as well. I realized after I finished my post from before I never even added this in. There is a book by Sandylion that is all Disney layouts. As fopr what other books you might like it depends on your style. If you like simple layout then you might want to look at the books and magazines published by Simple Scrapbooks. If you like the more artisitc aproach (this would probably be were I would catigorize myself, although i hate to put myslef in a creative box like that) then you might want to look at the books published by Creating Keepsakes. I think there are also may published my Memory Makers that are top notch. Memory Makers are the ones who have published me so I always like to get there books. Keep them in buisness ya know? Somitimes as well you may ask ther girls at your LSS if they have any classes. I teach at mine and I theach a Disney class. So maybe you might find one in your area to jump start your creativity. If you do not have a LSS you might find one at Joannes or Michaels, but they probably won't have one specific to disney.

Sorry if there are lots of typos, I have sick 1year old on my lap. He's falling alseep to The Finding Nemo- the musical soundtrack. Its his fav. :)


What are some of the digital scrap sites that you enjoy looking at? I've been to a few, but most of the one's I've seen aren't easy to navigate.

I have at some time or another frequented these sites on some level. Some I read and participate in thoroughly, others I may just do a challenge here or there. Or some I used to participate in, but just don't really go there very often anymore, nothing to do with the site tho.

They each have their own styles, so you may have to "shop around" to find a site that matches your style. Some are less friendly to newbies then others. To some degree, most sites have a forum and gallery to share layouts in, some challenges, a store, some freebies and some tutorials.

Those should keep you busy for awhile! :D


Well-Known Member
I'm an idea book junkie. I've got subscriptions to 4 scrapbooking magazines and I buy new idea books all the time. I love looking through them for inspiration.

I get Creating Keepsakes, Simple Scrapbooks, Memory Makers and BHG. I like all of them for different reasons.

I scraplift intentionally sometimes and unintentionally sometimes. It is absolutely a compliment.

The only time I am really careful about it, is when I am submitting something to be published in a magazine or if I'm submitting to a contest. Then I'm really careful to make sure the entire page is my own.

I like twopeasinabucket a lot. The message boards can be fairly brutal sometimes but I love the gallery. You can bookmark pages you like to go back and look at later. There are thousands upon thousands of layouts there.


I'm an idea book junkie. I've got subscriptions to 4 scrapbooking magazines and I buy new idea books all the time. I love looking through them for inspiration.

I get Creating Keepsakes, Simple Scrapbooks, Memory Makers and BHG. I like all of them for different reasons.

I scraplift intentionally sometimes and unintentionally sometimes. It is absolutely a compliment.

The only time I am really careful about it, is when I am submitting something to be published in a magazine or if I'm submitting to a contest. Then I'm really careful to make sure the entire page is my own.

I like twopeasinabucket a lot. The message boards can be fairly brutal sometimes but I love the gallery. You can bookmark pages you like to go back and look at later. There are thousands upon thousands of layouts there.

I totally agree about the message boards being brutal sometimes. I think that people feel tyhe right to say anyhting because they are not in person. I always say just take what they say with a grain of salt and remeber that difforences are what make the world go round. KWIM?


New Member
Original Poster
I have at some time or another frequented these sites on some level. Some I read and participate in thoroughly, others I may just do a challenge here or there. Or some I used to participate in, but just don't really go there very often anymore, nothing to do with the site tho.

They each have their own styles, so you may have to "shop around" to find a site that matches your style. Some are less friendly to newbies then others. To some degree, most sites have a forum and gallery to share layouts in, some challenges, a store, some freebies and some tutorials.

Those should keep you busy for awhile! :D
Ooo! I have a lot of sites to check out and bookmark now! Thank you Fran!!

I'm an idea book junkie. I've got subscriptions to 4 scrapbooking magazines and I buy new idea books all the time. I love looking through them for inspiration.

I get Creating Keepsakes, Simple Scrapbooks, Memory Makers and BHG. I like all of them for different reasons.

I scraplift intentionally sometimes and unintentionally sometimes. It is absolutely a compliment.

The only time I am really careful about it, is when I am submitting something to be published in a magazine or if I'm submitting to a contest. Then I'm really careful to make sure the entire page is my own.

I like twopeasinabucket a lot. The message boards can be fairly brutal sometimes but I love the gallery. You can bookmark pages you like to go back and look at later. There are thousands upon thousands of layouts there.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm really considering subscribing to a magazine (just one!) for a year. I need some more creativity. ...Of course... first and foremost I need more time to be able to scrapbook, but THEN I need creativity! :lol::rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I totally agree about the message boards being brutal sometimes. I think that people feel tyhe right to say anyhting because they are not in person. I always say just take what they say with a grain of salt and remeber that difforences are what make the world go round. KWIM?


Thanks for the suggestions. I'm really considering subscribing to a magazine (just one!) for a year. I need some more creativity. ...Of course... first and foremost I need more time to be able to scrapbook, but THEN I need creativity! :lol::rolleyes:

Time is the kicker!! Creativity will come in small doses sometimes and in huge amounts sometimes. All that matters is you're preserving those memories!:)


New Member
I've got to second (or third?) Two Peas in a Bucket. They've got great layout ideas!

I don't do a lot of scrapbooking anymore, but one of my favorite elements to use is paper piecing. I enjoy it because I don't have to lug out *everything* when I want to work on the book. You can make a few little paper piecings & borders and have them ready to go when the time comes.

The only required tools are a pair of good paper scissors (the little dangerous kind with the sharp point!) and some glue that won't cause your paper to buckle. I usually just use Creative Memories tape runners instead of glue.


Well-Known Member
I'll be honest, I've "scraplifted". Many ideas came from posts and layouts here. Tom (WDWFigment) does great work and I "borrowed" many of his ideas. I, however, don't do digital scrapbooking, it's all scissors and tape.

I personally don't subscribe to any websites or magazines. The wife does and I've thumbed through her magazines, but I've never really seen anything that grabbed me.

I think sometimes seeing too many other layouts can hinder my own creative process. Having too many accessories can also do the same thing. It creates too many choices and too many options. The wife runs into that problem, she gets overwhelmed with the shear amount of ideas and possible combinations that sometimes it would take hours for her to create a page.

I do think it is impossible not to "scraplift". Ideas do come from somewhere. Inspiration does come from somewhere.


Well-Known Member
I'll be honest, I've "scraplifted". Many ideas came from posts and layouts here. Tom (WDWFigment) does great work and I "borrowed" many of his ideas. I, however, don't do digital scrapbooking, it's all scissors and tape.

I do think it is impossible not to "scraplift". Ideas do come from somewhere. Inspiration does come from somewhere.

If you're borrowing from Figment you're not scraplifting you're digital-manipulating-lifting...:lol:

Scraplifting in the broad sense is definitely impossible not to do. All pages boil down to paper and photos and when you do a page with three pictures, a title, and circles in the background - yep you've probably seen something like that before.

But there is also a different kind of scrapbooking where you take someone's page and copy many or all the elements using your own pictures and materials.

That kind of scraplifting is great and flattering in most circumstances though not in all.

If I saw a page I loved on here and copied the title, set up, papers, embellishments, etc. and then submitted it to a magazine and it was published with my name by it...that would not be good. If I posted it on here and told everyone I loved it and I copied it, or if I just used in my personal scrapbook, that would be great!

I'm not sure if that's clear at all?:lol:


New Member
Original Poster
If you're borrowing from Figment you're not scraplifting you're digital-manipulating-lifting...:lol:

Scraplifting in the broad sense is definitely impossible not to do. All pages boil down to paper and photos and when you do a page with three pictures, a title, and circles in the background - yep you've probably seen something like that before.

But there is also a different kind of scrapbooking where you take someone's page and copy many or all the elements using your own pictures and materials.

That kind of scraplifting is great and flattering in most circumstances though not in all.

If I saw a page I loved on here and copied the title, set up, papers, embellishments, etc. and then submitted it to a magazine and it was published with my name by it...that would not be good. If I posted it on here and told everyone I loved it and I copied it, or if I just used in my personal scrapbook, that would be great!

I'm not sure if that's clear at all?:lol:
Yes that's definitely clear.
I guess I was just thinking about scraplifting ideas. I have heard of people going out to search for the exact same papers and embellishments to copy a page. But, truthfully, that's too much work for me!

You guys make such beautiful pages and I'm sure I'll be taking a few layout ideas and using them in my own books.

You know, I didn't even know that regular people's pages could be published. I've done some freelance writing, is it similar? Do you just send your work to various magazines? Do you get paid?


Yes that's definitely clear.
I guess I was just thinking about scraplifting ideas. I have heard of people going out to search for the exact same papers and embellishments to copy a page. But, truthfully, that's too much work for me!

You guys make such beautiful pages and I'm sure I'll be taking a few layout ideas and using them in my own books.

You know, I didn't even know that regular people's pages could be published. I've done some freelance writing, is it similar? Do you just send your work to various magazines? Do you get paid?

Yes they do! Working at a LSS people come in daily looking for the exact paper and such to make the layout EXACTLY the same. Some people jsut like to do it all the same. But I would say pmost people pick and choose small elemnts here and there to add to their layout.

As for sending inot magazines it is kind of like freelance writing. I send in a lot of my work. Some gets published and some does not. I get paid by some magazines and some just pay me in product. All in all I was going to make the page anyway so to me its just a bonus to see it in print. Every magazine has "calls" for what they are looking for. Like this time of year they are usually looking for fall layouts or maybe even some winter layouts. They work 6 months ahead of time so keep that in mind when submitting to companies. I have had a lot of luck getting published with Memory Makers so I think they are great! On Two Peas In Bucket they have a section in thier forum called "The Pub" where they talk about getting published and whos looking for what kind of layouts.

Hope that helped you out!:)


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Original Poster
Yes they do! Working at a LSS people come in daily looking for the exact paper and such to make the layout EXACTLY the same. Some people jsut like to do it all the same. But I would say pmost people pick and choose small elemnts here and there to add to their layout.

As for sending inot magazines it is kind of like freelance writing. I send in a lot of my work. Some gets published and some does not. I get paid by some magazines and some just pay me in product. All in all I was going to make the page anyway so to me its just a bonus to see it in print. Every magazine has "calls" for what they are looking for. Like this time of year they are usually looking for fall layouts or maybe even some winter layouts. They work 6 months ahead of time so keep that in mind when submitting to companies. I have had a lot of luck getting published with Memory Makers so I think they are great! On Two Peas In Bucket they have a section in thier forum called "The Pub" where they talk about getting published and whos looking for what kind of layouts.

Hope that helped you out!:)
It does! Thank you! Do you jsut send a digital, high res. photo of the page?

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