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  1. No1DopeyFan

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    :brick: 134 more days... I can't wait!!!
  2. No1DopeyFan

    How soon is too soon between trips?

    I don't think there is a too soon either. I don't think I could ever get tired of going to my favorite place. I love watching my kids as they enter the MK. I don't think there is anything better.
  3. No1DopeyFan

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    143 more days!!
  4. No1DopeyFan

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    I think every person who is a non-Disney person, doesn't even come close to understanding us... I look forward to my 10 days in Disney every year.. and my co-workers all ask me why I don't pick somewhere else to go.... That is when I know I am the sane one and they are all just NUTS!!! LOL
  5. No1DopeyFan

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    I can't beleive how excited I am to be 149 days away!!! The days are flying by and I can't wait!!!:ROFLOL:
  6. No1DopeyFan

    What are you most looking forward to for your next trip disneyworld?

    I will be going for my Honeymoon Sept. 26th-Oct. 4th It will be my husbands first time going to DHS, AK and Epcot. I can't wait to show him around....I look forward to everything about Disney!!:ROFLOL:
  7. No1DopeyFan

    Toy Story Mania Video

    I can't wait to ride this... my kids and I love the Buzz ride and this looks awesome. :sohappy:
  8. No1DopeyFan

    Cinderella Castle light show - photos and lots of details

    Everytime I see a picture of the castle witht he lights it just takes my breath away. I can't imagine what it would be like to see it in person.. just beautiful.. wtg Disney :xmas:
  9. No1DopeyFan

    Cinderella Castle light show - photos and lots of details

    I think it looks beautiful and wish I could go see it in person...I love how Disney celebrates the holidays, but as we all know everyone has their own opinions. Merry Christmas :xmas:
  10. No1DopeyFan

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    only 321 more days to my next WDW trip..unless i plan one for the summer as well..LOL:ROFLOL:
  11. No1DopeyFan

    Animal Kingdom - 11/05/07 - Observations and new stuff

    Can't wait for my trip next year to see the Yak and Yeti, thanks for the update.. and glad to hear you had a great BDay at AK.:sohappy:
  12. No1DopeyFan

    Weight time vs. wait time...should disney be setting a better example?

    The thing that bothered me most about this thread is that it sounded at first as tho if you are overweight you should not visit WDW. I myself don't feel it should matter if you are fat, thin, tall, short, black, white... what difference does it make... I think that there are better choices...
  13. No1DopeyFan

    Small MK update

    It is so funny that you guys are talking about iasw, I thought something was different as well. I think it looked cleaner and the clock tower was once again working. This was back in September during my trip.
  14. No1DopeyFan

    Weight time vs. wait time...should disney be setting a better example?

    I am a bit upset, but not surprised by this posting. Why does it matter if you are fat, skinny, short or tall. Do we have to be a certain size to visit Disney?? If a person wants to eat junk food, they will eat junk food. I find it so funny that people blame others for their weight...
  15. No1DopeyFan

    WDW Picture of the Day (Continued)

    :sohappy:All of you have posted the greatest pictures. Makes me just miss WDW even more.. can't wait for '08!!!
  16. No1DopeyFan

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    Just took a trip in Sept. and will be going back Sept 26th through Oct. 4th 2008 at POR. Tooo =:brick:
  17. No1DopeyFan

    Birthday Wishes for my DW-Need YOU to respond

    Happy Birthday!!! Have a great time.... Mega brownie points.
  18. No1DopeyFan

    1st Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party Pics

    Great Pics, can't wait till I am at the part on 9-28. I hope it does not rain then.
  19. No1DopeyFan

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    :sohappy: 6 more days!!!! fly out of Atlanta on the 22nd and will be in MK by 11 a.m. at the latest!!!:sohappy:
  20. No1DopeyFan

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    I am soooooooo excited only 9 more work days and 13 days total..... I can't wait!!!! We go at this time of the year for their birthdays.. :sohappy:
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