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  1. disneygoof1

    Jim Hill: American Idol to be delayed.

    I happen to know from an inside source that American Idol will still open in January. From what the source has told me, they began moving the sets in this week, also all lighting is up already and all they have to do after the sets are in, is to put in the seats and carpet. American Idol is NOT...
  2. disneygoof1

    Is it possible...

    Actually it is not possible. I have worked for both, and because you are on Disney property at Rainforest, you are still considered a low cast member or what they call a participant. When I worked for Rainforest, we still had a traditions class, where we got our ids that said participant. They...
  3. disneygoof1

    Fresh batch of pictures from the Idol construction

    I was at The Studios today, and was looking around, and I noticed that the cue waiting area was visible with all the glass gone. Sorry no pictures. Also I noticed something at the back of the building that looked like trelises to hang lights on. Maybe a holding area, I dont know. Again no pics...
  4. disneygoof1

    Boo to You

    Don't have pics, but it was a great cast preview! I loved the headless horseman, and the haunted mansion float with the dancing ghosts. it also has some rare characters in it, for example the lost boys from peter pan. All in all, parade was awesome!
  5. disneygoof1

    Four Parks - One World: Kingdom WDW's Somewhat Annual Park Update

    The crane is supposed to be down at the end of the day on the 30th of august.
  6. disneygoof1

    cast members attend pin celebration

    this will be my first one figment, is there any way that maybe we can meet up, maybe trade pins, and you can show me the ropes?
  7. disneygoof1

    cast members attend pin celebration

    Does anyone know if you are a cast member and want to attend the pin celebration, do you have to sign up as well or do you get a discount? Any help on this will be greatly appreciated. thanks
  8. disneygoof1

    Disney Auditions

    I was just wondering where you got your info from, because I was in Casting a couple of days ago and they were not hiring for anything. Just wondering
  9. disneygoof1

    character attendant - questions!

    hey Joanna, I have a question. I would love to become a character greeter, I am planning on coming down to interview in the middle of July. Do you think there will be CG positions open at that time? When I talked to casting, they said there are usually tons of openings in July, I am just hoping...
  10. disneygoof1

    Anyone know good Disney podcasts?

    there is one called LTAD or lets talk about disney, and also one called the WDW radio show, done by Lou Mongello. He's the guy that wrote the disney trivia books. I like both of these podcasts.
  11. disneygoof1

    Changing work location

    I did college program in 03 and I wanted to transfer to entertainment from merchandise at the studios. I don't know if things have changed since then, but I was told I have to finish my program in the location I was at. Just a little heads up, but yeah check with your managers, like I said...
  12. disneygoof1

    List of former and current CP/PI CMs

    Merchantainment CP Jan 03, about to be full time.
  13. disneygoof1

    casting website?

    Does anyone know if Casting has a website that posts job openings, or do you just call the hotline?
  14. disneygoof1

    Can a manager override rehire status?

    yeah I had the same thing happen to me. I just recently got my restricted rehire lifted, after five years. They are very particular about what you put on your rehire paperwork about jobs. Don't omit anything that was on your regular application or it won't be lifted. Thats what happened to me...
  15. disneygoof1

    2nd Interview for Tech Job Coming! >_<

    I also have a second interview coming up for a stage tech. I can't wait, I have been on restricted rehire for five years now, and it finally has been lifted. Good luck.
  16. disneygoof1

    chances getting hired in entertainment/ tech services

    Yes she was hired as a tech. About the two interviews though, I'm having my second one soon so, hopefully I make it to when they say we would like to schedule a third interview. I hope my rehire status is lifted.
  17. disneygoof1

    chances getting hired in entertainment/ tech services

    So after your second interview they offered the job. My friend just got hired there as well, and she went through three interviews before she got her offer. I guess it varies with different people. Are they hiring alot of people for stage techs right now?
  18. disneygoof1

    chances getting hired in entertainment/ tech services

    Coilback, my interview on monday went well and Scott said I will be contacted for a second interview. I am on restricted rehire. How many interviews did you have before you got the offer?
  19. disneygoof1

    Anyone ever been on restricted rehire status?

    I know what you are going through, I am in the same boat. I applied for entetainment/ stage tech. I had one interview already but since I am on restricted rehire, I had to do the same thing you are doing. I reapplied for CP a couple of years ago, and it still wasn't lifted. So if you find out...
  20. disneygoof1

    chances getting hired in entertainment/ tech services

    I recently have talked to and submitted my resume with people from entertainment at the recent USITT conference in Houston. They called me to schedule a phone interview, and in the message they gave me a certain date to call back. Of course, I called them right back, and I have a phone interview...
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