Can a manager override rehire status?


Original Poster
Casting wouldn't lift my restricted rehire status and told me I'd have to remain on restricted rehire for another six months, which would add up to an entire year of restricted rehire! I find that a little ridiculous for one attendence reprimand on my college program but it is Disney after all. I've heard that a manager in your department can override your rehire status. Is that true? I called an entertainment manager and he's looking into my files and record card, he was very nice even though I don't think we ever worked together. He looked at my record card and said he doesn't see any reason I should be on restricted rehire for an entire year and he'd look into it and call me back this week. Would a manager in his position be able to change a CM's rehire status? I'm really counting on this because I'm really upset over the way they've put me on restricted rehire again after telling me that all I had to do to get it lifted was to prove stable employment for 6 months.


New Member
yeah I had the same thing happen to me. I just recently got my restricted rehire lifted, after five years. They are very particular about what you put on your rehire paperwork about jobs. Don't omit anything that was on your regular application or it won't be lifted. Thats what happened to me last time. But you shouldn't have a problem.


Account Suspended
I always wonder about rehire status, i wasn't fired/termed, but i left without the full two weeks notice (school obligations, which in retrospect really should of been me managing time better). I had a pretty impeccable record otherwise.

Do you just call and ask?


Original Poster
Casting won't tell you your rehire status over the phone, you have to come in to the casting center. I think you can call your former department directly and speak to a manager and they can tell you your rehire status but casting will only do it in person.


New Member
I always wonder about rehire status, i wasn't fired/termed, but i left without the full two weeks notice (school obligations, which in retrospect really should of been me managing time better). I had a pretty impeccable record otherwise.

Do you just call and ask?

That can affect it, but if you had an otherwise good record it shouldn't stay on there very long.

When a manager fills out the term paperwork, one of the very direct questions he/she has to respond to is

"Did the cast member give at least two weeks notice Yes/No?"

That is tough for the best of managers to dodge with any ounce of integrity. There is also room for explanations, but that still affects your re-hire status which should only be for 6 months at the most.

Hope that helps.

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