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    Disney Parks' Celebration Tour Street Team

    I'm anxiously awaiting Minneapolis info-am leaving for Disney the next day. What a great way to kick of my trip! :)
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    Pleasure Island To Close Sept.28...Where O' Where To Go College Program!!

    I'm anxious to see if Atlantic Dance does get more popular. I've been there at least 15 times and have never seen more than 10 people in there. :)
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    I have lurked, searched, and scoured but have two questions:)

    Thanks Joanna! You are the queen of the college program, aren't you? :) Always so helpful. I appreciate it!!
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    I have lurked, searched, and scoured but have two questions:)

    Hey guys! I've been lurking on here for f o r e v e r and have a couple questions. I've been on the CP website, the Dis, and here and haven't seen the answers to the two questions I have so I thought I'd try here. 1. Under the requirements section of the CP eligibility, it reads that you...
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    My Dream Job

    I wish you well in your journey, but please remember being humble may take you further than any talent you have.
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    Renters Tax

    That rent credit is pretty nice come tax time, isn't it. Good question! :)
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    I Got It!!!

    Yipeeeee! Congrats!!
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    CP Auditon!!

    Oh my goodness! What a day! I'm so excited for you and I don't even know you! lol I'm going to PM you in a bit with some other questions if you don't mind. Again, congrats! Sounds like you did awesome.
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    CP Auditon!!

    I'm looking forward to your report! :) I'd love to know what type of dancing you did. Was it simple kick ball changes? :) Any leaps or turns involved? :)
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    Backstage Area Pics

    You guys are cracking me up with the pointless argument. I, for one, knew the post *may* contain backstage pics and I wanted to see them! If someone did NOT want to see them, they shouldn't click on the darn thread. Y'all have a wonderful day!
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    Just had an phone interview for a Stagehand/AV Tech job

    congrats! Second interviews are always for a reason-they liked you! Keep us posted! :)
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    Orlando area

    We're in Bloomington off 169. What about you? We're are so excited to move to Orlando. I've ready some great things and some not so great things. :) Regardless, I can't wait to try it out. Will you be working at WDW?
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    Orlando area

    Hello! I'm also from MN! :) DH and I are planning to move to Orlando/Kissimmee in spring '09. Soooo far from now but hopefully time will fly. Anyway, two posts down there's a thread called "pros and cons of living in Orlando". Maybe start there and see if that helps? Good luck! :)
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