Backstage Area Pics

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Well-Known Member
Dear god. You'd think the OP just ruined the magic for the whole nation or something...

If anyone wants to see what it's like backstage. Go GET A JOB THERE!... Same goes for anyone who goes on and on about "how magic it must be" to work there.... Go TO CASTING. They are hireing now!!!

Enough said.


New Member
Why did you take them then? If someone wants to see them, it's their choice. You're not forcing anyone to have the "magic ruined" for them.
they took them for they own personnal use not to be put on a website because you demand it.if some one wants to post its there choice, and not have to be questioned for it! how rude.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
why would anyone want backstage pics of Disney? Parade storage? It's a giant metal building... think of a hangar or a garage. That's it.


Well-Known Member
why would anyone want backstage pics of Disney? Parade storage? It's a giant metal building... think of a hangar or a garage. That's it.

a) its forbidden fruit

b) some take an interest in the behind the scenes stuff

as someone whos taken almost all of the backstage tours, i do find it interesting.


New Member
You guys are cracking me up with the pointless argument.

I, for one, knew the post *may* contain backstage pics and I wanted to see them! If someone did NOT want to see them, they shouldn't click on the darn thread.

Y'all have a wonderful day!


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
a) its forbidden fruit

b) some take an interest in the behind the scenes stuff

as someone whos taken almost all of the backstage tours, i do find it interesting.
If it can be seen from the monorail, then its not a forbidden fruit. Anyone can see it. It's not that interesting though. How the parade happens is very interesting, but the building itself... plegh. I worked there for 5 years, and spent more hours in that building than I have in church. That building needs to be condemned.


New Member
You guys are cracking me up with the pointless argument.

I, for one, knew the post *may* contain backstage pics and I wanted to see them! If someone did NOT want to see them, they shouldn't click on the darn thread.

Y'all have a wonderful day!

Exactly!! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
nothing is wrong with flowing the rules.

however, people tend to want have or do what they are told they cant or shouldnt. its just human nature.

Tell me about it, it's amazing how many people try and justify breaking the rules as if it's right...:rolleyes:


Posting Backstage Pics is a GOOD IDEA.

Everyone always wants to know "How'd they do that?" when they go to Walt Disney World. There are tours, books, and other ways to see parts of the Walt Disney World backstage area. IMO it makes a person appreciate everything that Disney is doing to make your vacation/visit to the parks/resorts enjoyable.

Why not see how it's done? What myth would be dispelled by seeing backstage? Here is what you'll find out backstage at the WDW:

  • The Cast Members are "Real People", who dress in normal everyday clothes and talk like normal everyday people when they aren't serving you and wishing you a "magical day".

    The rides are actually in "buildings" made of concrete, with huge HVAC systems to regulate temps, etc.

    The floats are kept in big Garages.

    The Cast Members have vehicles, and park them ... sometimes it's even close to where they work.

    The Characters are actually people in costumes.

    And the last ... but most important one ... The Walt Disney World Resort is a Business which employs thousands of people. Like all businesses, there is a customer facing side (external) and an internal side. Normal businessy stuff happens. People file TPS reports. People come into work with a coffee cup in one hand and a laptop bag in the other. People work at helpdesks. People serve food. People drive trucks. People punch time cards.

Now ... how does seeing a picture of those activities lessen the "Magical" experience? It doesn't. In fact, it should make the viewing public more appreciative of all of the hard work that goes into making your family have a wonderful time. Imagine that ... thousands of people employed with the sole purpose of making you have a happy day!

And for the ULTRA HARD LINE PURIST FANATICS out there ..., "Take a chill pill". All of the super top secret stuff is way way way out of the public eye, and there is "0" chance of a camera making it into the "inner sanctum".

*Rant Off*


New Member
Back in 2005 when the Odyssey building was partially open, the door leading to the hallway with the indoor bathrooms was open, plus htere was a curtain blocking hte main dining area, I peeked thru the curtain and took a picture, noone found out, if anyone wants the photo, ill post it up


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Couldn't agree with you more MKT, backstage is drab and boring and has no 'magic' whatsoever! Seriously, if you want to see backstage, get a job at WDW.

why would anyone want backstage pics of Disney? Parade storage? It's a giant metal building... think of a hangar or a garage. That's it.


New Member
Posting Backstage Pics is a GOOD IDEA.

Everyone always wants to know "How'd they do that?" when they go to Walt Disney World. There are tours, books, and other ways to see parts of the Walt Disney World backstage area. IMO it makes a person appreciate everything that Disney is doing to make your vacation/visit to the parks/resorts enjoyable.

Why not see how it's done? What myth would be dispelled by seeing backstage? Here is what you'll find out backstage at the WDW:
  • The Cast Members are "Real People", who dress in normal everyday clothes and talk like normal everyday people when they aren't serving you and wishing you a "magical day".

    The rides are actually in "buildings" made of concrete, with huge HVAC systems to regulate temps, etc.

    The floats are kept in big Garages.

    The Cast Members have vehicles, and park them ... sometimes it's even close to where they work.

    The Characters are actually people in costumes.

    And the last ... but most important one ... The Walt Disney World Resort is a Business which employs thousands of people. Like all businesses, there is a customer facing side (external) and an internal side. Normal businessy stuff happens. People file TPS reports. People come into work with a coffee cup in one hand and a laptop bag in the other. People work at helpdesks. People serve food. People drive trucks. People punch time cards.
Now ... how does seeing a picture of those activities lessen the "Magical" experience? It doesn't. In fact, it should make the viewing public more appreciative of all of the hard work that goes into making your family have a wonderful time. Imagine that ... thousands of people employed with the sole purpose of making you have a happy day!

And for the ULTRA HARD LINE PURIST FANATICS out there ..., "Take a chill pill". All of the super top secret stuff is way way way out of the public eye, and there is "0" chance of a camera making it into the "inner sanctum".

*Rant Off*

Well now you've done it....the magic is ruined and our lives are all meaningless now. I don't know how things will ever be the same again after this earth-shattering revelation. WDW is completely ruined for me now because I had no idea about any of that stuff. :lol:

Plus, you realize you've now ruined it for all the CMs who thought it was cool to be "in the know". Now they have nothing to brag about and make them feel like they're cool. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I can appreciate the whole "bad show" concept. If Disney says dont take pics since its private property we should repect that.

On a different note if Disney is sooo worried about "bad show" why do they sometimes exit guests into backstage areas from Main Street sometime at DL after busy days to leave the parks?:confused:

head mouse

Dear god. You'd think the OP just ruined the magic for the whole nation or something...

If anyone wants to see what it's like backstage. Go GET A JOB THERE!... Same goes for anyone who goes on and on about "how magic it must be" to work there.... Go TO CASTING. They are hireing now!!!

Enough said.

Yeah. because it's so easy for everyone to just uproot their lives and go live in central Florida and get a job at WDW JUST to see backstage. :brick: That has got to be the most retarded comment on this board. And for those that DO live there, It's not that easy to get a job at Disney.

Enough said.

why would anyone want backstage pics of Disney? Parade storage? It's a giant metal building... think of a hangar or a garage. That's it.

It's not just a metal building. It's where the "magic" is stored. Any true Disney fan would understand.

Here's my question, what's so wrong with following the rules? :shrug:

Rules were made to be broken.

You guys are cracking me up with the pointless argument.

I, for one, knew the post *may* contain backstage pics and I wanted to see them! If someone did NOT want to see them, they shouldn't click on the darn thread.

Y'all have a wonderful day!

Exactly. Just like on another board I visit they have NWS (Not Work Safe) threads. the thread starter MUST put NWS in the thread title to tell everyone about the content of the thread. This thread is kinda the same. it clearly warns people that there may be backstage pictures before they open it.

Posting Backstage Pics is a GOOD IDEA.

Everyone always wants to know "How'd they do that?" when they go to Walt Disney World. There are tours, books, and ...

*Rant Off*

BRAVO :sohappy: BRAVO :sohappy: Very well said. :wave:

I really HATE the way CM's on here will sit there and say "Back stage is nothing special. it's really drab..."

It may be to you. You work there and see it every day. but to the average person that has never seen it. it's neat, cool, amazing, wonderful. Like ciscobee said, it help guest appreciate everything that goes on back there.

On topic... I remember a time we were on Thunder Mountain and the train stopped going up the 2nd hill (very long story but I'll keep to the point) We all had to exit the train walk down the stairs, and through the inside of the "mountain" To me it was one of the greatest trips to WDW, got to see inside the ride. Not much there. just pipes and lights and stuff, but it was something you don't normally get to see, and that made it cool.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I love this thread. :lol:

A bunch of grownups trying to hide the existence of some boring warehouses on one side, pitted against another bunch of grownups falling over themselves to see said boring warehouses. If there's ever been a more mutually pointless argument in recorded history, I have yet to find it.

Keep it up, though, folks. I'm loving every bit of it. :ROFLOL:
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