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  1. MarkeyMouse

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    34 more days woooohoooo....but who's counting:ROFLOL:
  2. MarkeyMouse

    Mickey Moms Club packet

    I got mine 2 days ago... I was very excited that it also stated that when we voted I ( and many others) helped pick the name! It was a very nice surprise. I hope we will be going to Disney soon to be able to use that little coupon they included. The pins were great as well. My kids laughed at me...
  3. MarkeyMouse

    Grocery Delivery

    I would take a look at, I found this on another thread a while ago and they seem to have everything our grocery store has at decent prices....good luck and have a wonderful trip!:)
  4. MarkeyMouse

    8/24 free dining problem

    One year it started 8/21, then 8/13, then 8/26 there are only RUMORS of the date it will start unless someone knows otherwise:wave::wave::wave:
  5. MarkeyMouse

    Got a Disney email discount......

    Yes How do you get those emails? I always give all my info even my crazy email address, I would love to know if you sign up for those or if they are just random....thanks in advance for any info:wave::wave::wave:
  6. MarkeyMouse

    NEW Discount Offer for May

    Hi I found these on the web while doing my usual morning dose of Disney CMB - Room only AXQ - Magic Your Way AXR - Magic Your Way Plus Dining AXT - Magic Your Way Plus Deluxe Dining Hope that helps!:):):)
  7. MarkeyMouse

    Free Dining Preview Thread

    thank you Thanks thats another website I didn't know about! I'll check that one also.:wave::wave:
  8. MarkeyMouse

    Free Dining Preview Thread

    I did some googleling and found this If anyone is interested : I'm sure the predicted dates aren't for sure they might just be best guess This is posted on "We have been hearing rumors, that we since have substantiated, that Disney World will be releasing Magic Your Way...
  9. MarkeyMouse

    How many Disney Resorts have you stayed at?

    Polynesian Caribbean Beach POFQ Animal Kingdom Wilderness Lodge Loved them all...looking into DVC and save us some money(and go more often):)
  10. MarkeyMouse

    you know you have an unhealthy disney obsession when

    OMG I'm so glad i found some friends. My husband doesn't like Disney as much as me and the kids:( .He said it was getting know your obsession is unhealthy when you tell him once he gets his MBA he can teach piano at college in Florida(move your whole family) so you can work...
  11. MarkeyMouse

    Free Dining Preview Thread

    I am so excited I can hardly contain it!!!:sohappy::sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:
  12. MarkeyMouse

    Free Dining Preview Thread

    YES just recently we got one for Disney Adventures! Thank you I will be checking my email frequently. I'll post as soon as I know something. I hope all of you do the same.:) :) :)Thanks again lilclerk!!!!
  13. MarkeyMouse

    Free Dining Preview Thread

    Thanks so much for FAST info....I really appreciate it. If this happens we get to go:p if not we have to wait a year:cry:. I do have a Disney Visa... one more annoying question, Do they email or just announce it on their home site?(wow all you people on these boards are a wealth of...
  14. MarkeyMouse

    Free Dining Preview Thread

    WOOOOHOOOO! this sounds promising.... I'm hoping for the earlier dates also. One Question does AAA or Disney Visa usually announce 1st?:wave:
  15. MarkeyMouse

    Free Dining Preview Thread

    In 2006 My Family and I booked a vacation on Aug 13th for a week and had free dining. The 2007 offer was the last week of August , around the 25 or 26th.....I was hoping some one had the inside scoop on a date for this year. I'm not sure if they offered that early before... we can always hope.:)
  16. MarkeyMouse

    What are you craving?

    A pineapple float from the little store in adventureland....mmmmmmmmmmm
  17. MarkeyMouse

    current gas prices

    We are in nj also, if you go on they have fuel finder and gas price for a round trip it averaged about $257 last summer for us but you can figure it out there. You type in your make and model of your car , the year (of the car) ....we put in ny to orlando and it spits out the cost...
  18. MarkeyMouse

    you know you're a disneyworld geek when...

    I read this and laughed so hard 8 year old son said "mom what's so funny?" I read it to him and he said "oh jeez that is so you!!!" no one in the world gets me like him and everyone else on this board. Thank you I have not laughed all week!!!!:sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:
  19. MarkeyMouse

    How old was the first time you took your child to WDW?

    My son was 4months old and we dragged him along because his sister was 5 she wanted to go desperately she had a fabulous time. We kept him in a great comfy carriage with a little fan, took lots of breaks, used those mommy headquater rooms(don't know their official names) in all the parks and...
  20. MarkeyMouse

    Free Dining Preview Thread

    any insight? I was just wondering if anyone knew anything about when they might be offering (if at all) the free dining,,,,we took advantage of this in 2006 on aug 13th and then I saw in 2007 they offered it the last week of aug which was too close to the 1st day of school for us so we went in...
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