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  1. D

    How many of you married people

    My wife and I honeymooned at WDW in May 2001. We stayed for 4 days at the All Stars Music resort. Let me explain why I chose this before people say "errr..what?!". We are from Jacksonville, so we're used to day tripping. I also didn't have a lot of money to blow and with the recent terror...
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    Worst meal on Disney property?

    Worst: Rose & Crown. I don't know if it was the steak & prawns or the bangers and mash I polished off for the wife, but something at that meal gave me severe gastro-intestinal difficulties. As a Scotsman (by heritige), I am sure it was a British conspiricy against me. :) Best: I've eaten at...
  3. D

    Traffic/construction on I95

    Another Jacksonville-ite here. The I-95 North/I-295 North interchange is closed for two years, while you could take 295 on your way down, there's not really any need to. There is a detour that will cost an extra few couple of minutes, but staying on 95 would be the best way to go..sometimes...
  4. D

    Spaceship Earth and and Astronaut?

    You're right, I distinctly remember seeing astronauts working on a satellite and I think one with an ECV pack (but I'm not sure, might be a different ride).. But I do remember astronauts being on the top of SSE because I commented to my wife the first time we rode it together (in 2001) that...
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    Terror Alert Implications on WDW

    Re: Re: Terror Alert Implications on WDW I know I'm late in this thread..but.. We were there exactly one week after, was planning to go down for the day on Sept 11. I got my wife (then girlfriend) to chill out about going for another week so we could pay off some bills and have more...
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    17 Years Ago: We Did Have Wings

    I have some very fond memories of If You Had Wings. I can distinctly remember being 4 or 5 years old and riding the ride with my parents because I think it was a "free" ride back in the days of tickets. I don't remember if there was park admission fees or anything, and I might be wrong, but I...
  7. D

    For all who make False Fastpass

    I always likened it to heat transfer paper, like the kind of paper some stores use for receipts...or that old style rolled fax paper.. Sometimes we choose not to use fastpass when we're on vacation simply because it's not convenient to us.. I don't understand why people would want to cheat...
  8. D

    I got into a altercation @ F & G festival!!

    Just a point of interjection, but what if I was to buy the stand, take it home and take a picture of it? Would that also violate their bogus "copyright and patent"? Another point, most pending patents and copyrights aren't listed on the USPTO/Copyright office until they are granted. If they...
  9. D

    Help With Baby

    I have a 14 month old and we had no real problems with him. We live in Jacksonville and go down there quite often, our first trip with him was when he was about 8 months old (couldn't pass up the Wine and Food festival).. He loved it. The lights, sounds all that. He recognized some of the...
  10. D

    How are the crowds now..........

    We're planning on being there next weekend as well (15th and 16th) for a quick getaway vacation. We live in Jacksonville and my parents were down there last weekend (We're all AP holders). They said it was crowded, but they've seen worse. You have to remember that Starwars Weekends kicks off...
  11. D

    Change Of Attitude?

    I for one would like to thank the cast members on this board for providing great service in the parks. As an AP holder living just 3 hours north of Orlando (I live in Jacksonville), I have the opportunity to visit WDW several times a month and the service I've received has been everything I've...
  12. D

    "We Will Win" signs posted over Universal Orlando

    This may have changed since I last went to Universal, but let me explain my experiences with that park. We went about a year or so after it opened (we=parents, sister, brother, myself). All of us *HATED* it. Why? Because we spent 2.5 hours waiting to ride Kongfrontation. We spent 2 hours...
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    disappointed with spectromagic

    I wasn't going to say anything because I thought I was just being overly nostalgic...but.. I didn't like Spectromagic at all. Bring back the OLD Electric Light Parade! ~Darkrose~
  14. D

    EPCOT Update!

    They have one or two figment stuffed animals. I think one is with an uncle-sam type hat and one is without. They are pretty small, about 6 inches or so. Not sure on the price. I was there on Monday, and I didn't see any larger stuffed figments (like my huge one I got in the early 80's)...
  15. D

    Living Seas ride vehicles

    I can confirm that the Sea Cabs are still there as of May 13th. I did the DiveQuest tour on that day. The lowdown is this: 1.) It's about 2.5 hours long and costs $140, all gear is provided, down to the "Mickey Spit" defog. There are discounts (see below). You should meet on the benches...
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