"We Will Win" signs posted over Universal Orlando

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Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I dont know enough about Disney buisness to coment on the actions of the past 10 or so years. but I can see that there is some drop in Disneys high standards in the parks, plenty of second rate sequels from the animation studios, and some very poor decisions relating to evidence shredding, and the handling of the episode. The man at the top has either to solve the problems or step aside for some one who can.
I notice that you use the past tense in youre post about Eisners achievements.

I just feel that everything has a natural cycle, coaches at a succesful team eventually loose their edge perhaps its the same for CEOs.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Disney4648
Eisner is still good, I give him a lot of credit for helping out the Disney Company, he has done a lot.

exactly!! notice, and I quote "he has done a lot"....HAS done....NOT is doing! and when was it that he got Disney out of the slump? wasn't that like over a decade ago? a lot can happen to the ideas of a CEO in a decade. I think it's time Eisner stepped aside....but of course that could mean better...OR it could mean worse, depending on who took his place.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Originally posted by pheneix
It has to be. In fact, the only area I see that is cleared out (but it looks like it is close to 1800 acres) is south of Sand Lake. Here's a shot off of Mapquest. I have circled the land in question in red, and the current UO site in green.

that land you circled is actually owned by the Marriott Vacation Club and Westgate Resorts for the most part.

The land universal owns is already developed somewhat


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Originally posted by Testtrack321
Disney is lowering their standard (MKTiggerman).

thanks... so now I'm the lower standard of a Disney CM... I feel great now. (sarcasm intended)
I hope to god that my name in parentheses is used to cite a source, and not point a finger... because you have NEVER dealt with me as a CM. If you would like, I will be DELIGHTED to scan some of the letters guests have written about me. I have never gotten a negative comment from a guest, and I am not about to get one from a person I've never even met.

Originally posted by Testtrack321
But as one family told us at AKL, U hires D "rejects".

uhh.. no. U hires a TON of ex-CM's who have grown frustrated w/ Disney's BS. Every non-disney restaurant and hotel in LBV hires Disney "rejects" tho... ya ever been to Joes Crab Shack in LBV? Not one person there hasn't worked for WDW at one time or another


I read not that long age. Vinedia/Universal is lloks to sell the "under preforming Universal Orlando resort since they are a foreign company that owns the park. They said Anehimer/bush wuld be the best buyer but Disney and Six Flags may look into it. I will try to find the site.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Originally posted by Bdis86
Disney refused to buy it since it's "Not Disney enough"

never stopped them before... *cough*42nd street NYC*cough*viewer's choice cable*cough*HOLLYWOOD FILMS*cough*

anything else I'm forgetting?


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Originally posted by pheneix
>>>anything else I'm forgetting?<<<


I thought Disney returned control to Harvey Weinstein


New Member
Maybe I'm naive about this but, how many families would travel from arround the world to Orlando for a week if Disney World wasn't there? Next time I get to Orlando, I'm looking forward to visiting IOA, but all the parks and attractions surrounding WDW feed off the main attraction (WDW). Without disney I doubt Universal, Sea World, and whatever else you through up would have near the same attendance. WDW needs improvement sure... let's not get carried away with all the praise for Universal. I agree they have some great rides and the "Suess" land looks amazing, but WDW is still the 800lb. Gorilla. Disney can and I believe will get better, they addressed many of the maintenance concerns, and attendance is beginning to return, we may be poised for a new golden age. They have alot more to work with and if you've seen Disney Sea and the Eurodisney (or whatever they call it now) the imagineers still have that magic, if its ever applied in full to refurbishing WDW the surrounding parks in Orlando, will benifit the way they always have: by giving WDW vacationers a place to go when they want a break from Disney.


Well-Known Member
>>>I thought Disney returned control to Harvey Weinstein<<<

They did. But still, one look at some of Miramax's more "infamous" films makes you wonder why Disney would want to be associated with it.

>>>They have alot more to work with and if you've seen Disney Sea and the Eurodisney<<<

The thing is, both of those resorts were built out of different company's checkbooks (Euro Disney SCA and OLC). Disney put absolutely no money into them whatsoever. DisneySea's success should be credited to the Oriental Land Company and Imagineering, not Disney itself.


New Member
Originally posted by WDWsmith2001
Maybe I'm naive about this but, how many families would travel from arround the world to Orlando for a week if Disney World wasn't there? Next time I get to Orlando, I'm looking forward to visiting IOA, but all the parks and attractions surrounding WDW feed off the main attraction (WDW). Without disney I doubt Universal, Sea World, and whatever else you through up would have near the same attendance. WDW needs improvement sure... let's not get carried away with all the praise for Universal. I agree they have some great rides and the "Suess" land looks amazing, but WDW is still the 800lb. Gorilla. Disney can and I believe will get better, they addressed many of the maintenance concerns, and attendance is beginning to return, we may be poised for a new golden age. They have alot more to work with and if you've seen Disney Sea and the Eurodisney (or whatever they call it now) the imagineers still have that magic, if its ever applied in full to refurbishing WDW the surrounding parks in Orlando, will benifit the way they always have: by giving WDW vacationers a place to go when they want a break from Disney.

I think if you could take present day Orlando and could make WDW vanish, I think people would still travel from everywhere to visit and attendance would propably be higher at Universal and the Busch Parks, but less people would be going to Orlando per year. Still, Orlando would not be what it is now if Disney World was not there. So I agree in part, but I think there is enough there now that Orlando could still attract people from all over the world with or without WDW.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Originally posted by pheneix
>>>They have alot more to work with and if you've seen Disney Sea and the Eurodisney<<<

The thing is, both of those resorts were built out of different company's checkbooks (Euro Disney SCA and OLC). Disney put absolutely no money into them whatsoever. DisneySea's success should be credited to the Oriental Land Company and Imagineering, not Disney itself.

actually, with Euro Disney, SCA, Disney stills owns a good chunk of it, with the Saudi Royal Family (one member, not sure which one.. there's too many of them) owning the rest


Well-Known Member
OK now I am a bit upset with Universal..took the kids to see the new Scooby Doo movie wont go into alot of details so i dont spoil it for those who go see it...but I for one did not like the Disney Slams....anyone who has been to Disneyland/WDW even a few times will most likely pick up on it ...just didnt seem to professional to me...one example is the ride they call "The Splatterhorn" I believe in good, honest, healthy competion but slamming your competitors in a film supposedly geared towards younger kids just seemed a bit childish to me...anyway..thanks for letting me vent~


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing they wern't trying to slam anyone with that. I saw Scooby Doo today (I'm a big Scooby fan, by the way!) and I didn't even remember seeing any of the refrences to Disney rides! I don't think that the people in charge of the Universal theme parks were in charge of making Scooby Doo, that's the direcor's/ writer's job. I didn't even realize Universal made the movie

Scooby dooby DOOO!!!!!


Well-Known Member
And you know what's the worst part about the Scooby-Doo movie? It'll get kids excited about Scooby, and when they get to Universal, THEY WON'T FIND IT, because Universal found it was wiser to replace it with Jimmy Neutron!

Sorry, I still have to get it out of my system. I just can't accept how dumb UO is being right now with this decision, and the thing about Kong.


Well-Known Member
>>>I just can't accept how dumb UO is being right now with this decision, and the thing about Kong.<<<

I've got to agree about Jimmy Neutron. Hitchcock being replaced does not bother me, because I like Shrek, and he is still extremely popular. But Jimmy Neutron? I think the Spongebob/Rugrats cameos may be what saves it. And don't count out the big ape just yet...


New Member
This may have changed since I last went to Universal, but let me explain my experiences with that park.

We went about a year or so after it opened (we=parents, sister, brother, myself). All of us *HATED* it. Why? Because we spent 2.5 hours waiting to ride Kongfrontation. We spent 2 hours waiting to ride Back to the Future (that didn't even start to compare with Star Tours), we waited 2 hours for ET. We were there all day, and those were the *ONLY* rides I remember riding.

I think we saw the Terminator show or the Ghostbusters show, too but I don't remember much about it, and I don't remember how long we waited to go on it.

I also distinctly remember gum being stuck to the walls in the line to Kongfrontation, and a mishap with a lady and her camera getting stuck under the safety bar that made them have to safety stop the ride. We got to ride around without the effects (which was kind of cool) but it really ruined the ride for us.

Also, Universal was.. ugly. I didn't like it at all. Aside from the lines (I'm relatively patient, and I've been known to spend 2 hours in line for a good ride), the park just seemed to be dirtier and well..just not disney.

In comparison, I do remember waiting 2 hours to go on Spaceship Earth when EC opened.. and long lines at the other EC attractions.. but 3 rides all day at universal? Come on!

My wife and I have decided to give it another go and see if it's changed, but I have my doubts. I like thrill rides, she does not, so she may be spending a lot of time sitting around waiting for me to get off rollercoasters..

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