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  1. AbsolutDiznee

    What would you put in a "Disney Survival Kit"?

    How about a poncho for those rainy days?
  2. AbsolutDiznee


    I flew Jetblue for the first time from Newark in September. It was a great experience. All of the seats have direct tv and plenty of room. We also used magical express and it wasn't a problem at all. I highly recommend Jetblue. :sohappy:
  3. AbsolutDiznee

    Coranado Springs Resort help

    Thanks for the link. I will also be staying at CSR on my next trip 8/31/-9/5. I found that website very informative and the pictures are great! Thanks everyone for your advice. I'm going to call next week and request the Cabanas section.
  4. AbsolutDiznee

    Disney Dining Plan - How to get the most out of it?

    Hi Everyone, My sister and I have planned a short trip to WDW August 31 - September 5 (Labor Day weekend). We are staying at the Coronado. Our package includes the Disney Dining Plan for free! We are in the process of making our priority seating ressies and I was wondering what restaurants...
  5. AbsolutDiznee

    Millionaire Tapings

    I attended the Millionaire taping on 1/12 at 3:00pm. I arrived at the park around 2:00pm (parking was free for those with tickets and the CM didn't even ask to see it) and there were signs directing people with millionaire tickets to the right of the ticket booths. So I'm assuming you wouldn't...
  6. AbsolutDiznee

    Does WDW play down the boat transportation?

    Yes, you can take the boat transportation if you're not a resort guest. I heard about the International Gateway for the first time on this forum, and decided to try taking the boat from MGM to Epcot on my last trip. I was surprised that it was pretty crowded (standing room only), but that...
  7. AbsolutDiznee

    Poll: What's top priority to you?

    I feel that many attractions in Epcot need to be updated, but I selected America as my choice. As the center of World Showcase and the "host" country of Disney World, the American Adventure is the only "country" in Epcot that doesn't have a sit-down restaurant. I think Disney can do better...
  8. AbsolutDiznee


    I'm very suprised to see the responses on this forum of people making excuses for Disney's faults. Disney wrote the book on customer service...literally. I just did a search on to find books on Disney's customer service. The Disney Institute has written a book entitled "Be...
  9. AbsolutDiznee

    What is your favorite preshow or safety briefing prior to the rides??

    Tower of Terror - "We invite you if you dare to step aboard because in tonight's episode you are the star and this elevator travels directly to... the Twilight Zone."
  10. AbsolutDiznee

    Finger Readers/Ticket Readers

    My family has four people so our tickets always get mixed up. And I never had a problem getting in when I put my fingers in the scanner. So my question is does the bone scan actually work...or does it just serve as a deterent to people who would re-sell tix?
  11. AbsolutDiznee

    Extra Magic Hour Gripes?

    It seems like a lot of people that have posted on this forum prefer to stay on-site, where are all the off-siters comments??
  12. AbsolutDiznee

    Extra Magic Hour Gripes?

    No. the point of emh is to experience the attractions, not "just be" in the parks.
  13. AbsolutDiznee

    Extra Magic Hour Gripes?

    it figures a red sox fan would say that...
  14. AbsolutDiznee

    Extra Magic Hour Gripes?

    well as an off-siter, i'm not saying i would pay for it. but as long as I had the opportunity to participate if i wanted to, it would satisfy me. Why can't they come up with a compromise where resort guests get emh for free (included in their room rate) and off-siters pay a nominal fee?
  15. AbsolutDiznee

    Extra Magic Hour Gripes?

    Did resort guests have to pay for it also? See, I like e-ride nights better because at least everyone (on and off-site) had the opportunity to stay later. With EMH, off-siters cannot stay.
  16. AbsolutDiznee

    Extra Magic Hour Gripes?

    can someone enlighten me on e-ride nights and why they ended it in favor of EMH? i'm not too familiar with it, but i thought you had to pay for it?? (correct me if i'm wrong) At least that gave off-siters the OPPORTUNITY to stay in the parks longer.
  17. AbsolutDiznee

    Extra Magic Hour Gripes?

    I disagree. When i'm on Disney property, specially buying merchandise, the CM will ask "Would you like this shipped to your resort?" before asking "are you staying on property?" I think that many times it is assumed that you are staying on property and there is a certain stigma attached to...
  18. AbsolutDiznee

    Extra Magic Hour Gripes?

    are you a lawyer? just wondering where you got your info from?
  19. AbsolutDiznee

    Extra Magic Hour Gripes?

    there's no need to be a know I meant without needing a hotel room or to stay over night.
  20. AbsolutDiznee

    Extra Magic Hour Gripes?

    but what if you spend $99 on a hotel and $0 at the gift shop?? it is possible ya the sarcasm is not necessary....
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