Extra Magic Hour Gripes?

objr said:

If you spend 99$ at a gift shop and 0$ on hotel with Disney...then Disney only makes 99$...now if you spend 99$ A NIGHT staying on-site...and spend 50$ at a gift shop...then Disney would be making MORE MONEY.


but what if you spend $99 on a hotel and $0 at the gift shop?? it is possible ya

the sarcasm is not necessary....


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Original Poster
peter11435 said:
, It truly amazes me how some people see things.

That wasn't necessary.

Some people just see things differently than you do....that doesn't mean they are wrong or that their opinion is invalid.


Well-Known Member
AbsolutDiznee said:
but what if you spend $99 on a hotel and $0 at the gift shop?? it is possible ya

the sarcasm is not necessary....

See but it would be 99$ a night...not just 99$...


Well-Known Member
PirateJ said:
peter11435 said:
, It truly amazes me how some people see things.

That wasn't necessary.

Some people just see things differently than you do....that doesn't mean they are wrong or that their opinion is invalid.

He didn't say you were wrong or your opinion is invalid... he said he was amazed. Frankly I am to. You have not once replied to my argument that other business give away rewards. That was exactly the reason for his post. Your argument is based on entitlement and not on rewards.


Well-Known Member
AbsolutDiznee said:
there's no need to be a jerk....you know I meant without needing a hotel room or to stay over night.

If they don't need a hotel...chances are they'll be back the day after or the week after...if they have an AP...

If they don't then the local would probably plan their outing for when the park hours are longer.


Well-Known Member
AbsolutDiznee said:
there's no need to be a jerk....you know I meant without needing a hotel room or to stay over night.
I live three hours away, rarely spend the night, and have no problems with EMH. I use it when it is available, but understand its purpose.


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wannab@dis said:
The park was closing at the posted closing time.

Same thing happens for hard ticket events. Should I get upset when the park closes, but the Halloween party or Christmas party guests don't leave? Nope, they get to stay because they bought a ticket. During EMH, I would get to stay because I stayed onsite.

You have to pay extra for the MNSSHP or the Xmas party...and it's open to anyone who can pay for it.

You don't pay for extra magic hours...you pay for a hotel room.

Like AbsoluteDiznee said.....I can spend the same amount that someone staying in a resort spends, just in a different way....so why shouldn't I get the emh then?



Discrimination is when you are not given an opportunity that everyone else would have but for some trait/condition that is beyond your control. (ie. skin color, ______, sexual orientation, age, etc....) To say that because you make a choice to allocate your funds in a certain pattern and therefore do not get access to everything you want you are being discriminated is inaccurate and a slap in the face to people that are or have been truly discriminated against.

If you were prevented ffrom staying onsite due to your skin color and or physical impairment then you may have an argument for discrimination, but since that is not the case (please don't suggest fiscal discrimination Disney addressed that with the value resorts) you argument is really I want it, I want it, I want it!!!! (Stomp feet here) Perhaps this is the first time in your life you are experiencing this, but you should be prepared for many more years of disappointment.

And yes that is harsh and yes I'm probably a jerk for enlightening you this way, so save everybody's time and skip the post that says those things.


Well-Known Member
PirateJ said:
peter11435 said:
, It truly amazes me how some people see things.

That wasn't necessary.

Some people just see things differently than you do....that doesn't mean they are wrong or that their opinion is invalid.
I was not being negative towards your opinion in any way. I was referring to the idea of believe you were penalized, rather than others were being rewarded. That type of attitude seems to be the epitome of selfishness. And I stand by my statement that it truly amazes me.


New Member
No matter how you feel about it, the bottom line is this:

Extra Magic Hours exist for the same reason as the other WDW resort perks, including free transportation to the parks and Magical Express- to convince people to stay at resorts.

As far as I know, the goal of The Walt Disney Company is to make as much profit as possible. If enough off-property guests become so upset by Extra Magic Hours that they stop visiting WDW, or visit less often, or in any other way spend less money, then Disney might consider abolishing Extra Magic Hours or otherwise changing the policy. Otherwise, Extra Magic Hours will remain another reason to stay at a Disney resort.

I hope this helps. By the way, PirateJ, is there any particular reason you are upset by this? Why do you not stay on property?


Active Member
PirateJ said:
You have to pay extra for the MNSSHP or the Xmas party...and it's open to anyone who can pay for it.

You don't pay for extra magic hours...you pay for a hotel room.

Perhaps then the hotel rooms are the same thing as the tickets to those other events. Saying that you shouldn't have to buy a ticket to get in to MNSSHP because you just spent $50 in the gift shop would be the same thing, no?

I'm not saying it is - I'm just saying that this is a different way of looking at things that is less value-laden and filled with rhetoric about entitlement!! :wave:


New Member
I live about an hour and a half away and we choose to stay onsite. We have to stay in a value resort because the others are out of our price range but we choose to stay on-site because we enjoy the perks. Disney can do whatever they want. They OWN the parks and the hotels. You can't expect them to change the rules just because people maybe cannot afford to stay on-site or maybe they can afford it and choose not to.


Le Meh
Premium Member
PirateJ said:
I can spend the same amount that someone staying in a resort spends, just in a different way....so why shouldn't I get the emh then?

Because Disney owns the parks, and they can do what they want.


Well-Known Member
PirateJ said:
You have to pay extra for the MNSSHP or the Xmas party...and it's open to anyone who can pay for it.

You don't pay for extra magic hours...you pay for a hotel room.

Like AbsoluteDiznee said.....I can spend the same amount that someone staying in a resort spends, just in a different way....so why shouldn't I get the emh then?

I said it before and I am going to say it again. You may not be paying for EMH, but your disney resort is. The resorts pay for the service just like any other person or company and pay to rent out the parks for an event. As an off-site guest you have just as much right to this, if the off-site resorts would be willing to get together and pay to rent out the parks on select nights for their guests the same way the Disney resorts do.

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