What is your favorite preshow or safety briefing prior to the rides??


Active Member
I have to say Soarin' and Muppets has the best preshow. I just cant get enough of Puddy's "Nice Work Pal" to the little kid in the preshow. its just halarius. so i think Soarin' gets my vote for #1. but i think the most dramatic might be for misson: space.


Well-Known Member
Muppet's - Ta Da It's Micky Mouse! What do they know, their tourists!

UoE - No one ever locks their doors in New York.

Haunted Mansion - Are the walls actually stretching?


My fav has to be mission:space. It does a spectacular job of building up anticipation and tension, and NEVER have I felt like I was in a movie as much as my first time on that ride. It was amazing. Thanks, Gary.

Ps. I miss true colors, too. The new one there is SO lame. Typical post-94 neo-Epcot nonsense...sorry to the fans out there.



My favorites are:

RnRC - Love Aerosmith and the way the manager gets a bit frazzle with the request for us to go to the concert. (Don't stand close to me on the way into the studio. I'm singing Walk This Way)
ToT - Love the back story for the ride.
Muppets - The whole area while you wait. Check out all the sight gags around before the monitors come on.
Star Tours - Star Wars fan here nuf said. :animwink:
Dinosaur - fun to watch

There were some more but I can't think of them now.


New Member
I love RnRc! Aerosmith=awesomeness.

And I love Misson: Space.....mmm, Gary Sinise...:kiss: .

Not Disney, but Spider-Man is kick butt...it looks like it was ripped right off the TV show! I worship everything Peter Parker touches.
Tower of Terror - "We invite you if you dare to step aboard because in tonight's episode you are the star and this elevator travels directly to... the Twilight Zone."


mhead said:

Is the pre-show in DCA different? I thought it was the same.

It's the same. I just came back from DCA where I saw it.

HOWEVER..... DCA has the countdown clock that has been missing from MGM... my absolute fav is the line about 30 secs from the start of the show:

"K-E-R..... R u ready? M-I-T..... That's a school in Massachusettes
F-R-O-G Enjoy!!!"



New Member
Oh I love all sorts of different preshows for different reasons.

HM and ToT - Great eerie theme, LOVE IT!! :sohappy:
Muppetvision - Hilarious!
Test Track and Dinosaur- Good "Mission Briefings"
RnRc - If the signs didn't say "Roller Coaster", I'd think "Real recording studio"!
TTA - The line is 15 seconds, if that!!
Soarin' - Not HM or ToT caliber, but still very good theming
PotC - Great job considering its old age.

Ok, I'm done!


Well-Known Member
Probably mission space and soarin. Hate RRnR, that lady gets on my nerves and the guys dont look like guys, TT is ok, I guess, but thats about it.


New Member
Right now my favorite has to be MuppetVision, and I also like Tower of Terror.

But, my all time favorite has to be Alien Encounter. The convention center theme with the advertisements: "Mission to Mars, History or Hoax?" and all the others. Then S.I.R. and Skippy, and the whole idea of "Seizing the future with X-S."

It was great because it made fun of visions of the future, corporate coruption, and the Disney Co. all at the same time. The storytelling was some of the best Disney has come up with.


Le Meh
Premium Member
My favorite would be SGE preshow where they warn you how bad the attraction is. "Be prepared. This attraction stinks" That gets me every time.... :lookaroun

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